The Caîuduh Statesxjln and The Bowman- tiLLE News are published every Thursday and Friday morning, respectively, at The Statesman Office, James Block, 26 and 27 King-st. West, Bowmanvillb, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James & Sons, Publishers and Proprietors, at $1.60 per annum, payable In advance; $3.00 alter first three months. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M-D. zowiujrnLLS, C3L. - OHT. C -y OLEr MEDALIST OF TRINITY TJNI- 7 versity. Toronto. Four ywra Attending Physician and Surgeon at Mt Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence, WeUlngton St Telephone Ko. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Votaries Public. A Y, GOODMAN, D. G. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE J. T. Allen announces that he now makes tuits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express 10 31 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m Local 6 49 p.m Mail 9 58 p.m Going West Express 4.22 a.m Local 7.41 a.m Local 1041 a.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadlan Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a.m 10.46 a.m 4 27 p.m 12 57 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m Express 6 40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m CANADIAN NORTHERN Western Canada needs Thousands of men forSpring Seeding Steady employment-good wages Low Fares In effect For tickets and information apply apply to W. G. Giffler, Station Agent, M. A. James, Town Agent, or write R. L. Fajrbairn, Gen. Passenger Agent, 68 King-st, E., Toronto. CANADIAN GRAND TRUNK IV&K Plan Your Summer Vacation NOW Arrange to visit some of the following following pointe --all beauty spots-- close to nature. Muskokâ Lakes Algonquin park Georgian Bay Làké ôf Bays Temâgami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on application application to C. E. Horning, D. P. A. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., or.J. H. H. Jury, Phone 78, Bowmanville. Easter Term Opens April 10th ■LMOTT Yonge and Charles-st, Toronto Is well known throughout Canada for high grade work. There is an enormous enormous demand for our graduates. Prepare Prepare now and be ready for choice positions in the Fall. Our large catalogue catalogue will interest you. Write for one to-day. This school is time-tried and truly-tested. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Man's Staff of Life is the whole wheat grain--not the white, starchy centre of the wheat--make no mistake mistake about that--but be sure you get the whole wheat grain in a digestible form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the tissue-building, tissue-building, energy-creating material in the whole wheat, steam- cooked, shredded and baked. A perfect food for the nourishment of the human body. A better balanced ration than meat, or eggs, or starchy vegetables, supplying supplying the greatest amount of body-building nutriment at lowest cost. For breakfast breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. The fluffy afternoon frock is to divide divide honors with sports clothes this season. While we know that sports clothes are all-important, that their charms are indeed legion, and that no woman who considers herself as having having the least pretensions to being fashionable will be without a goodly assortment of them this year; yet, in spite of all this, we must acknowledge that there is a touch of severity about them that creates a craving for the contrast of dainty, frilly, lingerie frocks. overdress of the sheer material falling falling over it. Georgette crepe is another another of the dainty materials employed employed in this manner. The crepe de Chine dress is to come in for more attention than it has had fcT a long time. Crêpe de Chine is to be one of the most popular fabrics for spring and summer dresses. No one will regret investing in a dress of this material# seeing that it has so many advantages, among them that of being a material which can be laundered laundered very successfully. When so many of the present materials must be dry-cleaned, a dress which can be laundered and look just as fresh as new is a great boon to those whose incomes incomes do not permit of many extravagances extravagances . Smart Bordered Fabrics Among the fashionable designs used in dress materials ,borders appear very frequently. The bordered fabric with a design scattered all over the surface is one of the most striking of the new effects. Borders on plain' materials have been used largely before, before, and they are again favored this season, but the border arou-.d an all- over design is the very newest fashion. Both the embroidered and the printed effects are looked upon with favor. The colors show the same. tendencies noted in the other spring and summer materials; that is, they are quite gay and often combine several bright tones. One of these fascinating bordered fabrics is illustrated in the sketch of an afternoon dress for a young girl. This shows by far the simplest and not the least effective way of using such materials. The border goes around the bottom of the skirt, and makes the belt, and a strip of it is applied applied around the edges of the sleeves, forming a veritable frame for the figure. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Company, 70 Bond St., Toronto. Dept. W. ^ ❖ A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Tdk Just What They Did For Her Well Known Lady Makes a Statement Statement Regarding Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Had Numerous Troubles, All of Which Came From Diseased Kidneys and Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pins r Ayre's Cliff, Que., Apr. 16th. (Special).