) t t i W. Frank Realty Firm Involved In Sale of Robson-Lang Property Easter Seal Campaign towmanville Rotarians „ it ^ The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, March 7.1984 11 Bowmanville W.I. Joseph Bosco, Manager of the W. Frank Real Estate office, Bowmanville Branch, confirmed that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority purchase of a major portion of the Robson Lang Leather Company property in Oshawa has been completed. The original Leather Company Company was established approximately approximately 120 years ago, but was not manufacturing in Oshawa at the time of this sale. The entire property consisted consisted of about 157 acres of land. C.L.O.C.A. purchased about 150 Acres, an old but meticulously meticulously cared for Head Office Building, a warehouse and a residence. The purchase included included the Oshawa Creek Valley from about Bloor St. on the north to about the Creek Bridge on Simcoe St. South at the lake. A further five acres have been sold to an unnamed industrial firm. PETER KOWAL Real Estate & Insurance Ltd Broker 52 King St. West Bowmanville 623-2453 IS YOUR HOME TOO LARGE FOR YOU NOW?? Consider this older brick bungalow within walking distance ol uptown Bowmanville. Attractively decorated - paved drive and garage - small easy-care lot. Owners need larger home in town with rec room. Listed at $54,900. Let's discuss a trade. SPACIOUS RANCH BUNGALOW - on outskirts of Bowmanville. Wooded lot 168 x 225 ft. with fruit trees and garden. Main floor family room with Franklin fireplace - built- in range top and oven In kitchen - nice entrance hall and mud room - rec. room with bar - 3 bedrooms - garage. Don't miss seeing this one at $89,000. OLDER SEMI -- in high school area. Ideal starter home with 20 x 12 ft. living room - 3 bedrooms - private drive - nice side yard. Only $42,900. OLDER 1 Va STOREY -- 6 room home in central Bowmanville location. Just $47,500. Financing can be arranged. J.A. Barton After Hours . 623-3098 Elaine Kowal. . 623-5868 Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5868 Real Estate Salesmen required for our We offer excellent commission and bonus: private office, generous advertising and other benefits. LAST YEAR 22 FRANK AGENTS MET THEIR REALISTICALLY ATTAINABLE SALES QUOTA. The 22 Frank agents and their spouses were given a free All-expense trip to Acapulco, Mexico. This year, the "Trip for Two" for any agent making their quota will be a "CARIBBEAN CRUISE" For a confidential discussion about we have to offer, please contact: JOSEPH BOSCO, Manager 623-3393 JOE BOSCO Bowmanville Rotarians launched their drive to raise $9,500 for the Easter Seal Society last week during a special meeting held to mark the beginning of the 1984 campaign. Peter Kahnert, an area supervisor supervisor with the Easter Seal Society, said during last Thursday's meeting that Rotarians have raised $166,000 for Easter Seals since the first provincial provincial campaign was launched in 1947. The club's support for the organization organization dates back to 1931 when Bowmanville Bowmanville Rotarians joined the network network of service clubs assisting an organization which was known until recently as the Ontario Society Society for Crippled Children. Motley Watson, Easter Seal Help Wanted Chairman for the Bowmanville Rotary Rotary Club, said last week that the club will be seeking funds by mailing mailing letters containing Easter Seals to households throughout the town of Newcastle and part of Scugog Township. "We hope that this year, people will be as generous as they were last year," Mr. Watson said. To assist with the costs of operating operating the campaign, donors are asked to place a stamp on the return pink envelopes or to drop them off at the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Watson explained that half the Easter Seal funds will be donated donated to the provincial organization organization while the remainder will stay in the community to assist disabled persons here. Bowmanville Women's Institute met March 1st, 1984 in Trinity United Church Hall for a pot luck luncheon. The meeting began at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. J. Brine in the chair. O Canada, W.I. Ode were sung and Mary Stewart Collect repeated. Pres. Brine welcomed all and asked Mrs. C. Downey, assistant Secretary to read the February minutes, Treas. report and correspondence. Mrs. H. Millson from our W.I. and Mrs. M. Wiseman, Pres, of Central Ontario Area W.I. are to attend R.S.V.P. - 