A. E.McLAUQHLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Convoy anoor. Office Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowman ville. Money to ' loan at reaeon- able rates. 48-3 y r. B. J. HAZLEWOOD> M.D., C.M. , BOWMANVILLE, ■ -" ■ ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University, Toronto; Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon - at ,Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ke. Office and Residence .Wellington St. Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH i&rrieteis *3$d Solicitors. Notaries Publie, rx. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. . Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col lege. Diseases of all domestic animals treated ty latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr, LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. E.R.Loscombe, K.C, B.S.Senkler, B.A, Money to Loin. Office; Mason Block, King Street Bowmanvillc, Ontario. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS On account of depression in clothing business caused by the war we have some exceptional values in Black and Blue Serge Suits, regular prices $28 to $30, now $15.00 a suit made to order. Other reductions reductions in suits in proportion. Let us take your measure to-day. Jos. Jeffery & Son, ' _ . Star House, Bowmanville. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.86 p.m. 6.49 „ 7.18 9.68 , :Expresa Local Local Passenger rPaesenger 4.22 a. m 7.02 „ 9.46 „ 1.38 p.m. 7.11 „ Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. x Express Express tExpress 1.07 a.m. 10.29 a.m. 7.14 p.m. x Express - Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 9.08 a.m. 4.16 p.m. x Flag stop t Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Office. Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. , GOING WEST. ^[Express 11.53 a.m. ■j Express 6.38 p.m. li'Daily except Sunday *HExpress 9.02 a.m. II Express 7.37 p.m TTDally except Sunday, DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO 'OR CHICAGO . Leave Toronto 8-00 a.m., 4.40 p.m. and ^ 11.45 p.m. daily FOR MONTREAL ave Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. daily Smooth Roadbed Highest Class of Equipment Tickets and further particulars at Grand Trunk ticket offices. No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. * We will gladly deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 61 LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA GOOD GOING EVERY TUESDAY FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT 125,000 FREE HOMES m® SohHEI along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature and further particulars apply to W. G: GlFFtER, C. N. R. Agent, Bowmanville. CANADIAN NORTHERN BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective January 25th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Stations 9.02 a.m. f 7.87 p.m. For Trenton, Belleville, Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, Sydenham, Kingston, Ijrockville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa >*and Intermediate Stations, f 11.53 a.m. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations f 11.53 a.m. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, •Pic- ton and intermediate points f 11.53 a.m 6.88 p.m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and intermediate stations f 11.58 a.m. 6.38 p.m. From Belleville, Trenton and intermediate intermediate points ; also Pioton and O.O. R. points \ , 9.02 a.m f 7.87 p.m. ><From Maynooth (O.O.R.) f 7.87 p.m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, eto. f 7.87 p.m. .-From Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Brookville, Kingston, Yarker, Deseronto, Napanee, tpiçton, Trenton and intermediate points ^ f 7.87 p.m. Trains run daily except Sunday unless otherwise marked. For further particulars see other adver tisement appearing In this paper, or apply W. F. GIFFLER, f, flag stop Depot Agent.' STARVATION OR MERCILESS TORTURE A choice between starvation or merciless torture is thé dismal prospect prospect before all victims of indigestion, indigestion, for although they are in need of food to, nourish the body, they are afraid to eat because of the long periods of pain and discomfort discomfort that follow even the lightest of meals. The urgent need of all who stuffier from indigestion is to gain strength so that the stomach can extract nourishment from the food taken. Pain after eating is the way the. stomach signifies its protest that it is too-weak to do nature's work. To take purgatives is only to aggravate the trouble. Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills give new strength to ' weak stomachs because they enrich enrich and pufrify the blood supply, thus enabling the stomach to digest digest food naturally. Almost from the first the appetite revives : then food can be taken without pain and the burden of indigestion disappears. disappears. The following case proves the truth of these statements. Mr. W. H. Silver, a well-known farmer living in the vicinity of Hemford, N.S., says : "For upwards of seven years I wag tortured with indigestion indigestion ; sometimes I was so bad that I would not taste a bit of hearty food, but would have to content myself with a bit of stale bread. At times I suffered excruciating pains in my stomach, and could hardly sleep at night.