--Mrs. W. Coules Macdona, of The Farm,- a member of one of the oldest families living in this neighborhood neighborhood has consented to give the public the benefit of her experience with Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My frbuble started from overwork," overwork," Mrs. Macdona states, "and I suffered for two years. I was treated treated by a doctor, but the results were not satisfactory. My joints were stiff, I had cramps in my muscles, my sleep was broken and unrefreshing and I was heavy and sleepy after meals. I had bad headaches, my appetite appetite was fitful and I was always tired and nervous. I was ^depressed and low-spirited, I had a bitter taste in my mouth, in the mornings and I was often dizzy. "I perspired with the least exertion and I often had sharp pressure or pain on the top of the head. Then rheumatism was added to my troubles. I have taken just two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they have done me good, not only in one way, but in many. Even my rheumatism is much better. " Mrs. Macdona's symptoms all showed that her kidneys were wrong. If you have similar symptoms try Dodd's Kidney Pills. There is no one luckier than he who thinks himself so. Better suffer a great evil than do a little one. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. & A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Doctor--You cough more easily this morning. Patient--I ought to. I practised nearly all night. Auntie: "Is your father asleep, Elsie?" Elsie: "His eyes is, auntie, but not his nose." Warts on the hands is a disfigurement that troubles many ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove the blemishes without pain. 'Wood's jPhospkediae, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, mai** new Blood 'in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of ihs Peart, Failing Memory. Pries $1 per bqx, six for One will pie*»*, six will cure. dragzist» >er box, six goldby all 76/6 A Charming Way of Developing the New Bordered Fabrics Silk marquisette is combined with charmeuse in many dainty dresses of the more elaborate kind: The firmer material takes, seemingly, the less important important part, but it really is quite important, important, forming the background, as it were, to bring out the sheer material to greatest advantage. It may be used in a band at the edge of the skirt and in touches on collar and cuffs, or it may be used for a skirt with a long Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives-- A Tonic Is All You Need. Not exactly sick--but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches, and a feeling of depression. Pimples or eruptions may appear on the skin, or there may be twinges of ARSENICAL FLY POISON. Warning on the Danger of Using Poison Composed of Arsenic. Dr. Ernest A. Sweet, Past Assistant Assistant Surgeon, United States Public Health Service, is the author of a government health bulletin on ' The Transmission of Disease by Flies," which contains a timely warning on. the dangers of arsenic fly poison. Dr. Sweet considers their use a menace which threatens every home. That the fly poison peril is a real one is proved by the fact that the American Press has recorded 106 child poisoning cases in the last three years. «ss uj. Dr. Sweet advises his readers to de- rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of o7h« ENTERPRISES OF ROYALTY. Long List of Crowned Heads Who Are Engaged in Business. The King of Spain is the proprietor of a. large motor and bicycle factory near Madrid. The /Kaiser runs a cafe at Potsdam, close to his castle-gates. THis All-Highest also receives dividends dividends from a large beer brewery in Hanover; and he is the sole owner of the big and flourishing porcelain works at Cadinen, which return him a profit of about 9 per cent, on a capital of $600,000. King Peter of Serbia owns a shaving shaving saloon and chemist's shop in Belgrade. Belgrade. Before the war, his majesty was the agent for a well-known French motor car. The Queen of Holland Holland supplies from her dairy, near the palace at Het Loo, a large proportion of milk consumed by buyers in Amsterdam. Amsterdam. The King of Wurtemberg draws a net profit of at least $50,000 a year from the hotels he runs in the Beach Forest. The beautiful Queen of sorely- stricken Rumania started, a few years ago, a factory for toothpicks. So successful was this enterprise enterprise before the war, that her majesty majesty was able to make quite a comfortable comfortable income out of it. The Czar of Russia is a timber merchant. merchant. The Duke of Wurtemberg owns perhaps the largest corset factory factory in the world. The Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar is a butcher, and, like all Huns, does a flourishing business. The Archduchess Frederick of Austria invested nearly $2,600,000 in a candlemaking candlemaking factory near Budapest. The King of Denmark confines his commercial commercial ventures to the stock exchange, exchange, and has made many considerable considerable "deals." The King of Sweden has a large interest interest in a Stockholm brewery. A large brandy distillery fascinâtes the new Emperor of Austria, who has put quite a large sum of money into this industry, which thrives remarkably well in the ramshackle empire. King Albert of Belgium, when a young man, courted fickle fortune as a reporter on an American paper at a salary of $15 a week. The King of Bulgaria enjoys the reputation of being the shrewdest and wiliest of all royal business men. He owns theatres, cinemas, tobacco factories, dairies, and has made considerable considerable sums on the Austrian stock exchange. WILLETT'S IAS NO EQUAIT It not only softens tha water but doubles the cleansing cleansing power of soap, and makes everything sanitary and wholesome. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Careless. It is the law of a school in a town near Boston that only children born in that town shall attend.'" One little girl in this town was born while her parents were at their vacation in the country. This made her ineligible as a pupil of this school. In telling a playmate'about it when she was old enough to understand the situation the child said:-- 6 "You see, I was born while I was on manufacturing. hiy vacation.' PAIN 7 NOT A BIT ! LIFT YOUR CORNS z OR CALLUSES OFF Their Bond of Sympathy. The taxi swayed and narrowly missed missed a policeman, then swerved again as it dashed past another taxi, and in so doing just escaped collision with a lamp post. "Please be careful," pleaded the lady occupant of the cab. "This is the first time I have ever ridden in a taxi." "Madame, you have my sympathy," gasped the driver. "This is the first time I ever drove one." NBWSPAFBBS FOR SALE P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting 1 of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 Adelaide Street, Toronto. No humbug ! Apply few drops then just lift them away • with fingers. o--o--o- these indicate that the blood is out of ! arsenic fly. poison. He says: order--that the indoor life of winter Ay P°l=° ns mentroned mention should be made, merely for the purpose condemnation, of those composed has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble. trouble. Do not dose yourself with purgatives, purgatives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can right. Purgatives gallop the system and weaken instead of giving giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you need in spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine medicine that can do this speedily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine medicine makes new blood which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and children bright, active and strong. Mrs. Maude Bagg, Lemberg, Sask., says: "I can unhesitatingly recommend recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and tonic. I was very much run down when I began using the Pills, and a few boxes fully restored restored my health. " Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. arsenical and of of arsenic. Fatal cases of poisoning of children through the use of such compounds compounds are far too' frequent, and ow- put your blood >$? to the resemblance of through 1 poisoning to summer diarrhoea 1 cholera infantum, we believe that the cases reported do not, by any means, comprise the total. Arsenical fly destroying destroying devices must, ..therefore, be J rated as extremely dangerous and should never be used, even if other measures are not at hand." It The Largest Tree. is said the largest tree known, in thickness, is a partly decayed chest nut in Sicily, which is sixty feet across. Mexican cypress and the Oriental plane have reached forty feet. This puts the California big tree and the baobob in the background, background, but the big tree is of greater bulk in combined height and girth and the baobob is thickest in relation to height.. MISCBI1I.AÏÜBOXTB NEW This new drug is an ether compound compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. It is called freezone, and can now be obtained in tiny bottles bottles as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or callus and instantly the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, root and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; not even the slightest smarting, either when j applying freezone or i afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out. It is no humbug! It works like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of every hard corn, soft corn or corn between between the toes, as well as painful calluses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesale house. -- AND SECOND Send for special price list. Varsity Cycle Works. 413 Spadina Ave„ Toronto. B icycles. Hand. $12.00 up. C l ANGER, TUMORS, / Internal and external, cured LUMPS. ETC., without without pain by our home treatment. Write us bèforè too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collinsrwood, Ont. "Clean All 1 m BOILER co/npouNp Bor All Boiler Peed Waters Cyclone Shaking and Dnniplng Orate Bare for all requirement* Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment Co., Limited Tel. Qerrard 3660 20 McG-ee "0t. - Toronto When buying your Piano Insist on having an "OTTO HI GEL" PIANO ACTION BABY'S OWN TABLETS AN EXCELLENT REMEDY BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed free to any address by America's the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remettes 118 West 31st Street, New York Miller's Worm Powders are complete in themselves. They not only drive worms from the system, but repair the damage that worms cause and so invigorate invigorate the constitution that it speedily recovers recovers from the disorders of the digestion that are the result ot the work of these parasitic intruders. They do their work thoro ughly and strength and soundness follow their use. He is truly happy who makes others happy. dwells in The god- price Bedicim Scientific facts prove the drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee is harmful to many, while the pure food-drink-- POSTUM is not only free tpox drugs, but is econ delicious and nourii Made of wheat and a bk of wholesome mélasses, mélasses, Poetura is highly recommended by physicians physicians for those with whom tea or ooffee disagrees. disagrees. Postum is especially suitable for children. "There's a lease»" Sold by Grocers. Some Helpful Maxims. You can pass into the temple of honor only through the temple of virtue. virtue. Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom. The goddess of fortune the feet of the industrious, dess of misfortunte dwells on the feet of the sluggard. Clean hands are better than full ones in the sight of God. Hypocrisy is a sort of homage that vice pays to virtue. Health and understanding are the two great.blessings of life. Laziness travels so slowly that poverty poverty soon overtakes him. Nothing is well said or done in a passion. He that overcomes his passions overcomes his greatest enemies. Solitude is the despair of fools, the torment of the wicked, and the joy of the good. It is a principal rule of life not to be too much addicted to any one thing. Gain got by a lie will bum one's fingers. A great man scorns to trample on a worm or cringe to an emperor. Luck will carry- a man across the brook if he is not too lazy to leap. Minard's Liniment for sala everywhere Teacher: "Robert, how is it haven't learnt your lesson 0 When the baby is ill--when he is constipated, has indigestion; colds, simple fevers or any other of the many minor ills of little ones--the mother will find Baby's Own Tablets an excellent remedy. They regulate the stomach and bowels thus banishing banishing the cause of most of the ills of childhood. Concerning them Mrs. Paul Dinette, Cheneville, Que., writes : --"I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets Tablets to all mothers as I have used them for my little one for constipation and diarrhoea and have found them an excellent excellent remedy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. After Brazil, Colombia exports more coffee than any" other country, its annual shipments being about 132,- 000,000 pounds. Ths amount is reported reported to be produced by 125,000,000 coffee plants, and each plant is valued at 30 cents. DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock or Bursitis FOR .... ..E SADE S PAT. OFF MONEY ORDERS PAY your out of town accounts by Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. It is stated that the amount subscribed subscribed by Dublin to the War Loan was in the neighborhood of £10,000. will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blister blister or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. $2 abottle delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind, the antiseptic liniment for Boils. Bruises, Sores. Swelllnzs. Varicose Veins. Allays Pain and Inflammation. Price SI and 12 a bottle at drnzrists or delivered. Will tell you more if you write. W. F. YOUNG, F. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg,, Montreal, Can. ftbsorbinc and Absorbine, Jr., ar- mads In Canada. EAGLE MOTOfi STYLE Minaret'» Xiiniraent Believes Neuralgia. John Herbert Pollock, Deanfield, has been appointed a justice of the peace for the county of Londonderry. you It Where the Mother Was. A young lady was walking in the couldn't have been so very hard to country one day, when she came upon learn" Bobby: "No, please, teach-! a boy about to cl,mb a tree. There ii wa3 „'t because it was so hard was a nest in the tree, and from a cer- ©r * to'learn, but because it to forget." was so easy When Your Eyes Need Care Ose Murine Eye Medicine. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, ^ -- i i. m Bore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine ia compounded by our Oculists--not b "Patent Medicine"--but used in successful Physicians* Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 60c per . Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Be and 60c. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adit tain angle it was possible to see in - it ; three eggs. j "You wicked little boy!" said the ! girl, "are you going up there to rob 1 that nest ?" "I am," the boy replied coolly. "How can you?" she exclaimed. "Think how the mother will grieve over the loss of her eggs." "Oh, she wont's care," said the boy; "she's up there in your hat." The birds are arriving in town and countryside. Why not kill the worthless worthless alley cat and at least bell the petted petted house cat? Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Bto, Peculiar Bird. The mound bird of Australia makes a large mound sometimes 150 feet in circumference, and its eggs are deposited deposited in it at a depth of five or six feet. -*9*- The Japanese do not sleep on European European beds, but on many thick, soft puffs piled one on top of each other upon the floor. For bed covering they use more of the same kinds of puffs. It is said that the Japanese emperor has twenty such puffs. One of those which covers him is made in the shape of a kimono and has a yet-) vet collar. Probably he creeps inside of this, if he feels cold in the night» I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot badlÿ jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever néxt day. / Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. Write to-day for our big Free Catalogue showing our full line of Bicycles for Men and Women, Boys and Gii.'.s-- Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equipment and Parts for Bicycles. You can buy your supplies from us at wholesale prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal. ISSUE No. IS--*17. Girls of Chili. The Chilean girl's reason for being is marriage, and one of her earliest lessons is that woman's place is indeed the home and that man is ordained her master. Qld maids have a particularly particularly horrid time in Chili and moot of them take the veil. There is little else for them to do, for they can't all become school teachers and no other career is open for the woman who does not marry. Women journalists, doctors, doctors, lawyers, stenographers and clerks are practically unknown. -é-- ---- Minard'e Liniment Cures Dandruff. I For Stiff Neck Apply Sloan's Liniment without rt&btng to the sore leaders-and the pain will soon be relieved. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, bruises, strains, sprains and muscle stiffness, have a bottle handy. Quickly penetrate* end soothes, cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. At all druggists, 25c. 50c, and $1.00. rt/L L /-VI//Y softens harness, makes it tougher, stronger. Penetrates into the leather, closing the pores to water--leather's water--leather's greatest enemy. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Branches Throughout Canada SIMC STB, ESXBOOTIC, «assure fbvbk, and OATABBHAT. FEVER. preventive, no matter how horses at or "exposed." Liquid, sriven on the m DISTEMPER Sure and positive preve: any age are afffloted or "e: toturuel eotàptltfte blood and-gland»; expel* the poisonous germe mim the body. Cure* Distemper in Doga and Sheep fed Chpierfc in poultry, pargeat aelling live «took remedy. ret ed. 6 Will and Cures." SPOHET MEDICAL COMPANY, Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goshen, Xnd., V a fine Kidney dr your arugglst, Distemper, Causes S.