Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1915, p. 8

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>' p '-; -. vf"'-'- V; ' '^.* V "- ^^^;',,; ; ^ ; çv^ : '^^:::' : : :: -, ■' ^7*S$gg0!£ 2/ 4 r > 'v - i / •■4 Sunday School entertainment will be held in Haydon church on' Tuesday, Dec. 2lst. Watch for particulars. 48-tf SHOOTING MATCH Friday Afternoon, December 10,1915. E. F. Weatherilt, Base Line, S. E. of Bowmanville, will hold a shotting match on his premises on Friday next; to start at ~I'P. m. for turkeys and geese. Be on time. . { it AUCTION SALES Glide Swiftly as the Wind Smooth, Fast, Light and Comfortable The light, strong tops and hard tempered steel blades, with special supports and the flanges, give speed and security. Most " hockey players use them--the reason is hot far to seek. They are "ounces lighter and stronger." We are now showing the largest assortment of Men's and Ladies' Skates ever offered-in Bowmanville, and" our prices are low. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmanville . A School and League concert will be he d in Salem church on Wednesday, Dec. 22 when a good literary and musical pro- granf will be rendered by local talént. DARLINGTON Base Line Union S. S. will hold their annual Christmas Arch and entertained Wednesday, Dec. 22 at 8 p. m. School will render good program, of dialogues, plays, etc., assisted by the Wight Orchestra, Orchestra, Providence, Hampton. Quartet and other outside talent. Admission 20c and IOc. 50-2W Eight styles of cutters at F. O. Mason's. Saturday, Dec., 11--Mr.-* John Fox, Spring Cre^k'Farih, who & returning to Toronto, will sell by auction on lot 12, Base Line, (old Burk Fatin) Bowmanville, Bowmanville, his farm stocky implements; wagons; driving outfité, feèd, roots, corn, étc. Sale at 12.30-p. m. See bills. L. A. "W. Tôle, auctioneèn EBENEZER "OVERLAND" 5-Passenger Touring Car Model 83-$1050 It has Power--Comfort--Beauty--Convenience--Magneto Ignition--Easy Ignition--Easy Operating Clutch--Electric Starter and Lighter--and many other advantages over other autos in the $1500 to $2000 class, but the "Overland" only costs you $1050. See this 1916 model car at my garage and then compare it with other autos--you will then want an "Overland." I Am "Overland" Agent for Bowmanville, Darlington, Clarke and Cartwright, and will ' be assisted in the sales department by Mr. T. E. Higginbotham. I also have the exclusive agency in Bowmanville for Hie famous White Rose Gasoline. Bowser Pump installed. A. W. Pickard's Garage Temperance St. - Bowmanville Dont fail to hear the school concert at S. S. No. 4, Thursday, Dec. 23. Sketches "Sowing Seeds ip Danny" by pupils Other attractions also. Watch for further further particulars. Big concert and Xmas Tree entertainment entertainment at S. S. No. 4, Darlington on Thursday, Thursday, Dec. 23. School children's sketches from "Sowing Seeds in Danny" by Nellie McClung and Dialogue under dL ection of Mr. H. Stafford are big featuies. Miss Helen Martin, contralto soloist, of Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist church choir and others will assist. Concert to begin at 8 p m sharp. Admission 25c and ijc. Proceeds Proceeds to go to Red Cross and Patriotic Funds. The pu oils of this school collected collected $20.65 on Red Cross Day and are hoping hoping to bring the amount up to $40.00 or more by this means. FORD CAR REPAIRS. I have made arrangements with Bradley Bradley Bros, to carry a complete line of Ford parts and will now be in a position to do repairing to Ford autos promptly and safisfactori y. Other" makes repaired as usual. My garage is opposite West End House. Storage Batteries kept fully charged, during winter months. Lewis Irwin, Phone 276 Bowmanville. HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN Eat with a two-fold purpose--enjoyment and nourishment nourishment You'll find both in • Tod's Home-made Bread It's not "home made" in name only, for while it comes from Tod's ovens, every loaf carries that same uniform sweetness and good wholesome flavor that the "old folks" used to pride themselves in having the "home' oven produce. The high quality standard set for the home made hi ead ingredients and the skill of the baker man, and help of modern baking ' helps" guarantees it. Try a loaf to see--6 cents, delivered in town. