8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 19.1986 :E J6 Newcastle 3nbepcnbent Farewell Dinner Held for Retiring Registered Nurse Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago We extend congratulations congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gray (nee Cindy Elliott) who were united in marraige in Hampton United Church on Friday, November 14, 1986. Mrs. Gladys Wood entertained entertained the ladies of the euchre Club last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Orono, were Wednesday evening dinner guests of mrs. Kathleen Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Gordon, of Port Hope, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fried- lander, Toronto, were Sunday Sunday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Raye Fried- lander. Mr. Lawrence Gaines remains remains a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grago were Tuesday evening dinner dinner guests of Julie, Joe and Cory Burns, Bowmanville. Sunday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowmanville. Mrs. Wilda Johnson, Sandra Kelsey, Denise Tuf- fofd and Glenda Rumbles, of Norwood, enjoyed the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Forestry Forestry Study Review meeting on Wednesday, a Finance and Personell meeting on Thursday, and the opening of the Port Hope Channelization Channelization project on Friday. The Sam Breretons found themselves caught up in a very busy week. Thursday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Bonnie Cunningham, they were among the invited invited guests at the official Grand Opening of the Global Playhouse. Global Playhouse is the first corporate corporate Day Care to open in Ontario Ontario and is sponsored by Global TV, CBS records and Harlequin Books, as a nonprofit nonprofit venture. They were there as guests of their daughter and cousin, Irene, who is on staff at this well- appointed beautifully decorated decorated facility. A very pleasant pleasant evening indeed! Saturday evening was also a very proud evening for Sam and Margaret, as that was the night they were invited to attend the Graduation Graduation Exercises of Oshawa Campus Ontario Business College, of which their eldest eldest daughter, Charlotte Vaughan, was a graduate. Charlotte received her diploma, diploma, of course, but also received received the award for the highest standing in the Microcomputer Operator Program. She placed on the Dean's List of the College and ust missed being the highest student in the school by one and a half per cent. A very proud evening. Aimee Brereton, Toronto, attended the exercises also. The editors extend their congratulations to Charlotte! Charlotte! On Wednesday evening Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended the Kawartha Downs Directors' meeting at Fraserville. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Storks and children were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Balson, Hampton. Birthday greetings to Janice Rickard, Peggy Pruner, Laura Peel, Lisa Vickers, Delann Chard, Reta Embley, Frank Gray and Jeremy Wight. Newcastle Senior Citizens Citizens will enjoy their evening evening of cards on Thursday, November 20th. Darren Elaschuk, of Oshawa, was a Friday overnight overnight guest of his grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Rickard Rickard and with his grandmother grandmother and cousin Michael enjoyed the Bowmanville Santa Claus parade on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott enjoyed the week-end in Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce enjoyed Sunday dinner dinner with Ric, Marilyn, Kevin and Trisha Pearce, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad- foot, Brucefield, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended the 50th wedding anniversary in honour of Harry and Leona Farrow at the Bowmanville Lions Centre on Saturday evening. evening. Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Colleen, Frankford, also enjoyed enjoyed the golden wedding anniversary, dinner, and, party for' Harry and'.Leona',' ; Farrow, Bowmanville 1 ,' on Saturday, November 15. Mrs. Gladys Wood attended attended Sid Hallowell's 80th birthday party at Crooked Creek on Saturday afternoon afternoon and evening. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, of Newton- ville, to Unionville where they visited the George Fel- gate family. On Saturday, November 15, at Newcastle United Church, Reverend Donald Stiles united in marriage Ernest Marti and Angela Carter, of Bowmanivlle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, of Cameron, were recent visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan. On Sunday, November 16, Mr. Charles Cowan attended attended the 80th birthday reception reception in honour of his sister, sister, Bertha Daniels at Sim- coe St. United Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley were Sunday dinner guests of Harold and Marion Burley, Burley, Bridgenorth. Weekend visitors with Ron and Marg Burley were their four grandchildren, Adam and Michael, of Ajax, and Stephen and Allison, of Oshawa. Miss. Shannon Couch, daughter of Bill and Linda, celebrated her third birthday birthday on Sunday. Attending her party were Dae Storks and children, Aunt June Dey, Adrienne and -Brandon, -Brandon, Bowmanville, Aunt Darla Shields and Ashley, of Bowmanville. Many happy returns, Shannon! Comrade Douglas Walton conducted the Remembrance Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph in Newcastle village village on November 11,1986. Reverend Donald Stiles read the Scripture and Father Walsh said Prayers for peace and remembrance. remembrance. Mayor John Winters read the names of the fallen and gave a brief message to the school children, teachers teachers and