W' X For Indigestion and Biliousness those foes of comfort : and well-being, there is one family _ remedy Universally regarded as . the best corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of digestion. Present suffering is relieved promptly, and worse sickness prevented by timely use of BEECHAM'S PILLS Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and kidneys, regulate your bowels and you will feel improved throughout your entire system. A few doses _ will, prove to you why, for the common and minor ailments of life, Beecham's Pills Are the Right First Aid only by Thomas Beecham,, St. Helens, Lancashire. England. ' bold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. t DABI ZTEBVE CHA?£LLB. ALLAN MNE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London To take the Allan Line- means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steam- ers, replete with every convenience and luxury--- the beautiful sstil down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of the ship s attendants--are not easily forgotten. A 2 For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE .... Havre / 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville, Meg 1 Scott, In the "Edinburgh. Scots* man." Ah! far frae their mountain-girt homes they are sleepin', - They died for their country, our brave, gallant men; But the women and children at home ~ they are weepin' . ~ For the' -husbands and fathers they will ne'er see again. Oh, the swing o' the Mit! How it sets the tears startin' (There's a glamour aboot it that maks the he'rt swell) ; For their's mony a braw lad. that wore the gay tartan Lies asleep in his cauld bed at dark Neuve. Chapelle. Oh! wild hills o' Scotland, when snring's charms enfold ye, Oh, moors growin' green 'neath spring's magical spell, There's mony an eye that was wont to behold ye ) Is closed now for ever at dark Neuve Chapelle. . There's mony a voice that would sound o'er the heather, When its deep purple waves rolled o'er hill and o'er dell. Will sound there no more now, for, silent for ever, Our brave lads lie sleepin' at dark Neuve Chapelle. On the green graves at home here the spring flowers are creepin,' For the kind he'rts that love them hâve tended them well; But there's nae tender Scottish he'rt near to be keepin' A watch on the new graves at dark Neuve Chapelle. Oh! lads o' the tartan, no more ye'll be turnin' To the land where your dyin' eyes looked as ye fell; But there's mony a wae he'rt in Scotland is mournin' For the lads that are lyin' at dark Neuve Chapelle. -- * :-- His Reason. "What makeis him act so queer- ly ?" "He wants people to understand that Ihe is the first person singular!" singular!" - mnniifuiiiiiiiiMinMimimitpiHiinninnmHmm,,, DURE essence of fine * soap in flakes--and most economical of all washing preparations-- LUX dissolves readily in hot water, forming a smooth; cream-like lather that can- notin jure thefilmiëst fabrics dr the daintiesthands. LUX .preserves the original softness softness and fleecinèss of all woollengarments. TryLUX. At all grocers 10c; Made in Canada by Level* Brother# Limited, Toronto Many a main with >a coat of arms hais isihiny sleeves. Cut flowers will keep much longer longer if ,a small piece of camphor is placed in the water of the vase. 3 Ihj/uUM) \ '•Tl \ \X \ \ 1 V \ The "Mark of Quality 99 which accurately weighs, and automatically seals Lantic Sugar in dust-tight, germ-proof cartons. By this method of packing no hand touches the sugar from the Refinery to y pur pantry. Look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package which automatically packs Lantic Sugar in white cotton and jute bags. Wonderful machines weigh and stitch tight each bag--no hand touching the product. These machines give an idea of the up- to-date methods employed in our new Model Refinery -- where every step in the process of manufacture is planned to make--"Sugars of Extra' Quality/' ' ... 2 Buy in Original Packages Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, QUE. - ST. JOHN, N. B. BOWMANVILLE BAS THEM Mr. C. H. Carlisle, Treasurer and General General Manager of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, pays this tribute to our town in a letter just to hand from the Toronto office : "We are in receipt of copy of your paper and appreciate very much your article on A Busier, Better and Bigger Bowmanville. If &n timènt like this_ becomes the tone of your papers, the subject of public gatherings, on the streets and in the homes, Bowm invilie will be a much better town ani nicer town to live in than it is. There is no reason why Bowmanville should not become one of the ■' most progressive progressive town in Ontario. What you need is,more industries--industries of a permanent nature--more houses, better streets and more people. « 1 Bowmanville is beautifully situated has excellent water, good transportation facilities facilities and is a healthy locality. These are the essential characteristics ' necessary to make a good town. --* ENNISKILLEN. Young People's Bible Class Sunday presented presented Privates Fred Chapman and Hercules Hercules Wynng, fnembers of the class, now drilling at Belleville, with a fountain pen each, accomponied by the prayers and best wishes of the class.. ...Mr. Wm. Tor- diff has immensely improved his residence by a coat of paint Mr. Jas. Parr recent ly had a rib cracked by a blow from the plow.... Bowmanville H. S. Football team played at Enniskillen Tuesday, score 1-0 in favor of Bowmanville...... Mr. W. J. Stainton has torn down his house preparatory preparatory to building a new one Mrs. Red- path's reception was a very pleasant event ....Visitors; Mr. Edmund Moore and Mrs. Chas. Rice and daughter, Whitevale, at W. H. Moore's; Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Mr. Douglas Redpath visited, at Cam- bourne; Mr. Chas. Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Babcock, Lindsay, spent Sunday here; Mrs. R. O'Neill, Lindsay, with Mrs. Geo. Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tamb- lyn, Orono, with their daughters, Mesdames Mesdames H. J. Werry and W. J. Stainton; Mr. Wm. Creeper, Haydon, at Mr. Herb Stainton's. ^ -----* THREE SAD MANN EVENTS. "V X Children Cry for Fletcher's J. Mann, Port Hope, was instantly^hile at work on Patterson Bros., farm, in Cavan. Cavan. He was engaged taking out stumps, when the chain on the stump puller broke, a large beam fell with great force on Mann's head, fracturing his skull. 