î 6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillo. July 29. 1987 [ tporf-ftlk 613-330} FLASHBACK -- 25 YEARS AGO --When the N.ll.L. All Stars meet Bownianville's All Stars this Saturday in Memorial Park at 6 p.m., well known rugged Bobby Baun of the Toronto Maple Leafs will be in the visitors' line-up. The game is a feature of the Kinsmen Club's annual carnival carnival which will include a draw for an MG sports car. FLASHBACK --10 YEARS AGO--At the recent Inter School Track Meet of Bowmanville Public School, winners winners in the Boys 400 metres event were Scott Vanson, Terry Martin, Marty Erwin and Scott Richards. FIREFIGHTERS WANT REVENGE -- The firefighters firefighters of Bowmanville and Newcastle may work well together during a blaze, but when it comes to baseball, they become heated competitors. During a game held on Sunday night in Newcastle, the Bow- manville crew built up a 25-5 lead after 7 innings. Feeling that their lead was more than comfortable, the management of Bowmanville's team decided to go with their ace stopper, George "Oil Can" Moore. We're not sure of all the details, but we understand that Newcastle found "Oil Can's" weak spot, and made a remarkable comeback to win the game 32-25. It's a good thing George is a good electrician, because his baseball pitching career is certainly in jeopardy. The Bowmanville squad has demanded a re-match which is scheduled for August 9th, 6:00 p.m. at Memorial Memorial Park. SWIMMING AROUND THE LAKE -- By now, Jocelyn Muir, a Toronto marathon swimmer, should be nearing the halfway point of her swim around Lake Ontario. The purpose of the event is not just to complete a challenge which no one else has ever mastered before. It's also a fund-raising event for Multiple Sclerosis. The 21-year- old University of Toronto student expects to complete the 700 mile distance in just 60 days, arriving back in Toronto on Saturday, August 29, during the Canadian National Exhibition. Jocelyn is slated to arrive in Bowmanville August 23 and leave the following day. Other local stops in the itinerary include: Cobourg (August 20); Port Hope (August (August 21); Newcastle (August 22); Oshawa (August 24); Frenchman's Bay/Pickering (August 27); Scarborough (August 28); Ashbridges Bay (August 29); and Toronto Harbor (Also August 29). Individuals wishing to pledge funds for Jocelyn's swim may call the Multiple Sclerosis Society Office at 1-800- 268-7582. WATER POLO -- Aquatic staff from the various municipal pools have formed a water polo league which plays every Wednesday at Camp Samac. The squad from the Town of Newcastle, unfortunately, lost their first game of the series against Ajax by an 8-6 decision. Better luck next time! IN NATIONAL LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIPS -- Two Bowmanville lacrosse players and a lacrosse player from Orono are part of a team in the National Lacrosse Championships taking place in Burnaby, British Columbia, Columbia, in early August. They are Jason Crosbie and Steve dcBlois, of Bowmanville and Paul Flintoff of Orono. The three belong to the Whitby Gerrard Rd. Pee Wees team. WILD TURKEY UPDATE -- Those 22 turkeys which were released in the Pontypool area this spring by the Ministry of Natural Resources are thriving. However, hunting season is about three years away because the birds have yet to become wélLéSfàbiishedi TheiMinis- try of Natural Resources is attempting to re-introduce the birds in the Ontario countryside, importing them from the U.S. At last report, the number of birds released released into the Pontypool area was increasing with new broods of young turkeys. However, they are not without without danger from predators. (Especially around Thanksgiving time, no doubt.) But, seriously, folks, the birds are subject to attack from owls, foxes, and brush wolves. Nevertheless, if the turkeys reproduce reproduce at a faster rate than the predators can eat them, hunters should have a new challenge in a few years' time. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our specialty is lumber an lumber products. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. • Walnut • Cherry • Maple • Redwood •Teak «Oak • Phil.Mahog. • Softwoods Specially Custom Milling Hardwood & softwood plywood. .MILL and YARD 328 Rltaon Rd. N., Oshawa 726-4744 1st Annual James Publishing Lobb Ball Tournament on Saturday, August 15, 1987 For More Information Contact: Youngsters Develop Basic Skills at Soccer Clinic Soccer is one of the largest-growing sports in our area. This group of children recently took part in a soccer clinic held at Durham Christian High School. The clinic, which ran for two one-week periods, was divided into junior and senior levels. Though some Hit-a-thon Raises Funds for Cancer Research days were quite hot to be running around the field, everyone had a good time while picking up some valuable valuable tips from instructors, Bill Helmus (left), and George Petrusma. Mark Doyle 623-4967 Recently, the Bowmanville Jaycettes joined with the Bowmanville PeeWee All-Stars and Bantam All-Stars in a "Hit-a-Thon" to raise money for cancer research. A final amount has not been calculated, but Stephen Brown raised the most money $110. Here are three people who were deeply involved in the project, 1-r, Marty Burgess of PeeWee All-Stars, Bonnie Brown who help organize and Jason Czypyha of the Bantam All-Stars. Pagans Earn 4-2 Victory Thank You! The Bowmanville United Soccer Club would like' to thank the following sponsors for their support in 1987: Pat Lange's London Life, North End Jug City, Dennis Pizzeria, , Erv Brooks' Petro Canada, Brock's Petro Canada, Shoppers Drug Mart, Fifth Wheel Truck Stop, Van Dyk Real Estate, Bowmanville Optimists, Delta Faucet, and Checker's Variety. NOTICE Annual General Meeting of the Bowmanville United Soccer Club will be held on Thursday, August 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the King Garden Restaurant by Snuffy Hunt (come on out) Hi again sports fans. I'm sorry for the interlude the last couple of weeks but I've been out of commission. It wouldn't have made interesting interesting reading anyway with most losses and rain- outs. Going into Tuesday's contest our record stood at 6 wins - 9 losses. Now to the game. Pineridge vs Guriev's (top team .in .league), Stanley pitching for the Pagans anti Gorman for Curley's. Home half of the 1st Paul Stewart smacks one to left field, for his 1st home run. Top of the 2nd inning, J. McAlpine walks and steals 2nd, is sacrificed to 3rd and ties the game on a single by B. Hoffman. All is fine until the 4th when Curley's took a 3-1 lead with McAlpine, Gorman, and Hoffman doing the damage! It stayed that way into the bottom of the- 7th and looked as though the Pagans Pagans were headed to the double diget loss column. Randy Wood steps up but strikes out. 1 out. Wayne Hunt stands in for Rick Deichert and draws a walk. The tying tun steps to the plate in the form of Steve Dixon pinch hitting for A. Sulch. Bang, a triple to right field. 3 - 2 the score with the tying run at 3rd. Ron Underwood drives it down 1st base, the throw to the plate he is under the tag safe, tie game! 2 out and Paul Stewart steps in and crushes one to right centre, driving in Underwood for the victory. A fine victory and maybe it will take the Pagans to a winning note again. My 3 stars are Paul Stewart - 3 for 4 and drove in 2 runs with the winner. Steve Dixon who drove in the 2nd run and scored the tying run. Tim Stanley for a game well pitched. Long live fastball. TIRE SALES INC. 676-1220 TRISUN, AU SEASON 299 Dmd Av- Lakers Win First Game Of '87 Season By Bud Fanning Tne Lakers Win First The Newcastle Fox Sports finally did it, they won their first game of the year by defeating defeating the Little Britain "AA's" 12 to 2 in a Molson's Eastern Ontario Baseball Association Senior League game played at the Village Park in Newcastle on Saturday Saturday afternoon. Timm Jenkins went all the way for the Fox Lakers, allowing allowing seven .stingy hits and getting