Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1915, p. 2

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x Cream Real Relief from suffering means ..true happiness. happiness. The trouble due to indigestion indigestion and biliousness, is removed quickly, certainly and safely by ■ -1 She Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cento in the Home The BRICK has greatly popularized City Dairy Ice Craam with the housewife. There is no "other dessert that can compete with City Dairy Ice Cream in the summer. Our Service makes it possible for your dealer to supply you with City Dairy Ice Cream in brick form so that you can serve it in your own home at Dinner, Afternoon Tea or Evening Party, just the same as your City Sister, For Sa/e by discriminating shopkeepers Very Much Alike. The minister fwho' acted as the visiting chaplain to the local prison was just emerging from the gates when he mfet a lady of his congregation. congregation. "Good morning, Mr. B , said she. "You have been in prison, prison, I see. Now, what sort of people people are there in prison V' "Madam," "Madam," he replied, "they are very much like ourselves, only--they have been found out !" Look •for •the Sign. ADMINISTRATOR'S Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of JOHN P. FOLLEY,. late of the Town of Bow- manville, in the County of Durham, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, A. D. 1914, chapter 121, sec. 56, that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of JohnP. Folley, late of the Town of Bowmanville, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day. of February A. D. 1915, intestate, intestate, are required on or before the first day of July next (1915), to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for James A. McClellan, the administrator of the estate of the said John P. Folley, their Christian and surnames, surnames, addresses and description, with a statement statement of their claims or demands, and the particulars particulars and proof thereof and the nature of the security, if any, held by them together with a valuation of such securities. And notice is hereby given that after the said 1st day of July next said Administrator will pro ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard regard only to the claims of which he or his Solicitor Solicitor shall then have had notice, and the said Administrator will not be liable for the said estate or any part thereof to anv person or persons" persons" of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him or his solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville this 26th day of May. A. D,1915. James A- McClellan, R. Russell Loscombe, Administrator, Solicitor for 22 4 Bowmanville. Administrator TORONTO, We want an agent In every town. RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK ATTRACTIVE TRIPS DURHAM SCHOOL FAIRS _ In 1915 six townships are included in School Fairs and 73 of the 95 schools in Durham County are conducting work. About 1500 pupils will be growing a crop this year or raising chickens. 225 dozen eggs have been distributed in the County besides the seeds of field corn, sweet corn, mangels, oats, barley, potatoes and sweet peas. Six School Fairs will be held, one in each township. 212 pupils have undertaken to grow a War Plot of potatoes, 53 bushels of potatoes potatoes being supplied for this purpose. The pupils have undertaken to grow these potatoes and donate the entire crop to the War Fu^d as the School Fair donation. . Mr. R. S. Duncan, District Representative, Representative, reports as follows: North Darlington District includes School Sections 10 to 21, and has organized North Darlington Rural School Fair Association who will conduct the School Fair. Officers are:" i j Pres.--Milton Avery S.S. No II, Hampton 1 Vice Pres., Alma Werry, No 16, Enniskillen ' Sec.--Harold Hoar, No 10, Bethesda Treas.--Howard Price, No 20, Solina Directors-- H. Flintoff, No 12, Mitchell's Corners Frances Farrell, No 13, Long Sault Thomas Wilbur, No 14, Bradley's Ivason Moore, No 15, Enfield Jack Smith, No 17, Union Harold Clemens, No 18, Tyrone Elva Orchard, No 19, Baker's Kate Moore, No 21, Haydon Cartwright District includes Sections 1 to 9 and No 7, Darlington. Cartwright Rural School Fair Association will conduct conduct the School Fair. Officers are: Pres.--Jack Marlowe, No 2, Blackstock Vice Pres.'--Birdie Fallis, No 6, Mahood's Secretary--Elton Wright, No 8, Egypt Treasurer--Agnes Swain, No 4, Purple Hill Directors-- Stanford VanCamp, No I, Archers Venora Hyland, No 3, Devitt's Roy Sanderson, No 5, Cadmus Gertie Noon, No 7, Caesarea Eddie Sheffield, No 9, Cedardale Susie Currans, No 7, Burketon • * Cheapest op All Oils.--Considering the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eciectrio Oil it is the cheapest of all preparations offered to the pnblic. It is to be found in every drug store in Canada Canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for sale. So, being easily procurable and extremely moderate moderate in price, no one should be without a bottle of it. CORRUGATED IRON j Galvanize*, Bust Prtof Hade from vary finest sheets, absolutely free from defects. Each sheet Is pressed, not rolled, corrugations therefore fit accurately without waste. Any desired size or gauge, straight or curved. LOW PRICES--PROMPT SHIPMENT Metallic Roofing Co.,, LIMITED Manufacturers TORONTO & WINNIPEG 47) Com. Monday Aug. 2 will be Bowmanville Bowmanville Civic Holiday. John Lyle was ap- p jÿnted treasurer pro tem. -*?•<- MAPLE GROVE TO Muskoka Lakes Georgian Bay French River Maganetawan River Lake of .Bays Algonquin Park Kawartha Lakes Tiniagami, etc. Definition of Home. The golden setting, in which, the brightest. . jewed is "mother." A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut in. Home is the blossom of which heaven is the fruit. The only spot on earth where the faults and failings of fallen humanity are hidden under the mantle of charity. The place where the great aire sometimes small and the small often often great. The father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's mother's world. The jewel casket, con taming the most precious of all jewels--domestic happiness. Home is the central telegraph office of human love into which run innum- merable wires of affection, many of which, though extending thousands of miles, are never disconnected from the one great terminus. The Royal Irish Regiment is the oldest of all the Irish regiments. tf E" is used more frequently than any other letter in the English alphabet. alphabet. Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from certain stations in Ontario at very low fares with liberal stop-uvers. MUSKOKA EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 10.15 a.m daily, except Sunday, for Muskoka Wharf, Huntsville, Algonquin Dark and North Bay. Connections are made at Mus- koka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes and at Huntsville Huntsville for points on Lake of Bays. Parlor-Library- Buifet car to Algonquin Park; Parlor-Library- Cafe car and v flrst class coaches to North Bay. Full particulars and tickets on application to agents. No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly gladly deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 51. CCrowded out last week) Miss Edith Taylor, Port Hrpe, at Mr. R. R. Stevens'; Mrs. B. J. Gay, Harold and Evelyn, Oshawa, with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Miss Vera Baker, Miss Verna Van Nest, Miss~s Nora Werry and Effie Brooks, Mr. Norman Reynolds, Solim, and Mr. H. Grooms, Toronto, at Mr. Leslie Leslie C. Snowden's; Mrs. John McGregor, East Whitby, at her aunt's, Mrs. S. Cole; Miss Edna Snowden with Miss Hilda Pas- coe, Toronto....Maple Grove and Ebenezer Ebenezer football teams of the S. S. League played here Monday evening. Score 0-0 ... .Special collections will be taken at S. S. Sunday morning in aid of the Bible Society. . . .Mr. R. R. Stevens is sporting a new auto. .' Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power visited her sister, Mrs. S. O'Brien, town. ■ . : * ' They Cleanse While They Cure. -- The vegetab.e compounds of which Par- melee s Vegetable Pills are composed, maiuly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of celiterous ma' ter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. A trial of them will establish the truth of this assertion and do more to convince the ailing than anything anything that can be written of these pills. -- -- PROVIDENCE MAGNIFICENT CANADIANS Dr. James Fielding, The Crescent, Norwich,- Norwich,- England, writing under date of April 28, says: Dear Mr. James--You can easily imaginé how pleased Canadians residing in England are to know of the noble manner in which the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force has recently taken part in this awful war. The papers here have styled them "The Magnificent Canadians" --a title justly earned. They are the heroes of the hour and many are the regrets regrets heard that so many lives have been lost. TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Bowman- ville will be held at the Council Room in the Town of Bowmanville on 1 Tuesday, June 8th, 1915, At 7.30 o'clock, p. m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors or omissions In the Asssssment Roll for the said Municipality for the j ear 1915. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. JOHN LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. ' Dated at Bowmanville this 27th day of May 1915. FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Canadds -JÉ8 theday* I , six a •loneev "Leste " ïijwk (Crowded out last week) Holiday visitors : Misses Ada and Effa Wight at home; Miss Myrtle Bragg, Toronto, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Join Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs J.ts. Hogarth, Solina, at Mr. W. J. Bragg's; Mr. Jim Sando, Cartwright and Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, at her father's, Mr. W. H. Hoar's; Mrs. Clarence Smale with her parents at Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson at Mr. Milton Stapleton's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn at his father's, Mr. C. Blackburn, Sunday ... .A number from here attended Tyrone anniversary Sunday and were highly pleased with clever young preacher.. Say, Mr. Editor yours is not the only choir in the realm. We have some singers singers out this way. You should have heard the music furnished by the male choir on Sunday morning. It was excellent and we hopé in the near future they will favor us again... .Our anniversary services are on June 6th. The preacher for the day Rev. Robt. McCullough, a former popular pastor of Tyrone circuit. His many former former adqiirers will be delighted to see and hear him again. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles ; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine--double strength--from any druggist aud a few applications should shovv you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles freckles aud get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. . Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. 2 DOCTORS DID WOT HELP HER But Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound Restored Mrs. Bradley's Health-- Her Own Statement. Redpath Sugar has been growing better- and more popular ever since. When there seemed no further room for improvement in the sugar itself, we made a decided advance by introducing introducing the AcdbeSL Sealed Cartons. Get Canada's favorite These completed a series of individual packages--2 and 5 lb. Cartons and 10, 2Ô, 50 and 100 lb. Cloth Bags-- which protedt the sugar from Refinery to Pantry, and ensure your .getting the genuine to CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO.. LIMITED, MONTREAL. 