-4SI*»»-* esææi^hvÂ-i'î g 8 §|||5W^ l î*$ ►< K : : * y h BOWM AN VILLE, 'QCT. 1915- The Churches. TEACHERS* ASSOCIATION. the the UBBER styles have to with the style shoe^you wear. The day for cumbersome, unsightly overshoes is passed, and you may now wear rubbers without feeling feeling that your feet present an appearance far from agreeable. We are showing rubbers tor ladies and gentlemen and children in all the latest shapes and widths--the best -rubbers made, and in styles to suit every taste, whether you want them to cover the entire shoe or merely protect the sole. Children's Rubbers at 40c to 60c Ladies Rubbers at 70c to 85c Men's Rubbers at 90c to $1.25 Ladies' Arctics at.......... $1 50.to $2.00 Men's,Arctics at.... $1.50 to $3 00 fKnmçs Show Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You 1Î The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRANTON SCRANTON COAL--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders for all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present>re as follows : Egg, Stovê & Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pértôn; NET CASH, delivered to all parts of.the town; JiOeper ton less, at the Harbor,. - " V Customers wishing to pay fox their coal pow may have it deliv, ered at once or later on, as they see fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. If We have also a full line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Ôak, Maple, Birch, B. C. Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash and Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED, ' . ■ 5Î Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split, Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats an<^ Wheat. If Your patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. ^f Special attention will be given to cash customers. McClellan & co., Limited King St. East, Bowmanville Get the Habit Of Buying CHRISTIE'S Bread, Cakes and Pastry There are lots of citizens in Bowmanville who have already acquired this good habit. Are you one of them ? If not call at the store today and try some of our baking--it is attractive, wholesome wholesome and appetizing. Something fresh every day. Have our wagon call at your home. Y Thé Home-Made Bakery Phone 97, Bowmanville Naims' Linoleums in two, three and four yards wide just opened out at Couch, dohnston & Cryderman's. ■ If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bine with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another column. McClellan & Co Ltd. 24-3 If your cook is "out of sorts" because the "fire won't bum" order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smile." 24-3. A supreme Range with waterworks attached attached heats the watër three times as quickly as an ordinary stove. How is it ? Mason & Dale will explain. . The union convention- of the teachers of Nos. I and 2 Inspectorates was, held in the assembly.room -(3rd storey) of the new I Central school, Cobtxurg,- on Thursday and (Friday when all the teachers we believe I were in attendance. Rev. H. R. Horae, M. A., Pastor St. I Andrew's Presbyterian - church, offered the opening, pfïyer after all singing the I National Anthem. Inspector A. Odell cordially welcomed f the teachers to Cobourg. Officers of the Association ; present I were.: Inspectors Tilley and Albert Odell, Honorary Presidents; Miss M. Raby and Mr. R. D. Davidson, Presidents; Messrs J. W. Bradley and George J. Anderson, Sec- I retaries. The morning session opened with Mr. I R. D. Davidson, Principal Bowmanville Public Schools, presiding, and Miss Raby •as vice-chairman, while Mr.jJ. W. Bradley, Bradley, Newcastle, secretary of JNo- I Inspectorate Inspectorate and Mr. Geo. J. Anderson, -secre- I tary of No. 2 Inspectorate, officiated ae (joint secretaries. We shall not attempt to give a full report report of the proceedings. Some editorial Miss Gertrude Cawker officiated at organ in St. Paul's church Sunday in absence of Mrs. E. S. Senkler. Rev. À. H. Drumm preached another very strong sermon against church union ! in St. Paul's church Sunday. The vote is soon to be taken by that congregation. Members of Court Pride of Ontario No 60C0, A.O.F., wiil attend service in the