1 > 5 YEAR .WARRANT V s » BONUS l* FREE HEAD à " PHONES , SPEAKER WIRE ■RECORD CLEANER r 2 CASSETTE < ^ TAPES . > Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, July 29,1987 5 Clarke Museum Display Reveals Funeral Customs Bike Slïlfirt PrOgriiltl Adventist Summer Bible School Completes Successful Two Weeks Means Safe Cycling For All Age Groups Toronto...Canada has 8 million cyclists and more than 3 million are children. The largest number of deaths and injuries through cycling accidents occur in children 5- 14 years of age. In response to the success of The Easter Seal Society's, Ontario program, "Be Bike Smart" is being launched on a national level by the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled (CRCD) and sponsored by The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation to reduce the number of disabling and fatal bicycling accidents. A study conducted by the Canadian Accident Injury Reporting and Evaluation (CAIRE) project, January '82 - December '85, encompassed five major hospitals across Canada and reported 8,669 accidents involving bicycles - 3,229 of those accidents were head injuries. Because of reporting procedures, there is a suspected underestimate of accidents with minimal injuries to young cyclists. So it is safe to say that cycling injuries are a major problem and with the increase in the number of families participating in the sport, the number of accidents will increase comparably. The advantages of cycling as a physical activity greatly outweigh the risks. The number of accidents can be reduced through education. Children can learn the proper use and care of their bicycles and the importance of wearing protective gear. The "Be Bike Smart" phamphlet, available in French and English, is designed to help families teach their children to understand the importance of bicycle safety and includes information on reducing the number of injuries through education. Learning bicycling maturity is a family responsibility and should be taken seriously. Free copies are available by writing to The Easter Seal Society, Public Relations Dept., 24 Ferrand Dr., Don Mills, ONM3C3N2. The Seventh Day Adventist Church held its closing performance for a two week vacation Bible school, on July 23. The Bible school was held at St. Stephen's School and enjoyed an attendance of about 110 chil dren over the two week period. The closing performance, performance, put on for the parents of the children, featured songs and Bible verses, as well as a display of all the crafts that the children had made. The living and the dead have come together at the Clarke Museum in Kirby. The museum is featuring a funeral display "In Repose" for the strong at heart. Curator assistant, Suzanne Vandermale, is seen standing with, a few of the items on display. The black dress at left would be worn by a widow for a period of one year after her husband's death. Also on display are several coffins, one seen above, featuring a sliding door to view the boav. Also on loan from the Bowman- ville Museum, are a display of embalming tools. The exhibit runs until the end of August. by Carolyn Hepburn, The Clarke Museum in Kirby is taking a rather straightforward look at death. Television Sales and Service Service Calls Only SI2 95 Y I AH'; I <11 nil Ni I Magnavox and Philips Dealer Television Service Co. 185 Church St Phone 623-3883 In their most recent exhibit entitled "In Repose" there are on display garments, coffins, and tools, all associated associated with funerals. Mark Jackman, museum curator, says that the display is getting mixed reviews. reviews. Children, are very curb " J dus," he says. "It's the adults that are the uneasy ones," he adds. While most of the articles on display are from the Museum's Museum's private collection, the embalming tools are on loan from the Bowmanville Museum. They include a series of syringes, syringes, tubes, and spikes, used in the embalming pro- Kitchen, McCallum & Porter CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS JOHN G. MANUEL, CGA DONALD K. KITCHEN, CGA, CIA PARTNERS lia KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1CIN5 (416)623-6555 ODD ans CLARKE TOWNSHIP MUSEUM & ARCHIVES Box 152, Orono. Ontario, LOB 1M0 (416) 983-9243 Clarke Township Museum & Archives announces a fall workshop in CHAIR CANING starting Tuesday, October 6, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Fee: $20 - materials included. If interested call: 983-9243 or 786-2954 cess. Some of the articles haven't haven't even been identified yet. Mr. Jackman says that that may be a blessing. "Many of the things have modern day counterparts, and maybe it's just as well we don't know what they all are," he says. In earlier times, the embalming embalming process was done, quickly, and a funeral held snortly after a person had died. The body was usually viewed in the home for a day before burial. While Mr. Jackman says that the embalming chemicals chemicals probably haven't changed a great deal, the process has certainly been modernized. The cosmetic preparation of the body generally followed followed the practices as we know, them today. Coffins often had a viewing door, because they weren't hinged as they are now. Part of the display features a post-mortem photograph of a child. Because photography photography was so primitive, children were rarely photographed. photographed. In many cases the after-death portrait was the "one and only remembrance" remembrance" for parents, according according to Mr. Jackman. "Anything, right up to the common cold could kill a child," said Mr. Jackman, and children did indeed often often die at very young ages. It was not a usual practice to take pictures of adults after after their deaths. Also on display, are several articles of clothing including including a widow's dress. It is still in beautiful shape and the dress would have been worn by the widow for a period of one year after her husband's death. Because of the short time between the death and the funeral, a black cape-like dress was often often quickly sewn up for appearances appearances at the funeral. Funerals, embalming, and death may not fill everyone's everyone's casual conversations, but the history behind these subjects is interesting. And a stop at the Clarke Museum should prove the point. The exhibit is running until the end of August. $ X ; snr f Tnr - '.'Hr nwn nvrrar;:- x<mx : *Tirw nsiptaetmr ■ rw; just mm rnmnt Dodge nmii WE CAN'T BE PRODUCT ■ PRICE - WARRANTY- - Friendly Knowledgeable Staff - Complete Service Facility - If You Can Find A Better Price/Warranty Advertised Anywhere We'll Refund You The Difference. NN-7056C PANASONIC MICROWAVE ■ VI nui. * BONUS ' FREE COOKWARE $529.95 ONLY ... MONTH WARRANTY 5 YRS. ON MAGNETRON PC-20P42R $549.95 ONLY .. VALUED AT $749.95 PV-2700-K BONUS 52 MOVIES RENT ONE GET ONE FREE^ '.OiZ 18 MONTH WARRANTY $499.95 ONLY IN DECORATOR COLOURS TECHNICS SYSTEM • 1.0.0 W x 2 AMP • Double Cassette Deck • Quartz Digital Tuner • Automatic Turntable • 3-Way Speaker System $899.95 ONLY . (STAND OPTIONAL) 10 YEAR WARRANTY TO : - 20 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 623-2312 "Bowmanville's Complete Electronic Store" Use Your Credit...We Honor Mastercard and Visa for Your Convenience.