Woman's Health and spirits depend upon her digestion and circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression disappear disappear after, the system has been cleansed and' the blood purified by 7 BEEGHAM'S PILLS m Difirtiwi ml Special Valee te WeeemwSfc Evaiy Bee. JWd everywhere. la hex», ZS cests Good Will ,Is the One Enough to Vanish Power the '"'Resist not evil"--Jesus, in Matthew Matthew v., 39. "Overcome evil"--Paul, in Romans Romans xii.,-21. PROMPTLY SECOTEa In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AD VI3 E R, which will .be sent tree,. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal, Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English d Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole i nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Toss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt^of price. S T ew pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Fweedi WUiier.) The contradiction between 'these texts seems to Ibe -fundamental. Jesus says in so many words that ■we must- "resist not evil;" Paul says in equally categorical fashion that we must "overcome -evil ! ' : Where is there any reconciliation between these diverse commandments commandments of the two great leaders of early Christianity ? A glance at the context in either case will give us, I believe, the answer answer to this baffling question. In the Sermon oh the Mount, wherein He lays down with such emphasis thy principle of non-resistance, Jesus is very plainly speaking from the standpoint of the old decrees of the Mosaic law. "Ye have heard that it hath been said/' are His You should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on the shelf. The littlefoik so often need a mild and ' safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. For stomach _ troubles and constipation, gdve one just before ] going to bed. All druggists, 25c, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 101 words, ."an eye for an eye CHAMBERLAINS . TABLETS . YOUR FRECKLES Need Attention in February and March or Face May Stay Covered- V Now is the time to taire special care of the complexion if you wish it to look well the rest of the year. The February February aud March winds have a strong tendency tendency to bring out freckles that may stay all Summer uuless removed. Now is the time to use othiue--double strength This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent phvsiciau and is usually so successful that it is sold by druggists, under guarantee guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Get ^ ounce of othine--double strength =aud oven a few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. 1 and a tooth for a tooth. Here, surely, is reference t-o such passages as Exodus Exodus xxi., 23 ("life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, wound for wound, stripe for stripe"), and- Deuteron-- omy xix., 18 ("life shall go for life, eye- for eye, tooth for tooth, foot for foot"). It was this ancient law and prevailing custom which Jesus was here combating--the rendering of evil for evil, the meeting of violence violence with violence, the challenge of hatred by hatred. "So shalt thou put the evil away from among you," said Moses. But not so, retorted retorted Jesus. "For I say unto von that ye resist -not evil" in any such fashion as this. There is a higher, better.* more effective way of putting putting "evil a way from among you/' This is the way of kindness, generosity, generosity, .forgiveness, good will. The law of security is the law of love. "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which de spitefully use you and persecute persecute you. ' This do, and thou shalt live ! i Such is the"full meaning of: Jesus non-resistance principle. And entirely in accord with this is the teaching of Paul in his letter to the Romans. "Abhor 'that which is evil," are his words. . "Cleave to that which is good. . . • Bless them that curse you. . • . Render.to no man evil for evil. • • • Avenge not yourselves. Z . . Bpt if thine enemy "hunger, feed him ; if he thirst, .give him drink. ... Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Here, now, is 'the reconciliation of our texits ; and here at the same time is the true interpretation - of the familiar and yet much rnisun- derstood doctrine of non-resistance. non-resistance. To the average man non- resistance means passivity, inaction, inaction, feeble acquiescence in the evil, cowardly surrender to the strong. And he is perhaps justified in this conception by the phrase itself, itself, which seems to convey exactly this idea. As a matter of fact, however, however, the phrase is a misnomer and the interpretation based upon it false-. Non-resistance is in essence the most militant aud aggressive of policies. Its first commandment is .that we shall "overcome evil" -- tight it, beat it down, destroy it ! It differs from other gospels of action only in the weapon which it employs. employs. It declares that eviL. can, be "overcome," not 'bv violence of any kind but only by gentleness, meekness, love. Force is always a failure. "He that ta-keth the sword" inevitably "perishes by the sword." Good will is the one power power strong enough to" vanquish the world. Not to yield to evil, but to overcome it with good--not to consent consent to violence, but to conquer it with peace--not to flee from hatred or to meet it with other hatred, but to transfigure it into love--this is non-resistance ! ... The sum and substance of the whole matter is none other than this--non-resistance is the gospel of "love one another" applied! It is the religion of Jesus and Paul taken seriously. -- Rev. John Havnes Holmes. Suffered Terribly Until She Took St. Jean dÈ.MÀ^ha, Jan. 27th. 1914. "After suffering for. a long time with J>yspepsj§, I .have been cured 1 bÿ "Frtiit-a-tiy'es". ~ I suffered. so 1 much that I would not dare eat for I was afrajd of dying. Five years ago,.. • I received satnplps of "Fruit-a-tives". : I did not wish to try them for I had little confidence.