Methddist Church next Sunday Oct. 31 at II a.m. Members meet at the Hall at j 10.30 a.m. Rev. JV. G. Clarke, B. À., will preach a ! special, sermon to the Ancient Order of | Forestérs in Bowmanville Methodist church Sunday morning. In the evening . Rev. J. A. Connell, Newcastle, will preach. ' He is a new man in this district. Hear him. Rev. Vernon H. Emory, Toronto, has accepted a unanimous invitation to become become pastor of Parkdale Methodist church for the balance of the conference year. He takes the place of Rev. ^Hiram Hull, B.A., who has accepted the position of principal of the Deaconess Training School in that city. Methodist League Monday evening was well attended. The' topic "Home and Nation Building" was wéll given - by Miss Catherine Warnica. ■ Miss Evelyn White MS&, DAYS'SALE 4* 1 r t ' v October 28 to Saturday, November 7 For Ten Days Only we offer these Qendine \ * Snaps in Seasonable and Up-to-date Goods Underwear Men's Pure Wool Underwear, "heavy knit, all sizes, special 79c garment. Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, 32 to 46, special...... 39c garment Maish Comfort 12 only, wadded Rure white laminated cotton, la\ge size, good patterns, $4.00 to $5.00 quality, special...$3.65 Overall Aprons Overall Aprons with Dust Cap to match 50c set mention of the leadiqg addresses are made r ^ at " er ^ ne Warnica. ■ Miss Evelyn White on another page l^ead the lesson and Misses Jane Grigg and ers.G«en, Philp, Wood,' Sutton, Mellte s4 iFred J " VanNest P resided over the pro- Gould, Mary Strickland, and Messrs E.i Mitchell, Lloyd Nesbitt, F. C. Groat. A nominating committee,comprised R. Gillies, W* M cMillan, Misses Nora Gal braitb, Elsie E. Rundle and Julia Richardson. Richardson. The Central school is a magnificent building, and the convention hall Was prettily prettily decorated with flags, .flowers, plants, etc,, and on the walls were exhibitions of picture?, said to be the .finest reproduction reproduction of the old .masters of Europe. They were colored .and afforded an excellent opportunity to the teachers to become acquainted with standard pictures. Thursday Thursday evening .an illustrated lecture was given.by Mr. Abbott of Art Supply .Company, .Company, Toronto., on Art and a capital musical musical program filled in a profitable two hours except for : thé annoyance from a number of .children who should have been made ,to behaye or put out. _ Singers who contributed in vocal selections selections were some of Cobourg's best : Misses Eagleson, Field and Salisbury and Messrs Anderson and Stephenson. Friday attèrnoon the Durham teachers met in separate sections and elected these officers for the ensuing year.: President--Miss Elsie E. Rundle, Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Vice-do--LIo>d Nesbitt, Nestleton Sfa Secretary-- R. J. McKessock, Solina. Treasurer--Miss Lillian McLean, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Executive Committee ; Bowmanville-- Miss H. G. Morris; Newcastle--J. W. Bradley; Port Hope--Miss Mary Strickland; Strickland; Darlington--Miss Florence Osborne; Clarke--Miss Julia Richardson, gram Rev. Mr. Lawson of Albert College, Belleville, occupied the pulpit of Bow- manville Methodist Church Sunday preaching in the. morning on following Christ, and in the evening on the small excuses excuses used for not following Christ. He basa splendid voice and spoke fluently, and bis preaching was enjoyed by all. The choir rendered good service, Miss Martin contributing a . fine solo, "The Harvest" at the evening service. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, October 21,1915 ! A special meeting of Council was held this evening at the call of the Reeve. Members all present. Reeve Courtice presiding. ,, Communication was read from Hon. J. S. Hendrie, Lieut.-Governor of Ontario, asking for contribution for British Red Cross Society. On motion of Coiin. Stephens and Baker Baker the sum of $100 waS granted. W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk. . Socks 20 doz. Men's Pure Wool Socks, exceptionally good values at 23c pr. Cotton Batting. Eureka, large quilt size batts of pure white batting 75c each Underskirts Moire Underskirts, all es, just the thing for everyday everyday wear, sale price 3g c ■S1Z- Braces A big assortment of police and fine braces....... 