i f t 10 ' The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 27,1985 Section Two Celebrate 45th Anniversary Letter to the Editor Local Quartet Promotes Business on Television John and Betty Roth of Haydon celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, February 16, 1985. The celebration took place at The Acres Restaurant on Saturday evening. The 50 guests who attended enjoyed the dinner and dance. R.R. No. 4 Bowmanville, Ont., L1C3K5 February 23,1985 To the Editor, I attended the school board meeting last Wednesday evening, evening, February 20. The issue being addressed was the Implementation of Universal Junior Kindergarten in Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle in September 1985. Fortunately the decision was made to defer the plans for September 1985 because of insufficient funds. I concur wholeheartedly with this decision. My concern is that the school trustees ignored information information that was brought forth concerning the quality of the program that they plan to provide. It was brought to the attention attention of the trustees that a minimum one to 20 ratio for four year olds is not satisfactory. satisfactory. Also the maximum group size of 27 four years olds is too high. Some of the trustees felt that J.K. was necessary for rural children. They did not address the fact that children as young as 3.9 years of age could be on a school bus for up to one hour before and after their two and one-half hour program, as well as the fact that these four year olds will be obliged to share busing with children up to grade 8. The bus drivers will be carrying sleeping children into their homes at the end of their long trip. The Ministry of Education policy does not allow the hiring of people who possess a diploma in Early Childhood Education because they do not have a "Teaching Certificate." Certificate." Early Childhood Educators have specific training training in programming for and dealing with this age group and their families. It is true that a Junior Kindergarten teacher who possesses a "Primary Specialist Certifi- Volunteer Conference to be Held at Lions Centre The upcoming conference for leaders of volunteer volunteer groups in the Durham Region is a joint venture venture by a number of community and government organizations. The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, Recreation, the Town of Newcastle, Bowmanville Lions Club and the YWCA are all pooling their resources to help make the March 22 and 23 conference conference a success. Some of the committee members members in charge of the meeting are shown here as If you want to get the most for your car insurance dollar... Qkmk u/iik QtccU Fcvm Let me explain State Farm's unbeatable combination of service, protection and economy. DON IRVINE 108 Waverley Rd., Bowmanville 623-4482 Stele Farm Mutuel Automobile Insurance Company Home Otllco: Scarborough, Ontario Like e good neighbor, Stale Farm ti there. they discuss details of the project. From left are Gayle Willoughby, YWCA program worker for Newcastle; Joe Kennett, of the Town of Newcastle community services department; and Janice Griffith, Griffith, YWCA program director. The volunteer conference conference will cover topics such as fund-raising, publicity, time management, budgets, and motivation motivation of volunteers. It will take place at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Centre. Durham Science Lecture Speaker to Discuss 'Organs for Transplantation' cate" which trains them to teach children up to Grade 3 is preferred but is not necessarily necessarily required by the Ministry. I think that before the School Board decides to implement a universal J.K. program it should encourage its ministry to refer to the Day Nurseries Act which has been researched carefully by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to reflect ideal conditions in which four year olds should be cared for. There is room for co-operation co-operation between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Community and Social Services Services and between the Teachers' Federation and the Association for Early Childhood Childhood Education of Ontario, to strike an ideal learning situation situation for the four year old child. Carol Anderson Bowmanville, Ontario TYRONE (Intended for last week) Tyrone Brownie Pack paraded complete with colour colour party into the sanctuary at Tyrone Church on Sunday Sunday morning in honour of the founder of Boy Scouts, Lord Baden Powell, whose wife Lady Baden Powell later began the Girl Guide and Brownie movement. "Thinking Day" is an annual observance. Tyrone Brownies Brownies Sara Cornish and Pamela Wheeler capably took up the offering. Brown Owl Marilyn Vaneyk and Tawny Owl Jackie Forbes accompanied the Brownie Pack. Sympathy to family and friends of Mrs. Mary Liptay was died on February 15, 1985. Mrs. Liptay was a former resident of Haydon. The Amnesty International International Bulletin for February February 1985 reports that .. the Canadian Section of Amnesty International declared declared 1985 a "National Year of Action Against Torture" Torture" at a news conference in Montreal on December 10,1984, Human Rights Day. The launch of the "Year of Action" coincided with the adoption of the new Convention Convention Against Tortue by the United Nations General Assembly." Over 13 tables of euchre were in play at the Old Hall on Monday evening, February February 18,1985, with the following following results: Agnes Prescott Prescott 88, Leonard Cain 86, Robin Alldread 81, Harold Swain 79, Grace Smith 78, Eva Naef 77, Mariam Griffin 44. 50-50 Draw Glenn Lowery, Lowery, Florence Fowler, Richard Manns, Murray Davidson. Thirteen tables of euchre in play at the community centre on Friday, February 15,1985 resulted in the following following standings: Rob Robinson, Hazel Murphy, Molly Horstman, Don Cochrane, Cochrane, Garnet Goyne, Fred Griffin. Ladies low Norma Cochrane, Men's low Dick Gibbs. 