assembled persons who remember. Reverend James Small pronounced the Benediction. St. George's Church News The flowers above the Altar on Sunday were to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arthur Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Call, placed there by Bill and Hilda Call. Your prayers are requested requested for those men who will be attending the annual annual FLAME conference next week-end. We welcome the Church School to the beginning of our Services in St. George's again. A different pattern was used for the past several several weeks, but it was felt this way may be better. The older classes, including those young people who are communicants, will return to church during the offertory offertory most Sundays when the Eucharist is celebrated. Our thanks to all those who worked or helped in any way to make St. George's ACW Bazaar such Telephone 987-4201 a great success. Congratulations! Congratulations! November 24th Deanery Fellowship of Prayer meets in the lower hall of St. John's, Port Hope.. For "Odd Jobs" around your house, rent musicians from Clarke High School Senior Band. Correction: Re time of early Service at St. George's 8:00 a.m. - not the time reported reported in the Chronicle. United Church News On Sunday evening, November November 16 th, Reverend Donald Stiles and Mr. Harry Wade attended Greenwood United Church when Oshawa Presbytery inducted inducted as their minister the Reverend Sharon Patterson. Patterson. On Sunday, November 16, at Newcastle United Church Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon, Living on Leftovers. Take a Break for Moms and Tots meets bn Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. The Couples Club goes to Peterborough on. Saturday to see My Fair Lady. A retirement party for Mrs. K. Louise Hamilton, Reg. N., was held at the Lions Centre on Thursday, Nov. 13th with 160 in attendance. Durham Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, catered for the turkey dinner. Head table guests, pictured here, included, left to right, Master of Ceremonies Dr. H. B. Bundle, Mrs. Bundle, Joan and Chris Locke, daughter and son-in-law of the honored guest; Ann Townsend, her daughter; the honored guest Louise Hamilton and her mother, Mrs. Kathrine Ferguson (93), Peter and Annette Hamilton, son and daughter-in-law; Dorothy Stewart, Head Nurse, Medical Rehabilitation; Sonia Peczeniuk, Director Patient Care Services. During the evening, gifts from staff and former staff were presented. Mrs. Hamilton has been a member of Memorial Hospital's nursing staff since June 1964. ORONO HAPPENINGS by Isabelle Challice 2 MIDWAY MOTORS H NISSAN 1300 Dundas SI. E., Whitby 668-6828 _ DURHAM REGION'S No. 1 IMPORT TRUCK DEALER § MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY QUOTE: "If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock." Mrs. Norma Long, Fene- lon Falls, spent several days recently with Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey, and Mrs.- Audrey McNaul, Oshawa, had lunch on Thursday with them. The festive season is moving moving in on us at a rapid rate, with the Santa Claus Parades and . stores all promoting . "Christmas Shopping Early" signs. A very cute window decoration decoration at "Orono's Reflections" Reflections" is a nodding Santa Claus and lots of gift ideas. The "Apple Blossom Shop" has another distinctive Xmas display. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dar- roch, Peterboro, were recent recent guests of his cousins, "The O. Challices." Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Draper and daughters all attended the birthday party for Mrs. Taylor's great grandaugh- ter little Miss Tamara Beckett Beckett who celebrated her fifth birthday. She is the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Tom Beckett, Oshawa. Mrs. Jean Slemon, Haydon, was a Friday caller with the "Charles Taylors". Anyone wishing tickets for the "Living Christmas Tree" in Toronto, Peoples Church, please call Mrs. Molly Mairs, Durham Sr. Citizens' Lodge, 983-5412. A bus is going on Sunday, Dec. 7, leaving at 1:15 p.m. Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey were in Lindsay on Friday last, with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Carl Kimmett and attended the play, "Hello Dolly" at the Academy Theatre. Mr. Walter Sherwin, Queen's University, Kingston, Kingston, and Miss Jessica Mos- tert, Guelph University, were home with their parents parents over the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thomson, Thomson, St. Petersburg, Florida, attended his son's wedding tyamiuf presents their High School Student Special for the month of November 20% Off all services Introducing Our Seniors' Special 10% OFF ALL SERVICES *Ute tyamily JlcU/titifluUf Gentne In tho Bowmanville Mall -- 623-2201 "Whom quality comos first" in Toronto and Mrs. Thomson Thomson visited her mother Mrs. Charles Taylor, Orono and other relatives in the area. The Orono Town Hall Card Party was held Wed. night, November 12, in Orono town hall, with good attendance and following scores: Carol Hooper 79; Joyce Cowan 75; Bertha White 75; Don Thompson 74; Walter Murphy 73. Low scores: Alf Piggott. Lucky draw winners: Joyce Cowan, Carlos Tâmblyn. The next card party will be Wed. Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Nichol- : son, of Collingwood, visited his cousin Mrs. Alice Richards, who is in Memorial Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. Kirby Church News The Kirby U.C.W. would like to prepare baskets for giving at Christmas and would appreciate donations donations of squares, cookies, candies and nuts, muffins, etc. by Sunday, Nov. 30. For further information, con- tactMary Forrest, 983-9596. Kirby U.C.W. would like to thank everyone young and old who baked, served, donated, catered to; cleaned up etc. at our recent recent bazaar Nov. 1 held in Orono United Church. Our Craft Mornings continue continue on Thursday mornings mornings at 9 a.m. Threre has been a suggestion suggestion that the church be decorated decorated for special events such as Christmas, Easter, Anniversary and flowers for Sunday mornings. If you are willing to help or donate, donate, please contact any member of session. Christmas Craft Show The annual Christmas show of Crafts was again held in Orono Town Hall, with a delightful array of hand made crafts. Everything Everything from baking, sewing, books, jewellery, pottery and lots of Xmas decorations decorations on show for every age group. Karen Martin, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, had her balloon show for all occasions. The old Town Hall stage had many authentic antiques including including a delightful old sleigh, old dolls, etc. very nicely displayed. The show got under way on Friday afternoon and continued thru Saturday and Sunday with splendid attendance and good interest interest from visitors as well as local patrons. ' On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Diane Hamrc, local councillor, made the lucky draws, with the following winners: The lovely watcrcolor by Don Staples was won by Mr. Bob Willshcr, Newcastle. The attractive floral design courtesy of the Apple Blossom Blossom Shop was won by Miss Linda Wright, Scarborough, Ont. The pretty centrepiece also provided by the Apple Blossom Shop went to Mr. Jim Boyd, Newcastle. Doll Display Well over 300 people attended attended the Doll Show in the upstairs of the old Armouries Armouries building above the Orono showcase display. Some 200 to 300 dolls were on show and for sale and the interest in doll collecting is on the way up. At the very high prices they surely are an Investment in the future, The oldest doll on dis play, '.'Old Gtimmie", 1850s vintage and the oldest "Eaton Beauty" 1909. The majority of dolls are of course from Germany, Germany, and some are valued at $1,000. One doll from France was valued at $1,000. a former Bowmanville resident resident and now living in British Columbia, brought a very extensive knowledge on doll collecting. She recently recently had shown her collection collection (200 dolls) at the In- . ternational show, held in Toronto. Orono Show Case Show "It pays to advertise" and this proved again to be true as many visitors to the showcase arrived from Toronto Toronto over the past weekend. weekend. The showcase adver-. tised in Toronto papers recently recently and thus the interest. Mrs. Stephens reported "fantastic sales" and a very great interest in the overall displays, quilts, furniture, etc. Our next big event Saturday, Saturday, 29 and Sunday, 30 will have Santa Claus on hand to greet the children and you may have your picture taken with the old gentleman. gentleman. Hot mulled cider will be served and a festive feeling feeling will prevail. Be sure to drop in_and pay us a visit! Beautiful flowers at the alter, placed in memory of the laté Mr. MacDonald (Leskard) and the children's children's story was given by Mrs. Elaine Elsen, at the Sunday service. Delightful music provided provided by Cathy Milnes and John McLeans on their guitars and leading the Sunday Sunday school children in singing singing "He's changing Me". Happy birthday to Rev. Fred Milnes on November 21st and also Mrs. Athalee on same date. If you would like your name added to our birthday list, please contact Marlene Riseborough 983- 5702. Official Board Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7:30 in downstairs Main Hall. All members of session, stewards stewards and representatives from M & S Committees, Turstees, S. school, Hi C and U.C.W. from both Congregations. Congregations. Budget Night in , Orono United Church. Sunday, Nov. 30 is Communion Communion Service at regular worship times. Volunteers are urgently needed at Southaven Nursing Nursing Home even for a few hours a month to help activity activity director with crafts and also to play the piano for the sing-song. Phone987-4441 if you can help. Horticulture Seminar Held on Saturday, Nov. 15, in Kedron United Church hall, with 10 societies answering the roll call. Chairman district director director I. Challice called the meeting to order and welcomed welcomed everyone. Oshawa Society supplied coffee and refreshments prior to the meeting and also served a delicious noon luncheon to everyone. The guest for the day was introduced, Miss Barbara Weese, R.O.S., agriculture office, Bowmanville. Barbara Barbara is home economist for our area and she brought an excellent presentation called "The Magic of Thinking Thinking in Colour". This brought the colour of your hat to tell how to focus your thinking as a member of any organi zation. Example: Blue- calm and collected; White- facts and figures • type; Green-creative type, new ideas etc; Yellow- Constructive, Constructive, positive. Black- finds fault, negative; Red- intuitive, intuitive, emotions, hunches. This proved very enlightening enlightening as well as humorous. humorous. The afternoon sessions were equally educational as sheets were handed out on "Parliamentary Procedures". Procedures". These in the form of questionnaires and after filling in there was much discussion. The various duties of officers was discussed discussed and some points on grant structures. . This is only part of the meeting topics but altogether altogether an interesting day. We were also pleased to have Mr. Gordon Wick, Oshawa, bring amarylis bulbs for sale. We again thank. Oshawa for hosting our meeting. Those attending from Orono Society and Newcastle Newcastle were Mrs. Lorna Atkins, the Challices, Mrs. Vicki Lesnick, and Mrs. Lorraine Lover. V\