19c pair Table Cloths 15 only Bleached Tablecloths, size 2x2-£, sale price $1.65 Blouses Ladies' Flannel Blouses, -good patterns, all sizes 7g c % Work Shirts 5 doz. Men's Heavy Drill Work Shirts in black and white stripe, sale price 79c each Table Napkins 5 doz. Table Napkins, hemmed, in good patterns, sale price, 15c each Corsets 5 doz. Corsets with suspenders suspenders attached, sale price...59c James L. Hughes, Dr. D. J. Goggin, Inspector Inspector W. H. Elliott--all Durham boys. Rev. Dr. Milligan in commenting on Durham Durham s contribution to Toronto's foremost educationalist* remarked that after what they had heard one would think "a man born in again." Durham need hardly to be born Cartwright--Miss Bertha Jones, Black- stock; M.anvers--Wm. McMillan, Janet- ville, Representatives to Ontario Educations Association-- R. D. Davidson, R. Gillies. Strathcona Trust Committee--Davick son. Gillies, McKessock. Superannuation Bill Committee-- R. J, McKessock, Ed. Mitchell, J. W. Bradley, Lloyd Nesbitt. Auditor§-^Mjsses M. Jennings, Helen Morris. Port Hope was decided on as the place of next annual convention. Notes and Comments. Children should be taught to respect property of others. Cobourg gives to Patriotic Fund thru taxes instead of individually. Governments are as honest or dishonest as people will allow.-- R. H. Walks. Teachers, use the methods by which you can do your best work-- E. T. Seaton. B. A. Go home, teachers^ and prepare a border border for your next year's flower garden-- ! Inspector Odell. Mr.-Geo. J. Anderson and his class of boys contributed several songs that were highly appreciated. Honors are falling fast on Miss Elsié E. Rundle, Enniskillen. Congratulations on election as President. Nellie Bancroft's book on Games ($1.50) was recommended by Miss L, C. Hawken, whose address on Physical Training was one of the treats of the convention. Trafalgar Day is to be observed in public public schools of Nos. 1 and 2 inspectorates^ Nov. 57 Liberal contributions to Red Cross Fund are solicited. "All children should have a part in it. Dr. W. E. Tilley and Miss Flora Galbraith Galbraith moved that teachers give one per cent of their salaries this year to Patriotic and Red Cross Funds. To the infinite credit of the teachers the - resolution was carried unanimously without discussion. Some were willing to give 2%. The lady teachers were rather shy in taking part in the discussions. Possibly outside of those who gave papers, Misses Flora Galbraith and Marion Van Nest of Bowmanville were, most active and courageous courageous in expressing their views. It is to be hoped that at next convention a wider distribution of the "stunts" will be made. Mr. J. Erwin Lean, Cold Springs, said schools prepare more for city than for rural life. The more boys are taught about farming and allied interests the better they will like country life. He finds.agriculture an easy subject to tëàch. School fairs are a strong incentive to pupils to study agriculture. His address was well received. Mr. J. D. Hayden, President of Cobourg Hospital, invited the teachers to visit that . splendid institution at 4.30 o'clock on Orono; Thursday which they did and he showed Men's Boots 25 pair Men's Heavy Tan Boots, knee length, sale price $4.15 pr. Night Gowns Mein's Flannelette Night Gowns, all good patterns, sale price 69c Umbrellas 25 only Umbrellas, assorted handles, sale price .79c Knickers 50 pair Boys' Knickers, good patterns, all sizes......79c pr. Linens Linen Sideboard Scarfing, exceptionally exceptionally good cloth, 22 in. wide, sale price 35c; 27 in. wide 45c 1 piece Bleached Table Linen, 58" wide, sale price ..32c yd. Child's Dresses 24 Children's Dresses, made of serges, plaids and cashmeres, $2.00 to $3.50 quality, sizes 3 to 6 yrs $1.55 Sheeting 2 pieces of Wool Sheeting, 72 in. wide,great value, sale price 85c yd. Wash Cloths Just the tiling for dishes, sale price \v snuig 3c- each 6 pieces of White Cotton Sheeting, 68" to 70" wide, sale price, 27c yd. Blankets 25 pairs While la uneiette Blankets, 11/4 size, $1.16 }>r, Black Silks 1 piece