Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1915, p. 8

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• L-- mm m: « $Ü s- ) k V OAT. If® train young men and women to become become skilful and expert stenographers, stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, commercial teachers, clerkkj cashiers, or general office office assistanttfln from four to six months and assist them to get positions. Open all year. Enter now. Catalogue free. Yonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Farms for Sale or Rent Are you looking for a farm ? It makes no differenc how large or how small, I have probably just what you are looking for. ' Farms suitable for mixed farming, farming, fruif farms, market gardening, gardening, etc. Now is the time to bmy. Insurance Information Are you interested in Insurance ? Do you want information about insurance ? I will gladly answer answer any questions about insurance insurance that you wish to know. Don't hesitate to call and see me. Harry Cann Insurance and Real Estate Congratulations to Mr. aixVMrs. Howard Howard Stereos--it's a son... :-****"*„?£! and Mabel Moat joy entertained a number of young friends Sunday evening ■ Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ja* Curt», rone, at Mr. John Pye's; Mr. and Jabez Moore at Mr. Wm. Okes; _ chie Hawthorne, Mayor of Medicine Hat at Mr. H. Rogers'; . M ^ H> Milton Werry's and Mr. W. H. * at Mr. Horatio Hüls'j Mws Drmie Whitfield, Whitfield, Nestleton, at Mr. Fred Mont joy's, Rev. Peter Currie, Blackstock, at M*. Chalmers Sanderson s; Miss Emily Pearn, Fenelon Falls, at Mr. Byron McLaughlin s; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brown, Toronto, and Mr. Fenton Stevens, Bowmanville, and Mr. Stephen Washington, Glendive, Mon., at, Mr. Geo. Argue's; Misses Pearl Ranton ahd Lottie Horn, Hampton, at Mr. F. W. Lee's; Miss Retta Robbins has returned from a pleasant visit in Bowm nville and Oshawa ...... Mr. W m. T rewin, Sr., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harry Colla- cutt, Tyrone, is under Dr's. care... -Miss Editha Virtue is still very weak... .Mrs. Nellie Perry is recovering from pleurisy. Mr. Argue is not as well as he was...... Quarterly service was well attended. In the evening Pastor Honey preached at Enfield, and in his absence Mr. W. H. Moore gave a splendid report of the A. B. C. Convention recently held in Toronto. One outstanding thought of the Convention Convention ' speakers was that social service should go hand in hand with religion and Bible studv... .Consecration service at the League last week was in charge Miss Grace Slemon, C. E. Convener. Mr. H. J. Werry is on his assessing rounds these days Messrs. Wilfrid Sander son, Adam Sharpe and CecilRahm attend- an Orange Lodge meeting at Orono on Tuesday Mr. Cecil Brunt visited at Mr. Jas. Oke's Long Sault.... Misses Ethel Gilbert, Lena Slemon, and Messrs. Russell and Fr,ank Gilbert and Hugh Annis visited at Mr. John Slemon's. Attend Valentine social at Hampton Friday night SMITHY REMOVED ! A. W. Pickard, blacksmith, wishes to inform his customers and ,the public generally generally that he pas reofoved to his new shop on Tempe*rance<4t., opposite the Anglican Church j where he will be pleased to see them and to attend to their wants in his line. - DABMHOTO* Mr. John Stewert, Streetsville, visited Mr. B. J. Burk and -other friend*..• -Mus Mary Trull ha* returned from Selby, where *he spent two month* ter Mrs. Arthur McKmght . - Mr*. E. j. Berkiavisiting relatives mToronto.... The young people of the fja*e Line recently recently enjoyed a skate at Taylor snnk and were afterwards entertained by Miss Edna Snowden, Maple Grove. Before buying a stoye see the Suprçine Steel Ranges at Mason & Dale 6. Highest cash prices paid for live poultry poultry at Mutton's butcher shop Thursday Feb. l8th. yv < Men's overcoats/elUng at from 2S ,to 33^i per cent disccfoft at Couch, Johnston Ik Cryderman's. 1/ ■OLINA DOING». AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Date of meeting .to ^lect officers for West Durham Agncultural Soocty has been changed to Friday, Feb. 26th at 2 p.m. in the Council Room» Bowmanville. Full attendance requested. BUTTER WRAPPERS All the farmers of this section who are selling butter in Bowmanville and other places are required by a late Government Act to use printed wrappers announcing that their product is dairy butter. Failure Failure to comply with the request is attended with a severe penalty. The reason given for this step is that dairy