Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1915, p. 3

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Bowmanville Citizens Subscribe $21,318,80 in Two Day's Campaign (Continued from 1st page). $12.00--Richard Allen, S. J. Allen, W. W. Allin, J. T. Allen, S. H. Argent, Argent, A. Armstrong, J. Allison, Alex. Bagnall, John Bottrell, Chas. W. Bag- nail, Geo. Buttonshaw, W. W. Bod- dam, J. Breckenridge, E. Bliley, W. Bennett, T. Baillie, L. ' Brown, A. Beech, L. Blewett, J. Barrett, R. Bailey, Bailey, L. Butson, I. Baker, G. Boutillier, C. Baker, G. Barton, H. Brimacombe, M. Bochoff, G. Boughton, A. Blewett, F. Bradley, H. Brawn, G. Burton, John Curtis, Miss Margaret Climie, W, - -- - J. Churchill Cawker, Mrs. S. Cherry, Cowle, $9.0(L^J. McQuinn, I. Pointon. $7.00--Frank Williams! $6.00--H. Allison, E. Adams, Mrs. John .Allin, Miss Margaret Allin, N. J. Allin, R. Bate, A. Boardman, W. Booth, E. Byers, E. Bennett, G. Bagnall, Bagnall, A. Baker, R. Bennett, G. Baker, S. s Box, E. Box, W. Barnes, A. Bas- Editor Statesman--I am very proud ° u " atl Y c town of Bowmanville for what it has been able to do in a two days' Campaign for the Canadian Patriotic Fund I 1 5,000 and got nearly n Uflii, __ *25,000. - 1 hat surely shows that the ■ NOW KllOWD 3S S? I ÎEÎlL f0rmerly , wentfor Morand tor the debasement of many people, has been saved up and is now available for | tnis and other-good purposes. Bowmanyille's record in this generous action will have an excellent influence in cocal Option contests in the several ciliés, towns and townships where voting is to take place the first Monday of next January* January* We look for a much larger vote in the | next contest than in other years oh account account of the excellent help in that direction direction given by the forward temperance VF RUIT-A-TIVES, " the famous fruit medicine is particularly well "suited for the use of women, because of its mild andgentle action audits pleasant taste. In severe cases of Constipation, Indigestion, Indigestion, Bloating, Sick Headaches, Pain In The Back, Neuralgia, or a General The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has hA«n in use for over 30 years and has been made Underhill personal personal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no ~-- j-~ m . . J • some ram must So It Seems. "Into each life fall." "The poet who wrote that must have had last summer in mind." Unskilled seaman in a ship's crew are. called "boys," no matter what their age. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Run-Down Constitution f Fruit-a-tives sett, Miss Marjory Bounsall, A. H. I is .the only, medieme needed to correct I moves in the .western Provinces 11 and the Bickell, W. Bagnall, sr.; Wm. Barton, su ch troublés and restore the sufferer I States.and by our conservative provincial R. R. Bird, F. S. Barrett, E. Brim- to complete health. government Putting down its foot on the mell F. Booth, E. Buss, G. Callan, A. As a tonic, "Eruit-a-tives" is in™- plnê off a lilSf'ilf desdV'blïnch^T 1 ° P ' ™ - . ; Coulter, J. Cooper, J. Cook, G. A. luable to purify and enrich the blood ItiaTnmntnnana , T j -à„S? P , I , , %®:., C ° rn iÿî * i 5 0r ÿ n - Mias Eva Corden, William and build up strength and vigor. following paragraph: °"Rul!L Savings F. Carruthers, E. Cole, E. | 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size ,25c. I " crease " Owing to the prohibition of AUCounterfcits.Imitationaand^jMtl^o^l^a^ebui Experiments that tritle'wWhand endanee/the hJSSi!"!i# Infants and ChUdren-ExperiencHœ ^ ?