Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1915, p. 4

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Iu choosing a Wedding Ring remember that it will be worn for a lifetime and therefore you should choose the best in quality andjthe latest design. We have a stock which will greatly facilitate for y au the correct choosing of this most important article. article. Our stock includes all sizes and weights. We invite comparison and are sure we can serve you sat- Gift to the 'Bride isfactorily. C. H.\Haddy Jeweler Should be something for the bride's personal use or wear. Nothing is more appropriate or more appreciated than a piece of Jewelry, particularly if it has been purchased from our up-to- date stock. As a few suggestions suggestions we offer the following :: Gold Bracelet Watch Gold and Platinum Brooch Gold and Pearl Brooch Gold Bar Pin Fancy Gold and Pearl Necklet Pearl and Diamond Set Ring Pearl Set Ring Fancy Stone Set Ring These are only a few-of the lines which we have, and we invite you to come in and see our -en tire stock before buying. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 10, 19151 THE MINISTERS* HOMES T^è^ld€T % ^sidetitèpfWe8tDurham must have had very serious meditations meditations the past few months as they have week after week read, the obituaries obituaries of well-known personswhom they have, known the greater part of their active lives. We confess to a sadness of heart, as news of one after another reaches us, When assuming control of The Statesman on August 1, 1878, one of our patrons and a great friend of the paper was Mr. Robert Hutchison, Hutchison, then a merchant in Enniskillen. He was a good man, a worthy citizen a liberal supporter of the church and . a friend to all. His family have grown up to follow in their father's footsteps and,perpetuate the good name an interesting interesting obituary appears in this issue. | Bay of Quinte Conference--Final | Draft of Stations. ¥ MAY WEDDING. Mitchell's Pharmacy Balson--Bunner •Grace Church, Trenton, was the scene of a very pleasing and happy event at the noon hour on Saturday May 22, when Miss M. A. Bunner, Bowmanville, was united in marriage with Mr. Harry Bal- -son, Oshawa. Rev. W. A. Bunner officiated, officiated, assisted by Rey. J. W. Bunner, _ of Campbellford, both brothers of the bride. Her niece, Miss Muriel Bunner, played the wedding march, Messrs. Ewart and Kelvin Bunner, nephews of the bride, acted .as ushers. The bride was accompanied accompanied by her nieces, Miss Gladys Bunner as bridesmaid, and Misses Vivian and Helen as Sower girls. The groom was ably supported by his brother, Mr. Samuel Balson of Toronto. After the - ceremony a dainty luncheon was served at Grace Parsonage amid a profusion - of flowers, and the happy couple left on the evening train for the west.--Courier. The Nyal TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Quality Store We are agents for Nyal's Family Remedies, Sole agents for Ansco Cameras and Photographic Photographic Supplies; and Neilson's Chocolates, --the chocolates that are different. Our Motto: "Satisfaction to Customers" It is our constant endeavor to serve for our customers the freshest and best drugs we can procure. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians Expert Opticians Agency for Nyal's Family Remedies Shoes The good old Summer time is here again and Sporting Shoes are in order. None better than our "Life Buoy" and "Rubber Leaf" Brands made of superior quality and so comfortable. comfortable. The kind you will always want. . Fred R. Foley Bowmanville Parlor Shoe Shop on the Sunny Side For the very latest styles in Ladies' Spring Coats and Ladies' Cloth and Silk Suits call at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its pattern. Chinamel is made to walk on. Sold by W. H. Dustan. China-Lac is a perfect, varnish stain which makes the home sparkle. Mason & Dale. ^ Our stock of prepared paints is as large as all others combined. We do the paint trade. That's why we carry so large a stock. W. H. Dustan. Cawker Always Sells the Best Meats Phone 64 Call at CaWker's Butcher Butcher Shop and get particulars of a new buggy for sale at a bargain. -:ifl Honor Roll for May, Sr. IV Class--Greta Muir, Aileen Hazlewood, Efchelda Hazlewood, Mar orie Westaway, Marion Moorcraft, Smina Coleman, Ina Pethick, Helen Yellowleea, Wneford Souch, Eileen Cousins. Jr. IV Class--Ruth Martyn, Jessie Worden, Ted Pethick, Sam Mason, Gordon Morris, Elva Veale,. Mildred Lawrie, Beatrice Devitt, Harold Mellon, Mellon, Marjorie Plummer. Sr. Ill Class--Norman Dickinson, Herbert Goddard, Harry Bennett, Edna Thickson, Prower McMurtry, Vera Veale, Helen Lunuey, Mary Fin-: lay, Eva Corden, Blanche Killick. Jr. HI--Dorothy Bellman, Harold Jewell, Howard Joness, Ruth Grigg, Queenie Wrenn, Flora Worden, John Osborne, Ross Tilley, Lawrence Mason, Gertrude Morris. Sr. IT--(A) Gladys King, May Jack- man, Hilton Pearce, Yvonne . Hazlewood, Hazlewood, Albert Anderson, Katherine Rowe, Russell Mooré, Frances Worden, Worden, Morris Joness, Norman Drew. Sr. II--(B) Sybil Burk, Wilfrid Car- ruthers, Charles Pethick, Doris Foster, Winnie Ward, Teddy Goddard, Helen McGregor, Edna Jewell, Carrie Osborne, Osborne, Helen Osborne. Jr. II--(A) Philip Mind, Jack Thick- son, Reid Pearn, Hilda Hughes, Harold Harold Cousins. Jr. II--(B) Stuart James, Jessie McDougall, McDougall, Hugh Cameron, Howard CowTe, Alex. McGregor. Sr. I--(Central) Ivy Moss, Elsie Whitmee, Irene Barrett, Ellen Rich- ' ards, Catherine Fox, Teddy Humphrey, Humphrey, Katie Pinch, Sam Buttery. R. D. Davidson, Principal. ODDFELLOWS VISIT. Your Appearance wherever you go, will be admired if you wear one of our faultlessly tailored suits. Besides getting fabrics of pure wool, fast colors and exclusive patterns, you receive the best workmanship essential to style and fit. Order your next suit from US. We guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Our prices are no higher than is asked for inferior clothing. Friday night was again a great event for Oddfellowship in Bowmanville, it being being the visit of Premier Encampment of Toronto to Albert Encampment. The visitors, about forty in number, arrived by C. P. Ry. at 7 p.m. on a special car and were met by P. Patriarch F^ ' C. Pethick, District Deputy Grand Patriarch,. and the reception committee. Alter fraternal greetings they were taken around town in autos for about half an hour to see the sights, the procession being headed bv Pat. John Mackie with Grand Chief Pat. Wm. Graham in "Rachel," gaily decorated for the occasion. After the ride the visitors visitors were taken to the Coronation Cafe, where everyone enjoyed the excellent dinner dinner catered by the manager, Mr. Dulet Laing, all speaking very highly of the splendid service rendered by this excellent cafe. About 8.30 p.m. they journeyed to the Encampment R^om, where D.D.G.P. F. C. Pethick welcomed the visitors and introducee Grand Chief Patriarch Wm. Graham, Grand Scribe John A. McDonald, McDonald, Past