Salad Supper Set for May 18th • ... ■• Ornnn : :■ ; v: " : ' : ' ViVUv As W» : t9 r . y.f'; gjjj§by l ci lalllce Quote - "Some people handle the truth Carelessly, jthers never touch it at all." Mrs. Audrey Walker, Ishawa was last Wednes- lay luncheon guest of Mrs. ilazel Pigott. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue, Virtue, Oshawa^were recent visitors visitors of Mrs. Edna Mercer. Mrs. Jenny Bowins and daughter Mrs. Sandra Bailey were Sunday visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McMahon McMahon Bethany. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barnard and family, Orono South, were his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Walter Barnard, Ivan- hoe; his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnard and Bobbie Jo, Brooklin; brother Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barnard and girls, Sturling; his sister, Mrs. Elsie McCumber, Belleville Belleville and Mrs. Barnard's aunt Mrs. Grace Brough, Belleville. Mrs. Edna Mercer was Mother's Day guest of her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harold Luxton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott, were all guests at the Christening Christening party of Mr. Pigott's great grandson, and the Adams Adams grandson, wee Andrew Ronald Adams, baby son of Don and Ann Adams Port Perry. Sure good to see Charlie Miller able to be out visiting on Monday, after his lengthy illness. Sunday Mother's Day visitors visitors and dinner guests of the O. Challices Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmer, Oshawa, Mr. Don Challice and Mrs. Greta Steward, Oshawa, Miss Kerry Lyn Challice Pontypool, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland and girls, ,'Bowmanville. Leskard Card Party . The regular monthly euchre party was held ■Thursday, May 5, with ten tables in progress, and the following results. High scores were won by 1. Leta McCallister 80, 2. Marie Cou- roux 80, 3. Vance Cooper 80. Low scores Jean Stanley 36, Darlene Simpson 36. Lucky door prize Jean Allin. Our next card party will be Thursday June 2, in Leskard Leskard Church hall. Orono Town Hall Party. Again good attendance at weekly euchre party on Wednesday May 4, in Orono Town hall. Following results. High scores 1. Neil Steward Steward 89, 2. Hazel Pigott 88, 3. Gladys Greenwood 84, 4. Edward Skinner 82, 5. Jack Goodman 81. Low scores M. McCallister, McCallister, Lucky draws Inez Harris, Harris, Carlos Tamblyn, Marg Linton. Euchre every Wednesday Night 8 p.m. ladies please bring lunch. St. Saviours Church News The flowers on the altar, Sunday morning were to the Glory of God and placed in loving memory of the Moth-, ers of Charles and Gloria Gray. Note - If you would like to donate Memorial flowers for the altar, there ore still some Sundays open for Memorials. Memorials. Please call Dorothy Hester, Hester, (983-9488) if you wish to donate. Thursday May 12 at 4 E .m. Bishop Finlay will be at t. Georges to interview the Confirmation candidates from both churches, and to receive them, their written responses on why they want to be confirmed. Sunday, May 8, St, 'Saviours 'Saviours held morning prt.yor at 10 a.m. in order to allow out of town friends, tine to arrive arrive for this special day. The congregation celebrated in a surprise program for Rover-, end Doug Hall's 25th anniversary anniversary in the ministry. san aiy Valerie Hall sang "Amazing Grace" for her dad and gifts from the congregation, congregation, were presented to Rs- verend Hall by Charles Gray and Bob Nichols. Flowers were presented to Helen •Hall by Betty AnnWood. The Sunday school children sang a special song and handea roses to all the ladies in the church. Michael Tomlinson, on behalf of teen group made a presentation to Re- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario I Church Phone - Office Phone 623-3912; ,. r, 623-3138 Ministers: : ■ ■ - ■ i : ■ ' ?'. !: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A.M.Div. M. Th. Michelle Morrison/Glover B.A., M.R.E. Sunday, May 15th 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sermon Title: "Confirmation" For information on Nursery Care and Church School Call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835. &t. -Paul's Sntteb Cfjuttf) .tMsttr: *n. N, l. Schimtrtion, I.*., N. Oh. Orpaaist: Mr. DfHftii Oewel CkwdUtcnUry: Helen Mekmti 623-7341 Sunday, May 15th, 1988 11:00 a.m. "Dp You Know Jesus?" Nursery Care for pre-school children every Sunday. IJ'you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home... Bowmanville Baptist Church Third Concession just west of Liberty St. PASTOR: Roger Fellows SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School -- All Ages 11:00 a.m. Studies in Romans "What is True Faith?" 