6 Frank H. Mann, member of the city council, Windsor, who fell from a 15-foot ladder May 14, is believed to have sustained sustained a compound fracture of the spinal column column and his recovery is despaired of. Mr. Mann is a brother of Mr. Alfred Mann, Horsey-st, Bowmanville, and son of the late Henry Mann, Esq., Raby Head. Mr. David Mann who passed away in Peterboro, May 16, in his 62nd year, was born in Asphodel, was a blacksmith by trade, and until eight years ago followed this business in Cobourg. His wife, two sons and three daughters survive. v --* A JOURNALISTIC TRIBUTE. 1 Two years ago last Good Friday in I9I3> Mr. Chas. A. Macfarlane, senior editor editor of The Daily Intelligencer, and Ex- Mayor James E. Walmsley, T. F. Wills, and two other Belleville gentlemen came to Bowmanville to assist Rev. H. B. Kenny Kenny in evangelistic services and won' the hearts of our people by their earnest addresses. addresses. Editor Macfarlane after four years service in Sir McKenzie Bowell's sanctum has resigned and will return to Lawrence, Mass, his old home town. The Daily Ontario, the Opposition organ, ably edited by Mr. J. O. Heritv paid this magnanimous magnanimous tribute to him in his paper : Mr. Macfarlane's removal is a distinct loss to the journalistic, social and religious life of Belleville. His activities, particularly in the work of the SundaySchool at the Tabernacle Tabernacle church, have been numerous as well as fruitful of results. As editor he has shown the utmost fairness and gentlemanly. gentlemanly. courtesy. His own productions were always characterised by grace and literary finish. He was free from the petty petty displays of animosity that always mar the work of little men who try to fill editorial editorial chairs. * Wretched From Asthma. Strength of body and vigor of mind are inevitably inevitably impaired by the visitations of asthma. asthma. W ho can live under the cloud of recurring attacks and keep body and mind at their full efficiency ? Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy dissipates the cause. It does relieve. It does restore restore the sufferer to normal bodily trim and mental happiness. • -* : '• OBITUARY IX. 1/ ■r z> IF 2015? Prtre&i* - .iriv Mrs.JR. Peate, Bowmanville. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Peate will regret to hear of her death which occurred occurred at Orono on April 16, while residing residing with her daughter, Mrs. James Darch where she has been for the past eight years. Being in very poor health the largest part of that time, she was a very patient sufferer. She was beloved by all, was a devoted mother and axthoro Christian--member Christian--member of thetMethodis church here for a good many years and always attended attended church regular as long as she was able. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Jas. Darch, Orono, and two sons, Mr. Frank Peate, Orono, and Mr. Alfred Peate, Baltimore, one sister, Mrs. John H. Osborne, Mariposa, Mariposa, and two brothers Mr. Levi Morris, Undertaker, Bowmanville, and Mr. Arthur Morris, Windsor. Her remains were taken taken to her last resting place in the family plot in the beautiful cemetery at Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Pall bearers were, Messrs T. Chas. Jewell, John McMurtry, William Cann and William B. Pinch, all of Bowmanville. The services were conducted by Rev. R. A. Whattàm, Methodist, Rev. J. A. Mc- Keen, Presbyterian, of Orono, assisted. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Osborne and son, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woolridge and daughter, Miss James of Mariposa, motored motored out to their aunts' funeral, also Miss Hazel Darch, grand-daughter, Toronto, was home for the funèral. b* 3 vt ;-:r • >--x It is in Demand--So great is the demand demand for Dr. Thomas'Eclectrio Oil that a large factory : s kept continually busy making and bottling it. To be in demand demand shows popular appreciation of this preparation, which stands at the head of g roprietary compounds as the leading fil in the market, . and it is generally admitted that i: iscteserving of the lead. •;C~, V The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of 1 -* and has been made under his per- ; sonal supervision since its infancy. . liri -, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-- Thé Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought \ In Use For Over 30 Years The Truth At Last. A San Francisco clergyman re cently at the close of his sermon announced that in the course of the week he expected to go on a mission to the heathen. One of the parishioners exclaimed, "Why, my dear doctor, you have never told us one word of this Before. It leaves us' unprepared, what shall we do V' "Brother," said the minister, minister, solemnly, "I ,shall not leave town." Vidtrola supremacy is firmly established on a basis of great things actually actually accomplished. & It brings to you, no matter where you live, the superb aft of the world's greatest singers and musicians. It is these great artists--as supreme in its life-like renditions as the artists themselves. themselves. There is no other way to become so intimately and thoroughly familiar with «their wonderful art. The Vidtrola is no further from you than the nearest "His Master's Voice" dealer--in every city and town in Canada. No home need be without a Vidtrola--$21 to $305. Vidtor Records 90c for ten inch, double sided. Vidtrola VI $33.50 With 15 ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records (30 seledtlon*. your own choice) $47.00 Sold on easy terms, if desired. Other Victrolas from $21.00 to $305 (on easy payments, if desired) and ten-inch, double-sided - Victor Records at 90c for the two selections at any "His Masters Voice" dealer's in any town or city in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450- page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. , ' BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE GO. LIMITED Lenoir Street, Montrea i r- DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Vidtor Records--Made in Canada--Patronize Home Products Sold in Bowmanville by JURY & LOVELL, LEVI MORRIS & SON. WmSÊÊi