Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1915, p. 4

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iW¥ :>.V BOSS RULE, ALL RIGHT. MayÉr Declared a Motion Carried When Without His Vote Four Voted "Nay", and Only ' Three "Yea". .. Strange that so many people entertain the idea that anything will do in the way of glasses. Using Using improper or defective lenses, they IMAGINE they sëe well, or-if aware that their dicision is below par, think it impossible to improve their sight. We have many such persons fall into our hands, who almost imagine we have wrought a miracle by simply placing a piece of glass before their eyes that entirely restores impaired or failing failing vision. They have failed to get such vision before simply because they have never had their eyes SCIENTIFICALLY examined or properly fitted. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians in their armed chairs admiring the por traits of the Ex-Mayors and wondering i how long it would take the Mayor, Fin- ! ance Minister and the other councillors to rehearse their parts in the clerk's office, behind closed doors, before presenting their ideas and efforts to the score of citizens citizens who had assembled in the -council room and awaited the grand entrance of the municipal gladiators. Finally the door opened, and Mayor Hillier entered followed by Reeve Tait, , Couns. Percy a j 5, rebilcock * ° rder was proclaimed and Clerk John Lyle was requested to read the minutes of last regular and special meetings, which were adopted. Many Communications St. Paul's Church Board asked permission permission to trim trees in front of church; to Roads & Streets Com. Durham Glove Co. asked for rebate of business assessment as factory was closed May 31; to Court of Revision. F. B. Bundle complained of drain running running thru his property from Centre-st; to Koads & Streets Com. S. J. Jackman & Sons asked that drain west side of creek offer for sale this same piece of land. Adopted. Grigg also reported 39 inter- ménts at cemetery for first 3 months of | year, 20 from outside and 19 from town. Plots and graves sold, $409; receipts $325. Committee of Couns. Percy, Tait, Foley vrigg and Tole was appointed to cooperate cooperate with the Durham Old Boys' Association Association in making arrangements for its celebration in Bowmanville on Monday August 2nd. y . Tree Wardens were appointed as fol- ,0 ^ s _ t0 act in conjunction with Roads i S^ets Com; Messrs. Rd. Osborne, It was 8.2i pja. before the Mayor called the council to order at its tegular monthly monthly meeting Monday April 5th. Couns. Tole, Grigg, Cornish and Foley were at, , _ - -- -- ^ their desks on time and reclined patiently Streets Com; Messrs. Rd. Osbc in their armed chairs admiring the por- Foley « Jas. Rickard, W. M. Ives. " Mayor stated he hoped to have a tailed report of the McGill affair in near "future. Hooray ! When asked why Finance Com. had on Field Kitchen for 21st JJatt. Coun. Percy stated be had been V . -- * UC U4U busy with auditors' report all month and i nad no time. -• « _ Council was informed that Finance Com. had disposed of $35,000 worth of j debentures to W. A. McKenzie & Co., ' Toronto, at 101. ' Who is;Head of Roads & Streets? Finance Minister read a report from engineer stating that it would cost $150 to grade and gravel Simpson Ave, half I me cost to be paid by J. L. Morden. Coun. loie, who is chairman of the Roads and Streets Com., said he knew nothing about j this report and would like to know why the?report was read by Chairman of Finance? Finance? No satisfactory explanation was given, so we conclùde that such procedure is justifiable according to "The Boss' " rules. On motion of Couns. Percy and Tait resignation of Town Treasurer was ac- 1 - r' j--:--" ^ aaacu unit uram 1 --ui x uwii i reasurer was ac- be diverted along Jas. Veale's property; to I cepted, altho four vofed "Nay" and three Roads & Streets Com. "Yea.". The I "Business As Usual" Remove the Dust and Dirt and Save the Doctor Bills / J > HE earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning the better. - During thé long winter, with stoves and furnaces going all the time, dust and dirt accumulates in every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insufficient ventilation in the home, and disease germs find no better breeding places. Just because" they cannot be seen is no indication they are not there--take no chances, but get your supply of house-cleaning ammunition at once. Read carefully these suggestions : •- Powdered Ammonia Softens the water and eases the work of rubbing the floors and fu niture. ioc per pkg:, 3-25C Liquid Ammonia Some prefer the ammonia in liquid liquid form. Simp y moisten the cleaning rag with it and its ready - f° r use. A good-sized bottle for TO cents. Chloride of ime Nothing better for the closet or sweetening drains. Every home should always have a supply on hand--one of the finest chasers of disease germs known, and the price of a tin is small, only 10c, Furniture Polish To make the chairs, tables, window window sills and other furniture clean and bright, use Liquid Ven- . eer. Just rub it on with a clean cloth and it will produce a bright shine like new. Per bottle, 20c. Soaps Of course you will net attempt house-cleaning, without a good supply of soap. It is the ever reliable. reliable. Sweeping Powder Why sweep in clouds of dust when you can prevent it by the use of a little sweeping powder? Use it on the floors, rugs and carpets. carpets. Large catr, 35c. Lye Another fine disinfectant is lye-- there are few houses which do not keep a plentiful supply on hand. It