£&£££ What is CASTOR IA Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet, £.. Adar tree pamphlet, Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO. ONT. (Fermrty Wiifor.) F. J. Cole, A. Cameron, L. J. Clayton, R. Carruthers, R. Churchill, F. Calver, J. Cain, A. Clay, E. Clark, J. Clark, A. Cutler, W. Covert, L. Clairmont, J.' Cronk, J. Childs, W. Chambers, J. Cunningham, O. Comback, E. Chaffry, M. Clark, M. Crowe, T. Coulter, A. Colville, E. Cooper, G. Cato, D. Chisholm, Chisholm, G. Cornish, T. Chipps, T. Dumas, Dumas, A. H. Densem, F. Densem, F. Dann, H. Duncan, H. Doerfling, D. Drew, R. D. Davidson, E. Dalton, J. Dillon, J. Dillon, Wm. Edger, C. Ed- gerton, W. Edger, G. Edger, S. Everson, Everson, V. Evans, H. Evans, N. Evanhoff, Evanhoff, John Fox, A. Fursey, T. Floody, C. Floody, F. Fice, A. Falkiner, G. Freeman, C. Fleming, M. Foote, W. A. Grant, Miss Flora M. Galbraith, J. H. Gibson, Chas. Goodman, Miss Nellie Gould, Dickinson, W. W. Dickinson, F. Dath, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- I j 1 ? sale of v °dka and all kinds of strong I J. Doncaster, S. Sunn, Miss Jennie a-tives Limited Ottawa drink, the sayings of the Russian people Dali, Stanley Davig, G. Evanhoff, L. a tives Limited, Ottawa. during the first four months of this year Foote, B. Field, R. Foster* C. Fergu- ~ increased by $84,000,000. , <?Now„as that is for cnly four months if ï£ H FieM rd L D Fi:e y H '^chefT ^ P=™ington, « Goldie, L. Gray, OR pSTTr^ ^ PoWer ' ' SS™?.™ ,h = «aviugs banks, mos Goodman, .. R. Glide, Jas. Gillies, Pearce, Miss Vera a year- , „ ,000,000 in a | M. Pennington. A *£' f ™ ong comparatively poor people . ... . ,„r -r-> • , „ JL I 01 that immense country. That pnnntnr Grant, N. Hayes, Hayes, S. Henning, W. Hamilton, J. | Mrs. Mary A. Richards, Miss Florence I tiœ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Svrnns Tt is contains neither Opium, Morphine nor^thlr Narcotiî substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty vears it has been in constant use for the relief of ** Flatulency, Wind Colic, aU tLtMng TrouMeT and It regulates toe Stomach mdSw* th , e F° od > giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. P Willie Gay, Mrs. E. N. Gould, Jas. | F . Pond, H. Pye, W. Painton7F7Pat- I country. That country j t.insnn .Tnhr, xxr TT v,, neeas the saving. So does ours. J. E. Hobbs, T. J tinson,- John Reid, Mrs. W. H Reid 1 w • u v * tt- v -- : ' I Having been for three years an appren- Hately, S. Hayward, Thos. Hamblyn, Roenigk Miss Reta M RopbiVv"? Sr® I n theBow f lanville Messenger R. Hiwlipa r. T. T xkt ttL ^ lvl ir s M eta M. Roenigk, S. office, and inserted manv temneranre genuine CASTORIA always R. Hughes. C. L Hooner J W Har- n ^ to ™ xvoem s K > =>• omce >. and inserted many temperance ris G Hpnrl "R T„ na t n ff n r ^ oss ' ^ R°fiT er s, Mrs. Wm. Shaw, items in that paper. I have been highly ™L - : Hearl > IgnatofF, C. Jeffrey, Harry Snencer. Wm. Sonff gratified that ThrStitewim w® TnTinan-n q -- t V r, - i Harry Spencer, Wm. Scott, Willard gratified that The Statesman, its able W. Johnson, S. Roy Jackman, D. H. | Stephens, Lome Saunders, W. A. successor has steadily upheld the good 116SOTÎ . hi. .IbTUPS _T q m n O W I C1 I- n • i 1 . , * * I PaiKA oil tlioc-Q srûo-n J a 1 I. _ 1 1 Jamieson, E. James N. James, W. | Souch, Richard Snowden? Miss ËlizT-1 ^ aUS ® a - U th ese years, and^thus helped our Johns, F. King, W. J. Kelman, W. L. beth Spry, J. H. Swindell John Saun Ç 01 " 1 ,? 