good support from nis teammates for a change. The Fox Sports Lakers got off on the right foot bv playing heads up baseball from start to finish and took a three run lead in the second second inning, getting another two runs in the fourth, five in the sixth and two in the eighth. Timm Jenkins on the mound for the Fox Sports pitched a very good game and deserved the win, with excellent support from Scott Michelson behind the plate who was outstanding along with Laker teammates teammates Doug Rickard, Kevin Green, Brad Kelly, Brett Foster, Craig Hornby, Dan McMullen, and Scott Veals, a Bowmanville Junior player brought up for this game who played a stellar game at first. Despite the intense heat, the Lakers came to play ball and to win today and that they did. It was a team effort effort that gave the Fox Sports Lakers their first victory victory of the season and if they keep playing the way they did on Saturday they should win a few more games. Standouts for the losers were Terry Jenkins, Glen Wotten, Geof. Field, Jeff Brakaboom and Brian Hendricks. Despite the score, the Lakers Lakers still left players stranded on the bases during two or three innings. The Lakers only committed two errors today, a change from other games, where errors have been their downfall. The Newcastle Fox Sports Lakers and the Kendal Eagles Eagles tangled in a hard fought Senior league game Low rates make State Farm homeowners Insurance a good buy. Our service makes II even belter. Call me. FRED'S AUTO BODY • Specializing In Unlbody, Front Wheel Drive • Free Gravelguard, with complete paint jobs • Superior Collision Repair ■ Expert Reflnlshlng • Stripework • Come In -- Free Estimate • Courtesy Car Available 163 Base Line Rd. Bowmanville 623-6353 Clear Coat Available • Insurance Claims Dirk Brinkman Scugog Street Bowmanville 623-3621 (S_fj>n_rO INIVIANU The Canadian Statesman Advertising Deadlines Display • Tues. 4:00 p.m. Classified - Mon. 4:30 p.m. NORTH OSHAWA 10 RUSSET AVE. UNIT TWO One street south of Taunton offSimcoe Telephone 436-6167 Betty and Norm Bowker, Bowmanville, Proprietors HOLE IN ONE AT BOWMANVILLE -- Chris Lee accd the 132-yard 13th hole at the Bowmanville Golf and Country Club Sunday, July 26. He was using a pitching wedge at the time and was competing in the Best Ball Tournament. Playing in the foursome were Kevin Elliott, Elliott, Fred Kclloway, and Gary McCord. AND ANOTHER HOLE IN ONE -- Occurred at the Ayrcn Links Golf Course on July 15th. Wayne accd the 108 yard 4th hole with a pitching wedge. Paul Dionne, Marcel Belanger and Jim Dunlop witnessed tjie event. played at Jackson Park in Kendal on' Sunday afternoon. afternoon. The Kendal Eagles came from behind in the last of the ninth inning to steal a victory from the Fox Lakers, Lakers, as Doug Pickell hit a home run with three on to give the local Eagles a 16 to 12 win over the Lakers. The Fox Lakers went into the last of the ninth with a 12 to 11 lead over the Eagles, Eagles, however the Kendal Club tied the score on a run by Mike Robinson and then tne roof caved in. Rob Terry started on the mound for the Fox Sports Lakers, with Chris Michelson Michelson taking over in the fourth and the losing pitcher was Michelson. Chris Michelson brought up from the Bow-i man ville Juniors hit two home runs for the Fox Lakers Lakers and Dan McMullen also hit a home run for the Newcastle Newcastle club. The Fox Sports Lakers, fresh off their win over the Little Britain "AA's" on Saturday Saturday afternoon, blitzed the Kendal Eagles for five innings innings and then cooled off for the last four. Playing Manager John Robinson Robinson was one of the standouts standouts for the Lakers followed by Scott Michelson who once again caught a steady stellar game behind the plate, Brad Kelly at second a strong effort and Brett Foster, Doug Rickard, Craig Hornby, Dan McMullen. Jeff Fox who had a good day at the plate and Rob Terry pitched very well for four innings. Randy Reid started on the hill for the Kendal Eagles and was taken