mus Wednesday, December 10,1986 Section Two ; ' , ' . ■ S' ' ' . ' ; •• " i-■'?K' ; vh- r " ; - , M ÉâkM- h ' ■ ■■ : i v./Sivys'jB skmâmm fSSsp mÆû ■ s;,/; V/;; s'/; 'w/'-/} »! ■MS*e ■"•'Si i'V.'sSf: Dutch traditions were brought to life at Knox Christian School where parents and students spent Saturday, December 6, celebrating St. Nicholas Day. Sinterklaas and his assistant, Black Peter, took time out to hear what 5-month-old Timothy McKeen had to "gurgle." The Dutch celebrate Sinterklaas Sinterklaas Day on December 5, which is the day of gift-giving, and they celebrate celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. "I can't believe I made it," shouted Gena Payer as she reached up to grab for her envelope. The rope climbing activity was open to anyone Bill Vandergaast and four-year-old Jackie Dupuis heard a lot of excited voices whisper, "I wonder what's inside," while they were Jin charge of the grab bag game at Knox Christian School. Many of the smaller children enjoyed the grab bag and came back more than once for a chance at a prize. daring enough to make an attempt. And should you make it to the top, a money envelope is there waiting for you to reach out and grab. KB f <•-V ggw ; Candy canes were not to be seen at this Christmas party. While Sinterklaas took down the children's Christmas lists, Black Peter carried around his bag of pepernoten (miniature gingerbread cookies), re one of the many activities available to children attending attending the Christmas Bazaar and Party at Knox Christian School on Saturday, December 6. Jodi Bouma chose a chair and managed to sit still for a few moments while Jacqueline Reinsma painted some original designs on her face. This was warding the good and playfully "shooing" the bad with his switch. This young girl looks like she's been very good all year long. Santa Didn't Have Time for a Haircut or Whisker Trim 'i »■,, ! More Than 100 Guests Attend Museum Open House The friends of the Bowmanvillc Museum attracted Trotter on the violin. One of the attract over 100 guests to the local historical site for their weekend was the traditional Christinas d open house on the weekend. Christmas songs could which included genuine holly. These ' be heard throughout the day when Amanda llarri- throughout the building, son, playing a .100(1 cello, was accompanied by Sue Santa paused to take down this young man's Christinas Christinas list. Santa didn't have his own scat with him so lie pulled up a barber chair to hear the request. Santa Claus made his first visit to the merchants in downtown Bowmanvillc on Saturday, December 0, One of his stops was at Cole's Barber Shop, where al)f Cairatnan Statesman pjjjS K|Sftp| ■0m If ■ " v ■p V v ; vV'V: ; I 11 Xf ' ; ; . ; j- _ • z Ppf k .1 itei P&pm :.a^ Wk, v' 1 fjhi Æà