butter is being palmed off as creamery buttei; and sold at a greatly inflated price. Get your butter wrappers .printed at THE Office. Statesman of We have made c/1 Special cPurcbsise of Watches in Sterling Silver Case, with leather straps, which we are putting on sale at $6.00 These are 15j lever movements and sell regularly for $7.50 and $8.00. If you are looking for a serviceable watch at a moderate price, you will do well to see this line. tary men. Just the watch for inili- See our window. Jeweler C. H. HADDY \Bowmanville Miss Edna Reynolds visited in Toronto ..Mr.and Mrs S.E. Werry visited at Courtice..... .Mr. and Mrs. R., J. Luke, Kedron, visited at Mr. W. Werry's Farmers' Club seed meeting was a success, about sixty farmers being present. Result, a car each of salt and cotton seed meal ordered... .District Division meeting at Taunton on Feb. iQth. Solina Division will not visit Harmony till Feb. 26th. ... Rev. C. W. Barrett will preach next Sunday Sunday on "The Model Young Man", the first of a series. Male choir will sing.... Mr. J. Baker recently shipped some Shropshire Shropshire lambs to John Miller, Ashburn... Mrs. J. G. Langmaid is around again .... Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, Maple Grove, and daughter Ruth, visited at Mr. Blake Stevens' _ Friday Patriotic concert held in Eldad church Tuesday evening was very gratifying indeed. The following artists took part : Mr. and Mrs. C W. Souch and Miss Mildred, Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. C. N: Ruse, Miss Estella Reynolds, Hampton; Hampton; Mr. and Miss Emmerson, Nestleton, Prof. A. A. Beech, Enniskillen, Master John Thomas, B. G. Stevens, Miss Edna Taylor and Mrs. John Baker. The choir rendered several selections. Program was first-class in every particular. Rev. C. W. Barrett was chairman. Procee s nearly $28. Hampton young people are preparing something good for Friday evening. Don't miss allith/bargains at Couch, Johnston & Crycfcf man's stock-taking sale. Now is the time to sell your livq poultry. poultry. Bring them to Cawker's butcher shop Feb. 17th. Learn more about uses of Beaver Board for walls and ceiling. Get a - bboklet at Mason & Dale's. HAMPTON NBW» The entertainment recently given under the auspices of the Sons of England was well attended and gave general satisfaction satisfaction Mr. J. Frank Clarke, Waterous, Sask., visited his parents Mr. and Mrs T. J. Clarke last week. He very kindly favored the Methodist congregation with two fine solos Sabbath evening Jan, 31st, which were much appreciated. Frank is another of our West Durham boys who has made good in the great West Miss E. E. Rundle, Enniskillen, was Sunday Sunday guest of Mrs. F. G. Kefslake.,. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Stonhouse pleasantly entertained entertained number of friends recently Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery are comfortably settled in their old new home .Mrs. J. E. L. Cole recently visited her daughter at Pontypool Mrs. Workman, Trenton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walter Kellar Miss Lyra Trenouth has been visiting friends at Maple Grove.... M s. Howard Cowling and son are visiting her parents at Creemore Young folk of our church will put up an excellent mixed program Friday evening Mr. Chas. Horn has been ill fora few days Mr. Howard Cole has also been quite indisposed indisposed Rev. C. W. Barrett was con fined to his room for a few days last week la grippe. About 65 characters have been practising practising for weeks for the "Temple of Fame Dont fail to see it on Feb. 15 and 16 in the Opera House. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. An important change took place at Erin, Ont., recently when Dr. Hamilton sold his residence and practice to Dr. C, D: McCulloch; of Toronto, son of Mr Alex. McCulloch, formerly of Enfield and a graduate of Bowmanville High School. Dr. McCulloch, who is a graduate graduate of Toronto University, was for some time on the staff of the National Sanitar- ium Associât on, in the treatment of dis- eases of the chest. Subsequently he spent some months as an interne at the Toronto Toronto General Hospital, in the nose and throat department. . Later he was appointed appointed house surgeon on the staff of Grace Hospital, where he remained one year. He left this institution to become actively associated with one of New Ont- ario's well known surgeons, in private practice, with whom he remained for one year.