Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1915, p. 7

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i ; $ > 1 A I I ? i. DISEASE IS DUE TO BAD BLOOD To Core Common Ailments the Blood Must be Made Rich and Red. SIR RAMAR GREENWOOD Looped Up Skirts. In spite of the dominant idea of flare in the winter .skirt--and the flare of them is their most characteristic characteristic feature, whether they be fâshioned'Cf one layer or of two, tunic wise--there are some evening frocicl' with skirts that are looped up about the hips almost like bustles, one on each side. Usually these puffs are irregular--the one on the right side is higher or lower than on the left. When the frock* is made of tulle or lace, roses, artificial. artificial. of course, are used to accentuate accentuate the loop, where they are garlanded garlanded under the puff. The V-Shaped Neck. The V-shaped neck line is still in evidence. It is, when everything else is left out of consideration, probably probably the most becoming neck line there is--some of the great designers designers to the contrary. To be sure, as they contend, it does cut the figure but what line doesn't, unless it be the line of neck effected by Mother Mother Eve herself ? And the V-shaped line is graceful and soft, and still persists, even in some of the last frocks that were sent from Paris. Fur at the Ankles. Fur is a trimming to be reckoned with in the house frocks of the winter. winter. -"Many there are that- have fur hems--those of cloth, of tulle and of velvet--and these are very effective. Sometimes the long flaring tunicas so cut that nothing of the foundation foundation skirt but the wide fur hem shows. Checked Sports Coats. Checked sports are still worn. They are made in every fabric which can be induced to show checks, even in velvets, and they are quite as effectual effectual when frost chills the air as they were when summer suns warmed warmed it. Flaring Cuffs. Some of the coats are made with tight, very long sleeves, that are almost glove-like in their fit at the wrists. But some are made with a flaring cuff, like a Medici collar at the wrong place. These deep, flaring flaring cuffs, usually on velvet coats, are headed with bands of velvet. The Cape Willi a Yoke. The cape with a yoke, that most old-fashioned looking garment, _ is very much in fashion for an evening . v.-nvp. Often this yoke is only the arance of a yoke, for the cape is cut on pi real ar lines, shirred in 1 A n r, 4-,-X Nearly all the diseases that afflict afflict humanity are caused by bad blood--weak, watery blood--poisoned blood--poisoned by impurities. Bad blood is the cause of headaches and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism ; debility and indigestion, neuralgia and other nerve troubles, and disfiguring disfiguring skin diseases like eczema and salt rheum show how impure the blood actually is. No use trying a different remedy for each disease, because they all spring from the one cause-bad hood. To cure any of these troubles you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood, and that is just what Ur. Williams' Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood and thus cure these diseases when common medicine medicine fails. Mrs. John Jackson, Woodstock, Ont. , suffered from both nervous troubles and a rundown rundown condition and experienced a complete cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says : "I was a sufferer for a number of years from neuralgia, and a general debility of the nerves and system. I had tried several doctors and many medicines, but to no avail until until I began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At the time I began the Pills I had grown so bad that I could hardly be on my feet, and was forced to wear elastic bandages about -the ankles. The pain I suffered at times from the neuralgia- was terrible. terrible. I had almost given up hope when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills. In tihe course of a few weeks I felt an improvement, and I gladly continued the use of the Pills until I was. once more quite well and able to attend to all my household duties." If you are ailing begin to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. New Canadian Baronet Has Had Remarkable Career in : England. Sir Hannar Greenwocyd comes into his baronetcy not at all unexpectedly, unexpectedly, for the British Isles have been the Fortunate Isles for him, without without any qualifications. His career on flenraigia Throbbing Vain Goes Quickly A YEAR'S SUFFERER CURED BY "NERVI LINE." No person reading this need ever again suffer long from Neuralgia. quickly ' cure the „ . Nerviline will quickly cure in England is looked upon by many worst Neuralgia, and Mrs. G. Evans, Canadians as a sort