1011 Alliance m its work all over TTmrc A T ûi-^v. n r n t I . -- *- - owmaei b oonn fc>aun- I Canada. Yours truly, Willian H. Orr. 5K?' n L 5!!?' ®'., Lon ,S" I I ers ' N - Sutherland, W. Skinner, D. I Toronto, o"cio"b« li/iVls! ™ re ,. 5* • Fre( i Lyle,'^H. Truscott, Ed. Trepouth, Miss A. Tre- NeHie Gould J A. Gilhodley, W. [ Mansfield, Mrs^Murdoff, ^mschL f"b bert, S. Glanville, N. Greenfield, W. The Health and Beauty Bath is assured when Lifebuoy Soap is used. It keeps the skin radiantly clean and glowing -with health. Lifebuoy is an honest soap --unwrap a cake and smell it. A mild carbolic odor is there--that means an utterly utterly healthy skin. But, the odor vanishes immediately after use. LI F HEALTHY 5 DAP Ibl7 I ium«e<i*miieiiiiiimmiitsiiisiii,ni, l |, llei|1|||l|||e| 1 in imiin 11 mu mn 11 mum i n unm i i,HH»,,i,,« imil TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg< table Compound--Their Own Stories HereToId. $ . Edmonton, Alberta, Can. -- " I think it is no more than right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. ' 'When I wrote to you some time ago I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. I had organic inflammation inflammation and could not stand or walk any Vxlistance. At last I was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advisedLydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. I most heartily recommend your medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's, Liver Pills, and think they are fine. I will never be without the medicine in the house."--Mrs. Frank Emsley, 903 Columbia Columbia Avenue, Edmonton,'Alberta. The Other Case. Beatrice, Neb.--"Just after my marriage marriage my left side began to. pain me and the pain got so severe at times that I suffered terribly with it. T visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but ! would not consent to an operation. operation. . I heard of 'the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I/used several bottles bottles of it with the result that I .haven't been bothered with my side since then. I am in good health and I have two little gills.' --Mrs. Ri B. Child, Beatrice, Neb. t Gamble, A. Goodall, R. Hall, Walter Hall, R. W. Holmes, Wm. Hislop, Miss M. M. Horsey, W. Hamilton, F. Henning, J. Hearl, C. Hayman, J. Hadden, R. Hamblin, C. Harrison, G. Henderson, M. Hooper, A. Hardy, F. Hobbs, H. Heeman, J. A. Ives, John Jones, Jas. Johnston, R. M. Jamieson, E. Joynt, A. James, T. James, W. Jones, R. Johnstone, W. Jackson, E. Johnson, R. Jones, W. King, T. Johnston, Johnston, Geo. Kares, F. Jackman, P. Kares, J. H. Lunney, Tim Larkin, Jas. Lavery, Thos. Legge, Geo. Loucks, J. W. Lowcock, W. Levett, J. Lunney, J. Lathane, J. Logie, J. Lati mer, G. Laver, J. Lord, N. Lord, J. Lacomsky, L. Lowe, V. Luxton, R. Lindsay, E. Large, S. G. Leask, T. Larkin, Miss Gladys Munday, Mrs. D. T- Morris and Family, Mrs. P. Mar- |-tin, W. G. Mutton, W. B. Mutton, G. ! Monro, R. Mills, P. Mutton, A. Mul- I hall, J. Moyse, W. Mitchell; T. Moss, j W. Malë, W. Marsdeh, L. Mason, J. j G. McClellan, A. McLean, L. McDou- ! gall, G. McF eèters, J. McKee, M. Mc- ! Quade, R. A. Newcombe, M. Natroff, : Everett "J.' Osborne, F. Oke, R. Oxto- by, J. O'Dell, W. C. Percy, Thos. Fin- gle, E. W. Preston, Nelson Piper, W. Prentice, O. Piper, W. Pollard, W. Potter, W. G. Penny, A. Peters, R. Patterson, T. Prout, E. Paul,, L. Pe- troff, M. Petroff, Gordon Rice, Chas. Rowe, jr., Frank