- I tried various various prescriptions, but got no benefit benefit from them and naturally I was in a very reduced _ state of health. I had come to believe that I was doomed for the balance of my life to this most constant torture, when I read of a case similar to my own cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills. This gave me new courage, and I. decided to try them. To make a long story short, the use of the Pills for a couple of months completely cured mè. This is some two years ago, and I have had no return of the trouble, and am able to eat as hearty a meal as anyone." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through your medicine dealer or by mail at- 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. : * Called For a Rope. An Irishman applied at -the wharf for work as a stevedore. He was only four and a .half feet in height, arid -the boss was. dubious. "We're loading 300-lb. anvils into 'that steamer," said he, "and a little chap like yourself couldn't handle 'em." "Try me," said Pat. And the boss put him to ^ work. Pat handled the anvils aboard all right. The cargo wais nearly all stowed in the hold when -the boss heard a splash. He ran to the rail, ^und, looking over, saw Pat struggling in the water. "Throw me a rope !" he yelled, as he went under. He came up, called for a .rope and went under again. Again he rose to the surface,. "If you don't throw me a rope," he sputtered angrily, angrily, "I'm going to drop this anvil.". anvil.". FROM ERWf 6REEI ISIE Message #flepe For All Women COLICKY CHILDREN Colicky children can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets because because these Tablets act directly oh the stomach and bowels and cleanse them of alii impurities. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. C. Slater, Summerville, Summerville, N.S., writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and am glad to say I have found them an excellent medicine for colic and loss of sleep." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST QUEEN'S ^ UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING MINING 5 CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S IRELAND'S SHORES. Happenings In the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irishman, Irishman, As the result of a mysterious explosion explosion in a Dublin whiskey distillery distillery a vat containing 3,000 gallons was blown up last week. Mr. Wm.- Colhoun, proprietor of the Londonderry Sentinel, and one of the beat known Irish journalists, has died at his Derry residence. The roll of honor of Queen's University, University, Belfast, now numbers 374 graduates, undergraduates and members of the O.T.C. of the university. university. . Acting on fresh instructions issued issued recently, the .Royal Irish Constabulary Constabulary are about to enter on a general recruiting campaign all over Ireland. The death of Mr. Loftus L. Nuyum, J.P., Jiead of the firm .of Messrs. Nuyum, coal importers, Dublin, occurred at his residence, Brunswick Street. Mrs.. Rose Murphy, Newcastle, Qounty Down, who.died recently in her 91st year, left five sons, three daughters, 45 grandchildren and 52 great-grandchildren. A gigantic scheme is on foot that will light the whole of Ireland by electricity to be developed at Bel- leck by the water of Lough Erne, and at Limerick by the Shannon. It is proposed to make a complete list of the names of those Old Boys of Mountjoy School, Dublin, who have come forward in the defence of King and country. Dublin, Belfast, and Limerick railway workers have passed resolutions resolutions pressing for a grant to Irish railwaymen of a -similar war bonus to that secured for those in England England and Scotland. A number of residents of Castle- wellan are considering the feasibility feasibility of a public electric lighting installation, installation, the gas works being mentioned as a possible site for a generating station. The Standing Council of the Irish Technical Instruction Association have decided, owing to the war, not to convene the 1915 Technical Instruction Congress which was to have been held at Larne. The diversion line of the Dublin and South-Eastern Railway Company Company is now almost completed, and passenger trains are now running over the- Wood broke and Shawga- nagh -section in the Harcourt Street line. Short -sight is very rare in savages savages . CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AND BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for lotir catalogue. SEAES-GROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. Cure- Guaranteed ^ m Never known to, llJI KA fall; acts without. F™* pain in 24 hours. Is _ ' .. soothing, healing;' I xft FHS takes the sting right out No remedy so