-in them but, seeing my husband's arixiety, 1 decided to do so and at once I felt relief. Then I sfent-for three boxes and I kept improving improving until I was cured. While, sick, J "' lost several .poûnds, but after taking "Fruit-a-tives ", ! I quickly regained what I had lost. Now I eat, sleep and . digest well--in a word, I am completely cured, thanks to "Fruit-a-tives". Madam M. CHARBONNEAU " Fruit-a-tiyçs " is the greatest stomach tonic.,in the world and'.;Will al way s ctirèl ndigestjon /SourStomach, ' ' Heartburn ' ', Dyspepsia and. other " Stomach Troubles. 50c. a box,' 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by.Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. His Occupation. friend," said the solemn "My man. "have you ever done aught to make the community in which you like the better for your living in it ' "I have done much, sir," replied the other humbly, "to purify the homes of my fellow-beings." "Ah/' continued the solemn man, with a pleased air, "you distribute tracts ?" "No : T clean carpets." The railways of Egypt exceed 1, • 500 miles in length. AILING WOMEN With Oranges. Orangeade. -- Two cups orange juice, one and one-half cups sugar, one cup strained cranberry sauce, two quarts water. Boil sugar and water ten minutes. When cold, add strained orange juice and cranberry cranberry juice ; pour in punch bowl or large pitcher. Cut one orange into thin slices to garnish top. The rind can be pared irom the orange very thin in one piece and hung around the edge of the bowl. been removed, or mix with finely cut celery, served in endive leaves or mixed with finely cut endive. Always Always one good-sized orange for an order of orange salad. Pare and cut the orange small, serve on lettuce, lettuce, with French dressing. _ If blended with grapes use two-thirds orange and one-third grapes, on shredded lettuce leaves. If endive, one-half orange and one-half endive. endive. The French dressing is two parts oil and one path lemon juice Orange Rolls.--Soak the orange peel three days in cold _ water, changing water daily ; then put in hot water and boil until soft. Squeeze dry as possible, chop fine and weigh. Take same amount of sugar and boil with a little water til it spins a thread. Add the serve with milk flavored with gr&t- . eçi orange peel pr a custard made*of ' yolks of eggs, -a pint of milk arid flour sufficient "to make it creamy; cook over hot fire until the custard coats a spoon ; 'flavor with grated; orange peel. Candied Orange Peel.--Cover the peel of four oranges with two quarts of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil sh>wly until until tender, about forty minutes ; pour into colander and drain two hours ; removeall the white skin left from the pulp, the white of .the rind is not removed. When dry, cut into fine strips. Boil two. cups sugar with three-fourths cup of water water until it spins a thread, put in part of peel and boil five minutes, remove with fork and place in pulverized pulverized sugar a few minutes."'Then >ut on a plate to dry. The orange 3 eel' prepared this way lasts a long ;ime, and there are many uses .for it. One good way to use it is chopped chopped fine and put in panocha, to use with" fondant candies ; also chopped and sprinkled on cake icing and rhanv other uses. Now is the time to make it. COWS FOR PROFITS. In. one dairy record-centre Im&in- taa||ed by the dairy division, Ottawa, Ottawa, in 1914; there were such surprising surprising "co.ntrasti3..in yields of milk and fat that they must command the attention of every progressive . dairyman. N The best cow in one herd gave only 4,158 pounds of milk and only 155 pounds of fat ; the average of the • whqile Ih-erd wa's "only 3,772 pounds of milk and' 136 pounds of fat. In a herd near by the poorest yield of any one cow "was 5,658 pounds of milk and .278 pounds of fat ; the herd average was 7,255 pounds of milk and 342 pounds of fat. There were several individual yields of oyer eight thousand pounds, of milk, while one good grade ■ Cow gave 14,400 pounds of milk-and 562 pounds of fat. Coming to the cost of feed,' plenty plenty of herds had. an average cost per cow of from forty to fifty-five dollars dollars ') - even at these high figures the net profit above the cost of feed ran up to forty-six and fifty dollars as the herd- average. - ; -Such - results are fulil of. en courage courage nient for. the owners, and augur augur well for. the future of cow testing testing in" thé Maritime Provinces. Other dairymen may well strive to emulate these records of fifty and sixty-five dollars clear profit above thé cost, of feed ias made by good individual cows. This sensible method method of determining the respective merit of each cow as a profit maker lays a solid foundation for building up a singularly interesting herd from a modern business standpoint. --C. F. W. The Kind. Y ou Have Always Bought, andwliicli Jhas been in use for, over 30 years, has Tjorne the signature of and has.been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 66 Just-as-good " are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Tufants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castooria is a^harriqless substitute for Castor Oil, Paye- gpriç, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. "It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief % of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS I Bears the Signatur e of In Use For Over 30 Years THE c: E MA I 1 =» COM PANY. NEW YORK c 1TY . * uni Orange and figs. -- Six oranges! c} d pee l ; boil a few minrites J „ J -rvl ûrtrtO Pnf ± If C _ 1 • Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Distressing Distressing JS.ymptoms During Changé of Life and How She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can.