Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1915, p. 8

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rn&œmMmw ^rtgSHBK8»H8 -AX 'iv¥pSW% •f-'^ r '>. 3Ç ; , ;•/ : I m. fe 150 PAIR OF LINKS selling at 25C PAIR Commencing Saturday, May 22nd, at 5 p.m. and continuing for One Week only. Just the thing for Summer wear. Watch our window. c. H. HADDY JEWELER BOWMAMVTLLB, MAY 20, 19 Î5 DARLINGTON Base Line Union Sunday School anniversary anniversary Sunday, May 23. At 2.30 p. m. service will be conducted by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Bowmanyilie. At 7.30 p.m. Mr. F. L. Fowke, ex-M. P., Oshawa, will give an address. Special music at both services. services. Rev. S. F. Dixon, Ebenezer, will preside at both services. Collection. PROVIDENCE Methodist church here has purchased a new Dominion Organ and the opening Sunday evening was* celebrated by Men's Choir, which was considered a splendid success. Rey. Wm. Higgs, pastor, preached preached a good sermon. They will sing next Sunday morning Sunday School is busy practising for anniversary June 6 and 7. HAMPTON i. WE'LL TICKLE YOUR PALATE and y our economical bump at the same time with our baking. We not only have a reputation for making making good Home-made Bread, but we are experts on all kinds of Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pies, Buns, etc. The reasonable prices we charge for . our baking makes it cheaper to buy than bake. Try one of our cakes to-night. Alex. Christie Mr. Thos. Wray and wife and Miss Nonie Horn visited Whitby friends Sunday Sunday .... Miss Cassie Ruse and sister May, Toronto, spent Sunday here... .Mr. Will Wakeley was home from Belleville prior to starting for the war Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Doidge were. pleasantly surprised by a visit from her sisters and brothers on Thursday evening--her birthday... .Miss Ranton visited at Mr. Howard E. Cole's Hampton anniversary as u ual on Thursday July 1st South Oshawa Mis sion S. S. will give the cantata "From Cradle to the Cross" at Hampton League Monday evening, Mày 21. Silver collection. collection. SOLINA TYRONE Tyrone Sunday School anniversary will be held on Sunday, May 33rd when sermons sermons will be preached by Rev. Stanley E. Annis, M. À., B. D., graduate of Victoria University, Toronto, at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Singing by Sunday School.. Collection Collection in aid of school funds. Newly elected officers for the Tyrone W.M.S. are : President---Mrs. ThOs. Wood- ley; 1st Vice--Mrs. Wm. Brent;. 2nd Vice --Mrs. Chas. Hooper; Cor. Sec.--Mrs. A. Morris; Recording Sec.--Mrs. Wm. H. Moore; Treasurer--Mrs. Alex Staples; Supt. Systematic giving--Miss E. M. Wer- ry; Organists--Miss Clara Woodley, Miss Florence Clemens. A Very enjoyable and profitable evening evening was spent at League Thursday evening evening when a contest on China proved very interesting and helpful under the leadership leadership of Messrs Land Phare and Will Young. Mr. Phare's side won by two paints, a duet by Mr. Will Staples and Florence Clemens was beautifully rendered,also rendered,also a solo by Miss Clara Woodley which was appreciated and a recitation by Miss Maida Amsbary which was given in her able way. As you entered you were measured at the price of two .cents a foot and a cent for every inch over. Proceeds were $6.50 which goes to the "Forward movement for missions." After the program program a social evening was spent coffee and buns being served by the young ladies. HORSE NOTES MAIDENHALL, the celebrated Stallion, Stallion, (8459) (14584) sired by Baron's Pride (3067) (9122). The property of Chester Power, Maple Grove, will stand the season of 1915 at his own stable. Maidenhall holds No. I Government certificate of enrolment enrolment and inspection. 2l-2w Anniversary services of Eldad Sabbath Certificate of Enrolment and Inspection School will be held as follows: Sunday G f The Pure Bred Hackney Stallion, I 1 The Home-Made Bakery ^ Phone 97 Bowmanville mmm Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You • The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRAN- ; TON COAL--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders for all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present are as follows : Egg, StovêS Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pértôn; NET CASH, delivered to all parts of the town; 50c per ton less at the Harbor. Customers wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on, as they see' fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. f We have also a full line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B. 0. Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash arid Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. ]^[ Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split, Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats arid Wheat. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. ^] Special attention will be given to cash customers. 