84 on March 29th at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Roll Call "Name something I buy that my grandmother made at home," was well answered. Mrs. M. Flintoff, convenor of Family and Consumer Affairs had charge of the meeting. Miss Pearl Leach spoke to the motto "We never grow old if we keep our hearts young." She reminisced and mentioned many old familiar love songs. A sing-song with Mrs. A. Amacher at the piano was enjoyed. The program was on the Tweedsmuir History, Mrs. Flintoff read a poem on the "New Country" written about 1800. Mrs. Downey read some interesting interesting items from history write-ups. Mrs. Flintoff read that since our W.I. was formed in 1900 - we have had 35 Presidents, 20 Secretary - Treasurers and nine life members in the 84 years. She read the names. She gave a synopsis of our 25th, 35th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 75th, and 80th anniversaries, how and where they were celebrated. Next year will be our 85th. The Tweedsmuir History books were on display for anyone to read. Individual pictures of members in years gone by were there to be guessed. Meeting closed with God Save the Queen. VÎT/ Owner-Operator Wanted Tahdem Axle Equipment Preferred for T.L. and L.T.L. HAULING Call Mr. Preston 623-4433 . 9-1 SNR clare McCullough Clare McCullough, Industrial Industrial and Commercial specialist, specialist, negotiated the purchase. Mr. McCullough noted that the negotiations took more than a year. This is the second such property property that they have negotiated; negotiated; as recently as two years ago, Mr. McCullough and Mr. Bosco were involved in the Sale of the old Malleable Iron Company Foundry on Front St. to "Knob Hill Farms," who built the world's largest food terminal on the Malleable property. Mr. McCullough and Mr. Bosco appreciate the cooperation cooperation of Mayor Alan Pilkey and Mr. Bill Campbell, Manager C.L.O.C.A. Keep Canada Beautiful Announcement m Shelley Johnston Shelley has had three years ol experience working In Ihe Bowmanville and Orono areas, and she Invites all her friends and former clients to visit her at her new location. Every-Day Low Prices Men'* Waih, Cut and Complete Style M 0.00 Ladles'Wash, Cut end Complete Style . .12.00 (andup) Girls' and Boys' (under 14) Washy Cu!and_ • Complete Style.... . 8.00 Perms (cut and style Included) * 35 to * 50 ALL PERMS ARE TOP QUALITY ONLY Artistic Barber and Beauty Salon 233 King SI. E. 623-2931 Bowmanvllla WARKWORTH CHEESE HOUSE and ICE CREAM PARLOUR (Hwy. 115, Newcastle, at DX station) Telephone 987-4339 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL $5.88 kg. Munster *2.66 : Creamery Butter ... *2.13 n>. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? ..and done nothing aboutit GORD BARNES I will give you an hour or more of my time to try to help you decide. 623-6622 CALL ME ANYTIME or 623-6860 Opportunities in our Bowmanville Office. 1 1 Tzgst t i 30 OFFICES mm TO SERVE 19TJ YOU BETTER V**--■■ CHEDDAR CHEESE EVERYDAY LOW, LOW PRICES • Mild ($6.17 kg.) 2.80 lb. Medium (6.49 kg.) 2.94 lb. Old.... (7.09kg.)3.22 lb. Extra Old. . (7.69 kg.) 3.49 lb. HOURS: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. toThurs. & Sal. 9 ■ 6; Fri. 9 ■ 9; Sunday 10 - 6 Are feu Special? If you received a T1 Special income . tax return this year, bring it to H&R Block. Our specially-trained tax experts will save you time and money by, loping into over 20 arçijfcbftax savings that dbft'tqven appear on the form. Then we'll prepare, the return that saves you most. Visit your nearest H&R Block office soon, or call for an appointment. . . T1 Special i«™, $ 16 50 Ask about our guarantee. H pays to be prepared by H*R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 111 King St. E., Bowmanville OPEN 96 WEEKDAYS, SAT. 9-1 Phone 623-6957 AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RT. HON. PIERRE E. TRUDEAU, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA -- Written at Coronation Restaurant, Bowmanville, 12 noon, March 6,1984. Perhaps your children can not yet fully appreciate the cruciality of your endeavors past (and hopefully for many years to come) to promote world peace. But most Canadians give due tribute. Of course there can never be lasting peace without an environment of social' justice based on the prudent and selfless application of wisdom, constantly. Last week you reportedly stated you intended to hang close to Ottawa for the next two months "as a number of Ministers will be on- the-road." Wouldn't it be a