6:30 p.m. The Gospel of Isaiah . Tuesday 6:45 p.m. Family Night Nursery at all services For further information call: 623-3000 155 Years of Community Service afc * M"' 1 Anglican «bnrcli Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Sunday, May 15th, 1988 "SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION" 8:00 a.m, Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Aset. The Rev. A. D. Langley verend Hall. Reverend Hall also inducted Michael Colly- er as lay reader and the congregation congregation welcomed Michael Michael in this special duty. Visitors were preseft from Campbellford, Rever- • end Hall's former church and from St. George's Church, Newcastle. Remember to get your tickets for the Annual St. Saviours Saviours Salad Supper, Wednesday, Wednesday, May 18 in Parish hall. Sittings at 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Charlotte Anderson, Geri Bailey or Orono Hair Care have tickets. Sunday, June 12. The . Parish of Clarke Picnic. Ti e 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. seivi:- es are cancelled and a short combined service will be held at Orono park at 10 a.m. This will be the start of Parish Parish Picnic, with food and games to follow. It will be a very enjoyable time for all, mark your calendar and' plan to attend. "Good Nature is contagious; contagious; all the world loves it." Orono United Church. Lovely baskets of colourful colourful spring flowers adorned the cnancel of Orono United Church, on Sunday morning and were placed in loving memory of the "Mothers" of the Unit #3, members. The very beautiful celebration celebration of "infant Baptism" was solemnized by Reverend Reverend Milnes, and the following following babies were presented. 1. Andrew Donald - son of Don and Ann Adams, Port Perry, 2. Holly Marie - daughter of Dennis and Suzanne Suzanne Mullen, 3. Joshua Thomas - son of Thomas and Patricia Moffat. Special music for Mother's Mother's Day was presented by our guest soloist, Mrs. Elsie McCumber, Belleville. She is sister to Allan Barnard of Orono. Our guest presented two delightful solos and these were much enjoyed. Those ushering at morning morning service were Cindy and David Tamblyn, Jeff Walters, Walters, Leslie Barraball and Cord Hardy. Greeters were Clare and Marg Gunter. Explorers - The date of your weiner roast has'been changed to Wednesday May 18. Please meet at Orono church at 6 p.m. sharp. Our Orono Bd. of Stewards Stewards "Variety Concert" is this Friday nigh at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at door available. Next Sunday May 15 Mr. Gordon Leek (from St. Saviours) Saviours) will be our guest speaker, assisted by two of our session members, Carol Yep.'( jàri'd" Marié" Tamblyn. During Reverend Milne's absence absence on study leave (May 9- 16) Reverend Ed. Schamer- horn will be available for church emergencies (623- 5557). "Troop" for young people - Of interest to the Hi C members, Clarke High School, Wednesday May 11, at 7 p.m. skits, songs comic routines, all performed by young people from Brier- crest Bible College in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan. Sponsored by Fellowship Baptist church, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott Pigott and Mr. John Robinson were Sunday night dinner' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Howard Stapleton and family' Oshawa. The Carlos Tamblyn family family held their Mother's Day gathering at the home of Bill and Marie and family, with a dinner party. Mrs. Doris Wannan has returned home after visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan and family family Belleville. Unit News of Orono U.C.W. 18 members of unit #1 BAHA'I FAITH "The call of God hath been raised, and the light of His countenance hath been lilted up upon men. It be- hoveth every man to blot out the trace of every idle word from the tablet of his heart, and to gaze, with an open and unbiased mind, on the signs ot His Revelation, Revelation, the proofs of His Mission, Mission, and the tokens of His glory." For information call 623-7621 or 623-9277 met Wednesday afternoon May 4 in Main hall of Orono U. Church. Dorothy Barnett welcomed welcomed everyone and opened with poem "A Housewifes Prayer". She reported 3 coverlets coverlets and several boxes of mens clothing sent in recently recently to Mens Hostel, Oshawa. Pauline Boyd, Edith Taylor Taylor and Hilda Caswell were in charge of devotions, on the theme "Mothers" Dorothy Dorothy Barnett and Stella Car- son rendered a lovely duet "In the Garden", with Doris Wannan at piano. Bertha White and Dorothy Dorothy Barnett made a presentation presentation to one of our excellent members, Mrs. Nellie Baird, who is leaving our community community in near future. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Baird are leaving this week for Toronto, ana will be sorely missed in our community. We wish them both good "health and happiness happiness in their new home. WM. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 11. 