of miraculous in her strong letter written from Rus- HHkv DODDS / Camels Tobacco. romance, somewhat resembling that se j post office, says :--"One long year, i the longest Of of Sir Gilbert-Parker. : the longest Of my life,was almost en- Sir Hamar was born at Whitby, j tirely given up to treating dreadful Ontario, in 1870. He graduated at j attacks of Neuralgia. The agony I , 1 m FTp nrac-- experienced during- some of the bad the Toronto University. ±±e prac wag simply unmentionable. To tised law a. short time, spent a biiM ^ remedieg by the score without period as a civil servant in the On tario Department of Agriculture, and' then went to England without permanent relief was mighty discouraging. discouraging. At last I put my faith in Nerviline Nerviline ; I read of the wqnclerful pain- -v: u y ' ^tti 1 t ii a -T?FTT r^ UvefjUCr 33 fortune and without friends ; with > su bduing power it possessed and made nothing but a lawyer's degree, a U p my mind to prove it valuable or good physique, and plenty of self- j useless. Nerviline at once eased the 1 confidence and abiity. The follow-! pain and cured the headache ing story- throws light on both Sir tinuous treatment MY FIRST KISS. From a Hamar's temperament and position shortly after arriving in - England. It is related that on one occasion when he was lecturing on temperance temperance (his first occupation in. the Old Country) he was a guest at a magnificent magnificent country house in an English English village in which he was to speak. In the morning a valet entered entered the guest chamber and proceeded proceeded to arrange the guest's ap par el. Out of a trouser's pocket dropped a two-and-sixpence, which was at the moment the entire liquid capital of the coming statesman. After a time the guest opened his eyes. The valet, who no doubt had his own impressions about the meagre meagre contents of the guest's pockets, remarked : "The two-and-sixpence which fell out of your pocket-1 have laid on the table, sir." Greenwood quickly replied "Oh, that is for mv man. I left it in that Con- with this magicworking magicworking remedy cured . me entirely and I have ever since stayed well. Mrs. Evan's case is but one of hundreds hundreds that might be quoted. Nerviline Nerviline is a specific for all nerve, muscular muscular or joint pain. It quickly cures neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, lame back, neuritis and rheumatism. Forty years in use, and to-day the most widely used liniment in the Dominion. Dominion. Don't take anything but "Nerviline," "Nerviline," which any dealer anywhere can supply in large 50c. family size bottles, or in a small 25c. trial size. Gallant -London Scottish Soldier. The camel, which is taking its part in the campaign against Turkey, is not, according to most travellers, a very companionable beast, but he has at least one human weakness--a j love of tobacco. One of the methods i used by Arabs in taming wild camels j is to fix a kind of cigar holder in the j animal's mouth and insert a huge j loosely-rolled cigar. As soon as the camel starts to draw, it becomes remarkably remarkably docile, and quickly learns to inhale in the smoke and emit it through the nostrils. The one drawback drawback of the system is that the know- and refuses to budge without his cigar., à TWO MARVELLOUS BOYS. Young Hindoos Solve Complex Problems Instantly. There is at the present time studying at Cambridge one of the most ' wonderful mcthematicians the orld has seen--a young Hin- W' you, pocket for you m case wake up.' I did not Following his temperance work THE MACHINE GUN. below the shoulders to form the semblance of a yoke and give it added added warmth. * : AN ABSOLUTE INFERNO. Description of the One Used By the French Army. Mr. Greenwood made himself known a® a stump speaker. Political Career. The first success of thei aggresive young Canadian was to run for the British Parliament as a Liberal in British Batteries Simultaneously Shell the Enemy. A lieutenant, who is serving at the front as interpreter with the Royal Horse Artillery, described a British attack on the German lines as follows follows : "I am writing on Friday evening late. There has been a heavy action early in the evening, and I don't know how it will develop in the night. Soon after 4 o'clock, when it was beginning to get thoroughly dark, we started with all our different batteries batteries at a given time the most awful bombardment of the Germans. Dozens of guns hidden for miles on each side of us started together. The effect was tremendous. Shrapnel bursting all over the distant ground and in the sky, and, at certain intervals, the heavy howitzers sending the most terrific terrific volieys of huge missies. In the German lines it must have been an absolute inferno. How