will take up grease and other dirt from the floors as quickly and easily . as anything. Per tin, ioc. Brushes and Brooms Did you ever think how much time could be : saved the year round by brushes that get behind and under the stove and the radiators, radiators, and between tfyç spokes of the bro&m ? Why npt make your work lighter ? A full supply to choose from. Mops, Washboards, Clothes\ Pins A full supply on hand of all kinds of wood en ware for the cleaning season. Come in and Jet us show you our^ stocks-- mace by the mos; reliable manufacturers. I Roads & Streets Com. 1 Letter from W. E. Geary refusing to pay bill for shovelling snow in front of his property on Liberty-st. Mayor termed termed the letter as a "bluff". Letter was re- ceivedand fyled. A threat was made I that if bill was not settled within 3 years I property would be sold. ^ ■ Canadian Chalmers Co. asked that bal- I an r ce of Its account be settled at once; to Waterworks & Sewage Com. Hydro-Radial Commission asked for annual membership fee; fyled. Copy of bill introduced in Legislature re taxing of vacant lands of 5 acres or over in towns be assessed as farm lands I was read and fyled. 1 ^est Hill Progressive Association asked for co-operation in bettering trans- , * portation facilities east of Toronto over ? ° I radial lines; to Finance Com.^ I Box 22 4- Grant to Fair W. J. Bragg, President West Durham Agricultural Society, and Jas. Deyman, Vice President, addressed council in behalf behalf of above society asking for grant 1 he request for assistance was well pres ented: to encourage agriculture by patriotism patriotism and production, gate receipts smaller than usual last year, providing better accommodation, government grant reduced, town generally receives more in rental from grounds than it gives in grant, citizens in general benefit from the Fair. Altho an increase was asked, usual $100 was granted. Yea.". The Mayor's vote only tied the vote. How could he declare it carried ? it was lost according to any parliamentary parliamentary procedure we have seen. Council adjourned to meet at call of Mayor. FROM DAIRY TO TABLE. i That's the service being given to citizens of Bowmanville by E. W. W. Bundle, Dealer in Butter and Eggs. He has made arrangements with some of the best butter butter makers m the country to take their entire supply and delivers it direct to the consumer. ^ Every pound is guaranteed to be A I quality. His prices are the same I as you pay in the stores. If you have not already taken advantage of this service do so to-day.--Phone 251 or Post Office 16-1 Your Horse's Shoes Please remember we guarantee every Hue of house- cleaning helps advertised--they have all been ZZ^ tested. Select your requirements at once. HARRY ALLIN Opposite Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville '•MADE IN CANADA* Touring Car -/ No advance in the price of the "Made in Canada" Ford will be made because of the additional 7^% War Tariff. We as loyal Canadians will gladly absorb whatever increased increased duty we are forced to pay on such raw materials as cannot be obtained at'home. The Ford is manufactured in Canada --not assembled in Canada. The Ford Runabout is $540; the Town car $840; the Coupelet $850; the Sedan $1150--all fully equipped, f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Ford buyers will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1,1914, and August I, 1915. ' Ford Garage - Opposite Bowman House Engineer's Report Guarded Coun. Percy said the Engineer's Report had just been handed to him so. he only gave a summary of the accounts; to the Waterworks & Sewage Com. to report at next meeting. Coun. Tole asked if report would lie on desk for the council to see ? Coun. Percy answered emphatically "No we have never looked over these accounts." Coun. Cornish-thought the detailed expenditure expenditure should be read in council and not just a summary. Mayor said that the report was property of W. & S. Com. till it reported on same, then it became public public property. From the way this information is being held from the citizens one would almost think the Mayor and Finance Minister were afraid to let the Engineer give his report until it was censored by them Why not buy a seal and have all reports and resolutions stamped by "The boss" before a councillor or town official is allowed allowed to make same public? Finance Report Held Up Several items in the Finance Report brought forth considerable discussion before before being adopted. First, the Dr's bill re Pooley claim for damages was shifted from Poor Relief to Roads & Streets and finally to Contingent account. Evidently no chairman of a committee wants this account included in his estimates. Then the'item for installing installing new fire alarm system was discussed. Cameron's bill was $27 over his contract price, being $327, and added to this was $130 for material which the town supplied. supplied. Most of the councillors were under under the impression that $300 was the contract contract price for the complete-job. Reeve Tait promised to bring in f a report next meeting showing that the $457 was wel spent. $2 for livery by engineer, came next. Coun. Tole cleared jup this account • by stating that "We Can't'afford to allow him t o walk." Coun. Cornish is still to be convinced, tho, that,an engineer- in charge of waterworks, sewage; roads and streets is preferable to a working".Street Commissioner Commissioner as far as roads and streets are concerned, economically speaking. When Coun. Percy said "You have two law suits thru his (Commissioner's) neglect", he thot that was sufficient