50-50 Draw Ethel Gibbs, Don Cochrane. Specials: Specials: Joe Dielman, Ruby Malley, Walter Murphy. Goldie Tidd has tickets for the Athletic Dance on February 23rd. Phone afternoons afternoons 263-8850. World Day of Prayer will be held at Tyrone Church on March 1,1985. On March 3rd at 7:30 p.m. there will be an evening Church service in addition to morning service. service. Realtor Ken Hockin turned to members of his singing group recently when he needed an idea for a 30-second commercial to be aired on CHEX TV in Peterborough. Naturally, his friends from the Beaux Men Quartet were pleased with the opportunity opportunity to see themselves on the tube. The group started about 37 years ago with the Trinity United ITA1I f**M INiUHAHCI On Tuesday, March 5, Dr. Michael Robinnette of the Department of Surgery of the University of Toronto, will speak on "Organs For Transplantation." He is the Director for Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange at Toronto General Hospital. This is the third of the 1985 Durham Science Lectures, and will take place in the Durham College Lecture Theatre at8:00p.m. Dr. Robinnette is past president of the Canadian Transplant Society and has received many awards in this field. His research appointments have included studies in human tumour and transplant immunology at the London (England) Hospital, and studies in the donor specific immune responses in human kidney allograph recipients at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. His talk will emphasize the need for organ donation, the advances made in regard to organ transplantation, and the future outlook in this important, field. Cardiac, liver, lung, pancreas, and other organ transplantation will be discussed. The fourth and remaining lecture in the Durham Science Series' will take place on April 23, at 8:00p.m. in the Durham College Lecture Theatre. Dr. Ken Woolner, Professor Professor of Physics at the University of Waterloo, will discuss "Scientific People - The Creators of Science." The Durham Science Lecture Series are sponsored by Durham College and the' Durham Board of Education. There is no charge for admission. Group health and dental programs for qualified employee groups from three to as many as you've got! Ask your insurance agent, consultant, or me. for del,ills conlaci: Boss Freer Suite 204 Peterborough Ggunre 360 George Street North Peterborough, Ontario K9M 7lid ti(705)743-0677 ONTARIO (>:i(ir.;w * Something To à Think About KAUL iviUhhlo DIRECTOR-- EXPRESSING SYMPATHY TO FAMILY Many people worry about what to say to the family or closest friend of a person who has died, They often fool tiro need to say something positive and uplifting, to find a reason lor the death, This is unnecessary unnecessary and, on occasion, Inappropriate Inappropriate as with tho death of a child or young person, Sometimes doatli simply cannot ho rallonallzod. it is lino to want to console tho family, but not if tho sontimonts ox- pressed are awkward and artificial. artificial. in many cases tho trust consolation Is to simply hold tho poison's hand and shorn your own honor,t toolings and emotions, Perhaps tho host support you can lend is to stay close to tho bereaved family. II you continue to visit with them, and stay in toucli allor all tiro relatives relatives and friends have gone, you can convoy your genuine sympathy and concern, It can also bo a help to thorn in getting getting through this period of grief. Morris Funeral Chapel 4 Division SI. Bowinanvlllo Tel: 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 Church Jack and Jill Club. Ken Hockin, who has been with the quartet for 28 years, is the most recent addition to the group. Shown here, from left are Dr. Keith Slemon who is the leader and arranger as well as the baritone singer; Doug Rac- kham (tenor); Keith Jackson (bass); and Ken Hockin Hockin (lead). B and P Speakers Discuss Life in India The Thursday, February 21 meeting of Bowman- ville's Business and Professional Women's Club took on a decidedly international flavor. Guests for the International Night program were G.S. Chauhan and Rev. Basil Das who spoke about life in India. Shown above, from left, are: Mr. Das, Alwine Franke (provincial president of the Business Business and Professional Women's Club), Mavis Carlton (president of the Bowmanville branch), and G.S. Chauhan. Activities at M.J. Hobbs Sr. Public By Tracy Mcllmoyle and Cathy Dakin, Class 81 The week of February 11- 15th was full of excitement and fun. The week got off to a good start on Monday when the boys senior basketball team went to the Pines Sr. Public for a mini-tournament. We lost the first game to the Pines, however we won against Bowmanville Sr. Public. The theme of the week focused on Valentine's and we had many contests and activities to participate in. The Great Lover's contest was enjoyed by all and the winners were Allyson Cughan of class 71, Tammy Stewart of 84, Lance Ilaluka of 82 and Stephen Ridge of 81, During the week we also raised money for the Heart Foundation with donations from a noon hour sock-hop and a guessing contest. A jar of cinnamon candy hearts was on display and students paid 5$ a guess to see who could guess the number of candies in the jar. The winner of the jar of hearts was Neil Taylor of class 73. Mr. Baker's class entertained us with an enjoyable Valentine's Assembly. At the assembly all contest winners were announced and prizes awarded. Other contests were the most creative Valentine's design and the most original Valentine poems. The art winners were Laura Wilcox of 74 and Debbie Eisan of 83. Angela Ewtushik of 73 and Nikki Lafave of 72 won the poetry contest. Our class is busy preparing for the next assembly on February 28th. Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Pitt, is pleased with our drama presentation, and we have really enjoyed working on our Heritage Play. TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH <§SÛ8S5!$> IHQUM RH0TS with Bigger Pictures Plus Fast Accurate Service FREE! c x7 Enlargement 'i ovory C41-11Û, 126-135 film processed. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS OSHAWACAMIRA cinin: LID 728-4631 OSMAWA SMOPPINU CENTRE l/ooswiioumi: IIIOUtCCMIMII TAX $ SAVINGS RETIREMENT SECURITY Why not start saving on your income lax nghtaway while you prepare far your retirement years? Come talk to us now before the March 1st RRSP deadline. We handle more RRSP dollars than any other Canadian hank. Anil, you'll find at the Commerce, RRSP ownership has never been easier. EXTENDED HOURS Our Bowmanville branch has extended its normal banking hours to 8:00 p.m., Thursday, February 28 and Friday, March 1, for 1984 R.lt.S.P. contributions. THE RRSP LEADERS MAKE IT EASY AT THE COMMERCE. <i> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE DEADLINE MARCH 1st