The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 9, 1988 11 Fans Scramble for TV Star's Autograph Business and Professional Women Host All Can didates Night by I "My dream, for the woman woman of tomorrow, is not for her to be like the male, but to influence the future with her own mind, her own values and visions." Dr. S. Miede- raa quoted American author Kathy Keaton when he officially officially opened the 18th Congress Congress of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women in The Hague last year. In his ad dress,he pointed out that it is vital to change the relationship relationship within the core unit, between between man and woman. Love means mutual respect, seeing one another as equal partners, sharing household jobs and allowing one another another room for development. Dr. Miedema is the Secretary-General Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Employment in Holland. To be able to influence the future, women must first work hard to overcome the attitudinal and cultural barriers barriers and the stereotyping that exists in all societies. Organizations Organizations such as the BPW play an important role, nationally nationally ana internationally, by raising the level of awareness awareness to the problems women are facing, by monitoring the changes and by practising what they preach. Margaret Joan Anstee, Undersecre tary-General at the UN, urges urges the more privileged women women to act as role models, for mothers to teach their daughters to recognize their potential and their sons to understand, and so reduce the problems of someone else's daughter. The President President of the International Federation of BP, Tuulikki Juusela, spoke of the need for women to be involved in development. Women have to take up problems and face them without fear, and we, as business and professional women, have to be ready to accept the challenges the future future will bring us. Instead of having a regular regular meeting in October, the Bowmanville BPW held a Candidates' Night for the mayoralty candidates to which the public was invited. The event was very well attended attended and very successful. The next dinner meeting takes place on Thursday, November 17th, 1988, at 6:45 p.m. at the Lions Club, 26 Beech Avenue. Our speaker will be Marg Van Dusen, coordinator coordinator for the Life Line Programme. We welcome guests. If you would like to join us for dinner ($10.00 per person), please call Vivian Pickard at 623-7221 or Amaijit Sodhi at 623-6438 by November 14. A lengthy lineup formed around hockey personality Don Cherry as fans received received his autograph during the reception following Sunday afternooon's open- , ing of the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Addie Gerrits was one of those who managed to get Mr. Cherry to sign an autograph just before the program began. :'i In the lower photo are Provincial Figure Skating Champions Raymon and Jas- Ij meet Riar, who provided a demonstration of one of their skating routines during S*. the opening ceremony. | A Vote For Pat Deegan Local Council - Ward Two Is A Vote For resentatio On November 14, DEEGAN. Patrick In Newcastle ELECT iTïïïî t$||ggr MAYOR Elected 1980 Sorvod Town For 8 Years Region Current Positions Held: Chairman of Planning Town of Newcastle Chairman of Hydro Liason Committee Town ot Newcastle Chairman of Special Hydro Review Committee Region ot Durham Member ot the Nuclear Task Force Region ot Durham Member - Executive Committee of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Member - Board ot Directors ot CLOAC Member - Parks Policy Committee Town ot Newcastle Chairman of Planning Regional Municipality ot Durham Region ot Durham Appointee To Durham llstn• t Heartii Courre .1 Vice Chairman Durham Region Non Prot ! Hour nj At Present: Chairman, Project Team Construction ot Bowmanville Arena Compte» Prior to Running for Political Office: Chairman of Bowmanville Cancer Society Chairman ot Local Architectural Conservation Association -Council Appointee Member, Board ot Directors Bowmanville Museum Member, Advisory Committee, Oshawa Y W C A. Founding Chairman, Visual Arts Centre, Town ot Newcastle careful comprehensive planning • orderly growth • industrial development a clean environment • community facilities • tourism • road improvements and expansion • planned waste disposal • increased fire protection • sound financial management • waterfront development • accountable tax base • review of agricultural land use Any questions contact MARIF HUBBARD CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS # 623 8673 623-8291 623 6598 Your # 1 CHOICE