--"Three years ago I Was suffering badly with what the docto-rs called Change of Life. I was so bad that I had to stay in bed. Some friends told me to take Lydia r E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only mediçjne I took that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know bow thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your .good medicine has done for me."-Mrs. Simon Doucette, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hot flashes,headaches,backaches, flashes,headaches,backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of. the heart, sparks before the eyesv irregularities, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness* and inquietude, and dizziness, lire promptly heeded by intelligent women women who are approaching the period m life when woman's great change may be expected. • Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened weakened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through^his crisis. If you want special advice write to Lrdia E. PinkhamMedicine Co. (çonfi- mttml) Y.vrin/*ass. tw be opened, r*ad and taswewd bjrâ wamàn, and held in strict oenâdence. pared and cut into thin pieces. Cut the figs into fine strips, mix with oranges and serve very cold. Garnish Garnish with one-half maraschino cherry. This makes a good breakfast breakfast fruit or can be served for dessert. dessert. Orange Fudge. -- One pound brown sugar, three tablespoonfuls rich milk, butter the size of an English walnut, grated -rind of one orange, one cup walnuts chopped fine. Boil three minutes. Beat fifteen fifteen minutes or more. Orange Marmalade. -- Twelve oranges, four tablespoons leipon juice, y four cups Neater, eight cups sugar. Cut the oranges in . half,, scoop out the juice and pulp. Put the skins on ta boil with six quarts of cold .water and boil until tender ; remove apd put in colander to drain. When they are well drained, drained, take a spoon and remove all the white ; it will pome out .easily. Shred the yellow and add to the juice and pulp. Be sure that all the white fibre has been removed. Add the sugar and water and boil slowly two hours, or until thick. Orange Jelly in Orange Cup With Whipped Cream.--Four oranges one table spoonful lemon juice, one cup sugar, one rounded or two level tablespoonfuls granulated gelatin. gelatin. .Cut the oranges in half crossways ; with rimmer remove centre, add lemon juice, sugar and gelatin, which has been soaked in a little water dissolved in one cup of boiling water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove all the loose filbre from the orange peel and saw tooth the edge, either with scissors or sharp knife. Set the orange cup in shallow pan of finely cracked ice, then fill in the jelly. When cold and firm arid ready to serve place on small doily and put a spoon of whipped cream on top. Garnish with half of maraschino cherry. It one uses pastry bag /put cream through it. ; Orange Salad.--Orange salad is one of the best dinner salads, either oranges on bed" of watercress or oranges blended with, malaga grapes from which the seeds have longer ; take from fire, cool, put, on board, sprinkle with granulated sugar and mold into balls ; roll in sugar and spread tq dry. Orange Blanc Mange.--Heat pint of orange juice ; then ad-c enough sugar to sweeten, as some fruit needs more than others ; pour in gradually two level tablespoons of cornstarch wet with two tablespoons tablespoons of cold water and boil unti. transparent. Whip the whites of two eggs very stiff ; then slowly turn the hot mixture on them, beat ing thoroughly all the time ; butter small cups or molds and fill with the hot mixture. When chilled v Must Bear Signature of See PaoSimtfe Wrapper Below. OOBB SICK HEADACHE* Try These Hints. Use no soapr^fD-windW glass: Use old muslin and clean soft water. A cotton cloth dipped" in a. littl.e alcohol alcohol will add brilliancy to the final rub. When steaming potatoes put a cloth over them before putting the lid on. They will take much less time to cook, and be much more mealy than when done in the ordinary ordinary way. If white of egg is applied with a small camel's hair paint brush to fly specks on gilt frames, then rubbed rubbed gently with a soft» cloth, the specks will disappear. Before using a new saucepan add a. lump of soda and some potato peelings and let it 'boil for some hours. Then wash out thoroughly, and all danger from poisoning from the tinned lining .will be gone. Wash linoleum and oil cloth, with luke warm water, then polish it with a soft woollen cloth which has been dipped in milk. After inserting tape in petticoats or blouses always tack the t-ape in the centre of the back or front, according according to the way' in which the garment opens, to prevent the ends of the tape from slipping into the casing out of reach. When lemons are hard cover them with boiling water and stand them aside to cool. They will then appear fresh arid full of juice. Neither will the juice seem in the least diluted by any water absorbed. absorbed. Scientists have discovered that disease germs quickly die when they come in contact with the ordinary floor covering known as linoleum. This is thought to be due to