8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 20,1985 Section Two A guide to fine dining and entertainment. Courtice Students Rehearse for 'GodspeW Report of Joannas Meeting and Activities at St. John's Due to the inclement weather conditions in January the ACW Joanna meeting was cancelled. The February 4th meeting was held in the Upper Room, St. John's Church, Monday, 8 p.m. President Beatrice Blake presided over the meeting. There were 17 members present and one guest. Hostesses were Mrs. R. Anger and Mrs. V. Snider. The devotional period was based on "Thy Kingdom Come." A new list of officers for 1985 are as follows. Pres. - B. Blake, Treas. - Mrs. Rose Anger, Secty. - Mrs. F. Snider, Vice Pres. - Mrs. Evelyn Marchant, Social Convenor - Mrs. I. Anonichuk. Letters of Thanks from parish members, organizations organizations for gifts, flowèrs and cards were read. A planning meeting for Northumberland - Durham Deanery activities was held at the home of Mrs. C. Elliott; Deanery Director; members were present from Port Hope, Orono-Newcastle, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. This year 1985 represents represents 100 years of service starting with the W.A. in 1885 to present year 1985. Special services of this anniversary are being held in Toronto for this Deanery. This history will be read and discussed at each meeting of the Joannas during 1985. A planning meeting for the World's Day of Prayer was held at St. Joseph's Church on Monday, Feb. 4th. Two representatives representatives from St. John's attended. The World's Day of Prayer Service will be held at St. Joseph's Church on Friday, March 1st, 2 p.m. Plans for our Spring Rummage Sale in April are being worked out for a new concept - watch for further plans to be advertised in March. Other plans and business was attended to and the meeting was closed with the Benediction. Following the meeting the entertainment was provided by Mr. V. Snider showing ENNISKILLEN These Courtice High School students were caught in mid-rehearsal for their exuberant production of the musical "Godspell". The curtain rises at Bowmanville High School on February 28th and March 1st and 2nd at 8 p.m. Tickets for the show are available from the "box office" at 728-5146. The cast of Godspell is ably supported by a great band and backstage crew. The production promises to be most enjoyable, so be sure to set aside one of the three nights for an evening of musical theatre. It's a sure fire cure for the February "blahs"! Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon attended a family birthday party in honour of her father, Carmon Foster, of Whitby, who was celebrating his 85th birthday. All of his children and their spouses were in attendance. The party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Penfound in Whitby. Mr. Foster left on his birthday for a three week trip to Florida. Little Katie Gerritts is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family. Our hats are off to our Valentine lady who brought a ray of sunshine into the homes of the shut-ins with her friendly friendly visit, Valentine cake and goodies. God Bless! Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bowman, Dianne and Aaron were visitors this week with the Bowmans. Our community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKenzie and family on the death of Aggie's mother, Mrs. Thrower. Little Ricky Howe, Oshawa spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe. Our community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Liptay and family on the death of Steven's mother this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger, Bowmanville were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggotl and family visited Mr. and" Mrs. Jake Don't Make a Move!! without Our Hostess' Gifts and Information Information are the Key to Your New Community Call Sandra Yates 623-5873 News from Newton ville Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worrall and Mr. Carmen Cornish of Orono enjoyed an evening of bridge with Mrs. Bea Jones. Mrs. Gladys Osborn of Port Hope enjoyed the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton and family. The Official Board meeting was held at Kendal on Wednesday evening with various reports given. Dates for their annual auction, bake sale was discussed and dates for the anniversary services for the three churches in October. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson of Bowmanville, enjoyed the musical featuring Janie Fricke and Exile at the Massey Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday evening. Congratulations to Mr. Melville Jones who on Tuesday Tuesday celebrated his 84th birthday. birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gohccn and Matthew of Port Hope spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill. There was no Newtonville - Starkville Bowling on Thursday Thursday evening owing to weather conditions. Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish of Oshawa enjoyed Saturday evening with Mrs. Bea Jones. There were 9 ta tables of progressive euchre at the hall on Friday evening with the following winners: Dorothy Mercer, Don Hamm, Olive Little, Isabel Hamm, Morley Robinson and Doreen Green. Winner of the 50-50 draw was Dora McDonald. Next card party is on March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Denz.il Dale of Oshawa spent Sunday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Henderson Henderson of Oshawa with Mrs. Mary Wade of Barrie visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson on Saturday evening. The U.C.W. will meet next Wednesday evening on February 27th with Acy Farrow and Lena Clysdalc in charge of Devotional and lunch. Olive Henderson with Janet Pacdcn will talk on Rug Braiding. Misses Sharon and Nadine Stapleton were the church greeters on Sunday morning. Mrs. Lynda King entitled her sermon "Suffering Saints" and the choir sang "How Great Thou Art" with the congregation congregation joining in on the chorus. After the services the members of the choir served a Pancake luncheon to GO to 70 people between eleven and two o'clock. Mrs. Ona Carlaw of Wark- worth was down overnight on Monday with Mrs. Bea Jones. Congratulations to Miss Jackie Riddell who came first at the Public Speaking contest held at the school, Miss Jan Farrow is the runner-up. Gerryts and family, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Groene- veld visited Mr. and Mrs. Ike Raaphorst, Brooklin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater Leadbeater visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Beaumont, Downsview on the occasion of her 70th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens, Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Acorn, Port Hope spent a very enjoyable holiday in Venezuela and surrounding areas. