Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1915, p. 8

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■ ' T - ' ; :£ : " '- ..' • ••'-" :: v ' ' --■ :;'^ .:- • CAR OF CORN COMING. We have * car ot com arriving ml few éàft. » Any person wanting good strong feed cannot do better than get some of jtkis com* _ « . # After haring our mill closed down for about a month getting it overhauled and new machinery put in, the mill is running again and turning out better flour than CV Be sure and ask your grocer for Van- stone's Flour with your next order and you will be delighted with it. Better phone your order at once so triât wre can notify you when it arrives. . -?•' F. C. Vanstone, TkoncfT- B jwman ville. One School That Merits the confidence of the public because of its High Grade work is the ■LUOTT TORONTO, ONT. w e train young men and women to become become skilful and expert stenographers, stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, commercial teachers, clerks, cashiers, or general of- loe assistants in from four to six months and assist them to. get positions. Open nil year. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, BO WM AU VILLE, JAN. 14, 1915 Mr. Joseph Abraham, Deleau, Man., is visiting .relatives here..... .Mrs. J. nep- burn has been visiting at Harmony...... Miss Fanny Niddery has returned to Solina Mr. John Wotten and Miss May Strong were married in Oshawa, jan. 13. A number from herewill be goingto Hampton Vutiday m f h î,IS,îy^tL^fl Dramatic Club present The Last Loaf at S.O.E. concert. Anniversary services of Tyrone Methodist Methodist church mil be held as follows: On Sunday Jan.^4, Rev. Dr. G. C. Workman, Toronto, will preach mormng and evening and on Monday evening Jan. 2^, will give old custom has been revived here this the p re8ent War. ' Dr. Workman spent winter Mrs. J. Starks is somewhat îm- I r year8 pursuing post graduate work in proved in heafth.... Be sure to attend the I ^any and is in a position to give an hie S O E concert at Hampton, Jan. 261 intelligent and interesting lecture on th 8 Mm Cochrane and daughter,, Edith, Bragg Male Quartet will fur- Tenge and Charles Sts. Principal > The Best Of Attention Courtice, spent Sunday at Mr. Wesley Knapp's. Don't forget this is the month you < buy jewelry cheapest of year at C. Haddy's. Couch, Johnston & Crydèrman are selling selling off all ladies' an^ children's cloth coats, all new goods afr half price. SMITHYTtEMOVED ! A. W. Pickard, blacksmith, wishes to inform his customers and the public generally generally that he has removed to his new I shop on Tempèrahce-st., opposite the Anglican Church, where he will be pleased to see them and to attend to their wants I in his line. The Last Call For LIVE POULTRY Gunn, Langlois dc Co., Montreal, want 2000 Live Chickens, Ducks and Geese will pay highest cash price for same delivered to C. M. Cawker <k Son's Butcher Shop, Bow- [ manville, Tuesday and Wednesday January 26 and 27 | Birds to be delivered with crops | empty. Phone 64 for further particulars. particulars. nish music. Nearly every farmer who sees the Electric Electric Handy Lamp wants one--burns 50 hours for 25c; Mason & Dale. Furs of all kinds and men's and boys' overcoats selling at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman s. MAPLE gbovb. 18 and service for the man who faultlessly "tailored. : Nothing commands more attention and gives a man more prestige than to be attired in well tailored clothes. There is something more to be considered than the cloth, too. No matter how fine the material, the suit or overcoat overcoat looks badly unless it is built exactly to your body requirements. requirements. For the correct fit, fabric and workmanship see HORsiV BLOCK. TURNIPS 10,000 BUSHELS WANTED at • « Holgate's Evaporator. Phone 177, Bowmanvillê T. S. HO LG ATE Miss Jean McGregor, East Whitby, has returned home after visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Cole, and other friends Misses Èva Sanders and Lizzie Painton, town, spent Sunday at Mr. S. Snowden •>* « Instead of the regular League meeting Wednesday evening Jan. 27th a special I program will be given bv outside and home talent; also an address by Rev. G C. Weisman, Bowmanvillê. A collection I will be taken in