Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1984, p. 28

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i 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, November 28,1984 Section Two Stye ^cmcaatlE 3nbEttEtibE«l Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago BETHANY Telephone 987-4201 Mr. Sam Buttery, Bowman- ville, was a Thursday visitor with Mr. Sidney Lancaster. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mrs. Rene Rogerson who passed away on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskill and Sidney, Port Hope. Mr. Gary Johnson, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson visited his mother in Belleville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, visited on Sunday afternoon with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mrs. Gertrude Gray is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. On Sunday Miss Dorrene Powell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago to Beelon where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Lisa and Donald. The executive of the Newcastle Newcastle Lioness Club met at the home of Mrs. Jean Rickard on Tuesday evening. The ladies are selling Christmas spoons and pins to make money for Christmas hampers. Park- view quilters have donated a quilt and tickets will be sold on it to raise funds for the proposed proposed Diabetic Clinic in Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tait and Michael were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Birthday greetings to Nellie Spencer, Krista Rudman, Bertha Powell, Derek De Jong, Elizabeth Skelding, Doreen Lake, Bill Lake and Peter Lake. Mrs. Frances Wright remains remains a patient in 'Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Aileen Turner, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, was a Friday dinner guest of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. Several Newcastle people enjoyed the Roast Beef Dinner at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on Sunday evening. Mr. Joe Hockin, Oakville, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska meeting last Wednesday. On Sunday evening, Pauline Storks and Mr. and Mrs. William Allin were among those who attended the Osliawa Little Theatre production production of Tribute directed by Joan Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rickard of Port Perry were also there. At the PC Durham East Annual Meeting on Thursday evening, Mrs. Pauline Storks was elected a delegate to the Leadership Convention. Mr. Jim Rickard was elected an alternate delegate. On Sunday, Mrs. Wilda Johnson and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelsey and Sandra visited in Norwood with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rumbles, Krista and Mark and attended the Craft Show there. Lucky Krista won the Cabbage Patch Doll clothes. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, visited his mother Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Gladys Wood attended the 50th wedding anniversary reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell, Stark- ville. Last Monday Mrs. Jean Allin entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Mrs. Gladys Wood enjoyed Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wood and Scott, Stephenson Road. Master Scott was celebrating his first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott spent the weekend in Hamilton Hamilton with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennis- more, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bernard,,Flesherton, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCabe, Shelburne. All went out to dinner to celebrate Mrs. Spencer's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grol, Port Hope, were Saturday guests of Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Jennifer and Lesle, Whitby, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. Glad to report Mrs. May Burley is home from hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burley, Wingham, visited her on Monday. Mrs. Fay Matthews, Barry's Bay, visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Rudman. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Peterborough. All enjoyed an organ recital in St. John's Anglican Church, given by Wesley Warren of Ottawa. Mr. Warren was a former pupil of the Graham's son, Mr. Fred K. Graham. There was a good attendance attendance at the Women's Institute Institute meeting held last Wednesday at the home of Elizabeth Skelding. Mr, and Mrs. George Buckley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wallslein, Bowmanville. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey, Bowmanville and Mrs. Gladys Pacey attended attended a family retirement party in honour of Mr, John Pacey, Peterborough. Mrs. Nancy Pearce, Jennifer Jennifer and Melanie of Lindsay were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Mrs. Bertha Daniels and Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Oshawa, were Wednesday visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan. Mrs. Gladys Metrailler visited visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler, Alex and Laura, Hamilton. Anglican News Members of St. George's Choir presented the work of the choir and Mrs. Margaret Brereton presented the work of the Fellowship Club at the 11 a.m. service of St. George's Church. This has been a part of the 1984 Stewardship Program. Program. Mr. Gordon Leek, Orono, showed two of his sound and light programs at St. George's Fellowship Club on Sunday evening. One was a meditation of Be Still and Know That I Am Lord and the other was a study of the historical historical message of the reconstructed reconstructed city of Williamsburg in the U.S.A. Plans were laid for the Christmas projects of the Fellowship Club. Next meeting will be Sunday, Dec. 16, with Pat and Betty Biaker in charge. United Church News- On Sunday, November 25, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Tansley preached preached the sermon, Will You Be Ready for Christmas?, to do justly. The choir rendered the anthem, Two Wings. Coffee hour followed the service. On Sunday, December 9, White Gift Service will be held and in the evening of December 16, the Sunday School Concert will be presented. presented. A children's Christmas story book entitled The Camel Boy, written by Charles Ewert and illustrated by Ray Noble, will be available by the end of November. Proceeds are to be forwarded through Canadian Save the Children Fund to Ethiopia. The Trillium Unit of the U.C.W. will meet on Thursday, Thursday, Dec. 6, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Bowmanville. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Night Ladies League 175 and Over Nov. 12 M. Trim 217, 182, 225, L. Crockett 176, 179, 203, C. Van Dusen 187, 237, 185, G. Henry 188, 187, V. Watson 233, 218, P. Irwin 203, 177, S. Foster 205, 259, D. Mercer 193, 185, D. Neal 193, 199, C. Berney 175, 240, D. Mackey 209, 176, A. Langstaff 224, 191, E. Miller 176, M. Wade 260,1. Brown 188, E. Bruce 220, B. Major 177, S. Williams 247, M. Pierik 239, B. Stacey 200, D. Walker 178, T. Langstaff 184, K. Mercer 199, Tuesday Morning Seniors League Nov. 13 Top 5 2 Game Totals M. Burley 394, R. Burley 370, G. Buckley 367, Jean Holmes 343, M. Hall 274. Thursday Night Mixed League 175 and Over Nov. 15 B. Forget 203, 175, 244, M. Biaker 214, 205,195, F. Forget 195, 210,191, K. Boyd 198, 242, 183, B. Lewis 180, 218, W. Forget 186,176, S. Dennis 235, 231, E. Miller 194, 234, J. Forget 180, 180, C. Lycett 231, 179, S. L. Boyd 207, 220, K. Jury 182, B. Dennis 185. Monday Night Ladies League 175 and Over Nov. 19 L. Crockett 189, 322, 201, I. Brown 177, 191, 177, D. McCarron 188, 227, B. Major 202, 274, S. Williams 203, 192, M. Trim 194,195, T. Langstaff ' 194, 213, C. Berney 210, 234, D. Mackey 177,229, M. Major 214, P. Irwin 186, E. Miller 204, G. Henry 226, M. Wade 193, E. Bruce 216, S. Foster 218, D. Foster 176, C. Robinson 179, R. Foster 187, B. Stacey 182, A. Langstaff 221, K. Mercer 211, L. McKnight 192, H. Couroux 208, A. Mercer 175, D. Mercer 187, N. Mumby 198, D. Neal 176, D. Walker 191. Tuesday Morning Seniors Leagie Nov. 20 Top 5 Two Game Total G. Buckley 435, R. Burley 352, V. Cooper 317, A. Pearce 297, B. Fisher 288. CARPET WAREH0US Tone on Tone LOOPED CARPET with attached pad $1 Cut & Loop CARPET Reg. $14.95 SALE $7 QCsq " yd. Thick Saxonys of ANTRON III NYLON *14.95 THOUSANDS OF ROLL ENDS I & REMNANTS " sq. yd. THICK SAXONY *25.00s FREE PAD* FREE INSTALLATION* PLUSH CARPET $R OR » Ue VU y d - No Wax VINYL FLOORING $ 3.99 FROM sq. yd. UP TO, CARPET WAREHOUSE 149 King St. W., Oshawa 7?8-4fi01 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-8 v ivvi. Saturday 9-5 Thursday Night Mixed League 175 and Over Nov. 22 B. Forget 224, 190, 251, W. Forget 228,183,182, J. Forget 196, 214,191, B. Lewis 216,196, N. Dennis 186, 181, C. Lycett 240, 225, F. Forget 208, 246, K. Boyd 181, 245, K. Chapman 184,196, L. Forget 181, K. Jury 225, M. Biaker 219, B. Dennis 179, S. Dennis 194, A. Crozier 177, R. Crozier 219, M. Beacock 186, R. Beacock 178, C. Moffatt 196. Youth Bowling Nov. 21 Seniors 100 and Over J. Hopkins 109, 124, L. Weaver 134, 115, B. Fisk 138, 145, L. Cobbledick 114, 101, M. Rossignol 145, 138, D. Miller 155, 166, D. Winter 137,107, T. DeJong 115,147, K. Miller 111, 145, P. Darrach 101, M. Coolahan 120, D. Werheid 135, S. Wilsher 140. Juniors 75 and Over M. Werheid 88, 82, D. Peel 112, 107, C. Farrow 85, 93, E. Locke 90, 122, I. Moulton 85, 117, S. Duhamel 117, 132, R. Chinn 75,78, J. Darrach 122, A. Chinn 78, J. Berney 85. The Golden Stars Sr. Citizens held their regular meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 21st with the Pres. Eleanor Brooks presiding. Starting off with a few exercises to get everyone suppled up. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The Christmas party will be held on Dec. 19th with dinner at noon and program after. Tickets and literature were received from Victoria County Senior Citizens council, for a dinner on Dec. 7th. Nobody was. interested in going so tickets will be returned. Marg Wright bus convenor reported forty eight members arc interested in attending "On Golden Pond" at Peterborough Peterborough Theatre Guild. Bus leaving Bethany 6:45 and Cavan 7:00 p.m. She also announced a trip to Cullen Barn and Gardens for after Dec. 5th. There were not enough from our club interested interested in going, so she will enquire enquire if we could join in a bus going from Lindsay and will report later. The New Year's Eve party was discussed. It was moved by Harold Morton, seconded by Mary Finney that we have same. Treasurer Francis Jackson gave a report on money spent on the bus trips. Gertie Clark reported they need more bowlers and also shuffleboard players are needed. Birthdays and wedding anniversaries were acknowledged. acknowledged. George and Mae Neals are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Manvers Arena Dec. 1st. All are welcome. Sick and Shut In cards will be sent to Gerald Fisk and Ruth Traynor. Several bazaar items were sold and money was received for quilting a quilt. Thank you cards were read from Addison Scott and Jessie Adams. Renee Smelt reported she had several copies of The Answer Book for sale price of $4.00. Also that she would take orders for Regal Stationery. Several brochures were on display for anyone to take home to read. Business completed. Ruth Jennings and Lillian Fallis led in a sing song. Renee Smelt introduced Canon Walter Dyer, guest of the afternoon, who gave a detailed description description and showed slides on a trip to Israel which everyone enjoyed. Robert Sisson thanked thanked Mr. Dyer on behalf of the members and presented a gift. A social half hour was spent over a cup of tea and fruit bread. Next Athletic Association Card Party will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wade, Oakville, spent a few days with Mrs. Evelyn Mount. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Hazel Lane has had to have a leg partially amputated. amputated. Our thoughts and prayers are with her during her period of convalescance. Mr. Addison Scott has also had recent surgery. Ills hoped he will be home by the time this appears in print. We are "rooting" for you, Ad! Mr. Randy Ryley fortunately fortunately escaped serious injury when his car flipped over recently. Miss Colleen Jackson and girl friend spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Jackson. Sympathy of the community goes out to the family of Mr. Russell Kerr who passed away last Saturday morning in Lindsay Hospital. Russell was widely known and well respected respected for the many years he served the surrounding area as a livestock trucker and operator of a sawmill, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- ton spent the weekend with their daughter and family, Burlington. The summer home of Dr. Max Longfield was recently vandalized. As well as some articles stolen, quite serious damage was wrought to the interior of both cottages. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon spent a most enjoyable weekend weekend in London, primarily to attend the magnificent concert concert presented by Dame Vera Lynn in the London Gardens. The capacity crowd in attendance attendance was a testimonial to the fact that she is indeed remembered as the "sweetheart "sweetheart of the Forces" of "the girl next door." Yes, her audience did remember that "a Nightingale sang in Berkely Square" and that the dream of "Bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover" kept those brave Britishers going until the "lights of London would shine again." Despite her 70 odd years, her gracious manner and superb voice is as fine today as it was in those wartorn times. Bell Ringing Christmas Gifts for the Man On Your List! Vise Grip Tool Set $15.99 7 pc. Screwdriver Set $19.99 Black and Decker Variable Speéd Reversing Drill Size 3/8 $34.99 Black and Decker Dual Workmate $59.88 Enter our Draw for a Cabbage Patch Kid or Pound Puppy Name Address Phone No. Fill out coupon and deposit in the store with any purchase. To be drawn December 21,1984. Just in time for Christmas. NEWCASTLE LUMBER LTD. and Pro Hardwàre 361 King St. E. Newcastle 987-5050 Q Ll/e iflt tnat Keeps on gLVLttg... Every week throughout the year! A Gift Subscription to ®tfe (Eattabian Statesman Published by the James Publishing Co. Ltd. Since 1854 $15.00 anywhere in Canada $45.00 Foreign foa'A •Xhe Canada BtctosedW 1 * Statesman p\ea se j qq Bo\NtnanvW e pO Bo*' yu ' . ' \ n paY^° 1 ADORES 0 tsveej) tsvôén An attractive Christmas Card FREE to announce your gift subscription.

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