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, Oshawa. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nimigon on their baby bundle of blue, born on Friday, February 15th, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon. Mr. Cory Sweet spent 19 days in the southern part of France in the Alps. By all his reports he had a very enjoyable enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. On Sunday, February 17th was designated as "Thinking Day." We took the opportunity to thank all our little guests from the Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Guides, Scouts and Pathfinders. The Leaders of the groups are as follows: Brownies - Janice Dilworth; Beavers - Judy Griffin with helper Fred Ford; Cubs - Jim MacKenzie and Ron Whitbread; Whitbread; Guides - Jane Shaw, Janice Dilworth and Liz Kerr; Scouts - Larry Evans; Pathfinders Pathfinders - Marg Ford and Gail Wilcock. We sang beautiful hymns throughout the service. Pastor Joe had a good audience for his children's time. Each group recited their promises. We also sang The Guides Song. The choir sang a delightful anthem under the direction of our leader and organist, Mrs. Ulah Chambers. Terry Shaw gave the scripture lesson, 2 Kings 5:1-10, 14, 15. The collection was taken up by Ryan MacKenzie and Kathy Dilworth. Dilworth. Pastor Joe's message was based on "And a Little Child Shall Lead Them." Greeters at the door were Steven Whitbread and Michelle Evans. ^"fcOUPON |00 I THE Coupon worth up to $ 10 ( Coupon good until February 26/85 "BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND" MONDAY & TUESDAY AFTER 5 p.m. ONE COUPON PER TABLE Buy any onlroo Itum our oxtensivu menu at regular price and your blond's onlroo ol equal or loss value Is complimentary lo maximum value ol $10.00. 145 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 571-1777 Major Credit Cards Accepted c.S. "Homo ol Iho lumous Sunday Brunch" Listen to "the sounds of a different drummer" 2r| bouts a day CFMX-FM 103.1 a Into lie kaiixI U1 lUfcmH ilmmnn on cjIJc In [tot llo|«/Cutuug it 1x1.9 MIU slides of the Tall Ships and other boat trips and boats. Refreshments were served by the hostesses following up a Valentine Theme. There has been a newly formed Group at St. John's for couples and singles named "21-91" Club. This is a social and fun group meeting monthly monthly on Saturday evenings at St. John's. January was Bowling Night - February Games Night. The Young Women's Group are hosting a pancake and sausage supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 19th at the church. Settings 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Plan to attend and enjoy a delicious pancake supper. The Badminton Club meets every Tuesday evening. New members are welcome. Community Corners meet every Tuesday afternoon at St. John's, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a friendly chat and enjoyable time sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, rug hooking and many crafts, all over a cup of tea and plenty of friendship. The Martha group recently catered for a roast beef dinner for the Canadian Club in the Great Hall. Outreach Committee supports Food Fund Sunday in Bowmanville (third Sunday of the month) going to local families. There is also the sale of Bridge-head Tea and Coffee available at reasonable prices to assist in the third world relief. February being Valentine Valentine month, the congregation have a yearly shower of warm socks which are sent to All Saints in Toronto. Bible study groups meet first and third Tuesday. Contact Allison Leppert - studying the Book of Esther. Every other Monday morning at the home of Betty Nichols studying individual or groups of people involved in , the trial and crucifixion. . Confirmation Classes will be commencing soon for the Confirmation Confirmation Sunday June 9th with Bishop Desmond Hunt . officiating. The Book Corner or library has ■ many interesting ana informative books to be read especially with Lent approaching approaching - there are several subjects subjects to choose from. The Chancel Guild have recently been given three beautiful sanctuary lamps as Memoriams. These lamps will greatly enhance the beauty of the Altar area and the church. From Parish Register - Marriage of Thomas Stephen Marshall to Barbara Joyce Henning. Burials - Claire Hooper, James L. Hooper, Emma J. Hooper, Lillian Lee Sr. Faye Snider x Secretary Cabbage Patch Kids Enjoy Meal at Fifth Wheel A goodly number, of Cabbage Patch Kids And participants also had a chance to win one of brought their families to the Country House Res- the popular toys in a draw held at the end ofCab- taurant at the Fifth Wheel Truck Stop on Sunday, bage Patch Sunday. Shown here, from left, are The restaurant provided a free child's menu to Craig Taylor, Angie Taylor, and Tanyia-Joy each youngster accompanied by his or her Cab- Bartlett, all of Bowmanville. bage Patch Kid at breakfast or lunch on Sunday. A MUSICAL FOR TICKETS WRITE: C.S.S. TICKETS DEPT. R.R. 3 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO UC 3K4 OR PHONE: 728-514G PRESENTED BY COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FEBRUARY 28, 1985 and MARCH 1 & 2, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. ADULTS $5.00 STUDENTS & SENIOR CITIZENS...$4.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 $3.00 ALL SEATS RESERVED