3 ■ McCLELLAN & CO., Limited King St. East, Bowmanville May 30 at 2.30 p.m. addresses will be delivered delivered by Dr. Jas. L. Hughes, Toronto, and Rev. C. W. Barrett, Hampton. Singing, Singing, and recitations by the school. At 7 p.m. Pastor Barrett will preach and Hampton Hampton choir will furnish music. Monday May 31 tea will be served from 4 p.m. Football League game--Tyrone vs Solina --during the afternoon. At 8 p.m. a lecture lecture will be given by Dr. Hughes on "The Old Training and the New." Singing Singing by Eldad choir and the Misses Hunt, South Oshawa, and others. Admission": tea and lecture 40c; lecture or tea 25c; children, tea 15c, lecture toe. ENNISKILLEN. Come to Enniskillen on Victoria Day where the Methodist Sunday School anniversary anniversary will be held as follows: Sunday May 23 sermons will be preached at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. R. A. Bamforth, B.A., Port Perry. Singing by the school assisted by solos from Miss Gertrude Stevens, Peterboro, and Mr. Will Owens, Lindsay. Collections in aid of school funds. Monday May 24 at 3.30 p.m. a Darlington League football game will be played between Solina and Enniskillen. Tea served at 4 30 p.m. At 8 p.m. a good entertainment will be given by Mr. W. Easson Brown, entertainer, Toronto, pupil of Owen Smily, Miss Gertrude Stevens, soloist, Peterboro, and vu*. Will Owens, entertainer, Lindsay. Tickets, tea and concert, 40c; tea and concert 25c. Children Children 25c and 15c. ENFIELD Recent visitors : Mr. John McCulloch at Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Trainer, Oshawa, Oshawa, with relatives here; Mr. Fred Chapman, Chapman, Belleville, at Mr. A. Summerhayes' before going to war Mr. Fred T. Ash ton lost one of his best horses Sunday ,... Mr. D. Brunt unloaded the first carload of material at Brady our new C.P.R. station, a car of cement. Quite a number of passengers passengers have used this, flag station in travelling, but farmers are shipping cream and milk to Toronto. People should take every advantage of the convenience. Brady is 2% miles from Enfield No service in our church next Sunday--Anniversary Sunday--Anniversary at. Enniskillen. Everybody welcome... .Miss Irene H. Bray, Bræside, has returned from Niagara Falls, New York, where she attended the graduation exercises at the Memorial Hospital, where her friend Miss Mary L. Metcalf was one of the graduates. She also visited friends at Hamilton and Toronto. The pretty girl graduates were recipients of much admiration admiration and lovely bouquets. The exercises exercises were intensely interesting and many friends of the graduates were participants. With every jar of palmolive cream and with every bottle of Palmolive liquid shampoo bought this week we give absolutely absolutely free 3 cakes Palmolive soap. Jury & Lovell. ROYAL DENMARK, Imp. 647. Royal Denmark is the greatest Hackney Sire ever imported to Canada. His last year foals carried all before them in the show ring. For particulars apply to J. JEBSON, Taunton Grange, Enniskillen. TERRINGTON DENMARK (774), the pure bred Hackney stallion, the property of Mr. E. F. Weatherilt, will be at his own stable, parts lots 6 and 7, B. F. Darlington, with the exception of Wednesday afternoons afternoons when he will be at the Orienta] Hotel, Newcastle, returning home for night. Enrolment No. 3959. Terms $10, E. F. Weatherilt, Manager. ROYAL RIBBON, imported Clydesdale S'.alLon, [13932] (16972) will make season as follows: Monday, May 17, leave his own stable, Enfield, to Tas. Crossman's, Haydon, night. Tuesday to Jas. Courtis', Courtis', Tyrone, noon; thence to John Col will's, south of Hampton, night. Wednesday to Thos. Baker's, Solina, noon; thence to Chas. Stainton's, Taunton, night. Thursday Thursday to Gordon Scott's, lot 6, con. 6, East Whitby, noon; to his own stable, night. Friday to Alex McKenzie's, East Whitby, noon; to his own stable till Monday. Terms $15. W. J. Ormiston, manager, NOW OPEN Mansfield's Grocery and Provision Store Hampton I have a fine stock of new Groceries Groceries and Provisions. Justice on both sides of the counter. I would respectfully solicit your trial order. Phone 129 r32, or call at MANSFIELDS STORE Hampton Ontario You Can Always Have a Prosperous-Looking Turnout Your prosperity is judged by external appearances. appearances. If your carriage or buggy looks old and the body and wheels have lost their lustre, the impression conveyed conveyed is unfavorable. „ ' A coat or two of Lowe Brothers CARRIAGE Gloss Paint (Paint and Varnish bi Onm Coat) will make your carriages look as well as when you bought them, and you will ride with greater 1 satisfaction in knowing that your turnout is. above criticism. Lowe Brothers Carriage Gloss Paint has stood the severest tests--practical and theoretical--for years and can be depended on as a heat and cold-resist v ing, non-cracking paint that dries quickly with a beautiful permanent lustre. Comes in convenient cans at trifling cost. Stop in and get a pint or quart today. FOR SALE BY Phone 66. RICE <®L CO Opposite Post Office •9 Bowmanville WOMEN'S INSTITUTE • MEETINGS Meetings under auspices of West Durham Durham Women's Institute will be held at 2.30 p.m. at the following places: Newtonville, Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, May 26. Tyrone, Methodist Church, Thursday] May 27. Hampton, S.O.E. Hall, Friday, May 28. Subjects: First Aid Emergencies, and The The Things that make for Success; music. Enniskillen, School House, Saturday, May 29. ÔRONO, Society Hall, Monday, May 