Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1915, p. 8

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æshàaeésài mrnrn ■'x ; Get the Facts Abolit the in No matter where you are, what kind of fuel you burn, under any and every circumstance the SUPREME SOUVENIR SOUVENIR RANGE will not only please, it will delight delight you.. As a fuel saver, baker and water heater it has no equal See them at RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmanville •m Taking It All the Year Round You can't do better than buy your GROCERIES GROCERIES front me Quality, price and service account account for our steady increase in business Is it your fault or mine that I am not your grocer ? Brin or- your next order to HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville rf' |EV- 1915 FALL FAVORITES Dame Fashion has pat her stamp of approval on the shoe styles for fall. See them in our window Step in and put on a pair. A Shoe for every foot. A price for every purse, FRED. R. FOLEY, Parlor Boot Shop. On the Sunny Side. Bowmanville On tari i -TvA SSBv "MADE IN CANADA* Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Town Car The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2, 1915. No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on. display and sold at BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 21, 1915 FAIR PRIZES. Prizes will be at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer, Town Hall Building, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Oct' 23. - J. S. Moorcraft,. Treasurer West Durham Agricultural Society. DARLINGTON Base Line Sunday School have purchased purchased a piano. A rally was held on Sunday when Rev.- R. A. Delve visited the school and gave an address Miss Nancy Van- Camp is visiting relatives at Cavan. Mrs. John Hamlyn, town, visited Mrs. E. J. Burk Mr. R, R. Bongard recently built a concrete silo and is making other improvements to his outbuildings. ZION The October meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. W. Lavis on Oct. 13. The afternoon was spent in quilting after which Mrs. Lavis served tea to all. Next meeting at Mrs. A. T. Stain- ton's. Zion congregation have contribu ted to the Red Cross fund: cash $17, a j parcel containing 27 pillows, 46 piljow slips, 24 hospital shirts, 500 handkerchiefs, 1090 mouth wipes, 25 shoulder pads, 96 bandages, 3 pairs socks, I pair mitts. SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Foster Celebrate the 25TH Anniversary of their Wedded Life. TYRONE Mr and Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Oshawa, recently visited at Mr. M. J. Werry's Mrs. Tal bert Finlay and Miss Frances, U.iionville, are visiting at Mr.Ed. Virtue's... .League rally was a splendid success Thursday night. Rev. J, S. I. Wilson, pastor of King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, and Mr. Jas. Vinson, District President, gave good' addresses. All Leagues of the circuit circuit were represented The home league served refreshments and a good time was enjoyed. HAMPTON The W. M. S. "At Home" and quilting Tuesday week was a pleasant success. Six quilts were finished. The 'adies of the church responded most kindly to the invitation to help. After supper a social hour was spent....Mr. Henry Elliott, after a short illness passed away Friday morning. The funeral Sunday afternoon was one of the largest in this place for many years. Mr. Elliott was an old resident resident having lived here most of his life. Further reference to his life next week.. Mr. N. Allin, Shelbourne, at one time a resident of Solina, called on Mr. I. L. Brown and Mr. S. J. Williams, friends of auid lang syne Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden, Maple Grove, at A. Trenouth's; Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, at Mts. M. A. Hastings'; Mr. and Mrs. Jno, j Trull, Solina, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery; Mrs. Donaldson, Vernon, B. C, at Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mount joy, Haydon, with his parents. Have you farm produce to sell ? Blake On Friday Oct. 15th a very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. H. B. Foster, Liberty-st. north, when -about 100 relatives and friënds assembled to celebrate celebrate with them the • 25th milestone of their wedded life. The company was called to order by Mr. R. T. Stephens who made an efficient chairman. After a few remarks he called on Mr. F. L. Squair to read the following address: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Foster: Dear Friends--The unnoticed speed with which time moves, especially to such as are pleasantly situated, has become a common proverb, and we, a number of your lriends and relatives, thinking that possibly amid the multitude of duties and engagements, you might have forgotten that you have been united in marriage for a,quarter of a century, have taken this method of reminding you of the fact, and proffer this excus'e for taking possession of your home tonight in such a wholesale way. It is not conceivable that twenty- five years of life could pass without bringing bringing many painful experiences and trying circumstances, but we wou d rejoice with you in the Sunshine you have enjoyed and. congratulate you on the success you have attained. We would especially mention your unbroken family circle, and the uncommon uncommon tact that you form the second link in four living generation's, and we would take this opportunity of expressing