1988 Long Time Blood Donors Awarded Certificates for Commitment Kid m )% W I à f / - /V' Rum-, in k>i :■ By Rn>. .JIOMApii; Sors:-;; y Wi Wm ■••. >1 Metro Should Look After Own Garbage A joint meeting of the NDP provincial riding of Durham East and the new Federal Riding of DURHAM was held in R. R. 4, Port Perry Perry last Wednesday with the NDP's environmental critic, Ruth Grier, MPP for Lake- shore as guest speaker. Ruth Grier discussed the P 1 T Several blood donors were presented with citations for multiple donations donations at last week's clinic at the Lions Centre. Mrs. A. O. Dalrymple presented the awards and is pictured at right holding James Lowery's who is on the cot. Standing 1-r are Roger Leetooze 35, Philip Vanhartingsveldt 50, Warren Tait 35 and Glenn Prout 50. Not present when the photo was taken were Garry Shaver 35, Clint Turnball 35, Ronald Dallaire 35 and Marjorie Lyle 50. At the Red Cross Blood Donor clinic last Wednesday Wednesday at the Lions Centre, the cookie servers and coffee pourers were provided by the Beta Sigma Phi sorority represented by Roz Yeo and daughter Christine. The cookies were donated by the Me Bowmanville. lemorial Hospital, Mother's Day Visitors in Starkville Area EES Starkville mews by M:L. Fonk WANT TO SEE JESUS? -Jesus said: "He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, ...shall be loved of 1 my Father; and I will...manifest myself to him." John 14:21 rTHE HOLY BIBLE» iroblem of disposal of Metro Toronto's garbage especially as it might affect the Town of Newcastle and Durham Region as a whole. She stated stated categorically that Metro with the assistance of the Province must look after the bulk of its garbage. Incinerators are not the answer, their toxic ashes are an environmental problem on their own and incinerators incinerators put off the day when recycling recycling must be considered seriously. Recycling could take care of a substantial amount of the waste. She also pointed out that taxpayers have been subsidizing subsidizing the manufacturers who have been paying nothing nothing for the disposal of the elaborate packaging that is so commonplace today. Jim Wiseman of PACTE (Pickering-Ajax Citizens Together Together for the Environment) spoke about a new plastic bag that is biodegradable in 3 to 5 years: He is Hoping that a major supermarket chain will be adopting these soon. The meeting elected delegates for the provincial convention in Thunder Bay in June. The Election Planning committee of the new federal federal riding of Durham discussed discussed tne organization of the coming election and possible possible candidates for what, according according to recent polls, is clearly a winable riding for the New Democrats. Town Considers Buying Machine For Folding To fold or not to fold, that is the question. The debate over whether to lease or purchase a inserter/folder inserter/folder for the town's mail processing equipment continued continued in tne Newcastle council chambers on Monday. Monday. A report from the treasurer's treasurer's office recommended that the folder be leased, along with the mail machine, electronic scale and some furniture, for a $695 price tag for a period of 60 months. At Monday's meeting, Councillor Hal McKnight introduced introduced a motion that the inserter/foider be deleted from the list of equipment, with the remaining pieces being purchased by the town (as opposed to leasing) for approximately $12,000. He recommended that the money money be taken from the administrative administrative improvement re-, serve fund. Part of the debate concerned concerned the actual number of times the folder would be used in the town's mailing department. There are presently two municipal tax bill mailings, per year (approximately 16,000 each time) according , to Mr. Blanchard. At the times of those mailings, several several town staff members are recruited to fold the bills. It requires three to four days to complete the job and there is some overtime, explained the treasurer. However, both the Town Clerk David Oakes and Councillor Diane Hamre acknowledged acknowledged that the machine machine could be used in the , planning department mailings. mailings. Councillor Hamre had asked for a report on pros and cons of both leasing and purchasing the equipment after the report first came before councillors on May 2. No such report came forward forward at Monday's mooting. The whole issue of tno mailing equipment has been tabled, Last Sunday, at the special special Shiloh U.C.W. Anniversary Anniversary services, the offering was taken by Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Carol Robinson. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. David Silvester Silvester and Sarah of Alliston spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark on beco- ing great grandparents again when their granddaughter granddaughter Julie, Mrs. David Henry of Corunna gave birth to a baby girl Lauren Marie last Tuesday. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Susan Bou- ley who had the misfortune to break her ankle on Tuesday Tuesday evening while playing baseball. Mrs. Isabelle Trim poured tea on Wedneday when her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dorothy Trim hosted the craft class at her home for lunch for 8 ladies ladies and, Matthew, Mrs. Bernice Bernice Stark ,witil.Mrs. Diapne Silvester ai)d$6g:ah,also .visited .visited fpç.âkHôrtSvhijé: during the morning. ' On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayne and Heather visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd, Jamie and Billy. Congratulations Congratulations to Jean and Bruce who were celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary anniversary that day! Mrs. Deborah Flak of Toronto Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell Caswell and Mrs. Llew Hallow- ell attended the Conservative party pot luck supper held at Newcastle United Church on Friday evening. Mr. Kenneth Farrow of Toronto visited Saturday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Goorbarry and Tim. Mr. Charlie Trim of Bowmanville Bowmanville visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Tony, Larry and Theresa of Orangeville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Al McMaster McMaster and Jason of Orono visited visited Saturdy evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow. Visiting Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce of Orono. • Mr. Tim Goorbarry left on Sunday morning for his summer job at Flame Lake near Chapleau in Northern Ontario. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow hosted a party at their home for friends and neighbors in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey who were celebrating celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. anniversary. Following a few games of cards, the happv couple were presented with several beautiful and useful gifts. A tasty lunch and social time completed the evening. Congratulations Simone and Raimi! pher and Shannon of Knoxville Knoxville visited Sunday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow for Mother's Day were Mr. and Mrs. George Walton,. Robert and Douglas of Newcastle and Mr. Kenneth Kenneth Farrow of Toronto. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Higgins and children "spent the day in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hig-; gins. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and Tiffany of Bowmanville and Mr. Raymond Trim were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. Frank Brady of Newcastle Newcastle was a supper guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Goorbarry. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McColm, Kathleen, Ginny and Patrick of Thornhill, Thornhill, Mrs. Elma McColm of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Murphy, Mary and Michael of Bowmanville: and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin of Port Hope spent the daÿ with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy to celebrate Mother's Mother's Day and also Joan's birthday. Happy Birthday, Joan! Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell of Canton and Mrs. Brian Caswell. Tanya's 24th birthday were Mrs. Edna Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt. Happy Birthday, Tanya! Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell Caswell were supper guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Leslie Caswell, Marisha, Shaughn and Jessica, Newcastle. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow visited Sunday eve- nig with Martha's mother Mrs. Doris Lennox, Port Hope. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunnen, Michael, Michael, Jason and Terry of Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch went out to supper in Oshawa to celebrate Mother's Mother's Day. Later, they returned returned to the Jim Souch home where they were joined by son Blaine and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch fçr birthday cake and coffee to celebrate Jim's birthday. Happy Birthday, Jim! Supper guests on Sunay with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter to celebrate May Value Sale Hitachi TE-6000 28" monitor-style Color TV M.S.L. $1449.95 Only $1249. easy credit terms 95 Square tinted picture tube • 104 Channel cable converter • 28 Function UNIFIED remote • Luminar VIP • Comb filter 5-Yr. Warranty Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St. W. Telephone 623-2312 iphi On Saturday evening. May 14th, a community card party will be held at Shiloh United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christo- c * _ui _ \^7^FwmaPacnonl THE ADD UP AT McGr egor I.D.A. Drugs Delsey Bathroom Tissue Kleenex Facial Tissues $1 -59 4s 990 2oos Wisk Liquid Laundry Detergent Bounce Sheets Fabric Softener ft* A A A $2-99 litre $3-99 40s FBI Juices Kodak EktralitelO Camera <1*0 a nn WwÇp 3 x 250 ml $34.99 Foster Grant Sunglasses 1 /3 off Kodak Film GB110 or GA135-24 exp. or CVR Disc -15 exp. $3.89 each McGregor 5 King St. W. I.D.A. Drugs 623-5792 Bowmanville