--Advocate. Thursday, Fkr. 25--Mr. Tho*. G. Andrus, Andrus, lot 20, con 2, Darlington, will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc. See bills. Sale at I o'clock. L. À. W. Tolb, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 3--Mr. F. H. Joness, Retreat Dairy Farm, east of . Bowmanville, will sell all of his farm stock implements, etc., including 40 registered and high grade Holsteins Look for catalogue. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. See bills; L. A. W. TOLE, aiic- tioneer, Wednesday, March 3--Mr. Fred W. Beacock, St. Christopher P.O., lot 21, con 10, Cartwright township, will offer his valuable farm stock-- horses, cattle, swine--implements, household effects, 40 hens. C.P.R. trains stop at corner of farm, St. Christopher station. Sale begins begins at I p.m. promptly. See large posters. This is a very large and important important sale--attend and be on time. GEO. J ACKSON, engineer. Couch, JohnstSn &/Cryderman are selling selling off all ladies^/and children's cloth coats, all new gpdtis at half price. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R| A Another AGRICULTURAL CLASS. The High School Short Course class in Agriculture has been kept very busy and w ll be to the end. The fifth week's program program will include the following : , Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 15 and 16, the boys purpose taking a, trip to Toronto to visit noted stock farms, the Parliament Buildings, the Union Stock Yards and the Packing House Plants of Thé Harris Ab- ottoir'and Gunns Limited. - "Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 17th, Mr. P. T. Carey arid Mr. Flock will give a demonstration in the packing and grading, of apples in box and barrel. All Triait growers who are interested are invited. Wednesday evening in the Assembly Room Mr. Morley Rettit, Provincial Apiarist will give an illustrated address on bees. All interested will be welcome. Friday evening Feb. 9th the course will be brought to a conclusion by a banquet. WANTED! Every Tuesday and Wednesday Until further notice I want live fat fowl delivered, at my store at Bowmanville every Tuesday and Wednesday, or,at Wm. Challis', Manvers Road. Phone 139 rl3. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Your Order to 225 When you 'want choice méats of all kinds, fresh eggs, good butter, pure lard, canned salmon salmon .and vegetables. .We always always have the best at reasonable reasonable prices. v J. H. Horsey Block - Bowmânvllle Is what th© growing school boy asks when Mother gives him a slice of Christie's Home-made Bread f* It's appetizing, nourishing, and wholesome-- just the thing to make children healthy. / Maybe you haven't tried a loaf of Christie's Bread. Buy a loaf to-day, then have thé bread delivered at y our home fresh every day Alex. Christie The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville Ask Your Neighbor If She Buys Groceries of Us V If she does she will tell you of fresh groceries of best quality, honest prices, courteous service and quick delivery-all of which you may not be getting. We haven't a customer to whom we would hesitate to refer you. A "trial" order generally makes a regular customer for us. What can we send you in fresh groceries today? HARRY ALLIN Clul Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 1--IT rn GOLDEN WEDDING *• Mr. and Mrs. A. Barber, this town, celebrated celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding wedding day on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 19*5* They were married on Feb. 2nd, 1865, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. Richardson, Scarboro, bv Rev. John N. I Lake. A very pleasant time was spent by friends who gathered. After hearty congratulations congratulations from those present and kindly greetings from absent ones, John Richard-1 son, Esq , clerk of the County Court of the County of York, brother of Mrs. Barber, Barber, read an address, and presented them with a purse well-filled with gold. Dr. Herbert Barber and family, Burk's Falls, sent his father and mother each a beautiful beautiful solid gold watch. Mrs. (Dr.) Hogg, Preston, p esented each of her parents MrsTj7 Westaway has been I : w i th a valuable gold ring. Numerous The Empire's Call to large pro- Even in v , x Eat Tod's Bread At Least Three Times A quite ill... .Rev. C. W. Barrett Sunday night, begin a series of five mons, the first being on "The Model Young Man". A male choir will lead in the singing exercises. Hampton Quarterly Board has given Rev. George Brown, Millbrook, a unanimous unanimous invitation to become their pastor for next year... .Mr. and Mrs. John Ranton are visiting their daughters in Toronto, will on other presents of value and utility were 'ser- I received including a beautiful silver set, gold-lined, from Mrs. Draper and her son, Selby Draper, and his wife, Toronto. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Barber -It affords affords me great pleasure to congratulate you on the 50th anniversary of your wedding wedding day. Few, indeed, enjoy together a half-century of happy married life. I the choice "Approximately twenty million men have been mobilized in Europe. A portion of these have been withdrawn from the farms of the countries at war neutral countries large numbers of food producers have been called from the land to be ready for emergencies. It is difficult for us to realize what will be the effect on food production production through the withdrawal of several million men from all the great agncultura. countries of Europe. Thesje millions cease to be producers, they have become consumers, --worse still, they have become destroyers of food." HON, MARTIN BURRELL> Minister of Agriculture. congratulate you upon the choice you ..The young people extend the following I each made fifty years ago. Looking back , _ czL *.--I over 50 years of happy married life seems but as a passing day and causes a desire Day, Is easily digested, full of nutriment and first in qual- Start eating Tod's * Bread to-day. invitation for their entertainment Friday evening February 12th in the church: Come to our Valentine Concert at eight, Now please come early and don't be late; We know you will have a jolly good time, And 'twill only cost you a bright new dime. Supreme Steel Range saves coal and I money. Excellent cooker and heater. Mason & Dale. Furs of all kind&aiyS men's and boys' overcoats selling at greatly reduçed prices at Couch, JohnstoA^k Cryderman's. Gunn, Langlois Co. want another ton of live poultry next Wednesday and Thursday, Thursday, deliv red at Cawker's or Mutton's butcher shops, Bowmanville. PATRIOTIC CONCERT HAMPTON VILLAGE thos. tod; Phone 3 Bowmanville I ! W E have on hand a choice lot of Corn for sfcock-feeding and are corresponding with some of the leading corn growers in reference bo Seed Corn and expect a full supply when sèason for seeding arrives. If any new varieties are required consult us before before placing your order with agents that are offering high-priced corn, and we will try and secure what is needed at a moderate price All grades of Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed on hand. Custom work done on the shortest notice. » CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON to well up in the heart for another such 50 years. You have had more than your share of the blessings of Providence, you are blessed with a good degree of health and strength, with competency upon which you can live the remainder of your days. You have lived to see a mighty change in the world for the betterment of mankind, and you enjoy the consciousness j of having taken a prominent part in the great work of elevating the; race, enabling them to tread the higher plane of civilization, civilization, thereby making the world brighter and better because you have lived. You have seen your children grow up receiving receiving a university and professional educa- ] tion andliow filling honorable and responsible responsible positions, devoting their time and energy to the uplifting and general welfare of humanity--in raising and èdu- Britain must have food--food this year, and food next year. Britain is looking to Canada to supply most of that foo<L We are sending our surplus now, but wë must prepare for a larger surplus this year and next year. Patriotism and Production must go hand in hand. Because of this need of the Empire for more food, and the call to Canada in that need, the Canadian Department Department of Agriculture has arranged for a series of Conferences throughout the Dominion with the object of giving suggestions as to the best ways of increasing production of the particular ATTEND YOUR CONFERENCE products needed at this time. At these conferences conferences agricultural specialists, who have studied agricultural conditions and production production throughout the world, and the best means of increasing agricultural agricultural production in Canada, will give valuable information ahd suggestions to the farmers, farmers, live-stock men, dairymen, poultrymen, vegetable growers, and other producers of this