I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 28,1983 13 Billybee, Pure Natural Clover HONEY Canada No. 1 White, 1 Kg Jar 1» f : 2 Jar Limit WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS 2 Ply Towels (27.7 x 23.6 cm) 2 Rolls Philadelphia « CHEESE 250 g Package 3 Pkg. Limit Kraft Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 1 Litre Jar h h mb ■ Vf 3 Pack Limit Money's Piece & Stems MUSHROOMS tOoz. tin 5 Tin Limit Package of 4 Personal Bars STOKELY CANNED VEGETABLES Canada Fancy, Mix and Match • Corn • Peas • Cream Style Corn • Cut Green Beans • Seasoned French Style Green Beans • Seasoned French Style Wax Beans ■ CwMZfl. «7341 mttto Pw-14ll.o*V3llmiUn 10 Tin Limit 3 Pack Limit New Fluoride Formula, 100ml Toothpaste With Super-Whlteners and Mouthwash CLOSE-UPTOOTHPASTE White Line or Northland, 4 Litre Bottle WINDSHIELD WASHER ANTI-FREEZE 2 Bottle Limit Redpath, White, 2Kg Bag SUGAR 2 Bag Limit Silverwood, 4 Litre Bag 2% MILK 2 Bag Limit Canada Grade "A" Large EGGS' 2 Doz BONUS SPECIALS AVAILABLE TUESDAY 9 A.M. - SATURDAY 6 P.M. Oshawa-Durham "THE FOOD TERMINAL' PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM TUES., DEC. 27 UNTIL SAT., DEC. 31/83. Wl Ml M KVf 1 Ml Mil . M T MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ■ ■ ' 9AM 10 P M 9 AM-10 PM 9 AM 10 PM THURSDAy M FRIDAY AM-Midnight m '^M'-M/DNlGHT Saturday 7a M.-6P.m. Sea Cadet Exchange To U.S. West Coast On July 9,1983 25 Sea Cadets from B.C. to Quebec, were chosen for an exchange trip to San Diego, California. The group of Canadians were chaperoned by Commander and Lieutenant Jalasjaw. The tiring Canadian Forces Flight landed on Comox, B.C. in the evening. The cadets were briefed on the rules and last minute changes were made on the itinerary. On Saturday, they finally left for San Diego. Upon their arrival the cadets were greeted greeted by the Naval Sea Cadets. At this time, gifts were exchanged. exchanged. For three weeks the cadets stayed at the Naval Training Centre in North Island, San Diego. The group were exposed exposed to the ways of the U.S. Navy. They wee able to work on navy ships, the mates went out to sea to Catalina Is. on the destroyer, the U.S.S. Fort Fisher. The females worked aboard the U.S.S. Samuel Gompers a destroyer tender. They also toured various military establishments such as the Coast Guard, Submarine Submarine School, the Marine Corps. Basic Underwater Demolition School, Scuba School. In spare time the group ventured to the golden beaches of the Pacific. They also had the opportunity to see the city with the host cadets. The 25th of July arrived too soon. It was time to say goodbye goodbye to new friends and store memories for future years. The trek home was tearful, but the experience will be unforgettable. Packed House for Christmas Concert at Enniskillen School HAYDON NEWS (Intended for last week) By B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn, Susan and Jeremy from Orono called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Graham and boys attended the Car Time Traveler Christmas Party on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson, Port Hope were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin and Paul. Mrs. Christine Simon and daughter Helen, Rochester arrived on Thursday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lloyd and girls. Saturday evening, Dick and Val Lloyd and guest Chris Simon were supper guests of Jan and Ron Mayer for a delicious gourmet meal. Parents and grandparents gathered at the school house at Enniskillen Wednesday evening to enjoy the children's Christmas Concert which was reported to be a splendid show from the Kindergarten Band and the lovely nativity scene by grade 1 and 2, with the Junior choir of grades 1 to 3. Then grades 4, 5, 6 choir singing was remarkably well done and of course the Old Grinch Stole Christmas again this year by grades 5 & 6. Grades three and four set the stage to tell of Christmas in other lands. The teachers and children are to be congratulated for the two hour show to a packed house. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Susan were Sunday supper guests with their aunts - Miss Nancy Johns and Mrs. Will White of Hampton. Mrs. Jean Slemon was a recent caller of Mrs. Olive Slemon, Hampton. Miss Wendy Blackburn entertained two girlfriends, Miss Katie Laverty, Haydon and Miss Melinda Ruiter of Tyrone to a slumber party on Saturday after an enjoyable time of Christmas cookie baking. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy attended the Christmas party held at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital on Sunday. Miss Agnus Hoffman of Henwood, Oshawa, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Kay Buttery and went to Newcastle United Church on Sunday to hear the Oshawa Festival Choir. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Philips, Newcastle called in at home at the Buttery's on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Briice Theriault, Courtice, were Sunday supper guests with her mother, Mrs. Kay Buttery and Dave Ashley Spry, Toronto while mother Mary attempted some serious studying for her course. Miss Mary Ellen Christensen and fiance Mr. David Atkinson, Toronto were Sunday visitors with her mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Christensen. We wish the best for little Mr. Jack Laverty who will be going into Oshawa Hospital for surgery this Thursday and hope he'll be home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bliech, Robert and Stacey of Cambridge came Saturday to spend a few days with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Millson. Mrs. Karen Rueilands and Jason, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with the Millson families and on Monday Mrs. Ruelland entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millson and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Millson and Adam to a birthday party to celebrate Jason's eighth birthday. . Jason returned with his grandparents to spend a few of his Christmas holidays before going to Bethany to stay with his cousins. DUNWOODYLIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 1A 57 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa L1 H 7L9 Phone 576-3430 P.O. Box 516 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy Chiropractic WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WM.J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowo|anville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanville 623-9461 49 Division SI.. Oshawa 579-5659 Dental PATRICK G.DEEGAN DENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 5GoorgoSI. 623-4473 Olfico Hours: Mon.,Tuos.,Wccl.,Thurs. 8:30-5:00 Friday 0:30- noon Computers ANDY BATELAAN B.A, Consultant Programmer Software Development Maplo Grove ltd. N. Bowmanville 023-2375 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 ElginStreel Corner ol Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours; By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHN W. HAWRYLAK, D.C., F.C.C.R. Doctor ol Chiropractic Cortilied Roentgenologist Nutritional Counselling 168 Church St. Bowmanville 623-4004 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor ol Chiropractic 306 King St. West Oshawa L1J2J9 Phono 433-1500 Naturopathic Medicine DR. LAURENCE A. GREY N.D. Nutrition, homeopathic and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 306 King St. West Oshawa LIJ2J9 Phono 433-1500 CERTIFIED FOOT REFLEXOLOGIST Cheryl Frieda 270 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4004