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville Consecration service was well attended last week, over forty out. Topic taken by W. H. Moore, Rev. H. Wilkinson gave the balance of his Prov. S. S. report and Master Gordon Werry gave a splendid report for so young a boy, of Peterboro Boys' Convention. War talk was also briefly given. Solos by Mrs.H. J. Werry and Mr. Herb Stainton were much appreciated. appreciated. .. .The Patriotic concert in the Methodist church on Friday evening was a good one. Misses Currie, Blackstock, and Marjorie Moore, O. L. C.,- delighted the audience with their readings, the Car- ruthers brothers, violinists, rendered excellent excellent service, while the male quartet and men's chorus did their "bit" in their u-ual good style. Proceeds $35. See inside inside page. T. H. Knight has an order for 80 dressed dressed turkeys. Anyone having poultry to sell phone 26. MAPLE GROVE Pastor Delve preached a thoughtful sermon on Sunday from Psa. 63-3. Next Sunday his subject will be "Mind your own business"... .Mrs. John Souch, town, sp nt the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Truman Power... .Miss Edna Snowden Snowden is visiting friends at Moorefield Mr. and Mrs. S. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalfe motored to Toronto last Friday... .Miss Emma Lane, town, recently recently visited Mrs. W. J. Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis Sundayed with her uncle Mr. J. L. Parsons... .Mr. Lome Stevens gave a fine report of the Boys' Conference held at Peterboro last Sunday Mr. Elmer Wood will give his report next Sunday....Mr. J. T. Cole and Mr. Lloyd Snowden are attending Guelph Winter Fair. Mr. Cole is an ■ exhibitor Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley and daughter Iya visited friends in Oshawa recently. T. H. Knight wants 80 dressed turkeys Phone 26. Our Leaguers have secured Dr. Cleaver of Toronto to give his world-renowned lecture, "lean Val Jean" here on Dec. 28. Buy your Christmas fruits from Horn where quality and prices are not changed. The funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Peters on Friday was largely attended. He was an old and respected citizen having having lived in this locality all his life, holding holding the good-will and respect of all his neighbors. Hé leaves to mourn his loss besides his aged partner, two sons Wm. and Alvin on the homestead and daugh- Mrs. Irwin Trull. For the finest stock of useful articles suitable for Christmas presents call at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's. SOLINA Economical mss ; I *S|g§i|| sjiëfeç- lESiy Grasp this chatièê to get good fresh groceries at the lowest prices. Everything is fresh and attractive and of the best quality. We have a superior brand of canned goods which are the best on the market at lowest" prices. Wè always have in stock very best table butter, fresh eggs and young - poultry. Our groceries, will be delivered at your door and your order taken every day, if you wish. Farmers, We Want Your Produce-- You Want Our Cash HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club . \ Phone 186, Bowmanville Women's Institute will meet in School House Thursday Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. when Mrs. H. W. Parsons of Cochrane will give an address. Every lady invited. Mrs S. Edgar Werry and son, George, have been in Toronto with her sister, Mrs, Harry Grooms....Revival meetings are being continued by Rev. Geo. Brown Mrs. Cuttell, Toronto, has been .visiting friends he.e... .Congratulations to Mr. Richard Brock on his recent marriage. They will reside in Mr. Jas. Cameron's house Mrs. David Montgomery's sale Wednesday was well attended and prices ruled fairly high Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent Sunday at Kedron Miss Edna Reynolds recently visited at Enfield .Division met Fridav evening to arrange arrange for District Division at Maple Grove on Dec. 17 Scholars are busy getting ready for their Xmas tree entertainment. entertainment. . .Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry Werry and Miss Audrey Sundayed in town Mr. and Mrs. R. Pascoe recently visited visited friends at Kinsale. Highest prices paid for 80 dressed turkeys. turkeys. Phone 26--T. -H. Knight. - mmmï; - Cutters--at F. O. Mason's. If you want skates, see Rice & Co. Order your Christmas poultry early at Rd. Snowden's. . .. , Make your, wife happy by giving her a .Supreme-RangeJbr, Christmas... Mason & Dale. Everything in thé sleigh linè at F. O. Mason's. Bring your poultry to Rd. Snowden's and get highest market prices. Now is the time to buy that Supreme Rangé. It will stand comparison with any other range. Mason & Bale.