aid of the Red Cross Fund. Everybody welcome Our Div ision intends visiting Taunton Division I this Friday evening. Men's overcoats selling at from 25 to 33/4 P^ r cent discount at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. HAYDON NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ashton, Enniskillen, visited relatives here Sunday Miss Annie Mountjoy has returned to Toronto Mrs. C. A. Avery spent last week with relatives in Mariposa • • • • Mr. Clark- son and bride, Peterboro, are spending their honeymoon at Mr. Rd. Ashton's.... Miss A. Mountjoy and friend, Enfield, spent Sunday at Mr. T. S. Mount joy's... Mrs. Lambkin, Nestleton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Mountjoy A jolly sleighload of eighteen journeyed to Bow manville skating rink last Tuesday evening evening Miss Vera Mountjoy is holidaying with relatives near Port Hope... .Mr. Tos. Noon and daughter, Nestleton, were recent recent guests at Mr. S. Woodley's. Mason & Dale are all ready for tree pruning season with good supply of saws and knives. Call and see them next time you're in town. CONCERT AT HAMPTON. Grand concert under auspices of Sons of England will be given inthe S. O. E* Hall, Hampton, next Tuesday, I n. 26, at 8 p.m. The lodge has béen very in securing the services of the Bethesda Dramatic Club who will present that popular drama "The Last Loaf. Music will be furnished by Hampton Quartette. Admission 25c and 15c. Be sure to attend this concert. You will enjoy it. A MONTREAL BOUQUET. Strong Testimony from A Reliable "Witness." j It was very brotherly of Editor John R. Dougall to hand out thru the first issue of The Weekly Witness of Montreal for IQI5 such a love y bouquet to the Editor of The James Papers. Mr. Dougall says : Mr. M. A. James, the well-known Editor Of the Bowmanvillê "Statesman" is one of the old school journalists, who realizes the dignity and responsibility of editorship editorship when devoted to the welfare of his readers and of the country. His own paper is not 1 merely "a business proposition.". proposition.". It sets a very high standard of town journalism, and it is consequently highly respected and wields a large and fine influence wherever it is known. Mr. James then speaks from experience and with expert knowledge when he criticises or commends another paper, and his unqualified unqualified acknowledgment that the Montreal Montreal "Witness" is the best national weekly weekly newspaper and should be in every home, will carry weight with every one who knows our conscientious confrere. HAMPTON NEWS. Be Patriotic Buy Yoùr Roots and Jobbers In Your Own Town We have studied the market in the interest of our customers customers and believe we have secured the best shoes for the money that can be had in the shoe world. Among - the many different kinds we carry in stock are Queen Quality, E. P. Reed and Minister Myles shoes for women, and Régals and Ames Holden, etc., for men. When we can buy better shoes than these for the money we'll have them. Fred R- Foley CANADIAN NORTHERN OTTAWA Winter Fair FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good going January 18th to 21st, nclusive. Return limit until January 23rd, 1915. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Bearing that in mind, our hockey experts made a visit to Courtice Saturday last to play, as they supposed, their local team, and despite their importations importations from near Oshawa were successful in holding them down to a 3 to I score A return visit is expected on Saturday next, when our boys hope to reverse the score Regular meeting of Court Ar cher, I.O.F., will be held on Wednesday night, Jan. 27, when Dr. R. J. Niddrie, of Toronto, Secretary of the High Court of Central Ontario, a former Hampton boy, will be present to install the officers, after -which oysters, etc., will be served to the members and their lady friends Mrs. Matthew Robbins has gone to the hospital to undergo an operation. Monday ev ening Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horn celebrated with their children the anniversary of their wedding day... .Rev. J. E. Griffith, daily ijeaye Bowmanvillê 11.53 cept Sunday. tf'or parlor reservations* tickets information, apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Station