Içulck, safe and sure as Putnam's Paln-j less Corn Extractor. Sold everywhere--25 everywhere--25 c. per bottle. * . How the World Sleeps. Mo-st people sleep on their sides, with their knees drawn up. Elephants Elephants always, and homes commonly, commonly, sleep standing up. Birds, with the exception of owls and the hanging hanging parrots of Indiaj sleep .with their he-axis turned tailward over the back, and the beak thrust among the feathers between the wing and the body. Storks, gulls, and other long-legged birds, sleep standing on one leg. Diicks sleep on open water. To avoid drifting shoreward they keep paddling with one foot, thus making them move in a circle. Sloths sleep hanging by their four feet, the head tucked in between their forelegs. .Foxes and wolves sleep curled up, their no-ses and the soles -of the-ir feet close together, and blanketed by their bushy tails. Hares, snakes, and fish sleep with their eyes wide open. ; * -- Laws of the Moral World. The moral world, like the material, material, is hel d in a state of stab lé equilibrium equilibrium by the combined action of two laws. As the planets are kept in their orbits by the balanced counteraction of * the centripetal and centrifugal forces, so the moral universe is maintained in harmony and settled now by the--complementary the--complementary action of the two great laws of vicarious love and personal personal responsibility, stated_by Paul in these simple term®--"Bear ye one another's burdens," that being the law of love ; "Let every man prove. his own work," that being the law of individual responsibility.--Bruce. responsibility.--Bruce. ; ^ What Is It? A college professor who was always- always- ready for a joke was asked by a student one day if he would like à, good recipe for catching rabbits. rabbits. "Why, yes," replied the professor. professor. " What is it ?" "Well, you crouch down 'behind a thick Moue wall and make a noise like a turnip." turnip." "That may Ibe," said the ^professor, with a twinkle in hie eyes, "but a better, way than that would be-for you -to go and sit quietly in a bed of cabbage heads apd look natural." Wellinmtx>n's men and officer» often often fought through a whole campaign campaign without receiving a letter Triom home. MISS MARY SABOURIN TELLS HOW SHE FOUND HEALTH. Suffered for Three Years and Could Find No Lasting Relief Till She Used Dodd's Kidney Pills. \ Thurso, Que., May 24th (Speciial). Tired, "run-down, women can reiad a message of hope in the statement of Mies Mary Sabourin, an estimable lady living here. In a statement to the public Miss Sabou-rin say-s : "I was a sufferer for three years. I was always tired and nervous. My sleep was broken and unre- freshinig. I was troubled with headaches headaches and pains in my back. I bad heart fluttering» to add to my anxiety. anxiety. "I was treated by a doctor and a specialist, , but nothing seemed to do me any lasting 'good till I started to use Dodd' s Kidney Pills, and I took just .three boxes of them." Nine-tenths of women's troubles come fro in sick Kidneys. Sick kidneys kidneys fail in their duty of straining the impurities out of the blood. That means that poison and disease is carried to all parts of the body. The remedy is to cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills. If you haven't used them ask your neighbor neighbor about them. Nearly every family in Canada is using or has used Dodd's Kidney Pills. * : SONS OF PEERS KILLED. Heir of Marquis of Northampton Dead; Others Wounded. • Official and unofficial casualty lists published include the names of more than 2Q0 officers, many of them "members -bf the aristocracy. Among the killed are : . Lieutenant W. F. Rodney, of the flying corps, son of the- late Lord Rodney ; Lord Spencer Douglas Compton, a lieutenant in -the Horse Guards, son of the late Marquis of Northampton and brother and heir of the present Marquis ; Lieutenant Lieutenant Keith Anthony Stewart, of the Black Watch, son of the Earl of Galloway ; Captain Eric Upton, of the Royal Rifle-s, son of Viscount Templeton. Lieutenant-Colonel Lord *R. F. Cavendish, of the" Royal Lancasters, Lancasters, is listed as wounded. He is a brother of the Duke of Devonshire. Among the wounded also are lieutenant lieutenant . Charles Huntington and Lieutenant G. Bruce, son of Lord Bruce. k Suddenly Increased in Size. A Scottish farmer - was one day selling some wool to a carrièr, and after, weighing it in tine yard he went into the house to make out an invoice. Coming back he missed a cheese which had been standing on a shelf behind the outer door, and glancing at the bag of wool he observed that it had suddenly increased increased in size. "Mian," he Said to the carrier, "I hae clean forgotten forgotten the weight o' that bag. Let's pit it on the scales again." The carrier . could not refuse. Being duly weighed the bag was found to be heavier 1 by the weight of the cheese inside: A new invoice, was made out, and the crestfallen carrier carrier went away. The farmer's wife at once missed the cheese, and, rushing