--- n FARMERS'INSTITUTE Meetings in connection with West Dur ham Farmers' Institute will be held as follows: Nestleton, Foresters' Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 15 th, afternoon and evening; * Solina, Sons' Hall, Thursday, Dec. 16, afternoon; Tyrone, Sons' Hall, Thursday, Dec. 16, evening; Ebenezer, S. S. Roonr, Friday,-Dec afternoonand evening.; Deputation: Messrs. .Gavin Barbour and P. C, Dempsey, Graduate of O. A.C., Guelph." ■ Mr. Barbour's - subjects-- Soil Cultivation; Control of Soil Moisture; Beef Cattle; Draught Horses and how to raise them; Corn and the : Silo; How to Grow Crops in*a Dry Season. Evening- Farmers and their Sons; Présent Day Needs of Ontario Agriculture. Mr. Dempsey will be able to treat any phase of the Ffuit Question. . Also Fertilizers Fertilizers and Soil, Treatment; Potatoes; Selling Selling our Crops. Evening--Planning Ahead; What Then? Mrs. H. W. Parsons* Cochrane, will address the Wqmen'ejnstitutc at Solina on the afternoon of Dec. 16th. John Baker, 4% W. E. Pollard, President. Secretary. TYRONE The kiddies of South Oshawa Mission will be disappointed if Santa does not come there this Christmas. Kindly send in your contribution for he S. S. Tree on or before Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry celebrated the 15 th-anniversary th-anniversary of their marriage on Saturday afternoon when they nicely entertained a number of friends and enjoyed a social time together. Women's Institute meeting will be held at Mrs. John Phare's Wednesday Dec. 15 ... .Rev. Harry Wilkinson, Enniskillen, occupied the pulpit here Sunday morning. A large congregation greeted Rev. H. S. Cobb Sunday evening when he preached his farewell sermon previous to enlisting for service for King and Country.. .Mr.O. Hezz ewood, Toronto, will take the work on this circuit next Sunday... .Monday evening a large crowd from the different appointments of Tyrone Circuit gathered in Tyrone church to show their appreciation appreciation of the services of the junior pasto , Rev. Mr. Cobb, during the past two years on this circuit. A good program was rendered rendered consisting of solos by Misses Caldwell, Caldwell, Providence, and Marion Martin, Tyrone, and a dnet by Mrs. S. Dix and Miss Werry also selections by Tyrone Quartet--Mrs. Phare, Miss Col will and Messrs. Hariy Colla cott and Arthur Brent; Readinrs .y ..jiss Vera Slemon, Haydon, anH 1 John Thomas, Tyrone. Rev. J. E. deckel, pastor, who was chairman of tli meeting, called on Mr. S. V. Hoar, Bethesda, to read the following add re s: Dear Mr. Cobb,--A ed over the members, when it became known that you had de- j cided to enlist in the interest of your | King and Country, /it seemed impossibleX] that God should really call you to leave this needy field to lenter upon new and arduous duties. Bukas^we have listened i to it from your view 'point we are con- * yinced that God is leading you and we cannot but feel proud to know we have such a representative on the field, ready td sacrifice self for the larger opportunity. It has been stated that the qualities of pastor and oreacher are seldom combined, but in you the exception prevails. From the first we have felt that you belong to us. The older members of our congregation congregation have looked upon you as "their boy", the .young people as "their brother", while the kiddies always looked for a run and a frolic and a treat when Mr. Cobb came home. In this way you have bound the circuit together as one large family definitely definitely interested in each other, and ready to engage in active work for our Lord and Master. Your pulpit work has been a marvel to us all. Even when taxed to the utmost with examinations you have never failed to give us new thoughts and in pir- ed us to higher and nobler living. Your masterful way in dealing with subjects has led us to believe that Tyrone Circuit will be too small after ordination, and we have had a vision of you ably filling one fo the leading pulpits in t ur city churches. With a great deal of pride we have looked on and said : " Yes that man Cobb was once Our junior pastor," However, let the coming months and years bring what they may, we are confident that ,i will be His best for.you and our lives will be the richer and purer for haying had your counsel and companionship, for we know that "No life can be pure in its purpose and strong in its strife and all life not be purer and nobler thereby." As a circuit we ask you'to accept these socks for your personal comfort, this military wrist watch and this purse of money with the hope that as often as possible during these winter months you will find your way to Tyrone Circuit where you. will always have, a hearty welcome. Mr. A. E% Clemens Tyrone, presented Mr. Cobb with k military wrist vntch, two pair of„socks and a purse containing $38.00 in mbney. Mr. Cobb made a very suitable reply thanking the people for these gifts and for.their kindness in opening opening their homes to him during his pastorate pastorate here. This part of the. meeting closed with the National Anthem after which a social houra social hour was spent and refreshments were served. Tyrone -Epworth League will hold their Christmas concert in S. of T. hall on Friday evening Dec. 17. - Program will consist of a cantata entitled "The Crowning Crowning of Love" and a temperance drama "Out in thé Street". Music by Mr. Norman Norman Redpath, Enniskillen, and others. Admission 25c, children 15c. Cuttere~large