Grand Pat Mortimer, and Past Grand Pat. Ed. Clapp. After an informal reception to the above Grand Officers the meeting was called to »rder by Bro. Pethick, Pethick, who surrendered the chair to the officers of Premier Encampment for the purpose ef exemplifying the Patriarchal Degree to five candidates, one of whom was our popular townsman, Councillor John Grigg, who afterwards gave one of the best speeches of the evening. Seldom has it been the privilege for most of those present to see the excellent manner in which the degree was exemplified, every charge being delivered without à mistake, and the .floor work could not.be surpassed. At the conclusion of the* degree Grand Patriarch Wm Graham was called on* who delivered ah inspiring address on the merits of Encampment Oddfellowship. The meeting was closed at 12 o'clock when all sat down to a fine lunch under the directorship, of Pat William Edger, Chief of the Fire Dept. Speeches were delivered by Past G. P. Ed. Clapp, P.G.P. Geo. Mortimer, Grand Scribe McDonald, D.D.G.P. H. Davis, P.D.D G. Elson, Pat. Dr. Smock; Pat. Dr. Orr of the Toronto Exhibition, P.C.P. R. J. Johnston, Capt. Premier Degree "Team, P.CJP. P. McIntosh, McIntosh, and P.C.P, Geo. Johnston' The assembly assembly was treated to a burlesque bear dance by Patriarchs Luther Nicholls, Roy Dilling and A. Edger. The meeting closed at 2 a.m., when all went to C.P.R. station to bid goodbye to the visitors, who all spoke of their visit as one to be re- Conference officers are; President-- H. B. Kenny, Cobourg; Secretary--J. Wesley Down, Omemee; Lay Sec'y-- C. E. Weeks, B.A., Lindsay; Journal Sec'y-- M. W. Leigh,B. A., Atherley Statistical Sec'y--J. R. Butler, Cavan Official Reporter--D. E. Johnston, B.D„ Fenelon Falls Letter Writer--Geo. Nickle, Myrtle Railway Clerk-- W. T. Wicket t, Fraserville Belleville District Rev. H. S. Osborne, Bridge-st., Bellevi le Rev. Dr. E. N. Baker, (College) Belleville Rey. S. C. Moore, B.D., (Tabernacle), 246 Church-st., Belleville Rev. J. N. CIarry,-B.A., (West), 44 Hillside-st., Belleville Rev. L. M. Sharp, (Sidney) R. R. 5, Belleville Rev. F. G. Joblin (Bayside) R.R Box 119, Belleville Rev. C. S. Reddick, West Huntingdon Rev. W. W. Tones, S.T.L-, Foxboro Rev. A. C. Huffman, Plainfield Rev. M. E. Wilson, Cannifton Rev. J. E. Robeson, Shannonville Napanee District Rév._S. Sellery, B.D., (Trinity) Napanee Rev. C. E. Cragg, B.D., (Grace) Napanee Rev. R. Allin (Morven) Napanee Rev. E. Farnsworth, Newburgh Rev. Jos. Barnes, B.A., Odessa) Rev. S. G. Rorke, Tamworth Rev. Enoch B. Cooke, Selby â Rev. A. L. Phelp, (Adolphust'n) Sandhurst Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B.D., (Bay) Napanee Rev. R. Stocker, Wilton Rev. W. A. Bunner, Yarker Rev. S. A. Kemp, Enterprise Rev. J. F. Everson, Roblin Picton District Rev. W. J. Wood, B.D., (First) Picton Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, B.A., (Main) Picton R ev. W. Limbert, Bloomfield Rev. W. R. Archer, B.A., Wellington Rev. Cornelius J. Gall, Çonsecon Rev. R. L» Edwards, Rednersville Rev. W. H. Webber, Ameliasburg Rev. E. Harston, (Hallowell) R. R. 1, Bloomfield Rev. M. Poulter, Demorestville Rev. W. J. Weatherill, Northport Rev. Charles Adams, Chérry Valley Rev. H. H. Mutton, Milford. Brighton District Rev. Wesley Elliot', Brighton Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A., Colborne Rev. W. D. Harrison, (Wesley) Trenton Rev. Geo. E. Ross, (Grace) Trenton Rev. W. H. Dafoe, Castle ton Rev. James Batstone (Salem) Colborne Rev. R. Stocker, Hilton. Rev. T. H. P. And.