Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1984, p. 3

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Happy 50th "Dottie" â 'Good Neighbor' Dies in Kendal The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1,1984 3 Engagement Announced EBENEZER U.C.W. Ebenezer U.C.W. met on Jan. 24 at 12:30 p.m. with Mrs. Doreen Metcalf in charge of a delicious pot luck lunch and once again complete with Aunt Louise Osborne's specialty turnip pie. President Mrs. Eileen Down welcomed everyone to our annual meeting and was delighted delighted to have such a good turnout. She then called on Mrs. Carole Bickle who led us in a very appropriate short devotional devotional for this time of year. She opened with a poem of Helen Steiner Rice entitled "How To Find Happiness Through the Year", followed by the singing of "0 God Our Help In Ages Past." Carole read as her scripture Phillipians 3:13 and 14 followed followed by a thought provoking story "Turn A New Page." It gave us many things to think about as we as a U.C.W. group stand on the threshold of a new year. Will it be the beginning of a full voyage of three hundred and sixty six days long? God will give us. mis year only once and whërf it is past it cannot be called back. As God's children and as we face a new year we must not look back with our regrets of mistakes that we have made. He has kept us in the past and if we keep our eyes on Him we can expect a double portion of blessings as we as a group are determined to serve Him. Our closing Hymn was "Guide Me Oh Those Great Jehovah" followed by prayer. Our secretary Mrs. Kay Mackie read the past minutes and a thank you note from the Men's Hostel for the Christmas Christmas gifts. President Eileen then led in the business portion of our meeting. Business was extensive extensive with the recommendations recommendations arising from our executive executive meeting pertaining to the coming year. Some of the highlights being, that we give $500.00 over and above our allocation to Mission and Service. Service. On Feb. 1, we are supplying supplying cookies for the blood donor clinic in Bowmanville. We are giving two more quilts to Destiny Manor in Oshawa as they have a need for them right now. Our next meeting will be held on Feb. 14,1:30 p.m. with guest speakers being Ann and Clinton Newman who are' missionaries in Africa. It should be a very interesting meeting so come on out and join us. Also our next quilting will be held on Wed. Feb. 22. We always work on two quilts, one to be quilted and the other to be tied so if you want to learn to quilt or tie we would be happy to have you. For our May meeting we are going to Cullen Barns. We are also having another potato pie supper again this year in June. Offering was taken and dedicated and we closed our meeting by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. Sadie Courtice has returned returned to hospital and we wish her, Mrs. Orville Ashton and Mrs. Harold Muir a speedy recovery. Congratulations to A1 and Christy Brunt (Pearce) a baby girl Ashlee Joan and to Brian and Gail Stainton (Muir) a baby girl Erin Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Our sympathies and prayers are extended to several families families in our community who have lost loved ones recently. To Harry and Marj Worden in losing his sister Allie, to the Leslie and Aldsworth families who lost their brother Herb. To Paul and Myrna McCul- Sltiugh who lost their grand- fâjher Art Tamlin. To the Veënhoff family in the loss of a sister Mina Potipco. To Mrs. Myrtle Tink in the loss of a brother-in-law Clarence Tink. And to Walt and Marj Tink in the loss of her mother Mrs. Wallace. SUPER JANUARY SAVINGS ON DISCONTINUED LINE OF BEDROOM PIECES IN MAPLE FINISH A. Double Dresser with Framed Mirror B. Nite Table C. 4 Drawer Chest D. Mate's Bed E. Spindle Bed *188 ' 46 ALSO AVAILABLE (Not Shown) * 99 '185 * 92 *128 * 82 * 44 • Pedestal Desk • Bookshelf (For Desk) • Chair ALL MERCHANDISE IN STOCK REDUCED FOR JANUARY SALE VISA Wl SON'S Furniture )H FREE PARKING 20 Centre St. N. OPtN THUPS. « FM. TIL I PM Downtown Oihewe 723-321r r 5r ORONONEWS Quote - "Opportunity knocks only once, but temptation bangs on the door for years." Twenty-four Cubs, three cooks and four leaders enjoyed enjoyed the past weekend, camping out at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. For a change, reasonably reasonably mild weather made the venture more enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannon and family, Belleville, were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Doris Wannan. Mrs. Merle Gilbert and Mrs. Adele McGill were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mrs. D. Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings. Sympathy of the community to Mrs. Annie Cathcart in the sudden loss of her husband Garland, who passed away last Wed., Jan. 25. The funeral was held on Saturday, Jan. 28, from Kendal United Church. A capacity crowd at the funeral attested to the esteem of the neighborhood for Garland. Many were heard to say of the kindness and trust of the de- deased, - "A Good Neighbor." Recent visitors with Mrs. Leila Werry, were her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr, Mississauga, on Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rowan and Jonathon, Bethany on Saturday. Sunday dinner guests of the O. Challices were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Warren, Thornhill, Mr. Don Challice and Mrs. Greta Steward, Oshawa and Miss Kerry Lyn Challice, Pontypool. Mrs. Marion Hoar, Mrs. Nelly Deely and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, all from Bowmanville Bowmanville were last Thursday visitors with Mrs. Leila Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland Sutherland and girls, Bowmanville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sutherland for Sunday supper. St. Saviours Church News On Jan. 22 the Congregation of St. Saviours held their annual vestry meeting following following the noon luncheon. The new slate of officers is as follows: .Rectors Warden - Steve Johnson, Peoples Warden - Gordon Leek, Deputy Wardens Wardens - Beryl Clark and Ron Reed, Lay Delegate - Charles Gray, Alternate - Douglas Noble, Envelope Sec. and Treasurer - Fern Proctor, Advisory Board Members - Bill Tomlinsen Jr., Bob Lewis, Charles Hester, Auditor - Sandra Anderson, Organist - Nancy Tamblyn, Sunday School Co-Ordinator - Betty Ann Wood,) Choir Leaders Shelley and Gloria Gray, Head,. Server - Gil Wood, Outreach' Co-Ordinators - Sandra Anderson and Rose Harte- mink, Deanery Council Representative Representative - John Caldwell, Lay Reader - Gordon Leek. We are looking forward with much enthusiasm to 1984 as our church will celebrate 100 years in service. Our church still needs a cleaning lady before Feb. 8. If you are interested interested call Gordon Leek 983-9639 or Steve Johnson 983-9630, and we still need a chairman for our 100th anniversary anniversary celebration committee. committee. Horticulture Meeting The Annual Meeting and pot-luck dinner was held Thursday, Jan. 26, with a very good attendance. The tables were attractively set and centered with yellow and white mums in containers and a delightful "Think Spring" arrangement on the head table, courtesy of "The Apple Blossom Shoppe." Each place setting also received an apple, courtesy Gibson Orchards, and a bag full of goodies. These were donated from the local merchants. Our thanks to all who so generously donated donated to this yearly event. Following the singing of "O Canada", with Doris Prust at the piano, Rev. Wright gave the blessing. Doreen Lowery welcomed everyone and introduced introduced the head table guests. Mayor and Mrs. Rickard, Adele McGill, Lorna Atkens, Cor. Mostert, Rev. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery. In the absence of our secretary, secretary, Carol Mostert, who is ill, Lorna Atkins very graciously filled in, in this capacity. The president called for a minute's silence in memory of a recently recently departed member and good friend, in the person of Clarence Tink. Reports were given by secretary, treasurer, Jr. horticulture horticulture leader, show committees committees and beautification groups. Mrs. Arline Ayre favored with two beautiful solos, accompanied by Mrs. Jean Billett at the piano. This was much enjoyed by all present. present. The president then declared all offices to be vacant and Merlin Slute, a past president of Bowmanville society, was By Isabelle Challice Van Belie Floral Shoppes ... much more than a flower store! 4 STORES • Highway No. 2 , • King St, E„ Oihewe • SlmcoeSI.N., Oihewe • King SI. W„ Bowmanville * Tiiotwwkn ol Van Belle (lumens Lid invited to install the 1984 slate of officers as follows: President - Doreen Lowery, 1st Vice President - Orville Challice, 2nd Vice President - Joan Taylor, Secretary - Carol Mostert, Treasurer - Adele McGill. Congratulations and best wishes were sent to our past treasurer who has recently had a brand new baby girl, Christine and Dave VanDe- Velde. A pleasant event was the presentations of two long service service diplomas to Thelma Vagg and Lorna Atkins. Joan Taylor made the presentation to Thelma and Isabelle Challice to Lorna Atkins. Both ladies graciously replied. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar James then showed their beautiful slide presentation . "Just Around Home." Everything from bugs, beetles, snakes, flowers, bees and even tree toads. The excellent photography photography of even a little weed illustrates the true beauty of our world, seen through the appreciative eyes of Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. James are always welcome program providers and thoroughly appreciated appreciated by all in attendance. Lawrence Staples expressed our appreciation to the James. Our 1984 year book committees committees will be in action immediately, immediately, so if you have any good program ideas, please phone into any members. Orono United Church News Mrs. Linda King, deaconal minister, from the .Newton- ville charge, was in charge of our regular Sunday worship services. Rev. Wright was leading Communion services at both Newtonville and Kendal on Sunday. Mrs. Bertha White gave the children's children's story, and even shared her cookies with the kiddies. The choir anthem "My Shepherd will Supply My Need", was much enjoyed.. Mrs. King brought an inspiring inspiring message on "Renewal, A New Way of Living." The beautiful baskets of flowers were placed in memory of the late Garland Cathcart, Kendal. The Sacrament of Communion Communion will be celebrated next Sunday, Feb. 5. The session are reminded to meet in the Friendship Room at 10:30 a.m. for rehearsal. The Orono Board of Stewards will meet in the Friendship Room next Tuesday, Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. for the first meeting of the year. Session will meet Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Friendship Room. The Explorer girls, 21 members and two new members members along with their leaders, met last Wednesday night and enjoyed another fun-filled evening of games and crafts. Leaders are Marlene Ross and Elaine Vagg. They meet every Wednesday evening. Town Hall Card Party There were 14% tables of progressive euchre at the town hall last Wednesday evening, Jan. 25. The following following were winners - High lady - Rita Jonah, Low lady - Doreen Bairstow, High man - Charlie Miller, Low man - Horace Best. Lucky draw winners - May Tabb and Hesper Dean. The next card party is planned for Wed., Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. Come out and join your friends for an evening of fun! Leskard Card Party Held in Leskard Hall on Saturday, Jan. 21st with the following winners - High lady - Rita Jonah, Low lady - Joan Gimblett, High man - Cleo Oulette, Low man - Horace Best. Special lucky prize - Ruby Oulette. Our next card party will be Feb. 25. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Lorie to Joe Fernandes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fernandes of Bowmanville. Liberal Speaker Cites Need For Hydro Spending Prudence Fine Reports from St. Paul's On Sunday, January 22nd, 1984, the members of the congregation of St. Paul's United Church, following the morning church service, gathered in the church hall for a sociable pot-luck luncheon followed by the annual congregational congregational meeting. During this they would hear the reports of the progress and activities of the church in 1983. Prior to the business meeting a video-taped presentation presentation of the social activities of the church -- a New Year's Eve party and New Year devotional service which ushered in the year of the 150th anniversary of St. Paul's in this community.- This was a truly memorable evening. The Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn presided over the meeting which was well attended. A message from the minister and the annual reports for 1983 of all the Boards, Committees, Organizations, and Groups connected with thé church were printed, in a bookletr-and made availabjefto everyone for theirjpefusaFattlrçvjeW. V ,4,'-.merirot<ajk-tr*iitfe )< to meirtb«5',briti' 1 adroreiit<rvwho' : had passed ^way :tiiiring the year were read by the minister and concluded with prayer.. The chairman or leaders of the various organizations and groups reviewed, and explained where necessary, their reports and all Were adopted as printed. The financial reports were all most gratifying and showed all obligations met and exceeded with no outstanding indebtedness. The budgets for 1984 as recommended by the Official Board and Presbytery with salary raises in accordance with the recommended guidelines, were accepted. The contributions of the various groups and organizations to the life and work of the church, and in the community, were noted with satisfaction and gratification. The United Church Women, under the presidency of Mrs. Joan Fruin, were commended commended for their support and service both financially and in social assistance wherever it could be helpful. Their study of world and national needs and services was enlightening and instructive. Both church membership and Sunday School attendance showed advances. Sincere appreciation was expressed to the dedicated men, women and youths who led the Sunday School classes after their "paper bag" sermonettes in church on Sunday mornings. They are truly a lively and promising future for the- church. The Sunday School participated in the Anniversary Service in May and conducted the White Gift service in December. The music and leadership of the choirs, the Senior under the direction of Doug. Dewell and the Chancel under the direction of Mrs. Allanah Coles were a much appreciated appreciated contribution to worship services. Special activities