Agent. ex- and GRAND TRUNK syst w em v J0UBLE track all the way TORONTO-CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment Winter TOurs to California FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH Fast Trains--Choice of Hontes Low Fares now in effect Toronto, gave a good address on "Temperance "Temperance and Moral Reform', Sunday night to a good congregation. Subscription' ahead of other years Miss Pearl Ran- ton entertained a number of friends on the 13th inst.... Mr. George Taylor visited visited his parents, Man vers Road, Sunday.... The interest in our Sabbath School is still unabated. Come and see for yourself. Meets at 2.15 p.m.. .. Everybody who intends intends seeing the concert in S. O. E. Hall Tuesday night should be there early as there promises to be a full house. Hampton League meeting Friday evening evening was in charge of Mr.-Hiltoq Peters, third vice president, and opened with singing singing and prayer by Rev. C. W. Barrett. Lesson was read by Roy Stevens. Subject Subject for the evening was "Epoch Makers of the Church History". "Martin Luther" was taken by Mrs. F. T. Allin; "Zurngli" was taken by Mrs. Corden, and "John Calvin" by Miss Lily Spry, and Mr. E. Ward gave a paper on "John Knox". A quartette was well given by Messrs C. N. and S. Ruse, C. W. Souch and T. Salter. The interesting program closed with the benediction. SOLINA DOINGS FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS Meetings under auspices of West Dur- ham Farmers' Institute will be held as follows": Solina, Sons' Hall, Wednesday, Janu- J ary 27, at 230 and 7.30 pm. Womens Institute meets in schoolroom in afternoon. afternoon. Joint meeting in evening. Nestleton, Foresters' Hall, Thursday, Jan. 28, at 2,30 and 7.30 P-m. Womens Institute meets in Methodist church basement basement in afternoon. Joint meeting in the evening. SPEAKERS: E F. Augustine, Bothwell, a successful grower of small fruits and vegetables, will speak on one of the following subjects. "Conserving Soil Moisture' ; ' The Farmer's Farmer's Vegetable Garden"; "Box Packing of Apples"; "Profits of Leased Orchards ; "Small Fruit Growing and Spraying". Henry Grose, Lefroy, a first-class far-j mer of Simcoe County, who has the happy j faculty of presenting hard facts in a pleasing pleasing manner. Subjects: " H ow to Increase and Maintain the Fertility of the Soil ; "Selection of Seed"; "Home Dairy Work ; "Growing of Clover". Evening : "Benefits "Benefits of Institute"; "The Canadian Boy and G Mrs. W. Dawson, Parkhiil, will address the Nestleton Branch of Women's Institute Institute in the afternoon on "The Farmer's Wife's Problems"; and in the evening on "Women and the War". Her other subjects subjects are: "The Things That Are Out of Sight"; "Our Chautauqua Reading Club ; "The Women in Our Institutes"; and 'The Foreign Women of Canada". She will alsoispeak at both sessions at Solina. All speakers are conversant with their subjects and every man and woman should strive to hear the addresses. Come prepared prepared to discuss the subjects and thus help the meetings. All who were members of the Farmers' Institute for last year will he credited for this year without paying again. M. T. Werry, A. W. Annis, President. Asst. Secretary. Ror full particulars consult G T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. HORNING, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly .deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone;51 t T WE have on hand a choice lot of Corn for stock-feed,ng and W are corresponding with some of the leading corn growers in ~f.rence to i^ed Com and expect a full supply when season for ® e ■ Tf anv new varieties are required consult us be- seedmg arrives If any new vq ^ offering high . priced corned we will try and secure what is needed at a moderate price All grades of Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed on hand. Custom work done on the shortest notice. Have you read about the concert at Hampton next Tuesday night?.' Particulars Particulars in another column.... Solina Women s Institute meets in the schoolhouse next Wednesday afternoon Jan. 27th. Mrs. W. Dawson, Parkhiil, will give an address. Joint meeting with Farmers' Institute m the Sons' Hall in the evening Mr. W. T. Taylor has been on a ten days' visit to Colborne... .Farmers' Gliih.new Officers ; Hon.