out in the fourth inning for Mike Robinson Robinson who finished out the game and was the winning pitcher. Other standouts for the Kendal Eagles were John Robinson, Fraser Wallace, Wallace, Dennis Knapp, Doug Pickell, Kirk Woodward Dwight Woodward and Mike Robinson. TERRY'S MEMORY REMAINS -- The Terry Fox Run has been growing steadily in popularity during the last few years and it's time for the annual event to be repeated repeated once again. The seventh annual run will occur September 13 (a Sunday). Last year, the 10 kilometre cvcntyielded a record $3.8 million for cancer research. There were runners participating at 2,000 sites across the country. No doubt a similar showing will occur this year. ROTHMANS 24-HOUR RACE -- Mosport will be the scene of the country's longest auto race during the weekend of August 7, 8, and 9 at Mosport Park. The 24-hour event is a showcase for showroom stock cars competing in this twice-around-the-clock classic. Over 55 entries will be at the starting line on Saturday, August 8th, at 1 p.m. And on Sunday, at 1 p.m. the winning car will cross the finish line. Estimates indicate indicate that the distance will be about equal to a trip from Toronto to Miami. The vehicles will! include makes such as Corvette, Porsche, BMW, 1 Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Camaro, Mitsubishi, 1 Dodge, Mustang, Audi, and Volkswagen. AH vehicles are the exact same cars (with some safety modifications) that travel the highways of North America. , SOCCER MEETING -- The annual general meeting of the Bowmanville,United Soccer Club will take place on Thursday, August 13. The meeting is in King Garden Restaurant at 7:39 p.m. HIKERS, TAKE NOTE -- The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be holding a tree and plant identification tour on Wednesday, August 5. This will occur at the Enniskillen Conservation Area and participant's are Invited to bring their field guide. For early birds (the j featherless variety) there will be a pond talk by CLOCA staff at 6:30 p.m. The plant and tree tour commences at 7:30 p.m. Meet in the parking lot adjacent to the barn. FOOTBALL -- The football season for the Oshawa Haw- keyes LegionnairesJJidget Football Club begins in August, August, with all home games played at Oshawa Civic Stadium. Teams in tha league will include Mississauga, Oshawa, Markham, Brampton, Burlington, and North York. V ARENA FUND SLOW-PITCH -- Just a reminder that the Slow Pitch tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 22nd and Sunday, August 23rd. Proceeds go to the Bowmanville Arena fund. The event is sponsored sponsored by the Junior C hockey Club. For info, call 263- 8465 or 623-7069. ' ARENA SOD-TURNIN6 -- It appears as though September September 28 will be the /late for the official sod-turning at the new Bowmanvile Arena site. Town council has given the green light fev the tendering process to begin. And that means the new building should be under way by this fall. I No need for his life to be ru ffff Your pet deferves the best. Make sure your pet's life is a healthy md happy one. For grooming supplies, toys or healthfproducts for your pet^this is the place! •Pet Carriers 4 Dog Sweaters •^Professional Grooming • Quality Pet Foods rribrae Petfoods & Supplies 73 png SL W., BowmanviNt Telephone 623-1752 l it •• -i good nviqhho * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * * * * * * GRAND RIM'S TAE KWON-DO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY. *★★★★★★★***★*★*★★ $ GRAND OPENING J Î SPECIAL * * 2 FOR I * ★**************** UJho con learn? There are no restrictions on who can learn. ADULT A CHILDREN'S CLASSES Men and women, young or old, whoever wants to develop: . S€lf-D€FCNC< V • 0MBT '■HVIlCai FITNESS . oaf AT SflFtONHOfNCf 1 • MTAtMflV GOOD FUXMIUTV . MfNTAl AlfATNfSS ' . OAfAT SflF DISCIPlINf . POTCNTIAl POUMR. V V King W. Rd. 57 m j : 105 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-9^88 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¥**¥¥***¥**¥*¥**¥¥¥********