country. The Canadian Canadian Department of Agriculture urges you to Attend as many of these Conferences Conferences as possible, also to watch for other information on the subject that will be given in other announcements in this newspaper. A contest having been arranged be-1 eating their interesting families in which tween the married and young people of you see a bunch of bright boys and girls, this village in connection with the Ep- I offsprings of your own of the second gen- worth League, the former led off on Fri- eration growing up with every prospect day evening last with a patriotic program | of usefulness. I would ask no higher yoy Put Energy into Production of Staple Foods of rare excellence, every number being given in such a manner as to command the closest attention of the large attendance attendance present. Those taking part were: recitations, Mesdames J. E. L. Cole, A. Peters, Geo. Tavlor, I. L. Brown, F. T. Allin, (Rev.) C. W. Barrett, and Mr. D. Mansfield, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch in a chorus; Mr. Theo Salter gave a solo "'Canadian Jack"; two male choruses and a quartet led by Mr. C. N Ruse, and a mixed chorus led by Mr. A. B. Cryderman. Mrs. C. W. Souch and Mr. E. L. Williamson gave instrumental music an the organ and violin, and a male orchestra orchestra with violins, mouth organs, concertina concertina and tri-angle gave two selections which '"brought down the house". "Rule Brittania" was given with splendid eclat, Mrs. W. W. Horn taking the part of Brittania Brittania in a most imposing manner, with Messrs. D. Mansfield and J. E. L. Cole dressed in military uniform standing oh guard. The platform decorations were the admiration of all beh lders and much credit is due Messrs. C. Stonhouse and D. Mansfield for théir artistic work. Proceeds Proceeds $16.40. That the young people will have their, work cut out for them Friday evening next to surpass their married competitors is the opinion now freely expressed. expressed. than to live as you do in the hearts and affections of your * children and grand-1 children and in the respect and esteem of | all who know you. I am but uttering the sentiments and expressing the wishes of your hosts of friends who are not here when I say "Long may you live to tread the paths of peace and contentment until | you finally arrive at the embarking point, I and then may your happy spirits' be given j a passport into the realms of eternal bliss. I have much pleasure in presenting you | with this purse of gold at this, the terminus terminus of your fifty golden years of married married life. Yours truly, JOHN RICHARDSON. Mr. Barber made a suitable reply on behalf of himself and Mrs. Barber, stating that of the more than thirty people present present fifty years ago, only eight are now living, four of whom were present. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yob Haie Always Bought Bears the ^nature of The Government does not ask farmers to work harder, so much as it urges them to make their work more productive, and to produce those staple foods -that the Empire most needs and that can be most easily stored and transported. Europe, and particularly Britain, will need the following staple foods from Canada more than ever before :-- Wheat, oats, corn, beans, peas. Beef, mutton, bacon and ham. Cheese and butter. Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada Poultry and eggs. Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, and turnips. The larger the yield of these . staple food products, the greater the service to the Empire. Germany in the last ten years has doubled the average yield of the majority of her field crops largely through better seed, thorough cultivation and use of fertilizer. And while the Empire's armies are busy putting down German Militarism, Militarism, let us at home appropriate the best of Germany's agricul tural methods for the Empire's advantage. The Government urges farmers, stockmen, dairymen ; and other producers make a wider use ' of the Fre^Bulletins issued by'the Canadian Department Department of Agriculture. Clip out, fill in and 1 mail the coupon below and get àdist of these bulletins. Then select the bulletins that will be of value to you. Mail your coupon right now. Do not put a stamp on the envelope. Your coupon : ill be "On His Majesty's Service." Publications Branch, Canadian Department Ottawa. Please send list of Publications Available for Disttibu -V of Agriculture, S8>n 111

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