-Pres., R. S. Duncan, Port Hope; Pres., S. E. Werrv; Vice-Pres., S. Albert Northcott; Se-.-Treas. & Manager,. Ivan M. Law; Directors, John Baker,. A. L. Pascoe, A. J. Reynolds, H. G. Pascoe,, W. C. Werry; auditors, T. Baker, J. T. Rundle. The Club has gone into the Farmers Cooperative Cooperative Association. Toronto..... Social evening at the League Monday night was thoroughly enjoyed by the large numbers present. Those contributing to the entertainment entertainment were Mr. B. G. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Mr. Harold Pascoe and Rev. C. W. Barrett, Miss Edna Reynolds, Reynolds, 3rd Vice Pres., was m the chair. Guessing was indulged in after which refreshments refreshments were served and a pleasant time spent..... Division this (Thursday) night Visitors : Mrs. F. Hockaday at Bowmanvillê; Miss Mary Hogarth at R. B. Mitchell's, Zion, who has been ill; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams at Caesarea; Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, Bowmanvillê* at B. G. Stevens'; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werrv and Miss Audrey, at Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and babe; Oshawa, at Mr. A, Hillis'; Mr. Will Taylor. Bow- manville, at his father's, Mr. D. Taylor, Messrs G W. James and Fred-J. VanNest, Bowmanvillê, with friends; Messrs Wm. Werrv and S. E. Werrynt T. A. Wright's, Blackstock, who is recovering from a severe illness; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry and Mis» Nora at "Braeside", Enfield. T ake Care Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 0Â 8TO R l A ENNISKILLEN NEWS To morrow (Friday) at 2 p m a S.S. Institute Institute will be held, in the Methodist church. Rev. F. L. Farewell will give addresses at both meetings. There will also be addresses by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Rev. C. W Barrett and others. Tea will be served in the League room. Evening session comm', nces at /.IS- rS cannot afford to miss it .Mrs. Elias Ashton has been suffering with a felon and Mrs. Wm. Oke with a fresh attack of asthma... .Messrs E. Ashton and F. Robbins Robbins are well-drilling at Cobourg.... Mr. H. Stainton had a wood-bee Monday... Mr. Russell and Miss Ethel Gilbert gave a very enjoyable skating party Friday evening evening to a number of young friends-- .It makes no difference if you are a Son of England or not. Attend the concert at Hampton Tuesday night. Teacher Training class in connection with our j Methodist Sunday School is to be conducted conducted by the Pastor, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month Mr. George Argue received word last week of the i death of his cousin, Mrs. Richard Argue, j Cannington....Messrs Howard Pye and j Frank Borland gave reports of the Young j Men's Conference at S.S. and E.L. which 1 were much enjoyed and did credit to the boys Sabbath evening Rev. W E. Honey gave an address on War and In- temoerance" League service last week was in charge of Miss Ethel Gilbert, Mis'y , Vice Pres., topic "Forty years of Social J Progress in Japan" was taken by Pastor Honey. Frank Borland gave his report j of Peterboro Conference. Miss Vera I Cooper, Haydon, and Mr. Jno. Slemon crave vocal numbers. Miss. Stella Smit'i a reading and Mr. H. J. Werrv was war reporter. An attendance of about fortv. Collection taken up for support of Chinese orphans.... A number from here attended Mr. Fred Cowling's successful sale at Purple Hill All were glad to see Mr. Wm. Trewin, sr, out to church again. Mr. H. J. Werry's and Mr. Wm. Stainton s -were at Orono Monday helping to celebrate celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tamblyn s 45 th wedding anniversary... Visitors: Miss Greta Oke, Tyrone, with MissLeta Oke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Butson, town, at Mr. Wm. Herring's; Mrs. Howard Stevens a d children at W. H. Moore's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton and family at W. Creeper s, Haydon; Mrs. Thos. Ashton, Haydon, at Mr. Elias Ashton's; Mr. and Mrs Charlesj Virtue, East Whitby, at H L Roger s;_ Miss Williams, Caesarea, at . N ^.