31. Bowmanville, S.O.E. Hall, Tuesday, June I. Subjects: First Aid--Emergencies; Aid--Emergencies; Salads and Soups--why we should use more (demonstrated). Nestleton, Foresters' Hall, Wednesday Wednesday June 2 Meetings will be addressed by ; Dr.Susan L.Fotheringham,Toronto,whose subjects are--The Care and Feeding of Infants; Infants; The Care of Sick Babies; First Aid --Emergencies; Life Principles; The Power .of Thought; Nature Study and Life Truths; Study of Bird and Insect Life: as a Hobby, as an economic factor of Orchard and Garden. Mrs. G. H. Greer, Toronto, Health and How to Conserve it; Everyday Housekeeping; Housekeeping; Vegetables and Fruits--their usé and preparation (demonstrated); Salads and Soups--why we should use more (demonstrated); The Things That Count for Success; The Making of a Citizen and a Soldier. Both speakers have had considerable experience experience along the lines of their subjects and good meetings are looked for. All ladies are cordially invited. Annual District meeting at Solina Friday, Friday, June nth. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall* President Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, Secretary. VICTORIA DAY Excursion Single Fare Good going and returning May 24th. Fare and One Third Good going May 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Return Limit May 25th. Convenient Service To Toronto, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Trenton, Picton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee Yarker, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls and Ottawa, and intermediate points by Canadian Northern Railway. W. G. GIFFLER, C. N. R. Agent, Bowmanville. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM VICTORIA DAY (May 24th) Single Fare Good going_and returning May 24 only. Fare and One-Third Good going May 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Return limit May 25th, 1915. Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada east. of Port Arthur and to Detroit, and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock and Niagara Falls, N.Y. Tickets sold at reduced fares from Bowmanville to Toronto, Montreal or intermediate intermediate stations on Main Line, or from above station to Parkdale or Sunnyside, will not be valid for passage on Trains Nos. 1 and 14. Tickets arid full particulars on application to ticket agents. No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly gladly deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 51. LAWN MQWERS SHARPENED. Having had a large experience in the grinding and repairing ot Lawn Mowers now is the time to bring them before the rush comes. Try me and see how nice I can fix your mower. A few second hand mowers for sale very cheap. All edge tools ground at the old Smith, and Saws sharpened. W. H. Williams, Church-st, West, at his home, Bowmanville. i6-3m It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your wants will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. Specials in Wallpapers This Week Suitable for Parlors, Halls, Living Living Rooms or Bedrooms in all shades. Side walls with ceilings ceilings and borders to match. Wallpaper 8c roll 18 in. Border 3c yd. 9 in. " 2c yd. W.T Allen Big ,20 Bookstore When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists arid Opticians. m LOOKING AHEAD We are always looking ahead for the best young stock procurable. procurable. The list of stall fed stock is for our' May and June business : 9 heifers and steers, W Bennett 1 steer, Wm Wood 2 heifers, A H Moore 1 heifer, S V Hoar 5 heifers and steers, A Welsh 6 heifers and steers, J as Stanley 4 steers, Albert Bellman 8 heifers and steers, Chris Cox You always get the best meats If you buy from C. M. Cawker & Son Phone 64, Bowmanville for May 24th Some of the]) newest black and white neckwear neckwear in Cross Bars, 50c Half Hose Some black and white silk Half Hose at 50c pair. The •» China = Hall = Grocery Wednesday Half-Holiday From Wednesday, June 2nd, to Wednesday, Sept 1st, inclusive, our store will close each Wednesday at 12.30. and we would ask you to kindly assist us by having your orders in early for Wednesday requirements. Tea Special All grades of tea have made sharp advance, advance, but we are in a positiop to still sell this line for a short time at the old price of 30c. This is equal to the present 40c values in package teas. We have it in black, green and mixed. This is a good buy. Pineapples Pineapple season will soon be at its best. We will as usual have a full stock at right prices. Fruits Fruits of all kinds for Empire Day. We will have a large supply for Saturday Saturday at lowest prices. W ^pHIS is the first day of the "Open Season" for Men's Straw Hats. We have a splendid showing showing of all the newest shapes. The most popular hat will be the high taper crown and narrow brim. These range in prices at $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 A big assortment of snap brims at from 75c to $2.00 A nice assortment of the ever popular Panama $5.00 Just Arrived Anderson Clothing Co'y. Up-to-date Men's Furnishings Phone 61, Bowmanville Some black and white Shirts at $1.00, i.25, and 1.50. m F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville

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