the disinfectant disinfectant properties'of linseed oil which is found. in linoleum. When a Japanned tray becomes old -and chipped give it "two coats of white paint and one of enamel, the 'bottom as well as the top. Stand it on edge to. dry after each coat. It will be found as good as new, as well as very pretty. The enamel is easily renewed. A colored ribbon tied to scissors will save riiany minutes that are otherwise spent in .looking for them especially if they are used by children children who forget where they have left them. A piece of ribbon is always always sure to show where scissors are half-hidden under papers or sewing. ' When your house plants look a trifle dejected, and water does riot revive them, - tty putting coffee . grounds on tfee roots three timed; a week ; then once a week give them a tablespoon fui ofol^ve oil; do "not allow the earth to become hard and dry.* -I // To make grim stahch pound- 2 otineès^LgunÜ agafoiStb a'fini 'pow- dèt, and pour* 1% jpinfc ; bfoiliflg 'Water 'Water river it. Cover, .and leave till $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cura iu all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Ha I s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional constitutional treatment. Hal's Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by building up the constitution aud assisting nature iu doing doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cu;e S jud for list of testimon als. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drnggids, 753. Take.Hall's Family Pills for constipation. constipation. * KITCHENER'S WAY. Secretary of War Will Not Stand for Unreasonable Acts. Choosing Her Husband. A well-known London magistrate, who has just retired from- the bench, has a great repertoire of good stories. His favorite one relates relates to a case in which he appears as counsel. In the course of' this case he had to cross-examine the wife of a notorious burglar. "You are the wife of this man ?" he asked. asked. "I am," she replied. "You knew he was a burglar when you married him?" her proceeded. "I did," she -admitted. "How could you possibly marry such a man?" the magistrate demanded. "Well, it was like this," the witness explained explained confidentially. "I was getting getting old, and two chaps wanted to marry me. It wasnt' easy to choose between 'm, but in the end I married married that man there. The other chap was a lawyer, same as you, sir Hard on Them. Austrians are being urged to send newspapers to the front t-o serve as chest protectors for the troops. If possible the papers should be German, as these best. lie our Very Lasting. wife an economical "Is cook?" "I should say so. She makes the most durable cake you ever saw." A certain well-known English firm recently obtained a large contract contract from the War Office. To em sure it being carried out on time, it was necessary for the workpeople to work overtime. This they were perfectly willing to do, being paid at union rates. After a few days the secretary of the trade union called upon the head of the firm concerned, and advised advised him that unless t-he overtime was stopped all the "hands/ would be called out. As. there seemed no way out of it the employer concerned concerned went to the War Office and succeeded succeeded in seeing Lord Kitchener, and placed all the particulars before before him. Lord Kitchener asked for the name and address of the trade union man, and said: "Be here tomorrow tomorrow at 11 o'clock." At that time the next day Mr. was ad mitted into Lord Kitchener's prer sence, the trade union man being also there. The following conversation then took place : FOYAL MAIL To LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVRE The memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, jailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or. THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King St., West, Toronto. Lord Kitchener--"Now, Mr. - kindly repeat what you told yesterday as briefly as you can Mr. did so. me 7 ) Turning to the trade union man Lord K. said: "Mr. ---, are these facts as stated?" "Yes, my lord ; but it is strictly against our rules to Lord Kitchener : "Are the facts right ?" "Yes-, ifiy lord; but " Lord Kitchener : "If you oal those people out on strike I will get you seven years under the Treason Aic't.if or preventing the supplying of Mis Majesty's forces.' Good morn ing, gentlemen." M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes fori t should be reported to our Local Manager at otice. Have you a telephone ? Those who have will tell you that it is the most precious of modern conveniences. Why not order to-day and have your name in the new directory? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 1 Order Coal Now s What Doctors Use for Eczema ..A soothing combination of oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and other healing healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescription's Prescription's now a favorite remedy of skin specialists for all skin diseases. It penetrates penetrates the pores, gives instant relief from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. Test its soothing effect. All druggists have a generous trial bottle for only 25c. Obinejind let us tell you about our money back guarantee offer to free you from £bnx distress/ Ask also about D. D. D: Soap, • ' : D. DL Ji. Made in, (Canada, jury & Lovell, ftpugfelsts, Bowmanville. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Loscombe 1 Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sfcs., opposite High School. Phono 177. te»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 1 1