Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1915, p. 2

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a. e. molauchlin, Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office ;--Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money to loan at reason- Abie rates.- ' 48-lyr. B: J. HAZLÉWOOD, - C.M. BOWMAN VILLE, - . - ONT. - J G OLD MEDALIST., of Trinity Un Ivors iTr, Toronto; : Pour • year a Attending «ysician and Surgeon at :Mt. Carmel "5®P. lta L Pittsburg,' Ka." * ; and Résidence " Wellington fit. No. 108. ' « NOTES AND COMMENTS HOSPITAL'S GOOD WORK. Office . Telephone GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barriateis and Solicitors. Notaries Pablio, GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH £Oe Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario Neither the Allies nor Germany underestimate the importance of the developments in the Balkans. .It is within the^bounds of possibilities that the great issues of the war will be settled by the battles on the Balkan peninsula and on the plains of Asia Minor. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Co L e x g ] n 't«fi ea8es of a R. d ° meatio animals treated Lj latest known methods. Office at ' ^ T1L -- ' 20-lyr. manviUe. Jbô n rrl enCe ' KlDg ' 8tl Ba4t Bo ^ $15 TAILOR MADE SUITS. . Gents, why pay more than $15 for a tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come in and see our samples. Fit - guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and repairing ladies and gents smts a specialty. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House, Bowman ville. Germany is fighting for a. place in the sun. German 'statesmen ;have been planning for years to extend Teutonic influence in the Near East and to make a commercial conquest of Asia Minor. There is a vast territory in Eastern Turkey sparsely inhabited and barren that was once, the granary granary of the world. Germany has been ambitious to exploit it. In this desire desire can be found the secret of the long efforts of Berlin to secure a predominating predominating influencé in Constantinople Constantinople and to make of Turkey a German German dependency. Very Successful Year's Operations --Rev. w. G. Clarke Elected on the Board. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING BAST. GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ L86 p. m. «.« „ 7.18 , »A8 , ^Express .Local ■ Local Passenger :Passenger 4.22 a.m 7.00 ,, 9.46 „ l.cOp.m. 7.11 .. Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 1.07 a.m. 10.46 a.m. 7.00 p.m. x Express Express tExpress x Flag stop 1 Daily except Sunday. Office. x Express Express Express 6.07 a.m. 8.38 a.m 4.27 p.m C. 13. Kent, Agent, Post The German Balkan policy has been part of this plan. The Balkan war by depriving Turkey of nearly all of its territory in Europe postponed the consummation of the German desires. After that war Germany began ~ to deal with Bulgaria, and with the assistance assistance of Ferdinand, it hoped, and still hopes, to find a way to Constantinople Constantinople and thence to Asia. It is of the greatest importance to the Allies that the way to Asia - Minor through the Balkans be closed to Germany; Germany; hot because of the necessity of Jiolding Constantinople merely for Constantinople's sake, but because the way to the East must be closed. The campaign at the Dardanelles must succeed in order to open a way for the passage of Russian grain to Western Western Europe, but also to cut Germany off from her goal. '«Tbe arinjial meeting of the Bowman ville Hospital supporters was hèld in Council Room on_Wednesday evening, Vice-President, Vice-President, C. Rehder presiding. In his open- mg remarks he said, the hospital bad had a successful year and board meetings had been harmonious. Xhe. old board was re-elected . with one exception--Rev. H. EL Kenny who has removed--and removed--and is as follows: Rev. W. G. Clarke, C. Rehder, John W. Alexander. Dr. J. C. Devitt, Thos. Tod, F. C. Vam stone, L. A. W. Tole. The hospital is in excellent condition and Mrs. Florence Smyth, the new matron, is already very popular with all who have to do with the institution. - A-hearty vote of thanks was voted to the directors and the Women's Auxiliary for their good services, largely a labor of love. AIL ROAD ■and Telegraphy Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by Shaw's .Telegraph and Railroad School. 8 Gerranl St. East, Toronto. Write for particulars and sample lessons. W. H. Shaw, President. No school ever had truer friends among its graduates than ■L.LIOTT TORONTO, ONT. This is a school of results--Splendid Results. Meritorious work for our students and for the business public uMj- een anacti ve agent in the upbuilding upbuilding of our famous school. We assist worthy students to- get-employment. get-employment. Commence a course now. _ Catalogue free. Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT. ■ Principal . The allied statesmen have not lost sight of the issues at stake. An English English expedition was sent from India months ago to fight its way from the head of the Persian Gulf to Bagdad and northward. When the Grand Duke Nicholas was detached from the main Russian army and sent to the Caucasus the time was ripe for the co-operation between the Russian and British in the great movement to seize the Turkish territory, and to pre-empt for the Allies that place in the sun to obtain which Germany has brought down chaos upon the civilized world. -- *- FIELD DAY SPORTS The reports show the number of patients to have been 207 as against 163 the previous previous year and outstanding bills owing to the hospital of $760 as against $189 40 the previous year. Speeches of a congratulatory tone were made by several present. The board intend to erect a barn 14x20 feet, two storeys, for the live stock. A laundry building is also needed but funds are not yet available. It is deemed wise to go slow till the financial position improves. improves. From the auditors this information : Receipts Balance on hand Oct. 1,1914 $ 214 47 Government Grant. 378 14 Town of Bowmanville do jod 00 County of Durham 20000 Patients'fees etc......, ; 4866 87 Subscriptions, donation, etc 031 30 Miscellaneous 50 31 Proceeds note discounted ....... 107 cc Women's Auxiliary 407 12 I am now prepared to continue MJ regular business of pressing and dyeing- clothes of: all. kinds.. TTntil my._store:. is put . in shape •Tif ter récent'firé, am occupying <J. B. Martyn's store on Division St., opposite Goodyear Club. Work givèn prompt and satisfactory satisfactory attention. Gibson's Cleaning ' and Dye Works. Phone 273 Bowmanville report we obtain Charles Sts. Wanted Now Reliable salesman to act as agent in Durham & Ontario Counties. Pay Weekly Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the business business /or we sell the highest grade of stock at S price. and L.mntee de.ivî PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ontario 4tfl8 CANADIAN PACIFIC TRANSCANADA EXPRESS Carrying Through Equipment to WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leaves Toronto 6.45 p m Daily Connecting Train Leaves Bowmanville 4.27 p.m. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday untHOct. 26, inclusive Canadian Pacific All The Way No Change of Cars or Depots Pacific Coast Tours at Low Fares including "CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Full particulars from C. B. KENT, Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL Fine fall weather favored the students m their field day sports at the'High School Campus Friday afternoon Oct. 15. The prize winners: Boys' 100 yd. races, open--Rice, Cox Grant. - Under I5--Mason,_R. Foster, M. Avery. Ages 11-12-- J. Fox, T. Bird, C. Rehder. Ages.9-10--H. Cousins, A. Anderson, ▲1. Jewell. Girls' 100 yd races, open--D. Johnston, G. Powers, D. Cour tice. Under 15-- H. Lunney, E. Grant. Ages 11-12--N. Williams, M. Wilcox, Rhea Deyman. • Ages 9-10--D. Kelly, H. Osborne, E Fox. Boys' 50 yd races, ages 7-8--A. Morris, A. Cameron, E. Wood. Under 7-- D. Keele, J. Kent, W. Bennett. Girls 50 yd races, ages 7-8--T. Martin, K. Pinch; L. Reader. Under 7-G. Greenfield, H. Finley, H. Day. Football kick--Ward, Gale, Cox. Putting 12-lb shot--Greenfield, Gale. Rice. throwing basket ball--E. Dickinson, M, Worden, D. Johnson. Running hop step, open--Rice, Cox, Grant. Under 15--Rowe, Mason, Avery. Running long jump, open--Rowe, Rice, Cox. . Under 15--Rowe, Mason, Avery. V\ mile race, open --Cox, Grant, Stevens. Under 15--Avery Mason. Needle race--H. Lunney, G. Bradley, J. Doncaster. $7821 36 Liabilities Royal Bank note $ 197 55 Outstanding accounts 779 I4 $ 9/6 69 Assets Amounts due from patients. $ 763 81 Balance in bank.......... 75 or Deficit 14498 $ 979 14 Maintenance Expenditures Butchers' meat.. T........... < at 7 er Butter and eggs 296 ** our and meal.205 92 Milk s 38 50 Tea, coffee, etc 20 10 1 Potatoes and other vegetables... 17 19 j Groceries, provisions 5Q3 oq ' Drugs, medicines 348 68 Medical and surgical appliances. 421 88 Surgical instruments 28074 Beer, wine, spirits 898 35 86 Don t wait until you have a fire to jout on insurance. Do it now. You will be surprised to learn what little money it insure in the strongest companies in America. Call for more information. information. money it takes to your contents--and What's the Use? of paying rent all your life when you can buy a nice comfortable home at a very reasonable figure. I have several desirable homes that will be sold at bargain prices. Harry Cann, Phone 50. - Bowmanville. New Fall Importations Importations of I tiedding, napery, etc.. .... 607 Brooms, brushes, mops, soap, etc. is Lighting, candles, etc . ..