» 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 27,1985 Blackstock Church Holds Baptism Service At the United Church on Sunday morning the Sacrament of Baptism took place when the following children were presented - Lyndsay Elizabeth daughter of Ken and Kelly Sweet- man, Kenneth Koy son of Ron and Lome Minshall, Timothy David son of Blair and Jan Martyn, Lesley Ellen, daughter of Ron and Heather Earle and Janice Thompson daughter of Chris and Elizabeth Dowson. The Junior Choir sang "A Child's Prayer." Rev. D. Davis'sermon The First Step dealt with many points of baptism. The Lenten Bible Study begins this Thursday - either at 9:00 a.m. or7:30 p.m. on the theme The 23rd Psalm. All interested interested will be welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beatty hosted a family gathering in honour of their granddaughter's Baptism. Guests were Ken and Kelly Sweetman and guest of honour, z Lyndsay Elizabeth, A Keith and Jean Sweet- \ man, Mrs. Mary Sweet- \ man, Port Perry; Vem \ Christian, Lyndsay's i great-great-great aunt Mrs. Nellie Elwood who is 86 years old and comes from Toronto; Wilma and ' Tom Wotten, Caesarea ; Deb and Gord Byans and Leanna, Neil and Noreen Malcolm, Jamie Malcolm, Bren- non and Alaina (Jennifer was unable to be present as she was involved in a jewellery show in Toronto) Toronto) Joyce Taylor, Betty Jane and Dan McLaren all of Blackstock; Jim and Carolyn Beatty of Port Perry; Rev. and Garry and Mrs. Marilyn Robinson, Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan; Danny Cawker of Frobisher Bay and his fiance Karen Hunt of ' ' ~ Seagrave. Ron and Heather Earle held a family gathering in honour of Lesley Ellen's baptism. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earle of Minden; Mrs. Bruce Vaillancourt; Mrs. Barbara Barbara Vaillancourt and Julie all of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Hager- man, Adam and Katharine of West Gilford. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson entertained in honour of their granddaughter granddaughter Janice's baptism. baptism. Guests were Elizabeth and Chris Dowson, Andrew, Lesley , and baby Janice from / Whitby, Bill and Sandra Thompson, Blackstock, Larry and Susan Latta of Port Perry, Jim and 1 Nancy McMaster, Bradley and Kimberly of Bowmanville, Joan and Michael Teague of Whitby, Whitby, Dieter and Isabel Sartisson, Andrew and Tara of Whitby, Jennifer Lee (Bob and Joanne Lee were unable to attend as Dana had her tonsills out) Chris' parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dowson were also ùnable to at- ■ lend due to illness, A family party was held at the home of Roy and Shirley Turner on the occasion of their two grandson's baptism. Guests were Ron and Lorrie Minshall, Sara and Ken of Caledonia, Jan and Blair Martyn and Timothy, Polly and Ken Minshall of Nestleton, Wayne and Linda Minshall and boys of Janelville, Harold and Dora Martyn, Todd Martyn, Martyn, Blackstock, Ron Martyn Goodwood (Ellen and family were unable to be there due to ' chicken-pox) Doris and Murray Falls, Orono, Debbie Percy and Katie of Oshawa, recently moved back from Indiana, Indiana, Russell and Helen Carnaghan, Luke and David, Bill Coates and Mandi, Hector and May Shortridge, Connie and Ernie Swain, Rev. Dale and Anita Davis. Mrs. Pat Jones of Oshawa was a Sunday dinner guest of Marion and Tommy Hodge. This week was the Annual Annual Music Festival at Sunderland. Many of our young people participated participated in this Festival and I would appreciate a list of participants for next week's news, if