anyone could withstand such a bombardment I do not understand. "In the meantime our infantry were making a rush on one of the enemy's important trenches, covered by our never ceasing artillery. Every part of the ground where the enemy might bring up reinforcements from behind was riddled with our shrapnel bullets. Then came the worst terror- striking effect of all-- our howitzers at a certain time, when it was presumed presumed the Germans were bringing up reinforcements reinforcements through the village they occupy, turned on the village a number number of high explosive lyddite shells. The explosions in the distance lit up the -whole sky, and soon flames were raging from burning buildings evidence evidence of the great destruction caused by the heavy guns and high explosives. explosives. The city of the whole thing is upon one in "watching this unnatural devastating^ and yet I wished I could « 1 1 1 M Vl T-t /T îr» of: The machine gun, which pours forth a direct hail of small calibre bullets, is one of the deadliest weapons weapons of modern warfare. From the clumsy Gatling gun has come the modern 'automatic," mounted on a light tripod, and weighing less than forty pounds. All the armies use the guns, which, although they vary somewhat in type, are _ essentially alike in their mechanism and in their effectiveness. In the Benet- Mercie automatic machine gun of the French army, a metal feed strip, or clip, that contains thirty ordinary ordinary army rifle cartridges is inserted inserted in slot on the right side of the gun. As the trigger is pulled the bolt mechanism is released, and, guided by the main firing spring», pushes a cartridge into the rifle chamber. The instant the cartridge is in place the breech mechanism locks and the charge is exploded. On its way through the rifle barrel, a little of the gas from the exploded powde^is diverted through a hole in the side of the barrel, and so acts on a piston as to force the bolt mechanism back and ta compress the main spring. In returning, the bolt mechanism pulls the empty shell from the chamber and throws it out below, so that it does not interfere interfere with the new cartridge that is now forced in from above. The mechanism, is so perfect that the operation described takes place in a small fraction of a second, and the bullets issue from the mouth of this deadly weapon at the rate of seven hundred a minute. Lt.-Col. Sir Hamar Greenwood. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS York, a stronghold of Conservatism, and win a seat. Once in the limelight, limelight, he stayed there He won powerful friends, notably Right Hon. Winston Churchill, now First Lord of the Admiralty, for whom he was for some time Parliamentary Private Secretary. Mr. Greenwood made powerful connections in the law as well as in polities, and now has a large and lucrative practice in London. In 1911 he married Miss Margery Spencer, Spencer, of Townhope Court, Herefordshire, Herefordshire, England, whom he met at Kingston, Jamaica, at a lunch during during which the first shook of the great earthquake was felt. His wife is the daughter of a wealthy land- doo, Mr. S. Ramanujan by name--- whose work, although he is only twenty-six. years of age, says London London Tit-Bits, has excited the admiration admiration of all mathematical experts experts . Perhaps the most extraordinary extraordinary thing about Ramanujan is that as a mathematician he is quite untaught. untaught. Until a year ago he was a clerk in the employment of the Port Trust, of Madras. But in spite of this, he has, to quote Mr. Hardy, Fellow of Trinity, who has taken a great interest in Ramanujan, "discovered for himself himself a great number of things which the leading mathematicians of the last hundred years had added to the knowledge of school men, although he was quite ignorant of their work and accomplishments. Indeed, his methematical education is rather a mystery, and the first I knew of him was about fifteen months ago when he wrote to me explaining who he was, and sent a large number of remarkable remarkable mathematical theorems, which he had proved." This is the second mathematical genius produced by India hi the last three years. At the end of 1912 the members of the Royal Asiatic Society Society held a specially convened meeting meeting at Colombo, when they were astounded astounded by the arithmetical powers of a Tamil boy, Arumogan. A complicated complicated series of sums had been prepared to test the boy's powers, each of which he answered within a. few seconds. One sum was :--' 'A chetty gave as a treat to 173 persons a bushel of rice each. Each bushel contained 3,531,272 grains, and the chetty stipulated that seventeen per cent, should be given to the temple. How -many grains did