*. " ' '"192 *0 Water service 54 59 Hay, straw, etc. rf q? Ice ... ^ salaries and wages Advertising stationery, etc. s6 6q Laundry 655 12 Repairs, ordinary 12? ot Cash on hand 73 35 17 00 j 1781 75 E. Stevens, L. Williams, R. 12 and over--N. Muir, Morris. Under 12-- D. Kelly, M. Pearce. V. Killick, F. Salter, T. Hennings Nail driving--Helen Johnston, Dorothy Johnston, M. Souch. M T1 ? ree T Ie f£ e f ^r c r' I3 ' T 4- 15--P Mc- Murtry, J. Bird, H. Joness, W. Kelly, H. Pointon, R. Cole. 10, 11, 12 H. Cowle, S. James, H. Pearce, H. Cameron, D. Brown, T. Hooper. Obstacle race-- K. Cameron, T. Peth ick, H. Cousins. r $7821 36 _ Other Information. Patients 180--males 76, females 104. ■Births 16--males 10, females 6, P® at hs--13--males 5, females 8. Still-borns 4--males 3, females 1. Non-inmates treated 27--males 14, f e - males 8. T J r w teS ?î tS 20 t 0 '. Ç athoIics 7, Canadian 148, English 40, Irish 2, Scotch 5, Americans Americans 6, other nationalities 6. Bowmanville patients 183, Durham County 10, other counties 14. • --❖ Long Standing Asthma. Many have suffered so long irom asthma and have tried so many so-called remedies they think that there is no real help for them. lhey should read the letters received by the -manufacturers-of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from hundreds of cases once as desparate as their own. Even in long-neglected cases this famous preparation preparation brings prompt help. have been received and placed in stock. They are very pretty and well worth your inspection, and at prices to suit everyone. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore FOB CHICAGO Leave TORONTO 8.00 a. m„ and II45 p.m. daily. 6.00 p. m. FOR MONTREAL Leave TORONTO 9.00 a. m., 8 30 p. m„ ■ and ii p.m. daily. Equipment the finest on all trains. PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITIONS Reduced fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego Information and tickets on- application to ~ " ; Agents. - Tickets and further information on application to Agente. J. H. H. Juby. Local Agent, Ptone 78 Before the war about ten passports Half mile--Cox, Rowe, Ward. Sack race--G. Martin, C. Cousins, T Humphries. . Relay Race between High and Public school girls--Public school won, N. Muir; H. Lunney, B. Devitt, R. Martin. Potato race-- T. Pethick, P. McMurtry. H. Cousins. Tug of War--Form II won from Form and Form III. Tennis finals, mixed doubles--W. Lang- maid and N. Burke; singles not decided. Freshmen defended the flag about 30 seconds. Chew the rag, called off. . Champions--Senior, Kenneth Cox; Junior, Junior, Sam^ason; Girls'--D. Johnston. NO NIBBLING OR ZIG-ZAG PROCESS WILL DO. There are propelled by ish coasts. now eighteen lifeboats motor stationed on Brit The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. ,>x In perfect health we Àardly realize that we have a network of -nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- mg, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful . sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. . To.correct nervousness; Scott's Emul- ; «on ir exactly what you should tàke; its rich putrirnem gets into the blood and rich blood feeds thetirty nerve-cells'while - _ --- yeoopurts .. . , T - ---- U VMV.-I.ti» wuue were issued per day by British autho-1 ,5 .system responds to its refresh- rities. Now the dally average is 276. The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglee. Singular, isn't it, that at the very time when the Hearst Government Government presumably thought that with the passing of the eight o'clock order of the License Board there would be a little res- pite from the agitation against the liquor traffic, they must be very disappointed to find that instead of a rest, a period of even greater activity has been ushered in. October 12th the eight o'clock closing rule was announced. October 15th the Committee Committee of One Hundred, modelled after similar bodies in Saskatchewan and British British Columbia, was launched at the big Toronto meeting. This Committee is to be the Executive of a new temperance movement, entirely non-partisan in its nature, and which will be satisfied with no nibbling or zig-zag process, but which is demanding complète prohibition of the liquor traffic in Ontario or, at any rate a referendum of the people on the question. The movement includes prominent men of both political parties from many sections sections of the province and prospects are bright for a successful career. It is fortunate,that at its beginning this movement had the assistance of Mrs. Nel- lie McClung, the brilliant Western woman and also of Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, recently of British Columbia. These two speakers by telling the actual facts of the great temperance temperance advance in the West, are doing much to encourage the people of Ontario to wipe out the liquor traffic here. The 8 o clock closing rule meets with a cool welcome frqm temperance advocates and the liquor interests, too. Stall Fed Cattle For Fall Trade. We have recently purchased purchased a car load of stall fed steers, averaging 1200 lbs each, which is a very super ior lot of young cattle. In fact is is one of the finest shipments of beef cattle we h'ave ever purchased. We are bound -to keep up the quality of our meat and