Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1987, p. 16

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t 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, August 19. 1987 Many People Needed to Run An Election It takes a lot of people power to run an election. Francine Newton, the Returning Returning Officer for the Durham East riding is in charge of those people. There will be approximately approximately 150 polling stations, employing two enumerators, a deputy returning returning officer and a poll clerk. Over all there will be about 625 people employed for the duration of the election. election. The office of the returning returning officer is in Port Perry Plaza behind the Canadian Tire store, and Francine describes describes it as the "most geographically geographically central location" location" that she was able to find on such short notice. Since the 34th provincial election since Confederation Confederation in 1867 was called on July 31, Francine has been very busy. The deputy returning officers officers (D.R.O.), which arc responsible responsible for the conduct of the election at the polling place, are appointed by the returning officer. They are selected from lists from the provincial government in power, in this case the Liberals. Liberals. The poll clerk, who is an assistant to the D.R.O. at each polling station, is selected from a list from the party with the next highest number of votes, in this case the Conservatives. As well, the enumerators come from the two parties with the highest number of votes in each riding. That means that in each riding the parties that supply enumerators can vary. Though the official enumeration enumeration will be completed August 19, Francine says that a group of special enumerators will continue until August 26 in the urban areas, in hopes of catching anyone that may have been missed. Urban electors must be on the final enumeration list. Rural voters not on the list may have someone who is on the list in the same polling polling division vouch for them at the polling station on election day. Advanced polls are also the responsibility of the returning returning officer. This year, two advanced polls will be available at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Brook- lin, and Waverley Public School in Bowmanville, on September 3, 5 and 7. Qualified electors may also cast their ballots in the office of the returning officer officer on August 29, 31, September September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. "This will give people as much opportunity to vote," said Francine. For voters who can't make it on polling day or at the advanced polls, proxy voting voting is possible. Proxy forms may be obtained obtained from any Elections Ontario office, but they must be certified by the returning returning officer up to and including including the day immediately immediately preceding the polling day. Francine is also in charge of the candidates nomination nomination papers. These are a document signed by a. minimum of 25 qualified electors in the electoral district district giving the name and address of the residence of the candidate. Nomination papers will be received by Francine seven days prior and up to the nomination deadline of August 27. A deposit deposit of $200 is also required required from each candidate which will be returned to those candidates that receive receive at least ten per cent of the votes cast in the election. election. Ultimately, Francine will handle the official tabulation tabulation of the votes on the day after the election. At the close of the polls, on September September 10, the deputy returning returning officer will do a preliminary preliminary count of the the number of votes for each candidate and report the results to Francine. The following day Fran- cine, in the presence of the election clerk, and of the delegates or their representatives representatives will count the votes and declare the candidate with the most votes elected. This is Francine's first time as the returning officer officer and she reports that she is enjoying it. Returning officers are appointed appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and are responsible to the chief election officer. In total there arc about 100,000 workers involved in conducting the election. ' With over six million Ontario Ontario citizens eligible to vote in this election, the job of the returning officer is never dull. 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