fitting retirement gift of appreciation for their loyal support if, in that 60 days "of decision", you could construct at least the FOUNDATION for the JUST SOCIETY concerning which you once expressed desire to be an ARCHITECT, SIR? Liberalism must imply OPENNESS to even the most innovative of suggestions/propositions. Let me suggest that you announce, forthwith, that you will be turning back the pension to which you are "entitled." Then you could approach all other millionaires. Perhaps, when the logic of this has been swallowed; others who have been skimming, too much off the economy, will follow suit. When you ponder it sir, where is the "justice" in these actions/inactions.which your Ministers (who get $109,000.00 or so) arrogate? a) When police who get about $32,000.00 needed an (approx.) $1,500 RAISE recently so THEY could "survive"; . . . Revenue Agents TAKING $1,100 AWAY from a Newcastle resident grossing only $8,000. b) Harassing humble WOOD HAULERS and others who would be HAPPY TO END UP WITH HALF A POLICEMAN'S "NET" (who may have forgotten to record some sales they made) in a futile attempt to get but a fraction of what your cheapest secretary "needs". Respected sir, some fine knowledgeable people have indicated publicly that our system of VALUES; on which our taxation laws are based needs a NEW APPROACH -- ACCOUNTABILITY. Your impact as a world "peace salesman" could be irresistible when you can legitimately say you created a "just society" in ONLY 60 DAYS. A truly accomplished citizen of Oshawa named Cathy O'Flynn (This Weekend, March 3, p. 23) who arrived in Canada with her husband and' $50.; or someone of similar unsullied background (as profiled by Sheenagh Murphy); might help your pundits for duration of your tenure. Many verily believe YOU DO NEED HELP, SIR. You have raised FAR TOO HIGH AND TOO MANY FALSE EXPECTATIONS. How can we severely criticize a young Unionist, for example, who squanders his last two or three raises on a gaudy overpowered, overpriced car; when your FEDERAL LAWYERS were able to sneak through a $30,000.00 GRAB at "6-5 time"? And, sir, underlined were ALREADY getting almost $50,000.00 it is reported. Will you take yet another walk and ask yourself how many Canadians really need more than $50,000 salary until AFTER unemployment and inflation they helped create are wrestled to the ground and common sense rules the lawmakers in Canada? But first turn back your $68,000 pension, sir. Didn't pensions originate so as to HELP THE NEEDY OR DISABLED? You don't qualify; and neither do your 670 Federal Court Judges. Let their BRETHREN chip in to help, if some of them are destitute at retirement time. Frank Sissons, Ordinary Citizen. SEETHE LOWREY GENIUS NEW GENERATION COMPUTER KEYBOARD DURHAM KEYBOARD CENTRE 355 BLOOR ST. W. OSHAWA 725-0001 Feel at home with King and Temperance Streets Bowmanville Telephone 623-6622 DREAM HOME $109,900 - Warmly decorated 4 bedroom homo, 2-4 pc. bath & 1-2 pc., main floor family room with walkout and fireplace, excellent area. Jane Scott 623-6622 or 623-4273. JANE SCOTT COUNTRY LIVING $115,000 -- Pino Iroor. and a pool In your backyard, main floor family room with stone fireplace, main door laundry, beaulllul soiling. Jnnu Scotl 623-4273 or 623- 6622. DOUBLE GARAGE AND POOL - 4 level homo, alrcond., boat pump, central vac, totally fenced, wall to wall fireplace In roc room. $77,900. Ills Dormon 623-6622 or 623-1232. JUST LISTED $89,300 -- Four bedroom backspllt will) kitchen overlooking family room In doslrablo location. Call tor details. Carol Hancock 623-6622 or 91)7-5248. ATTENTION! Farm and Orchard Owners! We've got the BEST EQUIPMENT at LOW, LOW PRICES! Hydraulic Pruning Shears 4 sheer hook-up 'sell-propelled. Cuts from 1Yi to 3" bronches. P.T.0. Pumps 30 gals, per min. at 300 to BOO R.P.M. Discharge lor washing 70 litres per minute. Discharge lor transfer 150/180 litres per minute. Complete Accessory Kit Complete with air hose, air gun, spray gun, tire pressure gauge, spray oiler. Ü.A . IV-ri . Sprayer Valve For more accurate spraying with your boom sprayer. Features: remote flow meter, no drloping when shut oft. Complete spray control, filtering system. 3-Point Hitch Air Compressor lor pruning. 4 shear application. P.T.0. Compressor lor (1) Painting small articles (2) Inflating lires (3) Pruning (4) Various other applications Air and Hydraulic Shear available. Free Demonstrations Available Telephone 623-1618 Contact R.S. Inche R.R. 4, Bowmanville AlewTech Farm Supply Telephone 775-5589 or 775-5606