only buy from ' the best fèéders. in - Get the habit your meat from of buying C. M. Cawker & Son Phone'64 Bowmanville. is An Eye to Business. The Insolvent--Tell me, crime to be poor ? The Lawyer--Not in this state, sir. . The charge, for my ! opinion the subject is five dollars. Pay - clerk arid go out quietly. . . you want to earn a wedk or more m your own jiomë ? I wmbe ftmiishcdwith profitable, _all-year-round employment on 1 Ahto-Knitting ■ Machines, $10 per week readily earn-, ed. ,Wè teach you at home, distance h no hlndr ahce. Write fiw swrticu- l*rs, rates of pay, send ee, stamp. AIJTp^lànTTBB HOSIERY CO. - owysjyggitaj. SL T«om. Durham Old Boys' Executive held their first monthly meeting for the season on Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at the home of President President James L. Hughes, 47 Dundonald-st., Toronto, with a very large attendance. A letter was received from Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, in acknowledgment of one from the Secretary congratulating him on the honour of Knighthood conferred conferred upon.him. No program for the evening evening had been arranged, as it was hoped to have readings from Mrs. Nellie McClung, but the evening was none the less enjoyable enjoyable and they were a fopry crowd that voted appreciative thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Hughes for the enjoyable evening. All joined in singing Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King before they separated. Kenner, wood and coal deal er, Mehta, Man., ' sent us a copy of the new local paper, The New Era, in which we find this notice of Rev. Henry Kenner, Winnipeg, who was pastor of Hampton circuit 101873 and officiated at our- rititise n /8e. His friends will be pleased to hear of tiis good health and vigor at his advanced advanced age; "Rev. Mr. Kenner preached Sunday morning in the Methodist Church with very great vigor and clearness at 84 years of age after an itineracy of 60 years. He dealt with the subject of personal con- version in-a masterly way from the twofold twofold text--"Who is greatest in the kimy- dom of heaven" and "Except ye be converted converted and become as little children ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven". ❖ : A Reminder. Dobson--What does Blifkin remind you of? Hobson--Well, every time I meet Blifkin he reminds me of a little debt I've owed him for over a year. Social and Personal Brooklin School Fair was a record success, success, many attending. Oshawa is considering the submission of local optiop again. Good !- „ Simcoei-st Methodists, Oshawa, contributed contributed $1200 at tneir anniversary Oct. 10. . Mr : and . Mrs. è. R. Blow, Whitby, enjoyed enjoyed a trip to Denver, Cal., on the ticket agents'excursion. ^rt Hope' 8 new. $3b,oooJbtospital is expected expected to be1 readj^by Spring :r when the present building will prdbatiy be used as a nurses' residence. Faculty and students of Albert College were loyal m their support of the British Kea Cross on Trafalgar Day, contributing $87.25 towards the fund. . The funeral took place Monday morn- in 1 Breen, who died very suddenly in Newcastle on Saturday of heart failure. Deceased was 94. years old. . P ne °f the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Exterm" nator. 'Miss Sara Moise, Newcastle, teacher at ohaws, has had to give up her school owing owing to ill-health. Miss Mabel C. Cox has taken her position as teacher till Christmas. Messrs. Robt. McLaughlin, J. D. Storie and A. C. Storie gave members of Presby- i 3U ^? trip around Oshawa visiting the Ruthenian mission church on the way. Rev. W. M. Haig, a Baltimore boy, is Moderator of Whitby Presbytery, and Oshawa Reformer says: "He took his place as Moderator and made a good presiding officer". Just what we expected. Oqrns are caused by the pressure of tight boot?, but no one need be troubled with them long when so simple a remedy remedy as Ho.Ioway's Corn (Jure is available. available. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Thomas, Lindsay, celebrated their diamond wedding Oct. 11. I here are fourteen grandchildren, and five sons and two daughters living out of a family of eleven. Mr. Thomas on coming coming to Canada first resided in Bowmanville. Miss Ruth Rogers Downey, daughter of 1' 1 ,?• Downey, Whitby, won the scholarship presented by Dr. Herbert Bruce and valued at $50 for highest standing standing m Technique of Operating Room at the graduating exercises of Wellesley Training School for Nurses. Cobourg Sentinel-Star publishes a half- column from Pie. Dan Douglass' last pub- Iished letter and pays him the compliment Of saying: "Pte. Dan Douglass writes a number of clever letters from the front to the Bowmanville Statesman, and in his last interesting letter he describes how the men take to Lt.