-rson, Smithfield Rev. J. D. P. Knox, Frankfoid Rev. W. E. Honey., B A., Wooler Cobourg District Rey. H. B. Kenny, Cobourg Rev. Dr. $. J. Shorey, Port Hope Rev. J. W. Cannom, Canton Rev. R. Garrett, Welcome Rev. W. H. Spargo, Camborne Rev. E. W. Tink, B.D., Baltimore Rev. A. B. Frederick, Centreton Rev. C C. Washington. B. A., Roseneath Bowmanville District Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A.," Bowmanville Rev. J. Garbutt, fSimcoe) Oshawa Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.D., (King) Oshawa Rev. W. H. Truscott (Mission) Oshawa Rev. J. A. Connell, Newcastle Rev. G. R. tiare, Orono Rev. H. B. Rowe, Clarke Rev. James E. Beckel, Tyrone Revê-Geo* Brown, Hampton Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Enniskillen Rev. R. A. Delve, (S. Darlington) Courtice Rev. J. J. Mellor, Blackstock Whitby District Rev. A. H. Foster, Whitby Rev J. J. Hare, Whitby Rev. W- P. Rogers, B.A., Port Perry Rev. H. W. Foley, B.D., Brooklin Rev. Geo. Nickle, Myrtle Rev. John Bedford, Pickering Rev. J. O. Totten, Greenwood Rev. J. R. Real, Claremont Rev. J. W. Totten, Prince Albert Rév. E. W. Rowland, Greenbank Rev. W. H. Buckler, Scugog Rev. Dr G. W. Marvin, Seagrave Cannington District Rev. J. F. Chapman. B.A., Cannington Rev; Geo. C.R. McQuade, Wilfrid Rev. H. J. Latimer, Manilla Rev. H. S. Spence, B.D., Little Britain Rev. J. U. Robins, Oak wood Rev. A. L. Brown, Wood ville Rev." A. E. McCutcheon, B.A., Beaverton Rev. M. W. Leigh, B.A., Atherley Rev. A. R. Walsh, B. A., Victoria Road Lindsay District Rev. A .H.Going, BA., (Cambridge) Lindsay Rev. J. S. Me Vhfilen, (Queen-st.,) Lindsay Rev. J. Wesley Down, Omemee Rev. H. Stainton, (Bethel) Omemee Rev. D. Balfduf, Janet ville Rev. W. R. Davey, (Lifford) Franklin Rev. A. C. Hi , Dunsford Rev. Cecil G. Williams, Cambray Rev. D- E. Johnston, B.D., Fenelon Falls Rev. W. S. Smart, Bobcaygeon Rev. W. R. Merrick, Minden ■Rev. J.JM. Whyte, Haliburton Peterboro District Rey. R. G. Peever, B.D., (George-st), 541 Water-st, Peterboro Rev. J. G. Lewis, B.A., West End House Here We Are, Still at the Front You can't Stop Us, but you may Capture some of our Leaders. Come to the Big Slaughter Friday and Saturday, June and secure somé of the spoil Ladies' Collars Ladies' Fine White Collars, all new goods and correct style, reg. 25c and 35c, Friday and Saturday 19c Ladies' Fine White Collars, just the thing you are looking for, reg. 50c to 65c for 39c Ladies' White Collars Fichues, good values at 75c, for 59c Ladies' Vests Ladies' Summer Cotton Vests, short sleeves ..* 2 for 25c Ladies' Fine Cotton Vests, ribbed, unshrinkable, unshrinkable, short sleeves, low neck with crochet yoke, reg. 25c for 19c Children's Vests Children's White Cotton Summer Vests, all sizes.... 10c each Ribbons Lot Fahey Ribbons in large assortment assortment of colors, brocades, stripes, plaids, etc., width from 6 to 8 ins., reg. 75c and $1.25 yd. for.... 39c yd. Lot four inch Silk Ribbon, various colors, reg. I5c yd. for 10c yd, Handkerchiefs Excelda Handherchiefs in white with colored borders, also the new khaki shade 3 for 25c Boys' Knickers Boys' Tweed Knickers, all sizes, lined through, good strong tweeds and serviceable, serviceable, worth $1.00 to $1.25... 