* 11 Geo * r j^ 1 S 1 New officers of Enniskillen Council, No.'il2Tc.O.C.F., are : C. C.. W. J Stainton; Stainton; V. C, Howard T. Pye; Tj eas ->H. J. Werry; Prel.. A. H. Moore; Marshall, C. T Brunt; Warden, F. L. Robbins; Sentinel, Wm G. Herring; Guard Ç W. Stevens; Med. Examiner, Dr. C. W. Slemon; Trusted. Trusted. L.Robbins; J.W. Virtue,Recorder. Our Sale was to close Saturday of this week, but Dr. Fannon will be with us 4 days longer, Until Thursday, January 28 'E have been planning this gigantic special sale for twelve months Over-pressure of business has prevented our carrying out our plans sooner. Now everything is ready. In order to assist us and give every customer the utmost care and attention, attention, we have engaged the services of one of the most capable Opticians Opticians in the Dominion. For three years the senior member of our firm was President of the Canadian Optical Association and was in this way in close touch with the best opticians both m Canada and United States, so we are able to give our customers an absolute guarantee as-to the standing and trustworthiness trustworthiness of the optician we have secured. During the past twenty-five years we have given our customers an optical optical service that few it any towns the size ot Bowmanvillê enjoy. On three occasions during these twenty-five years we have treated our customers to the services of men at the very top of the optical profession in United States. Now, however, the motto of all Canadians should be : "Canada for Getneiclieiris" so for this special optical sale we have engaged a Canadian, who is fully qualified to give as good service and as dependable advice as any optician optician in U S or elsewhere Several good men were available, but only the best man procurable would suit us, and we have no hesitation in placing our personal guarantee behind every sale made dm mg This Great Optical Week Our Prices During this sale not one cent will be added for the services of the specialist. For $3.00 we will give the finest 14k Gold Filled Frames fitted with best quality lenses. For $1.00 we will fib your own frames with the best quality quality lenses and test your eyes free. For SOc we will fit vour frames^ with lenses not quite so perfect as above but as good as most opticians ever use. Lenses Ground to Order Special lenses will be ground for those requiring them at lowest possible prices. Our Guarantee Cheerfully and without without a murmur we will hand back your money in any case where our glasses fail to give satisfaction satisfaction Our Goods , . We believe we are safe in saving we have a larger stock of spectacles th&n all other stocks in this county combined. Solid Gold, 10k or 14k 14k Gold Filled Nickel Steel Nose Glasses to fit every nose Kryptok Invisible Double Vision Ordinary Double Vision Tinted Lenses Rimless Lenses Lenses for Cataract Lenses specially ground for complicated eases Special Attention to Children's Eyes Our Special Offer As a. means of advertising this sale we will present a pair of our best quality $1.00 lenses ABSOLUTELY FREE to each of the first ten people purchasing gold or gold filled glasses from us EACH DAY. These free lenses will be fitted into good serviceable serviceable steel frames which are also free. Call early and secure this special present The early bird gets the glasses. Tell your friends. When We Test "Eyes It Is Done Properly. Another Special Offer In addition to the free lenses given to the first 10 each day, we will give a discount of ten per cent, to everyone bringing a friend along. That is, if two members of a family get glasses each will get ten per cent, discount, discount, or if you get a neighbor each get ten per cent. off. Special Attention to Children's Eyes. ■ill Can You Hear Well ? Durlug this Optical Sale we wili;also.have a complete assortment of devices for those whose hearing is not as acute as it was Wonderful advances have been made the past few years in these instruments and people who , word unless shouted right into the ear.can now attend church and hear the sermon distinctly. Call and 0 see for y ourself. Hr JURY a LOVELL > Uraduati or 'New York School of Çptlc® Chicago ophthalmic Coll©8* Det^OptTcalCollege 12 Canadian Optical Colleges IA/H( \A/e> It iv- :

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