at all possible. Your assistance would be appreciated. Many Conventions and Annual Meetings are held this time of year. The Ontario and Canadian Canadian Annual meetings of the Guernsey Association Association were held at the Holiday Inn in Peterborough Peterborough on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday. Attending from here were Bob and Shirley Holliday and Shelley who competed in the Guernsey Guernsey Princess Contest; Ralph and Peggy Larmer, Harvey and Joan Graham and Dave and Ingrid Larmer. Frank Barkey provided the music for the dance after the Tuesday evening evening banquet and was very well received by the large number of delegates. This week was also the Convention the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies. Representing the Blackstock Agricultural Society were Kathleen and David Petrie; Jean Mahaffy, Katie Visser, Grace Bajema, Eleanor Werry, Elaine Bailey, Kathy Hill, Roily Coy, Gerald and Joyce Kelly. Blackstock won three prizes in the Photo Competition Competition in connection with this convention which was held at the Royal York. On Saturday,the Junior Farmers' Annual, Banquet Banquet and Dance was held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre. After Grace was said by Dave Buttery a delicious banquet banquet prepared and served served by the ladies of the O.N.O. was enjoyed. President Karen Yellowlees welcomed all present after which Lawrence Van Camp introduced introduced the Head table. Dale Van Camp spoke on 1984 in Review. Karen Yellowlees introduced Brenda Metcalfe who very capably spoke on ' 'Reminiscing 70 Years. ' ' The John Larmer Outstanding Junior Farmer Award was presented to a very surprised surprised Janet VanCamp. Karen gave her President's President's remarks after which she was presented with her past President's pin by Dave Buttery. President elect Lawrence Van Camp gave his remarks. Barry O'Neil introduced the Officers Officers - President - Lawrence VanCamp; 1st Vice-President Craig Larmer; 2nd Vice President President - Diane Byers; Secretary - Anne Marie Hoogeveen; Treasurer- Bruce Millson; Newsletter Newsletter Editor - Dave Buttery; Buttery; Provincial Director - Janet VanCamp; Zone Directors - Jay VanCamp, VanCamp, Robert Green, Craig Larmer, Raymond Massie, Lawrence VanCamp, VanCamp, Dale VanCamp. The remainder of the evening was spent dancing. The afternoon U.C.W. Unit meeting met at the home of Flora Samells on Wed. afternoon with dessert at 1:15 with 13 present. Jean Adams opened the meeting with a poem.'Jean Ferguson had charge of the worship worship and read passages from Mark chapters 8 and 10. She based her remarks on We Don't Care about Others concluding concluding with prayer, Turn to Page 11 SAVE .36 SAVE .70 PKG OF 2-8 OZ TUBS 19 Fleischmann's SOFT-CORN OIL REGULAR OR UNSALTED SUNFLOWER OIL, LIGHT MARGARINE SUPER BUY! OCEAN'S OR ADMIRAL Red Sockeye Salmon 71/2 OZ TIN LIMIT: 4 per family purchase MARVEL, ENRICHED, SLICED White Bread 675 g LOAF .49 SAVE . JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake YOU'LL DO BETTER AT xV^E FARA* AT A&P! 539 g cake SAVE .30 t'1.89 624 g size JANE PARKER (PKG OF 8 1.39) Hot Cross Buns JANE PARKER (BLUEBERRY PIE 2.19-SAVE .20) ^SAVE .50 Apple Pie JANE PARKER, SLICED Cheese Bread JANE PARKER, SLICED Protein Bread PROD. OF CANADA, OUR BEST FOR VPUR LAWN THIS SPRING ' '"'Fertilizer 10*4 OR 7-7-7 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, HEAPING PINT Cherry Tomatoes ohvc. .ou 1.49 IAVE .30 .99 4.99 441b 20 kg bag .99 pint 450 g loaf SAVE .20 450 g 70 loaf . I w SUPER BUY! ASSORTED FLAVOURS (PLUS .30 BTL DEPOSIT) Canada Dry Beverages JÇas^M^aOmUin^g^SAVE^M 750 mL btl .39 PROD. OF CHILE, SWEET, JUICY Fresh nia/ QQ Nectarines fc », /» .JJ PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS, SNOW WHITE Fresh Mushrooms 1 pkg z 1.99 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE s, ;2.69 PROD. OF U.S.A., INDIAN RIVER White Grapefruit 5/1.99 PROD. OF MEXICO, FRESH Brussels Sprouts 1,527.69 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CHILE, RED OR GREEN Seedless Ij39 /199 Grapes 4 », / I „ CHOCOLATE CHIP, PEANUT BUTTER OR RAISIN ALMOND SAVE .40 Quaker Chewy" 1 2 p k 5 g 9 1.99 ASST VAR. BONUS PACK CRACKERS SUPER_BUY! pkg 3509 1-59 Country Harvest CONVERTED, LONG GRAIN SAVE2.00 Uncle Ben's Rice 2 P kg 9 3.29 McIntosh Apples b ag , PROD. OF U.S.A., FRESH Green Onions 3 lu t'1.00 PROD. OF U.S.A., GREAT WITH SEAFOOD & SALADS Fresh Lemons 4/ .98 PROD. OF U.S.A. Romaine Lettuce e ach .98 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A., FRESH Celery Stalks b U n= h ,99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Fresh Carrots Lgl.49 PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET, SEEDLESS Navel Oranges CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, YELLOW Cooking Onions Ut 1.39 PROD. OF U.S.A., EASY TO PEEL Minneola Tangelos '"2.99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF P.E.I., ALL PURPOSE £73.69 bag of O QQ 18 Uitltf P.E.I Potatoes PROD. OF U.S.A., DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Radishes ^ 3/1.00 CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF CHILE Red Plums 2™Zb.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., SEVERAL VARIETIES, EXTRA LARGE SIZE Tropical Floor Plants '"TT 14.99 PROD. OF ONTARIO, FRESH Bean Sprouts 2/ 1.00 pkg DETERGENT FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS SAVE .60 "■3.99 Calgonite DETERGENT Palmolive Liquid box SUPER BUY! '■•-3.29 plst btl ON SALE AT A&P! 3 Beautiful Patterns Superb Elegantly Crafted Stainless Steel flatware at an exceptional value THIS WEEK'S FEATURE Soup Spoon SAVE. CAMPBELL'S V-8 Vegetable nn Juice t .uu POWDERED LAUNDRY ABC E Detergent 3 12 LITRE BOX i.99 Three Handsome Patterns 3/F WITH EACH S5.00 PUnCIIASt: ASST VAR INCL BEEF & LASANGA SAVE UP TQ .10 24 II oz ' tin SAVE .70 Puritan Stews HEREFORD Corned Beef CHRISTIE (VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE WAFERS 200.g 1^9; Graham Wafers 12 oz tin or 400 g pug I . HEINZ (TOMATO SAUCE 28 OZ .97-SAVE .37) SAVE .42 Tomato Paste 0 1 z 3 ,!n.97 HEINZ, REGULAR OR 'NO SALT ADDED' SAVE .32 Tomato Sauce oz.!n.57 HEINZ BUY 4-SAVE 1.35 Tomato Paste of,ill 4/1.57 ASSORTED VARIETIES DOG FOOD SAVE .30 Dr. Ballards Luxury 2 ?m oz .99 DR. BALLARDS, ASST VAR (CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 FOR .99) Cat Food VL 2/M ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLY DESSERTS SUPER BUY Jell-0 Powders S 2Z.79 I wwiptm i [rW$ I m i f^ MédÉAillUI PLAIN OR MUSHROOM, PRE Spaghetti Sauce 2 :GO SAVE .86 1.59 ALLEN'S Pure Apple ■ Juice t SAVE .56 F 1.19 ! E : ROZEN Le Menu h Dinners IEEF SIRLOIN TIP, POT ROAST, PEPPER STEAK SAVE 1.00 .49 CONDENSED, CHICKEN NOODLE OR CREAM OF CHICKEN Campbell's Soup 1 2 oz 3/1 39 CAMPBELL'S (NEW ENGLAND 19 OZ 1.29) SAVÇjO 10 II oz Chunky Chowders nn MACINTOSH, REGULAR OR UNSWEETENED SAVE .56 Allen's Applesauce 2 Ï 0Z 1.39 SWANSON, FROZEN ^SAVE .80 Chicken Burgers "T'2.99 FROZEN, CHICKEN A LA KING OR SWEET 4 SOUR CHIÇKgN Le Menu Dinners 2 ,ÿ3. FROZEN, LAYER CAKES, ASST VAR SAVE .70 14 oz ' pkg Pepperidge Farm 1.