to Mrs. MacLean and Mr. and Mrs. John Foster our best wishes for their welfare and the hope that many happy days may still be theirs. We ask you to accept this gift in the spirit of friendliness in which it is given, as a sign of the appreciation and g odwill ot your friends. R. T. Stephens, S. J. Honey, W. G. Werry, F. L. Squair, Committee. At the opportune time Mrs. S. J. Honey and Mrs. R. T. Stephens, who were present present at the marriage twenty-five years ago, presented them with a silver service arid tray, a cut glass pitcher and glasses, and one dozen tea spoons. Mr. Foster replied j in a pleasing manner on behalf of Mrs. Foster and himself thanking the friends j for their presents and kind words of appreciation. appreciation. Several of those presentj made speeches which were entertaining ; and witty. Solos were nicely rendered j by Misses R. Caldwell and H. Campbell. After the program a sumptuous lunch was served by the ladies. Relatives from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. W. Honey, St. Joseph, Michigan; Mrs. C. Honey and Miss Mamie, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. F. Oke j and tamily, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, Mr. j and Mrs. F. Philp and family, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clemens and family, Oshawa. The rest of the evening was spent in social intercourse and music. About 12 o'clock the company dispersed, hoping that they would be present to spend wi h Mr. and Mrs. Foster the 50th anniversary of their wedding. BEFORE DISPOSING OF Y0ÜR APPLES CONSULT, MR. E. PEARSON. For particulars of shipping facilities and trade conditions, ere., correspondence invited. invited. ° E PEARSON, Newcastle, Ont. -Partner of Pearson Bros , Fruit Brokers, 31-tf Liverpool, England. QUALITY THAT COUNTS, We are still in the same old stand doing McMurtry at the Mode! Grocery wants all, business prepared to meet all .comers in ' prices and to exceed them m qu hty you can spare. Dr. B. J. Davison, Eye Specialist, has again been in this district for s veral we-ks and as usual is giving excellent satisfaction. satisfaction. Phone 127. EBENEZER The W.M.S. held a successful meeting Thursday and had a good program Lovély weather, almost Indian Summer- like, has greeted us for several days anc has materially assisted us farmers with our work Mrs. Ann Brooks has been quite ill for a week but is making rapic improvement Mr. and Mrs. Tremeer of Mariposa visited the Parsonage last week..... .The "Sunshine" class met at Miss Olive Found's Saturday and enjoyec a good program and gocial time. The girls are taking up the Red Cross work and will do their bit for the Empire Our services Sunday were conducted by our Pastor, Mr. Delve, who has been absent absent from the Circuit for two Sabbaths All enjoyed his discourses on "The Fading Leaves" and "The Great Fight" Apple picking is about done. Corn is being gathered in and silo-filling is on Mrs. James Rundle is visiting her daughter at Oshawa.... Mangels are a good crop here this Fall ..... The League on Thursday evening was good. Miss Carrie Courtice gave a fine address on "Service" and a varied program w as rendered .. Mr. and Mrs. L Pcckerin and Miss Lillian Parsons, Pickering, motored out to Mr. J. L. Parsons' Parsons' Sunday... .The W.M.S. are putting on a concert and social Monday, Nov. I, (Hallowe'en night.) Talent from Bowmanville Bowmanville and elsewhere.. ..See Courtice news on inside page. Our stock of Martin-Senour complete. W. H. Dustan. People wishing properly' corrected glasses don't fail to phone 127. Dr. Davison Davison will call. m which we find count in our line. We have been told repeatedly we carry the best fruit in town, our currants in particular. particular. Our tea at 40c is a winner. If we had to buy it today -we would haye to sell it at 50c. We sell more of it than all the packages combined. Try a pound of our bulk tea at 40c and be convinced. Our paints is ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoskin, Toronto, a* Mr. Sam. Hoskin's; Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil, McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris and Irene, Tyrone, at Mr. John Cowling's; Dr. F. C. Trebilcock and Mr. Sparling, Toronto, Toronto, at Dr.. Slémon's; Mrs. M. J. Werry and her mother, Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Oshawa, with - Mrs. Enoch Stevens; Mrs. A. B. McLeod, Brandon, Mrs. Jas. Pye,, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins and Mr. Hai ry Pye, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Pye's; Mr. Aimer Herring and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wotten at Mr. Wm. Lake's, Newcastle ... .Mr. Clarke Stevens is in Bowmanville Hospital with typhoid Messrs. J. E. Virtue and George Preston motored to Toronto Tuesday..... .Mr. and Mrs. C. J Pascoe had their sale on Oct. I2th and moved to Toronto the latter end of the week. They will be greatly missed in the church and social life of the community, and our best wishes go with them to their new home....Mr. Ô. L. Byers' cement silo, on which the men were working, collapsed collapsed on Saturday, and the five workmen had a miraculous escape, getting.oflf with a few cuts and bruises.. . .Last Wednesday Wednesday evening at League thé topic, "Korea in Transition," was taken by Miss- Greta Smith; reading by Mrs. Hall, War talk by the Pastor; and gramophone selections by Mr. N. D. Redpath. Miss Rundle presided: presided: ...Mr. Joseph Martin received word that Mrs. John Martin, Toronto, formerly of Boyne Water Mills, is dangerously ill with pneumonia. No paint equals Mârtin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan, fresh ground coffee is Cash for butter, eggs Snowuuii, phone 243. p onounced A I. and poultry. R. A NEW OFFICE Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, who has been for the past 20 years in the law office of Mr. D. B. Simpson, and who since the 1st of July has devoted her spare hours to the interests of the Canada Life Assurance Company, she having been appointed sole agent for Bowmanville and vicinity by this, the oldest Canadian life insurance Company, wishes to announce that on the first day of November next she is opening up an office of her own, on the same floor as Mr. Simpson's office now is, where she will take up actively life insurance work for the Canada Presents policy holders of the Canada Life will be glad to learn of this appointment of Mrs. Scobell and she will be .very glad to give informa tion as to the new.and up-to-date policies being issued by the «Canada Life to those interested in life insurance as a protection and an investment. Mrs. Scobell will, in addition to Canada Life Work, be prepared to do all kinds of typewriting^correspondence, collection o: : accounts, etc., the prices for which wil be.moderate, and prompt attention is guaranteed. Mrs. Scobell has listed with her a fine lot of farm properties, both for sale and to rent, in different parts of Northumberland Northumberland and Durham, which should be of interest interest to intending purchasers and those desirous of renting farms. All kinds of typewriter supplies, legal forms, etc., and the popular Underwood typewriting machine; can be furnished by Mrs. Scobell. LOOK.FOR THE CANADA LIFE OFFICE. 42-2 w There is nothing to beat the Supreme fcange with special hot water equipment. Vfason & Dale. Doing Business I am now prepared to continue my reguiâr business of pressing and dyeing clothes of all kinds. Until my store is put in shape after recent fire, ; am occupying . J. B. Martyn's store on Division St., opposite Goodyear Club. Work given prompt and satisfactory satisfactory attention. Gibson's Gleaning and Dye Works. Fire! Fire! Don't wait until you have a fire to put on insurance. Do it now. You will be surprised to learn what little money it takes to insure your contents--and in the strongest companies in America. Call for more information. information. What's the Use? of paying rent; all your life when you can buy a nice comfortable home at a very reasonable figure. I have several desirable homes that will be sold at bargain prices. Harry Cann, Phone 50. Bowmanville. JUST SPLENDID We doubt whether there is any one little thing on earth that will afford an elderly person person so much pleasure as to find a glass that will give them good vision after their eyes once begin begin to fail; something that will "make them see like they used to." Those on the shady side of life are eternally "TRYING" glasses to see if they can't find a combination that will restore lost vision. Let us once get a pair of our glasses on anyone and we invite them to try others to their heart's content. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians We Test Eyes Scientifically I New Fall Importations Importations of Wall PAPER r have been received and placed in stock. They are very pretty and well worth your inspection, and at prices to suit everyone. W. T. Allen « Big 20" Bookstore Stall Fed Cattle For Fall Trade. We have recently purchased purchased a car load of stall fed steers, averaging 1200 lbs each, which is a very super ior lot of young cattle. In fact is is one- of the finest shipments of beef cattle we have ever purchased. We are bound to keep up the quality of our meat and „only buy from the best feeders. Get the habit of buying your meat from C. M. Cawker & So n ÎS S; I I I & X- THERE'S JUST ONE WAY TO FIND OUT S3 ss And That Is to Come And Look for Yourself ss "Claiming" that our Suits and Overcoats at fifteen dollars and upwards are better than others at the same price does not make any sales. We've got to -'show" every man that comes into the store ' 'why and where" they are better. We're ready to SHOW YOU the best Suits and Coats we've ever offered at $15 and $18 --And We Can Do It, But You'll Have To Come--WILL YOU? I The Anderson Clothing Co. Phone 61 - Bowmanville I China Hall 0rocery Cooked Cereals Now that cool weather is at hand cooked cereals are in order. Quaker Oats, Robin Hood Oats, Tillson Oats, Canuck Oats, purely Canadian goods and sure muscle and body builders, any of them for 25c per pkg., family size. $ Sweet Potatoes Roasted or Fried x Sweet Potatoes are most delicious and a decided change 5c per lb., 6 lb. for 25c G râpé Fruit The breakfast appetizer of high medicinal quality. Try some of these at \ 3 f or 25c Grapes We are offering choice Canadian Grapes of the leading, varieties at . 25c per basket Peanut Butter Peanut Butter in all sizes from 10c per glass up Pork and Beans Heinz Pork and Beans 15 C Snider's Pork and .Beans ig c Aylmer Pork and Beans ;..... 13c Clarke's Pork and Beans i3 c Peerless Pork and Beans... 10c Easily warmed up and satisfying. Butter and Eggs Wanted Good Dairy Batter and Fresh Eggs Wanted, Cash or Trade Y-* 4 A s F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bo wm anvil e

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