I / ; i l r i i !! i -t I ; s : :. j ®tfc •Newcastle 3nbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelsey spent a recent weekend in Flesherton with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard. The Split Rail Festival was in progress and everyone entered into the spirit, dressing in old-fashioned old-fashioned costumes. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hockin of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Matthews of Trenton and Mr. Eric Bernard of Port Hope also enjoyed Pat and Archie's hospitality. Last Monday, Mrs. Bessie Dean entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Master Russell Hunt, Pontypool, spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. On Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct. 7, 1984, following the baptism of Stephanie Jennifer Hodsoll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Hodsoll, Ajax, Stephanie's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham, entertained the family to luncheon. Attending were paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmar Hodsoll, Toronto, uncle David, aunt Mr, and Mrs. Rick Leitch, Toronto, Mrs. Janice Kimball and great uncle Jack Kimball of Port Granby. Mrs. Kathleen Kimball accompanied Mr. and' Mrs. Vance Cooper to Port Hope on Sunday. They visited Mrs. Howard Gordon at home but Howard is in hospital. In the evening they called on the Hugh Stapletons. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson Paterson were Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Jennifer and Lesle, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, Ottawa. Thanksgiving dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool, We can prove.. *ss>**- Stqye'AVorKs Miss Judy Powell, Bowman- ville and Barbara Bowman, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Bowmanville, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. Floyd Powell and Dorrene, Lake Shore, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Campbell- ville and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview, were Saturday dinner guests of Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding, Newtonville. Miss Adrienne Dey, Welcome, enjoyed the weekend weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ball, Bowmanville, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Thanksgiving weekend visitors visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Donald Stiles and Donnie were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stiles, Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stiles, Peterborough. Miss Candy Storks returned to Blind River on Saturday. Mrs. Wilda Johnson, Mrs. Pauline Storks accompanied by Mrs. Ruby Lee of Oshawa, enjoyed the Tattoo at Exhibition Exhibition Park a week ago Saturday. Saturday. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended Ganaraska meetings last Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday evening, the Newcastle Lionesses enjoyed their monthly meeting. Those hard-working ladies are contributing contributing money to Arthritis and Heart funds, $100 bursery to Clarke High School and pledging funds to the Lions and their proposed diabetic clinic in Bowmanville: Mrs. Dae Storks entertained The Incomparable Inserts Preferred over all the rest. . . Elmira inserts can now deliver 50% more heat than last year's and add great new features too. -- Airtight construction -- 93.5% combustion efficent Catalytic option for 50% more heat. -- 325 CFM.3 speed automatic blower -- Fits almost any fireplace. -- Full fire view, Corning Proceram® , air washed window. -- Gold plated, non-tarnish door. -- 24" log sized firebox heats up to 2200 sq.ft. -- Convenient ash pan and cast iron grates. rrwww? * The A Fireplace Plus' 900 Hopkins St. at Bums Whitby Phone 668-3192 f friends and relatives to a baby shower in honour of Carly Schmahl a week ago Wednesday. Wednesday. Miss Candy Storks cohosted cohosted the shower. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod entertained their family to Thanksgiving , Dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Norton and children, children, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schmahl and children, Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Pauline Storks were guests. Mrs. Pauline Storks entertained entertained Mr. and Mrs. Barry Norton and children and granddaughter Amanda Storks to Friday evening dinner. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and boys of Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy returned home Monday night from a ten-day visit with her son, Mr. Jamie Crowther, Red Deer, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade enjoyed Saturday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskill and Sidney, Port Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, Oshawa. Monday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade's were Mrs. Joan Ramstead, Orillia and Mrs. Jean Cochrane, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mrs. May Burley enjoyed the weekend in Belleville with her sister, Mrs. Raye Delvin and her daughter Mrs. Stephen Bancroft and Averil, also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid and the Cecil Tomlinsons. Tomlinsons. Misses Ruth and Mary Margaret Bonathon accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley on the Saturday Port Hope House Tour. Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Willowdale. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Margaret Rudman were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rudman and Krista, Stephenson Road and Mr. and" Mrs. Murray Adams, Bowmanville. Mrs. Gladys Wood was a guest at the Reid-Hunter wedding at St. Paul's United Church on Saturday, September 29, and reception following at Kedron Dells Golf Club. On that Sunday, Mrs. Wood was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Ross, Cambridge, were recent guests of his sister-in-law, Miss Marjorie Clemence and other relatives. Mr. Edward Glenney, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, attended the 50th wedding anniversary of George and Dunreath Walton on Sept. 30, and had dinner with the Glenneys afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wood, Oshawa, were Saturday evening evening dinner guests of Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday evening, Mrs. Gladys Wood had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and Courtney. Mrs. Shirley Ross, Kitchener, Kitchener, was a recent visitor with her aunt, Miss Marjorie Clemence and Mr. Edward Glenney, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, had dinner dinner at the Swiss Chalet, Whitby. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Lisa and Jiilie, Oshawa and Joanne White, If you had to entirely rebuild your home tomorrow, could you? With State Farm's Homeowners Extra Policy you can get guaranteed 100% coverage on your home plus extra protection for your contents. Just call to see if you qualify. 108 Waverley Road Bowmanville Telephone 623-4482 State Farm Insurance Companies Canadian Head Offices: Scarborough, Ontario Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there. Don Irvine THE COMMISSION ON PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN ONTARIO REQUESTS SUBMISSIONS Dr. Bernard Shapiro, the Commissioner inquiring into the role of private schools in the education of children in Ontario has been given the responsibility to: • document and comment on the contribution contribution of private schools to elementary elementary and secondary education in Ontario; • identify possible alternative forms of governance for private schools and to make recommendations for changes deemed to be appropriate; • assess whether public funding, and its attendant obligations, would be desirable and could be compatible compatible with the nature of their independence. • identify and comment upon existing and possible relationships between private schools and publicly- ' supported school boards. No general public hearings are planned. Interested individuals or parties who have information and/or wish to comment on any or all of these issues are however, asked to submit briefs to the commissioner by December 31,1984. Typed submissions should be sent to: Neal T. Emery Executive Secretary The Commission on Private Schools in Ontario Suite 4-299 252 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S1V5 Those planning to submit briefs should notify tho Commission by October 31,1984 at the above address, or by phoning (41(5) 965-7044. All briefs submitted will bo considered public information, Port Hope were Sunday Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norgrove Clemence. On Saturday, Oct. 6,1984, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Lorie Anne Davey and Joseph Caruana. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe, Lorie and Robert, Mrs. Isobel Gamier, Tara and Tammy and Mrs. Margaret Pearce enjoyed Sunday Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald • Pearce and girls, Lindsay. On Monday, for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce, Michael and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton and Adam, Bowmanville. On Saturday, Oct. 6, at St. George's Cemetery, friends and relatives attended the graveside service conducted by Rev. Allan Haldenby when the late Mrs. Lena Thomas was buried. Birthday greetings to Wilma Scott and Audrey Turner, Jacqueline Vanderstarre and Mary Foster. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Woodville, visited friends and relatives in the village. Mr. Lloyd Bradley and Mr. Clinton Brown remain patients in Oshawa General Hospital. Anglican News The Rev. Norman and Mrs. Martin of Gore's Landing gave an illustrated talk about their trip to Liberia in Africa at the meeting of St. George's A.C.W. on Wednesday • evening. evening. The Martins as scientists were interested in the rain forests, and as church people visited churches and congregations. congregations. St. George's A.C.W. are making plans for their bazaar on November 10. Judge E. R. Lovekin gave a report on the Annual Synod of Toronto Diocese at the 8:30 service on Sunday. Brianne Nicole Bedard and Cheryl Ann Linda June Shel- bourn were baptized in St. George's Church at the 11a.m. service. United Church News For Thanksgiving Sunday, fruits and vegetables of an abundant harvest, were used to decorate by Mrs. Jean Rickard. The flowers gracing the sanctuary were from the funeral of Mrs. Amelia Lancaster. Lancaster. The choir sang the anthem, Praise to God, and Mr. Glenn Allin sang the beautiful solo, The Blind Ploughman. Stephanie Jennifer Jennifer Hodsoll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hodsoll, of Ajax, was baptized by Rev. Donald Stiles. Showers of Blessing was the title of the sermon. All the ladies are busy preparing preparing for the Saturday, Oct. 13 bazaar. On Monday, October 15, the General Meeting of the U.C.W. will be held at the church. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Night Ladies League 175 and Over Oct. 1,1984 D. Walker 219, 257, 191, S. Foster 197,208, 246, B. Stacey 176,201,200, M. Pierik 197,185, 186, H. Couroux 178, 215, A. Mercer 161; 250, D. Neal 198, 201, E. Miller 189,184, M. Trim 182, 194, L. Crockett 206, 308, D. McCarron 179, 220, T. Langstaff 177, 197, D. Mercer 196, N. Mumby 216, D. Mackey 215, M. Wade 181,1. Brown 245, B. Major 187, M. Major 196, P. Irwin 229, S. Williams 199, M. Kent 197, K. Langstaff 177, K. Wotton 202, K. Mercer 264. Thursday Night Mixed League 175 and Over Oct. 4,1984 W. Forget 226, 196, 186, J. Forget 235, 211, 237, C. Lycett 200,183, 212, B. Lewis 229, 263, 226, B. Forget 189, 177, K. Boyd 261,219, B. Dennis 183, S. Dennis 180, E. Miller 190, K. Jury 230, K. Moffatt 187. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 10,1984 9 Harvest Display Greets Bank Customers In keeping with a Thanksgiving theme, the Bowmanville branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce developed an attractive harvest display display for the enjoyment of staff and customers last week. The lobby was festooned with pumpkins, preserves, sheaves, maple syrup containers, vegetables, vegetables, and other reminders of a successful harvest. Shown above are Consumer Consumer Loans Manager Mavis Brown and John Eaton, the Manager of the Bowmanville branch. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our specialty is lumber and lumber products. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. • Walnut • Cherry • Maple • Redwood • Teak • Oak • Phil. Mahog. • Softwoods Hardwood & softwood plywood. Specialty Custom Milling MILL and YARD 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 263-2026 $ 5.00 OFF All Jeans & Cords WITH THIS COUPON *Sale Items Excluded *Offer expires Oct. 13, 1984 CANADIAN MADE HEAVY NYLON 2 PIECE Ski-doo Suits SALE 2 - 3X (Reg. $35) $27.95 4 - 6X (Reg. $37) $29.95 7-18 (Reg. $55) $39.95 Men's and Ladies'(Reg. $90.00) $59.95 CANADIAN MADE HEAVY NYLON 1 PIECE Ski-doo Suits Sizes SALE 7 -16 (Reg. $39.95) $28.95 Men's S - XL (Reg. $59.95) $44.95 Nylon Bib Overalls Sizes 7-18 $19.95 "Insulated" Safety Boots $3995 Sizes 6 Va - 13 «2091-SP ® 8" Insulated: brown lealher. steel box loe. nail resistant steel plaie insole: pigskin split lining, cushioned insole, one piece mouldedMil resistant Dyna-Tred cemented sole. -s- C.S.A. Class 1 Pre-washed JEANS Sizes 28 - 38 FOR WORK OR PLAY 10% OFF ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR, OVERSHOES and BOOTS Large Selection to Choose From Winter Jackets Pre-Season Sale