Roberts, W. Reader, C. Ravin, J. Robertson, W. Robbins, A. Roberts, L. Rowe, W. Robson, T. Richards, T. Riordan, W. Rudy, W. Robertson, N. Robertson, M. Robertson, Robertson, J. Robertson, G. Roy, G. Robb, E. Reading, H. Rowe, N. S. Souch, Jas. Smith, Misses Carrie and I. Stephens, J. F. Spicer, A. Surarus, J. Sayer, S. Stan- off, E. Smith, T. Shular, H. Smith, C. Sayyae, J. J. Spicer, B. Shantz, Chas. Smith, P. Scopis, H. Smith, J. C. Samis, W. Sewell, W. Saulter, J. Stonatt, V. Stanoff, M. Stanoff, W. Shaw, J. Smith, M. Schallhorn, E. Scobell, C. W. Tyler, A.. J. Tucker, S. Teasdall, H. Teasdale, L. A. Tay- 1 lor;^ Tucker, J. Thomas, C. Taylor, I S. Toney, J. Thomson, R. Thompson, J. Torrens, J. Tucker, Geo. Vareoe, j Fred J. VanNest, Miss Florence Vann, H. Vizetelly, C. Varley, J. Vickery, Vickery, G. Velchoff, J. Westaway, J. G. Webster, W. Wilkinson,. G. Wilson, R. Williams, V. Wilkinson, E. Webster, Webster, H. Westnutt, W. Walsh-, E. Wight, G. Williams, A. Wadhams, P Williams, G. Weese, T. Walsh, A. Woon, W. Wilcox, A. Woods, W Woods, W. H. Yeo, P. Yeoman. $10.00--Thos. Bottrell, Miss Lilian Bounsall, Frank Burden, Fred W. Couch, Lawry Cryderman, Mrs. A. H. Cryderman, W. Carruthers, E. F. Carr, Dr. R. W. Clark, B. J. Cox, H. Cooper, H. H. Dilling, Geo. Downey, Jas. Deyman, Wm. Densem, Jas. Elliott, Elliott, B. H. Fairbairn, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Frank, B. Gifford, S. Gifford, Jos. N. Galbraith, Donald Galbraith and Sisters, Ç. F. Gibson, F. W. Goddard, Goddard, Nathan Horne, John Hellyar, Thos. S. Hardy, Miss' Lily Harris, Miss E. E. Haycraft, J. R. Heard, A. M. Hardy, Mrs. M. Galbraith, W. J. Jones, F. H. Jones, Reg. O. Jones, J. O. LaBelle, John M. Lawrie, John Lyle, J.P.; Miss N. W. Loscombe, F. O. Mason, Marcus Myers, Alfred Mann, Miss Florence M. " Mayer, C. -M. Murdoff, A. Mineaud,' À. N. McMillan, McMillan, Manager Standard Bank of Canada; Rev. T. A. Nind, A. W. Pickard/ Miss Ethel Power, Jos. Pat- tinson, C. .J. Rundle, F. W. Robinson, Jas. Solway, Soo Bros., Ogden Smith, F. Simmons, Miss Isabel K. Smith, B.A.; W. D. Short, Mrs. W. D. Short, Neil Taylor, Rev. E. A. Tonkin, F., M. Triplette, Miss Alice Thompson,' Thos. Vahstone, W. G. Werry, Rev. 1 G. C> Weisman,' E. Winstanley, Sami ^7:_, M 5 S, zx F ;^ 0rris .' ,¥ orri ?.' P- 1 Wilcox, Miss Harriet Winter/ Jasi I At Bowmanyille Fair one attractive STOCK NOTES Wickett, W. Netroff 11 ' J C * P^mer 0Sh X J ' P^t^ r' t' I JBS * C ' ^ a11 ' Ja s. Williams! I feature escTp^d ^he reporter's attention n J . Palmer ' 7" y Pe ?7. ff, Y L ' M iss Eva J. Wakëlin, Mrs. B. M ~ tha t was the prize offered by North OBrmn, Geo. Pierce Richard Pooley, Warnica, R. Young, Miss Maude E Darlington Clydesdale Association for T* E. Prout, Howard Pingle, L. Pool- Zuern B.A. • A Friend * ^ Ve . t ^ ie ^et of one sire. ; Another ton, H. Richards, E. Robins, F. Run- $4 80 .Mrs TT year it is intended that more prominence dIe,_E. J.>berts L C. Robinson, R. J $3.50--John Wes'tlalœ. S? 1 L he _^ In Use For Over 30 Years s Bought COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Robinson, Geo. H. Richards S Rom-1 I" 115 . 