display at F. O. Mason's. * This Xmas Will Be the Xmas of THE USEFUL PRESENT 'pHE average man r the head of a family, or even a single man, would rather his . . mother, his wife or his child, or his friends, give him a useful present than any thing else. Half à dozen shirts will be of much more use to the average man than a humido^v Half a dozen pairs of hose would be a good deal more acceptable to the average man this Christmas than a gold embossed fountain pen. If you give a man a sweater eoalt for a Christmas gift this year, he will feel the benefit of it a good deal more than if you gave him a nice little set of Shakespeare's works We carry the goods in stock that we know men and boys want Let us assist you to select his present. ! Il Shirts A new Shirt is always acceptable. We have secured some particularly smart shirts for Xmas trade. Boxed in beautiful individual Xmas boxes, all the latest colors $1.50. A large range of other shirts, 1.00. Raincoats Something that is always useful, useful, Paramattas or Tweeds, Raglan, Raglan, Motor or Balmacaan, large assortment $7.50 to $15.00 House Coats A splendid assortment of House Coats in soft materials, rich dark shades $5.00 to $8.50 We have one particularly handsome handsome line, which has house slippers slippers of same material, boxed in individual boxes. The most useful gift of all, two or combination, all weights, all silk and wool, cotton and wool, lined 50c to Gloves are always appreciated-- unlined in cape, suede, chamois, in - tan, grey, straw, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. Silk lined, tan and grey, 1.50, 1 75. Wool, the most comfortable glove, grey, brown, natural, some silk lined, 50c, 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75. Lined Mocha, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75. Fur lined, genuine mocha ... $3.00. Fur lined Mitts 2.75. Mocha Mitts $1.00, 1.50, 1.75. Boys' Mitts, Gloves and Gauntlets 50c, 75c, $1. Neckwear There is always more Neckwear given for Xmas gifts than any other present. present. We have the kind the men like and will wear- We have one extra special, a. regular 50c tie, beautifully boxed, in all the newest shades 35c or 3 for $1 00 An Endless variety of beautiful neckwear in all that is new, plain silks, fancy embroidered, knitted 50c, 75c, $1 In addition to the articles mentioned, we have a big assortment of furnishings, such as Mufflers, Suspenders, Suspenders, Arm Bands, Garters, Handkerchiefs, Sox, Umbrellas, Umbrellas, etc., in fact everything everything that a man or boy wears. Sweater Coats In an endless Varie t} T , with or without collars, all colors and combinations 50c to $5.00 Big assortment of Cardigan Jackets $1.00 to $3.00 Clothing Big cut in Clothing for Xmas Presents. To move the Clothing Clothing as well as the Furnishings during the Xmas season, we will make a cut of 10% on all clothing. This on top of our low prices is a big reduction. piece wool, fleece $3.50 Probably a new Hat or Cap is what he wants. Stiff Hats... $2.00, $2.50 Soft Hats 2.00, 2.50 Caps, with or without fur bands : 50c to $1.50 Shop Early while the Stock is Complete Phone 61 The Shop for Useful Gifts Bowmanville E. ENFIELD Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey and daughters, Kinsale, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pascoe, Solina, with relatives here; Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell, Oshawa, and Mr. Martin, Hampton, at Mr. B. Powell's; Mrs. W. Hodgson and children, Hartney, Man., at Mr. John McCulloch's; Mrs. Jos. Ashton and Miss Lillian have gone to Detroit Mr. George Ormiston is ex hibiting a colt at Guelph Fair... .Christmas .Christmas Tree at Enfield Wednesday evening December 22... .Rev. James E. Beckel, Tyrone, preached hère Sunday in behalf of the Missionary cause.. ..Grain threshing threshing is being cornered up .... Mr. Frank Campbell has .returned from the West. Snag Proof The Ring of Ranges mÈBË Guaranteed Goods New Stock at Old Prices Foley's Boot Shop Over on the Sunny Side f' The Happy Thought Range A glance at the Happy Thought Range will show it to be of beautiful beautiful and harmonious design, SMOOTH and ELEGANT, without too much carving, easily kept clean and a delight to the most artistic artistic eye. Quickest and most even baking oven in the world. Illuminated, ventilated oven, thermometer, powerful waterfront, properly constructed firebox, brick or cast linings with cast removable removable ends, original duplex grates, patented unobstruotible damper, patented reservoir damper, /large broiler and toasting door, large deep ash pan, practically everlasting covers and centres. 'W. H. Dustan Phone 74r QUALITY HARDWARE Bowmanville X ÿ mm HH • •. ' i 1 : ■' ÉÉËÜ i --• HiüÊ -1 \. > -, •■■v" '>*?: !?Eirtÿ

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