His Worship Has Lost 14 Pounds Last Thursday was the day of reckoning for Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard Rickard who publicly weighed himSelf before fellow Rotarians in order to test the merits of his three-week diet. The Newcastle mayor lost a total of 14 pounds -- four more than he expected. And as a result, he'll be collecting pledges from members of the club who have agreed to provide donations based on the amount of weight lost. Funds collected in this manner will go towards two young people of the Durham Region who are paralysed and need funds for special equipment. Shown here, with His Worship at the official weigh-in are Sam Cureatz, the manager of the project, and Dr. Keith Slemon who observed the ceremonial weighing. Hydro to Restart Pickering Units Ontario Hydro plans to re- Milan Nastich told start two units at the Picker- Durham's regional council ing Nuclear Generating Sta- last week that the corporation corporation later this year. tion has taken the first steps Ontario Hydro Chairman towards seeking approval from the Atomic Energy Control Board to bring the reactors back in operation. Both units were shut down last year after a tube in one of the reactors ruptured. ruptured. Mr. Nastich told regional council that Hydro is certain certain both units can be operated operated safely. "We will not allow public safety to be jeopardized. Certainly the AECB will not allow that to happen," he said. He added, however, that the two units will have new pressure tubes installed earlier than expected as the result of the difficulties encountered encountered last year. Plans call for the re-tubing re-tubing of only two reactors in the foreseeable future, since the remaining units use a different kind of metal to what is found in the two reactors at Pickering. The Ontario Hydro chairman chairman noted that the nuclear power plants are designed to be out of service for approximately approximately 20 per cent of their working life. He noted that the Pickering units had exceeded that expectation and added that shutting down machines for repairs is not uncommon in any industry. industry. "If you walk into any industrial industrial plants, you'll see machines out of service for maintenance and repairs," he said. In addition to outlining plans for Pickering, the Ontario Ontario Hydro chairman also answered questions from a number of Durham's regional regional councillors. He noted that future Hydro rates are expected to remain close to their current current level, based on today's dollar values. "Unless something happens happens that I can't anticipate we will have very competitive competitive electricity rates in Ontario," Ontario," the chairman said. STOP DON'T BUY A CAR UNTIL YOU DRIVE A SUBARU® LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US WE'LL SURPRISE YOU! Starting at s 8,295. Rated No. 1 in Owner Satisfaction C & C MOTOR SALES 155 King St. W. OSHAWA 579-6224 Celebrated His First Birthday Hi! My name is Justin Charles Osborne and I celebrated my first birthday on January 29, 1984. My Mom and Dad are Gloria and Bruce Osborne and brother Joel. My grandparents are Murray and Jean Osborne of Courtice and Bert and Phyllis Stapleton of Bowmanville. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February' 8,1984 5 Scottish Ruggers Coming BETHANY NEWS (Intended for Last Week) The Bethany Golden Stars held their regular meeting on Wed., Jan. 25th. Several games of Shuffleboard were played in the morning; also the quilters put a few stitches in the quilt. At 1:30 in the afternoon the Pres. Georgina Scott opened the business part of the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Gertie Clarke and adopted. Reports on sick and shut ins. Get well wishes to Jessie Fisk. Correspondence Correspondence was read, namely Bethany Athletic Ass. will be holding Card Parties in the Orange Hall, first one on Wed., Feb. 8th at 7:30 p.m. Admission $1.00. Please bring lunch; also St. Paul's Church group will be holding Card Parties on Saturday nights starting Feb. 4th, 11th, and 18th, at 8:00 p.m. and slides of a trip to Australia on Feb. 28th. Admission $1.00. Lunch provided. Ken and Cathie Mackenzie and group George and Mae Neals, Margaret Wright, Stan Wright and Audrey Davidson were in charge of the program (Theme) Robbie Burns day. Cathie told about their trip last October to the British Isles visiting Pontypool Wales. The Mayor Mr. Ivor Davies provided them with a