-Col. Wm. Beattie, the first chaplain." The Friend of all Sufferers--Like to "the shadow of a rock in a weary land" is Dr. Thomas" Electric Oil to all those who.suffer pain. It holds out hope to everyone and realizes it by stilling suffering everywhere. It is a liniment that has the blessings of half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquired for. J. A. Patterson, Esq., K.C., Toronto, delivered delivered a splendid patriotic address to a large union congregation in the Presby- 1 terian church Sunday morning Oct. 10th service in the Methodist Church being withdrawn for the occasion. In the latter church in the evening Rev. Ë. A.'Tonkin, of Bowmanville, occupied the pulpit, speaking with much earnestness on the tragedies of the war.--Orono News. The Lord's Day Alliance stands for keeping the Sabbath sacred. It is doing a great work for the upbuilding of our nation nation in upholding the great privileges of righteousness and sacred duty. Every church in town is making an'appeal to the people for funds for the support of this sacred cause. Let us show our manhood by giving it a liberal support as it is of vital importance to our national life. Miller's Worm Powders will not only expel worms from the system, but will induce healthful conditions of the sye- tenrinuder which, worms can no longer thrive Worms keep a child in a continual continual state of restleness and pain, and there can be no comfort for the little one until the cause of suffering be removed, removed, which can easily be done by the use of these powders, than which there is nothing more effective. Motoring Magazine for October- gives an account of the organization meeting of Automobile Club which has these officers* President--J. B. Mitchell; Vice President -- E. H. Koken; Secretary--Harry Cann; Treasurer--Dr. John Spencer; Director-- D. B Simpson, K. C. One of the first questions this club should discuss is "Good Roads for Bowmanville. With the Mayor owning an auto, the Reeve a Ford, and at least two other councillors "talking" of buying cars, the club should obtain more than a promise from the Chairman of Roads and Streets to put the roads good condition. EST'D 1873 STANDARD OF CANADA [HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FLJND as a vision for lean years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund has been accumulated from Surplus Earnings and is e source of strength and stability. ^ Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it-no .ope is in a. safe financial condition. Ôur Savings Department offers an ideal Opportunity for pro- 1 ~\ establishing YOUR RESERVE FUND. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at Blackstock (D. P. MacFarlane, Manager), Newcastle Ornnn Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonville. ' * 209 B WAR HITS GLASGOW "PUBS." Lessening of Hours, Decrease Drunkenness. m ceding the curtailment of the hours when the houses were open all day, 325 men arrested for drunkenness and 88 women. In the first week that » j the restrictions were enforced the In Glasgow public houses are now j number of men arrested for drunken- permitted to sell liquor five and a ! ness was 210 and the number of wo- half hours a day only. The places j men who were haled before the police are closed in the morning, when drink- j courts for the same cause was 81. ing would unfit a workman for the ❖ entire day. Treating and the credit It costs one halfpenny a pound to system are done away with, and the ' send bacon from Petrograd to the practice of carrying drink away in j United Kingdom, and slightly less for bottles is also forbidden. Although these mew restrictions have been in force but a short time, they have already resulted in a considerable considerable decrease in the arrests for drunkenness. During the week pre butter. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ÎASTORI A > Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try oitr flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 1» a Farmers ! Read This ! I have now tor sale Cotton Seed /Heal Caldwell's Molasses Meaf Heated and1 S&ezd Corn '> Call at the mill or phone your order to No. ' 77. *3 F. C. Vanstone BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO COAL COAL This is the best time to buy your Coal for next Winter. Summer prices are as follows : Chestnut $7.50 Stove -i 7.50 B gg 7.50 Pea 6.50 Order now and see what you can save. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building. Temperance Phone 177 Si. CANADIAN NORTHEttÜ THROUGH Toronto to SERVICE Wine loses huridred years. strength after two 1st Via FORT WI LL^PORT ARTHUR, SUDBURY, Connections at Winnipeg Union Station for Ed T> F lont , , ? n ' Calgary, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Regina. Brandon, and all important points in West ern Canada and the Pacific Coast. ^ LEAVE TORONTO 10.45 P. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday _ MODERN EQUIPMENT RELIABLE ÉXPRESS SERVICE f tickets f r °m B°wm anv i 1Ie to all points and from W. G. Giff 1er, Station Agent, or write to R. General Passenger Agent, 68 King St E. Toronto, Ont. berth reservations L. FAIRBAIRN,

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