of Black Messalines Silk, 36 in. wide, reg. $1.25, sale price 95c yd. 1 piece of Black Peau de Soie 21 in. wide, reg. $1.50 yd., sale price 59c yd. Mohair Rug's In blues, browns green, or red, sale price 89c Comforters 8 only Comforters, with pure cotton size 56 in. by 72 wadded batting, in $1.65 them thru the building explaining a great 1 many things of interest. It is one of the ! most modern and best equipped hospitals 1 in.the Province, a magnificent tribute to I citizens of Cobourg and the late John ! Helm, Esq., of Port Hope, who made such ! a grand institution possible. Refresh- ments were served by Matron Walsh and a very enjoyable hour was spent. Teachers Teachers thanked Mr. Hayden for the privilege i àccorded them. Pickard's New Garage Now Open T have opened an auto garage adjoining adjoining my blacksmith shop on Temperance Street, opposite English English Church to which I invite the patronage of all autoists. White Rose Gasoline. I have been appointed local agent for White Rose Gasoline which is unquestionably the best gasoline on the market. Prices right. Bowser pump installed. A. W. PICKARD, Bowmanville. Groceries 1 McConnachie's Marmalade in Glass Jars ...10c 2 5 lb. pails Jam, assorted kinds, C. D. Smith's make, sale price...., 5g e 3 Rolled Oats, a great bargain 6 lb. for 25c 4 British Columbia Salmon , 2 tins for 25c 5 400 lbs. Choice Dairy Butter, special...-28c lb. 6 Orange Meat, 25c size, special, 2 pkgs. for 35c 10c size, special g c 7 Pickaninny Pancake Flour.. ......10c pkg./ 8 Fancy Mixed Biscuits 11c lb/ 9 If you want to make your hens lav buy International International Poultry Food; buy it now, 50c... 42c Dishes ,* ** Assortment No. 1 consists of Plates, all sizes, Bowls, Cups and Saucers 5 C each - , l Assortment No. 2 consists of Dishes, Fancy Chin- aware, at less than half-price. Your choice 15c Assortment No. 3 consists of a splendid variety of Fancy Chinaware, Tea Pots, etc 25c Assortment No. 4 includes a lot of hand-painted fancy china, much less than half-price 48e Assortment No. 5 means the balance of our exclusive exclusive china, worth up to $3.00 98c McMurtry St Co. Thé Big Departmental Store Ltd. Phone 83 Bowmanville. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON Tod's Bread was Never Better Than It Is To-day The King of Ranges > Prof. M. A. Mackenzie; M. A, of the Faculty of Arts in Toronto University gave a very full and interesting explanation explanation of the Bill to superannuate, teachers * and inspectors introduced into the Ontario Ontario Legislature last session. He is a recognized recognized authority on actuarial matters and was heartily thanked for his plain anck practical address. The Pension Bill does not meet with the unanimous approval of young teachers but will we believe be endorsed endorsed by a very considerable number of the teachers when they understand ils provisions better. Mr. R. H. Walks of Toronto Normal School, when introduced spoke of, the counties of Northumberland and Durham as standing out prominently in this Province. Province. He was at â great .educational event in Toronto when.leading speakers included Principal Wm. Scott, B. A., Drt That is why so many people prefer it to making their own j bread. It is nourishing, wholesome, full weight, contains best grade flour and other ingredients, and is made under most sanitary methods. Keep the family healthy arid good natured by feeding them more of Tod's Bread. Baker And Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville The Happy Thought Range A glance at the-Happy Thought Range will show it to be of beau- r [ tiful and harmonious design, SMOOTH and ELEGANT, without too much carving easily kept clean and a delight to the most ar- tistie eye , Quickest and most even baking oven in the world. Illuminated, ventilated oven, thermometer, powerful waterfront, properly constructed firebox, brick or cast linings with cast removable removable ends original duplex grates, patented unobstructible damper, patented reservoir damper, large broiler and toasting oor, arge eep ash pan, practically everlasting covers and centres. * <f J Phone 74* W. H. Dustan QUALITY hardware Bowmanville Sis ■ ' ■" - Sis ■jrmsmssiiS