proof to leave it with the-engineer. Public Property Report Recommended (1) that electric light at north-end of Elgin-st. be moved to northwest northwest corner of Elgin, aiid Third-sts; (2) that electric light property and land at disposal works be advertised to let; (3) I offer for sale south-west corner of electric electric light property. Civic Improvement Program Coun. Foley, chairman of Civic Improve ment Com. reported as follows: That citizens citizens be asked to co-operate with committee committee in planting shade trees, shrubs, etc., to improve : appearance of streets and lawns; Tree Wardens be appointed to supervise trimming and planting of trees; arrangements be made with reliable nur- : sery to supply trees and shrubs at. lowest I cost; endeavor to exterminate dandelions by solution of ferrus sulphite and water; that April 23 and 24 be "Clean Up Days" and special efforts be made to have all I lawns, gardens, and back yards in order and garbage cleaned away; empower com- | mittee to circulate subscription list for carrying on work; $25 be granted towards civic improvement; local press- be asked I to assist. Adopted. Cemetery Committee Report , Recommended repairing of fence . at cost of $lb; engage assistant caretaker for 3 months at $150; rent M acre of land Affect his speed, his gait and the amount of work he can do If your horse is lame or faulty gaited he needs our expert at tention. We ch^Sge no more than other shops. A trial order solicited. T. H. BROOKHAM, Darch's Old Stand. Bowmanville GRAND TRUNK lî' s L ,% v DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave Toronto 8.00 n.m., 4.40 p.m. andB 1145 p.m. daily F " FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. daily Smooth Roadbed Highest Class of Equipment Tickets and further particulars at Grand Trunk ticket offices. matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly deliver tickets to.any honsg in town. T. H. H.JURV, Local Agent, House Phone 61 West End House * Ladies Summer White wear in Fine Crepes and Longcloths Ladies' House Dresses, nice patterns, good material and up-to-date styles. Children's Rompers and Over- Dresses in Crepe, Seersucker, Prints and Ginghams. Full range of colors and patterns. Hosiery in Cotton, Lisle and Silk in all of the popular weights. Quality and price to suit everyone. Umbrellas, Parasols, Waterproofs. Waterproofs. Don't get wet when you can wear a waterproof and carry an umbrella. Time These Une days make one feel like getting busv with the Spring Cleaning, We are all ref dy for you with a new and well assorted range of Cur- Draperfes/ mS ' Mus,ins ' F, "£ ured Sateens and *r U r?iJT . Ta ^ stry ' Velvet and Axminster, just Mflte M the newest, designs and colorings. Mats to correspond with any of the tugs or anv rug you have. Oilcloths, Linoleums and Mat tings,-, all new patterns, suitable for any room 6 Come early and make your selections while the stock and variety is complete. Phone 83, Bowmanville por Sale-- L ^f e Brick House on 'Church St, opposite Mr. Duncan to JOHN McMURTRY, Bowmanvf/la" X U ° ft F ° r ful1 particulars appl y m LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA GOOD GOING EVERY TUESDAY FROM- MARCH TO OCTOBER . TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT 125,000 FREE HOMES along the Canadian Northern Railway - For literature and further particulars apply to W. G. GIFFLER, C. N. R. Agent, Bowmanville. Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. Buckwheat pancakes and maple syrup. F. A. Haddy has self raising buckwheat flour and pure maple syrup--try them. Our stock of prepared paints is as large as all others combined. We do the paint trade. That's why we carry so large a stock. W. H. Dustan. Touch up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. Chinamel wilj make your old baby carnage carnage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan. _ W e . don't know of a better roofing than Uertainteed Roofing or we would have it. Mason & Dale. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores. 13-26 Just received at Couch, Johnston & Crÿderman's from the most reliable and up-to-date makes in Canada a lot of boys' and men's Spring suits, overcoats and waterproof coats no, better value anywhere. & DakS and Bicycles *3° and U P at Mason Now's the time to buy your a Cleveland Bicycle at $30. Dale. 0 boy or girl Mason 9c Many Colleges Cl ose for Vacation at Midsummer. Our College does not. - M-JOTT TORONTO, ONT. is strictly first-class. None - better in Canada. ' Enter now So.as to take a position position in, the early FalL One graduate writes'; "My new position pays three times what I got at teaching school less than four .years ago, just previous to entering entering your College," We placed this young man in a position after graduation and have now placed him again. Catalogue Catalogue free. Yonge and ' ■ . W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal Tudhope Buggies are the best in the world. See them at Mason & Dale's. If you are going to buy a new buggy this spring be sure you see the Tudhope first. Mason & Dale. Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its S 3 ** 6 ™* Çumamel is made to walk on. Sold by W. H. Dustan. Have You a Modern Bath Room in Your Home? If Not, Why Not? In Town or Country We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will pall upon you at your convenience. Estimates furnished' free. W. H. DUSTAN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville x <„ •■A»- 8&ÏS ZZ-"' -ZV lllÊâÉSil > SS .. . ' -- . - .. : --:----■--------■ -• -

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