1 * "-Roya! Ribbon's" colts were the rviLiiaras, o. itom | $3.00-- C. Ailes, E. Butson, w. winners shown by Messrs. C. J. Kerslake, boueh I StmmfT C t Q4- . -- ' lucs » p- ourson, w. " , a auuwu uy iviessrs. v. j. iverslake, onatt, G. Sflver L. Stia- Ghambcrs, H. Dunsten, J. Evanhoff Tas. Jebson, W. W. Stutt, R. Slemon, W. cey, W Stevens, L. Sums, Alvin A. I J, Fowler ; H. M. : Farrow J Green R '9 in - are said'to be a great Stacey, Miss Era Saunders, A. Salis- c. Greco, Miss Emma Renders Miss Credlt t0 ,helr worthy sire. bury Hubert Stacey F Short, J. Dorris iillier, T. Hyland"k Hobbs Thickson,. W: Townsend, L. Tambur- ™ ~ - noDDS > rano, B. Thomas, F. Thomas, T. Tam- burrano, Mrs. S. J. Tucker, Miss Tessa Tessa M. Thompson, H. Vickery, D. Van- Dyke, W. Wilcox, W. Widdicombe, S. Wood, W. Walmsley, J. Wenn, J. Williams, Williams, E. Willmott, F. Wohlford, S. Young, J. Yeo, C. Zuber. $5.00--Miss Belle Allen, W. Armstrong, Armstrong, Miss Agnes Aiken, Miss M. M. Armour, A. C. Allin, A. J. Balson, Mrs." J. M. Brimacombe, Arthur Battle, Battle, H. J. Babcock, John Babcock, W. L. Buttrey, E. M. , Bounsall, Miss A. Bellman, Chas. Brown, Mrs. A. H. Borland, T. H. Brookham, C. Burns, Miss Edna H. Bottrell, R. H. Battle, Miss M. J. Bassett, Miss Nellie Bottrell, Bottrell, W. Berry, Jacob Cobbledick, Mrs. E. J. Coombe, Geo. Chartran, Miss Muriel Chartran, Bêrt Curtis, Mrs. Ethel W. Courtice, Harry Cox, Mrs. I. Corolihg, Chas. Cox, W. Chet- tleburgh, Bar Dilling, Miss Anna Dingman, Albert Darch, D. Davis, D. Darch, Wm. J. Dunn, P. Easy, Miss May Eisler, John Elliott, J. D. Fluker, Chas. McFeeters, John Frank, John Fluker, A. Frice, E. Greenaway, J. W. Gilbert, F. W. Gibson, A. E. Guilders, Guilders, Geo. Gallup, G. Gillies, Miss Edra E. Grigg, R. Gordon, R. Gogeff, Miss Lena Haddy, Miss M. Louise Hardy, A. Harnden, John T. Hornibrook, John T. Hooper, C. L. Hallman, Jas. Infantine, Miss Vera Irwin, Wm. Jen F. Hennings, J. H. R. Johnston, DJ Fr ^ s h Supplies in Demand.--Where- t tt- tt- . - _ _ I over Dr. Ihomas Ecle.ctrio Oil has been Jones, K. Kristoff,. A. Lowe, S. Little ' i • , o y -nr y,/. w . I introduced increased supplies hwe been A a T el Mi L S Ve L ta ^ ann ing, ordered/showinp that wherever it goes Archie Matthews, Miss Millie Mason, this excellent Oil impresses its po^ver Miss Lyla Martin, E. Moore; J. Mut- on the. people. No matter in what lati ton, J. Matthews, D. Marineff, R. I tu< *e it may be found its potency is nev- Morris, C. Matthews, W. Mitchell, H. i e f imp . air ed. It is put in* most "portal ie McAlinden. R . MnsTi T ? txt 8ha P e m bott es and can be errried witli- McAIinden, B. Nash, R. Norton, W. Ogden, Miss Regina Percy, G. Porter, Geo. Smith, Miss Ethel Sanderson, J. Smith, T. Smithbone, Miss Edith Toombs, Miss Ray Williamson, R. Widdicombe. out fear of breakage. errried with- - ►Ti red CROSS NEWS. Salvation Army has already pro- $2.50--Robert •'g'èel) Mrs. Catherine I v ^ e d the Red Cross in England with eleven motor ambulances and three £• A " Brimacombe, Pearson $2.00--J. Arnold, Jas. Allin, Miss Mae T. Bottrell, Mrs. Thomasin Banbury, Banbury, C. Beihl, Miss Evelyn Bedford, David Brown, W. Barabell, N. Clark, Miss Gertie Cox, Miss Frances E. Conley, T. C. Connors, W. Dunham, Miss Violet Deyman, Miss Doris Deyman, Deyman, Miss Rhea Deyman, Mrs. S. Doncaster, Geo. Gilbert, Miss Leila Gale, Miss S. Henry, Richard Hamblyn, Hamblyn, S. J. Jackman, Miss E. Jones, F. Jackman, Miss Elsie H. Luxton, Albert Manning, E. McClellan, Miss Jennie McClung, C. Osborne, H. S. Plummer, Miss Rilda Slemon, Geo. H. Souch, R. J. Towne, Isaac Tabb, Mrs. C. Wakelin. $1.50--W. Alexander, C. Carne, Fred Densem, S. Woodward. $1.00--W. Adams, John Aldcraft, Miss Elva Andrus, Jas. Byers, Geo. Johnston, Wm. H. Jordan, Wes. Kerr' S. Koleff, Geo. Lyle, Lewis Lyle, Geo! Longman, R. Moyse and family, Miss Irene Mann, A. M. Mingeaud, J. S. Moyse, Mark M. Munday, Jas. Matthews, Matthews, Harold Mutitofi/W. Mills, J. N. McDougall, Mrs. John McDonald, Miss M. L. McLean, Miss Marion McDougall, Jas. McConnachie, Thos. Norton, Miss