plaque of Torfaen Coat of Arms for presentation to his counterpart in Ontario. A rugby team from Scotland will be visiting Canada in the near future. Literature was on display for anyone to read, Scottish or otherwise. Serviettes Serviettes depicting the Highland Clans were distributed. Margaret Wright and Mae Neals read pieces taken from some of the papers. Slides were shown of the Mackenzie's trip to Scotland in 1972. The Mackenzies and Mrs. Lee along with other relatives were among, the pictures pictures shown which made it more interesting. Scottish music was played during the. social hour. Thanks to Ken and Cathie Mackenzie and group for a very entertaining program. (This Week's Items) Bethany Golden Stars Bowling Scores for two games: High Lady: Gertie Clarke 465, Runner Up: Cathie Mackenzie 354, High Man: Earle Parrott 399, Runner Up: George Clarke 354. Those over 200: Ken Mackenzie 352, Herb Chislett 328, Frank Edwards 325, Don Hayes 324, Fred Hooten 320, Iola Chislett 318, Hector White 317, Ralph Holtby 295, Ross Woods 292, Joyce Edwards 285, Geneva Newell 278, Charlie Crowe 270, Florence White 261, Betty Durham 259, Dick McConnell 257, Ross Mckague 257, Alma Pudsey 250, Margaret Wright 248, Muriel Parrott 243, Jennie Hayes 241, Art Thorn 238, Steve Papp 235, Victor Gilmour 234, Viola Clark 227, Anne Holtby 225, Harold Morton 220. Due to power failure they were unable to finish the games two weeks ago. r a WELCOME... employees of RAGLAN WELDING SHOP LIMITED to a Blue Cross Dental Plan. V Ross Freer Suite 204 Peterborough Square 360 George Street North Peterborough, Ontario K9H7E8 '£'(705)743-0677 ♦ ONTARIO BLUE CROSS ■ Region Approves Change In School Designation Durham's regional council council has approved the redesignation redesignation of approximately 100 acres of land near Bowmanville Bowmanville for a private school. Regional council agreed last Wednesday to amend the Official Plan of the Durham Region in order to permit a request from Sri Inai International Incorporated, Incorporated, the owners of the former Pine Ridge Training School. The site is to be used as a preparatory school for Malaysian students planning planning to attend North American American colleges and universities. universities. Regional planning staff pointed out in a report last week that although the school is to be privately-operated, privately-operated, it would still require require inspection by the provincial provincial Ministry of Education Education to ensure that credit can be given for grade 13 courses offered at the institution. institution. The Official Plan Amendment Amendment endorsed by regional council last week will now be referred to Provincial authorities for final approval. approval. 4-H News On Monday, January 30th, the Maple Grove 4-H club held its first meeting. Nominations for officers were open with the results being: Dorothy Dakin for president, Anita Prescott for treasurer and Lisa Van Hemmen for press reporter. The project for this session is quilting. We were shown several samples and patterns from which we must choose three. At the end of this project project we will have learned three styles of quilting, string quilting quilting and applique quilting. The project will last seven weeks and our leaders for this project project are: Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Bubar. Lisa Van Hemmen ForYourValentine 1. Dog tag with diamond 32.50 2. Crystal heart 19.95 3. Puffed heart 17.95 4. Key Pendant 8.00 5. Heart with garnet 35.00 6. Key with diamond 17.95 7. Kissing pendant 16.95 8. Diamond heart 22.95 9. Cluster hearts 26.95 10. Pearl hearts 25.00 All pendants are in 10K gold ready to attach to chains Available at Hooper's Jewellers JjUAgiErsBmsDats: ItCJl SPECMI DBC0UNIS ID Buy CoIorTrnk 2000 models OJR2O30 or FJR2020 and gel a ceMlllcale for a $50 rebate direct from F1CA on the purchase of a Dlgltal-Command-Center* compatible VCR or VldeoDIsc player, Ask your participating RCA denier for lull details, ~ Slun-lmo 63 cm (26")* "cabinet design gives you 70% more picture in the. space of a conventional 43 cm (20 )* table model. Includes 3-in-1 Digital Command Command Center remote control plus all the performance features features of the ColotTrak 2000 console above Many other models to choose from.Jncluding VCR & VideoDisc players...all with extra discounts! Myles TV 39 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5747 Silver and King Sts. 623-3482 Bowmanville