to the yard, told her husband husband that some thief had stolen the cheese. "Na, na, Meg," replied the farmed, quietly; "I hae just selt the- cheese for twa shill in's the purid." ■ ^ - ■ -- WHEN DINNER COMES One Ought to Have a Good Appetite. Appetite. . A good appetite is the best sauce. It goes a long way toward helping in the digestive process, and that is absolutely essential to health and strength. Many persons have, found that Grape-Nuts food is not only' nourishing nourishing but is a great appetizer, and children like the taste of it and grow strong,and rosy from its use. It is especially the food to make a weak stomach strong and create an appetite for dinner. "I am 57 years old," writes a grandmother, ' ' and have had a weak stomach from childhood. By great care'as to my diet I enjoyed a reasonable degree of health,, but never found anything to equal Grape-Nuts as a standby. "When I have no appetite for breakfast and just eat to keep up my strength, I take 4 teaspoonfuls of Grape-Nuts with good; rich milk, arid when dinner come® I am hungry. hungry. While if I go without any breakfast I never feel like eating dinner. Grape-Nuts for breakfast eeetios to make a healthy appetite for dinner. ' * 'My little grand son w as eick with stomach trouble during the past Brimmer, and finally wé put him on Grape-Nuts. Nbw he is growing pluriop .and wedl. When asked if he wants his nurse or Grape-Nuts, he brightens up rind points to the cupboard. cupboard. He was nio trouble to wean at all--thanks to Grape-Nuts." Name given by Canadian JPostum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read, "The Road to Weilville," in pkgs. • 'TÈëro's a Reason." Brer md the above letter t a new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, an4 full of human Interest, Computing the Weight of Cattle. : There are many, rules for estimating estimating the weight of cattle by measurement, but ' one of the authorities authorities on the subject "says • that "There is ho rule that comes nearer nearer than, good guessing,." and that "no two animals will weigh alike according to measurement. ' ' The same authority further remarks remarks that a rule, a® good a® any, is to find the superficial feet by multiplying the girth, just behind the shoulder blades, iby the length from the fore part of the shoulder blade to the root of the tail. Thus an ox girthing 7 feet 9 inches, and measuring 6 feet in length, would contain seven and three-quarters times six, or 'forty- six and a half superficial feet. For cattle, grass fed, the following is given as the weight per superficial foot Girth less than three feet--11 pounds ; girth three to five feet-- 16' pounds ; girth five to seven feet --23 pounds ; girth seven to nine feet--31 pounds. Thus the steer, as per above measurements, should weigh 46.50 by 31, or 1,441 pounds, gross. Under Under this .rule it is usual to deduct one pound in twenty on half-fatted cattle, from fifteen to twenty pounds on a cow having two calves, and if riot fatted an equal amount. The .author of .this rule suggests its use only whé-n the scale is wanting, as the scale is the only true standard. standard. *- Rale Releegious. An - n e r so n^ - " A ' m hear'u that thon Gairman Emperor preten's tae ibe rale releegious in a we y o' his ain." Murdoch--"Ay, releeg- ious like 'is gran-faith-er. D'ye min' the an Id sang o' he seventies-- " 'Ten thousand Frenchmen laid . below Praise God from whom all blessings blessings flow.' " Tams'B--"A've heard it.' An' whin this yin sen's ower a dizzen or twa o-' hi s Zeppelins tae drap bombs on Glesca he'll be singing--'All good things come from above.' " : A Nova Scotia Case Of Interest to. All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of,Help to Many People. - Halifax, N.S., Dec., 15.--When interviewed interviewed at her home at 194 Argyle St,. Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid pud utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick headache headache and feared a-nervous breakdown.' Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after different different physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or d'ges-. tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strengthen strengthen the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. * Father's Omniscent. Willie :JPaw, what is an opbim-' isfc 1 Paw: A man wh.o regards a license to hunt as a good investment. investment. Ask for Hinard's and take no other. . Easy.. Yankee : "If some one were so ill-advised as to call you a liai*, colonel, in what light would you regard the act!" Kentucky Colonel : ' 'I would regard regard it simply as a form of suicide, sab." ... Had ehlip'a anchor fall on ray knee and lee and knee swelled up and for eix days I could not move it or get help. I then started to uee MIN ABB'S LINIMENT^ and two bottles cured me. * PBOSPEB FERGUSON. When Suilitan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid possessed about two thousand thousand waistcoats. . Three of these were bullet proof. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house. One Brings On Another. •'I don't see how there ever came to bé so many word» in the world !" exclaimed a girl who was studying her spelling lessons. "Why, fid®," said her brother, "they come through folk quarrelling. quarrelling. Then, you. know, one word always brings on another.' ' • How to Kill Trouble. Many people seek (trouble, ooqnt worry. Some of you ore not happy unless you are fretting over something. something. It is am unhealthy state of mind--almost a. wicked state of being; being; for your Creator did not, intend intend you to fret your life aiway, and in doing so deal unhappiness to others. Considér God's good gifts to you, and thank Him every day for the'many blessings you enjoy , You have but to look at y our neighbor neighbor to find someone who is worse off than you yourself are--some unfortunate unfortunate whose trouble makes yours appear, like a pebble beside a boulder. Go, give your neighbor a cheery word, a little lift on life's weary road, and see how quickly your own trouble will sink into nothingness. nothingness. Don't worry--and,, again, don't worry. : * ' j cs Granulated Eyelids, J*Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dost and Wind f uickly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Smarting, - just Eye Comfort. At Y°ur Druggist's 50c per,Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Tubes 25 c. For Book oifheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago * Even As You Or I, "Every man," said Uncle Eben, "thinks he's right .mos' of time. An' de res' of de time he thinks his mistakes is puffeckly excusable." Many a woman who thinks she is a good mother is only a slave to the tyranny of a child. The quickest way to do things is to do one thing at a tiine. WEAR Shoes j/Sr every Sport Recreatfc and i t ►hoe on r 11 Good Dealers /veiyMemLer e Tamili Velocity is what a fellow lets go of a bomb with. MlnardX Animent used by Physicians. One salmon -has been known to produce ten million eggs. SEED POTATOES. PI You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! Jt eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure; Why not prove this ?. Ml Druggists and Stores,-- alruBtiK E arly irise cobbler potatoes. specially b elec ted and Government inspected for seed. Only limited quantity. Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Brampton. Brampton. Also Connoieeeur'a Pride and New Snow, two excellent new potatoes. Price, Two Dollars per bushel. Special pr ees for large quantity. Cash -must accompany accompany all orders. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. Brampton. ~ NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB OF- flees for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application application to Wilson Publishing Company. 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto. 'MISCELLANEOUS. C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc.. internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. America « Standard 4 Cycle Marine Motor ' 4 Cycle. 4 Cylinder. 12 to 20 H.P. Highest quai» j lty. Silent operation. No vibration. Controls \ like the finest Motor Car engine. Extremely j J economical on fuel. Used as standard equip- v ment by over 60 per cent, of the-world's leading boat builders. Catalog on request, j 1180 to S260 depending on. equipment. J KERMATH *FG. CO. Diet. Detroit, Mich. | --HUH aT'i-i"'-'" Z3E2 Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boa THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. is If any canoe can give you satisfaction, It is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever the acme of service, model, strength and finish. finish. " Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. Thçg* latest cance is the Peterborough canvas covered. Ask.for illustrated folder. Skiffs for the popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and powers. powers. Get folders telling all about these. ThE PETERBOROUGH Ç*H0E COmPfcHy, LIMITED, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. BE* 44 Overstern ,f V Bottom Motor Boat qT) Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station .in Ontario. Length 16 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. •Specification No. 2B giving engine prices on request. Get our quotations on--"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, Row boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN- MHutri'i TJnitinat LmnTxrm»n , «* yrlanfl. ED. 6. ISSUE 22-'15. Pérfect Heat For Any Kind of Cooking S TRIKE a match--in less than a minute the NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove is giving full, easily regulated heat for any kind of cooking. The NEW PERFECTION gives you, too, a cool, comfortable kitchen. No smoke, no odor, no coal, ashes or kindlings. Let your hardware dealer show you the NEW PERFECTION today" In the 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. If he can't supply you, write us direct. ROYAUTE OIL GIVES BEST RESULTS ION S 'NOW SERVING 2,000.000 HOMES'* Î!