Neads, W. H. Osborne, Mrs. E. M. Osborne, Mi^s Maude Ot- ton, Ernie Osborne, S. O'Brien,/Mrs. Miss J. G. Bennett, SECURITY. Genuine Miss S. Bailey and Mrs. R! Bailey, Robert Brown, Miss Nettie Coles, G. Â. Cook, Wm. Drummond, W. Elliott, Ghas. Flegg, Mrs. J. J. Gibson, Mrs. Susan Hobbs, Miss Heal, W. Hamblyn, Hamblyn, Sam Hearl, W. Hudson, L. Irwin, Irwin, W. Jackman, J. J. Lyle, Cyril Loscombe, G. Z. Lemos, Thos. Lymer, John Lambert, Wm. Maynard, J. T. Mollon, Mrs. Duncan MçConnachie, Mrs. Jean McGregor, Duncan McMillan, McMillan, John H; . McCrea, Mrs. Noble, Samuel Oke, Jas. Osborne, Philip Puley, J. Pointon, Sherwood Pottes, E. Painton, L. J. Pearce, Mrs. Roach, Miss Eva J. Spry, Miss Emma White, C. Z. Lemos, "No Name," A Friend. 50c.---- E. L. Cordon, W. Graydon, Mrs. Thos. Sherrin/Edward Wren. 25c.--Mrs. 4- Garner, R. Stanley. A A safe and sure mèdicine for a chile troubled with worms is mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. Vary, email, extd.ae easy totake as aegac. Warren, G. Weekes. CARTERS FOR HEADACHE. FOB DIZZINESS. FOIVBILIOUSNESS. FOR JOHNS LIVER. FOR dOMSTIPATIOR FOR SAUOW SKMC P3R THE COMPIEJUOH uiJNii Murr *Ave juouATuiit/ ^ mmm ©USB 81CK HEACA6H5* ITTLE Funeral Under Fire. Brigadier McKenzie, of the Salvation Salvation Army, who is one of the chaplains chaplains with the Australian forces at the Dardanelles, has frequently been under fire. He conducted the burial service at the interment of Colonel Onslow Thomson's remains. "It was very gratifying to find our colonel's body," he writes. "We buried it at nine o'clock, after dark - , as it lay in an exposed- position; I had to kneel down and keep my head and body in a croüching position while reading the buriaj service. Hundreds of bullets swept over us while this was going on. Madge--"You shouldn't say he's a confirmed bachelor unless you know." Marjorie--"But I do know; I confirmed confirmed him." Warts on tire- hands is a disfigurement disfigurement that troubles many, ladies. Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure . wi'JL remove the blemishes without pain. motor lorries, each manned by Salvationists. Salvationists. Scottish women have given an X- ray motor ambulance for use in connection connection with Red Cross work in 'France. It cost £1,000 and represents the last word in the science of radiography. radiography. It was equipped under the personal supervision of Mme. Curie, the noted French scientist. German War Office has a regulation regulation which provides for the detention of prisoners' letters for a period of ten days. This accounts for some of the complaints of non-delivery which have been made. Turkish prisoners taken by the French at the Dardanelles are con- centratèd in one of the Aegean islands. islands. They are allowed to write to 'their families, but the Turkish Government Government so far haver made no arrangement arrangement for a postal entente. The French have overcome the difficulty by dropping the prisoners' correspondence correspondence over the Turkish lines by aeroplanes. Swiss Red Cross has affected the exchange up to date of 8,800 French and German soldiers who are incapacitated incapacitated for further service. «This movement has been temporarily stopped stopped owing to difficulties raised by the German Government. Henrie Dunant, the Swiss gentleman gentleman who founded the international Red Cross, after giving his fortune to the organization, lived in great poverty poverty and obscurity until, in 1901, he received from the