of different groups beyond their regular devotional and meeting programs were noted and commended. The U.C.W. with ' their money-raisings projects -- Opportunity sale, , St. Patriclvs luncheon, Country Fair and catering for ' family and community events. These monies all were used for the various phases of the mission of the church. The Couple's Club assisted with the St. Paul's Players, sponsored the New Year's party and assisted with the Cancer Society's Daffodil Day. The Hi-C contributed with their decoration of the sanctuary for Thanksgiving and the Junior Young People's group decorated the windows of the Christian Education building for Christmas with the assistance of Mrs. Peggy Milliken, Mrs. Edna Laughlin and Mrs. Stynie Stephenson. The Golden Years Club brough companionship and sociability to à large group of senior citizens. The Tape Ministry of St. Paul's, carried out by the members of Session, Session, took the Sunday service to many who are shut in and unable to attend church, and some are even sent to families who are now out of the country. The St. Paul's Players again delighted capacity audiences LAST 3 DAYS Sale Ends Sat., February 4th, 1984 THE WALLPAPER CENTRE Buy One Get TWO ÏMÜ ON A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF IN-STOCK WALLPAPER FREE DRAW NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER A winner drawn every Sat. until Feb, 4th In EACH store THE WALLPAPER CENTRE OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE! OSHAWA 140SIMCOEST.S. (Connu John) 579-1655 AJAX 13*3 HARWOOD N. |Jo»lN olllwy 401) 686-0719 SCARBORO 553 MARKHAM RD. (Ju%t5. oltuwrtmcv) 431-4458 with their four performances of music and fun. The Thursday morning Bible Study, led by the Rev. N.E. and Mrs. Schamerhorn is an uplifting learning experience for the many who participate in it. ' Special appreciation was extended to those people who give of their regular church time to supervise the nursery on Sunday mornings, and more were encouraged to assist in this service. A special 150th anniversary committee reported on many proposed events for this year, both within the church and in the community, such as special speakers and church services, an Ecumenical Service for women, musical events, a written and printed history of St. Paul's and many other interesting items. At the conclusion of the business of the meeting, the Rev. Schamerhorn spoke gratefully of the co-operation of all the officials, groups and organizations of the church to • make his ministry here, together with his family, a wonderful experience. The outlook of St. Paul's in the coming year is one of inspiration and service in faith which in 1984 will pay tribute to those who founded this church 150 years ago. Members elected to the Session Session were Duncan McPherson and Ron Thompson; to the Committee of Stewards - Mrs. Sharon Thompson, Jim Gibson, Grant McKinnon and Ron Cooke. The demand for electricity electricity should decide the need for construction of the Darlington Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, members of the Durham East Liberal Riding Riding Association were told last week. Guest speaker Sean Conway, Conway, MPP for Renfrew North, noted that as one who represents the riding which contains Canada's major nuclear research centre at Chalk River, he has considerable sympathy towards nuclear issues. However, he said there's a need for a review of the capital expansion program envisaged by Ontario Hydro. "The system has a capacity capacity well in excess of demand," demand," he said, and added that Hydro's debt load now totals $19 billion. Mr. Conway also noted that there is a need for Hydro to reveal its full intentions intentions behind the construction construction of Darlington. For example, he wondered if the gigantic construction project is intended to supply supply power for sale to the United States or if Darlington Darlington power is to be used solely for the domestic market. market. He said the Liberals support support the nuclear option, but he also cited the need for prudence in expenditures by Ontario Hydro. "There should be an expansion expansion of the system as prudence.and demand dictate," dictate," he said. Insurance! For Rates or Service CALL Ernie Harvey 623-2527 Treacy & Harvey Insurance Brokers Ltd. 68 King St. East Bowmanville Test Drive a 1984 NISSAN TRUCK Long Box, 4x4, King Cab, Regular Diesel. Midway Datsun Ltd. 1300 Dundas St. E. Whitby Telephone 668-6828 NOTICE To All Taxpayers IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE The time has come for us to unite in our fight against the outrageous reassessment and skyrocketing taxes in our area. I invite all who believe that . . . ENOUGH is ENOUGH to join the establishment of a RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION United our voices will be heard. For more information: Please Call 263-8417 Ruth Kaaz

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