75c pr. Boys' Khaki Drill Knickers, size 20 and 21 only, reg. 50c for 39c pr. To a Limited Number Extra Special "THE DELINEATOR" FOR A FULL YEAR AT HALF PRICE Regular $1.50, Special Price 75c Leave your subscription now. To a Limited Number > This store will be closed on Wednesdays at 12.30 from JUNE 2nd to SEPT, 1st inclusive. Co. Ltd. The Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. Nairn's linoleums in all widths just opened out at Couch, Johnston &' Cryder- man's. /Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores. 13-26 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing showing an elegant collection of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees, and bedford cords. If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bins with Scranton Coal and " do now 1 . Read our ad in another column. membered as one of the best out" they had ever enjoyed. 'evenings Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5ASTO Rl / Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5ASTO R I A 421 Stewart-st, Peterboro ; Rev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., (Charlotte-st.) 302 Reid-st, Peterboro j Rey. R. A. Whattam, 378 Mark-st, Peterboro Rev. B. Greatrix, (St. James) 163 Romain-st, Peterboro I Rev. W. Higgs, Millbrodk Rev. J. R. Butler, Cavan Rev. W. T. Wickett, Fraserville Rev. C; W. Barrett, Lakefield Rey. J. G. McKee, B.A., Bridgenorth Rev. Milton L. Hintpn, Warsaw Rev. Prosper H. Neville, Bethany Rev. Harry. A. Frost, B.D., Pontypool Campbellford District Rev. Â.R. Sanderson, Campbellford Rev. A. M. Irwin, BJ)., Norwood Rev. C. W.DeMille, B.A., Havelock Rev. A. J. Terrill, B.D., Stirling Rev. S, F. Dixon, (Rawdon) Stirling Rev. J. W. Bunner, (Seymour); Campbellford j Rev. F. H. Howard, S.TJL, Wàrkworth | Rev. H. C. Garbutt, Norham Rev. I aac Snell, Hastings ' Rev, Alex. K. Edmison, BA., Keene Madoc District Rev. W. B. Tucker, B.D., Madoc Rev. C. H. Coon, Tweed Rev. R. T. Richards, Thomasburg Rev. John R. Bick, BA., Ivanhoe Rev. W. H. Clarke, Marmora Rev. Thomas Wallace, Eldorado Rev. A, H. Hoare, BA., Queensboro Rev. F. Woodger, St Ola Rev. Douglas Dickson, Coe Hill Rev. W. L. Petley, Cloyne McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 If your cook is "out of sorts'^ because the "fire won't bum" order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smile." - 24 3. E. W. Loscombe of the CentralCoal & Wood Dep>ot, is now occupying his x new office in the Staqdard Bank Building, just south of Four Corners. Touch Up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results Will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. Couch; Johnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's and boys' ready-to-wear suits. Bought for cash from the best and most reliable makers in Canada. Carriage paints in all colors at Mason flt Dale's. Ous stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf Loscombe's coal and wood Cffice is now in Standard Bank Building Temperance- st. We have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask for Muresco for wall and ceiling decoration. decoration. W. H. Dustan. There is no disputing the fact that D. L. & W. Scranton Coal is the Standard Fuel. Now is the time to order your winter's supply from McClellan & Co., Ltd. 24-3 Have You a Modern Bath Room in Your Home ? If Not, Why Not'# In Town or Country We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience. Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will call upon you at your 'convenience. Estimates furnished free. W. H. DUSTAN, Sanitary and Heating Engineei^ Phone 74, Bowmanville : .1 ; I I i. sags? Ï j- - - ' - S ••'.- v ■ âSBÊ Wmmm- x | ËËâÊM- îâmr* •■2 S .35g$,5

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