Swedish Government Government the first Nobel Peace Prize. Women of Dover, England,, have contributed over à thousand gifts of Jewellery, much of it valuable, to a special War Anniversary Fund for the Red Cross. In a report on the prisoners' camps in Germany made by members of the American Embassy at the request of Sir Edward Grey, it is stated that Canadian officers interned at Bis- chofswerda have complained that when they were transferred from the front they were compelled to travel with Algerian black troops. Every English post-office is now a collecting depot for books and magazines magazines to be distributed to the soldiers and sailors. There is no need to pay postage or to wrap and address the parcel. By this means there has been secured a large supply of reading material, of which there is a constant need. The London Morning Post, speaking of No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital--an Hospital--an establishment with 500 beds, states tlyat it is a palace. It has a great domed entrance hall,.fine stair cases and galleries and vast salons, which give it .great exterior magnificence. magnificence. In details of organization and business efficiency it is said that it could scarcely be improved upon. Just So. "I saw a professor of magic remove thirty yards of ribbon, fourteen plumes and seven buckles from hat." "Enough material to trim it nicely," nicely," commented the party of the feminine part. a "He offers me a platonic affection." "Well, take it. A platonic affection often leads to the real thing." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' A S T O R | A A State lunch in China comprises 146 dishes. Wood's Phosphedin£ The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in ola Veins, Cures Nervous Debility Mental and Brain Worry, Despot aency Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One wil please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of S free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, 0HT. (Fi (Fwaerly Wlelw.) I ALLAN |jN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS | To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers equipped with every convenience and luxury co u - duave to comfort and pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement* of the trip to the last hour on board. 1 For ratex. Bailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN UNE. 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. --if you feel bilious, "headachy" 'and irritable-- T • • - -- for that 3 a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting--it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll teel Jme m the morning. At all druggists, 26c„ or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 COAL Remember It is wise to get rid quickly of alimenta of the organs of digestion--of digestion--of headache, languor, depression depression of spirits--the troubles for which the best corrective is This is the best time to buy your Coal for next Winter. Summer prices are as follows : Chestnut..... $7.50 Stove...... 7.50 Egg 7.50 Pea .......................... -- 0,50 The Largest Sale of A;, Sold Everyw] Order now and see what you can save. R ATENTS E. W. LOSCOMBE to jail countries. Ask for bur INVEN-: 5ÇOR S AD VISER, whloh will be gent free. MARION » MARION, •64 University 8t, Montréal, Standard Bank Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 £Z' -- 1 'J- 1 <■ v ». - v " 1 ^ _ .// V; .Z-. - : « w 1 ' A; 1 ! 4? ïm < 1- »

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