130 TOWN COUNCIL ' Regular monthly meeting was held May 3rd with all members in their places and a goodly number of citizens present. Wm. Cann asked permission to build coal shed of concrete and cement on their property 17 feet from King-st; it will be necessary to amend fire by-law to comply with request. request. Wm. Burns asked to have tree cut down; to Roads & Streets Com. ' James McDonald asked for assistance for Mrs. Austin McDonald;. this case belongs to township, no action taken. J. N. McDougall McDougall was granted $25 extra for auditor's auditor's duties. Petition from farmers asking asking exemption from certain ' taxes; was referred to committee. Finance Chairman Chairman reported that F. G. Loscombe's claim for damages on behalf of his wife had been settled: $450 for damages and 187 v costs, plus $70 for town solicitor's fee; total $607. Street watering contract was awarded to AJan Williams at $300, less $50 for water.' Simpson Avenue will be graded and gravelled at cost of $300, half of expense to be paid by J. L. Mor- deu. Several Tots belonging to town were rented for pasture to Frank Bros. $75; M. Burns $i5; Wes.Werry $30; R. Pooley $10. Cemetery Cbm. will spend $25 m repairing tool shop, $20 for flowers, and more fence on east side. By-law for $35,000 wor n of debentures will be introduced introduced to meet cost of sewage; there seemed to be a difference as to exact amount required. T. H. Spry, Chairman of Board of Health, addressed council in reference to drain running off Centre-st. F. Bundle's property; to Roads & Streets Winnipeg, Canada. -- "Eleven years ago I went to the Victoria Hospital, Montreal, suffering with a growth. The doctors said it was a tumor and could not be removed as it would cause instant death. They found that my organs were affected, and said I could not live more than six months in the condition I was in. ' 'After I came home I saw your advertisement advertisement in the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it constantly for two years, and still take it at times, and both my husband and myself claim that it was the means of saving my life: I highly recommend it to suffering women."--Mrs. Orilla Bradley, 284 Johnson Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can. Why will women take chances or drag outasickly,half-hearted existence,missing existence,missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound ? For thirty years it has been the standard standard remedy for female female ills, and has restored restored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled troubled with such ailments ailments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. H you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- idine, Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict- confidence. Husband and Wife Plan Together. Yes indeed, I do read the woman's department In your paper, as well as the rest of it, ad vs. and all; writes a correspondent Anything that can jjpossibly help out in our particular problems is read with interest. I consider the advs. as .instructive as the rest of the paper in their way, and they have introduced me to some of the best articles I have ever used. I am always looking for improvements in everything, and my dependence on your advertising is absolute. My husband husband and I always go into the minutest minutest details of whatever is to be bought inside and outside the house together. Personally, the articles on convenient kitchens, * how to make them so, and better ways of doing work interest me most. As far as my acquaintance goes, the important need of the kitchens of farmers' wives of to-day is a little time and thought in rearranging them so as to do away with miles of steps. The convenient kitchen is the exception rather than the rule, even in many homes that are equipped with labor-saving devices and many luxuries. MO ALUM tlAGl 6 bakinc powder MADE IN CANADA Cleopatra's Needle weighs 130 tons. There's no end to the variety of splendid music and entertainment you can have on ten-inch double-sided Vidtor Records at 90c each. No matter what kind of music you prefer--popular songs, dance music, opera airs, musical comedy seledtions, band, violin or any other instrumental pieces--you will find plenty of each among the 90c records. Here are some good ones that should be in every collection : Sweet Genevieve Where the River Shannon Flows Wells and Hayden Qyartet J Peg o' My Heart Viy When I Dream of Old Lin Harry Macdonough. Arthur Clough 1 Chas. W. Harrison Art When It's Apple Blossom Time in Normandy Marguerite Dunlap-Harry Macdonough Don t Turn My Picture to the W'all Clark--Van Brunt. The Maple Leaf Forever Canadian Medley March A Perfect Day Over The Stars There is Rest Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Christ Arose Alan Turner and Chorus ) • Sousa's Band ) Elsie Baker J Baker and Wheeler J Harold Jarvis') Hayden Quartet j Medley of Old Time Reels (Violin) Favorite Hornpipe Medley (Violin) Anvil Chorus from "II Trovatoce" Forge in the Forest Evening Chimes Woodland Echoes International Rag Sailing Down Chesapeake Bay Too Much Mustard--One Step Gertrude Hoffmann Glide D'Almame') D'Almainc ) Victor Concert Orch. ") Pryor's Band ; Neapolitan Trio ) Neapolitan Trio ) Pietro De'ro ) Pietro Deiro ) Victor Military Band ^ Victor Military Band ) Any "His Master's Voice" dealer in any town or city in Canada will be glad to play any music you wish to hear, on the Vidtrola. Ask for a a copy of our 420-page Musical Encyclopedia lifting over 6000 Vicftor Records, including hundreds of the ten-inch, double-sided ones at 90c for the two selections. * Vidtrola VI $33.50 With 15 ten-inch double-sided Vidfcor Records (39 aeledtioea, your own choice) <47.00 Sold on easy terms, if desired. Other Victrolas from $21.00 to $305 (on easy payments, if cleared) and ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records at 90c for the two selections at any "His Master's Voice" dealer's in any town or dty in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450- page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. ■ LIMITED 1 ? 3 Lenoir Street, Montreal DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Vk&or Records--Made in Canada--Patronize Home Products Sold in Bowmanville by JURY & LOVELL, LEVI MORRIS & SON. Kms SSé

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