the temple get? Within three seconds came the answer (which had to be translated), translated), 10,913,709, with fifty-two as I the fraction over. * My first kiss ! Alas, it was given me but a few weeks ago, and already already it seems an age. It happened happened thus :--I was down in London visiting some relatives. There I met a nice young fellow who was serving in the ranks of the gallant London Scottish. We met frequently, frequently, and he showed me most of the London sights. Our friendship ripened quickly. Then like a thunderbolt came the order for the regiment to go, no one knew whither. All at once the war became a persona;! affair to myself. As a- favor I was permitted to see the troops entraining. A few minutes were given to the men to take farewell of their friends. We seized the precious moments. In a semi-private cornea- of the station we said good-bye. Not much was said, Jor we understood the feelings of each other too well for that. There in that little Paradise, and in the gathering gloom I got my first kiss, and a minute or two later I was waving my farewell to him in the departing train. The next few weeks were spent in anxiously scanning the papers. Then came word that my friend had been killed in the gallant and ever memorable charge on the trenches of the enemy. I was left alone, with the memory of a kiss ! Cliancc With a Disguise. Arthur--She's refused me six times. I wonder how I could get her to say "yes?" Jack--You might wear false whiskers, so she wouldn't know who you were. * Delicately flavoured-- Highly concentrated. concentrated. WHY WORRY r variety your Choose and ask for I i Clark ) Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals FARMS FOR SALE. H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Toronto. Colborne Street, OKf SELL A Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Col- bom e St.. Toronto. I F YOU WANT TO BUY Fruit, Stock, Grain or H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," inflammation," writes Mr. E P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My FOB SAM. R egistered shorthorn and Holstein Calves. T. J. Morrison. Durham. MISCELLANEOUS. C ancer, tumoks. lumps, eto. internal and external, cured wiux.- out pain by our home treatment. Writ* ne before too late Dr. Bellman Medioal stomach kept sour, and always after j Co.. Limited. Coiiingwood. Ont. eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- j gestion. Nothing helped me until I j used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of i hurting, like other pills, they acted j very mildly, and seemed to heal the ■ bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, j and feel so glad that I have found a j mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am : well--no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything, j This is a -whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure proves it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS 1UL St. James St., - Montreal Write 1er Information BOILERS New and Second-hand, for heating and power purpose*. Flumee. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. P0LS0N ,R um!teS KS TORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilder*. Machinery For Sale $5,000 Limerick Prize The winning of it can't eaee the pain of the corn, but "Putnam's" will ease, cure rnd prevent corns and warts. Guar ante© goes with, every bottle of "Put- Use no other, 25c. at all dealers. * nam s. Joys of Home-Coming. "You go hunting every year ?" "Yes." "What kind of game do you prefer?" prefer?" - "Oh, I never shoot- anything-. But it's kind of pleasant to come home and have my family make a fuss over me because I got.back alive." Queer. "You hear queer things now and then." . "What have you heard ?" "The grocer complaining about the high cost of feeding his family-" family-" Sore INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind qxiickly relieved by MuriliC Eye Remedy. No Smarting, _ just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye | SaIveinTubes25c. For Book of I he Eye Freeask ! Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. s Chicago | Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. from large factory for sale. Wheeloek engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, flywheel, bearings, bearings, etc., all in good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, belting six inches to twelve inches Will sell entire ur in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 8. Frank Wilson A■ Sons. 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. SOUND SLEEP have beendown lending a hand in at tacking the enemy. Their artillery, which has been weakened and grown quieter for some time now, hardly responded to our onslaught, and think the advance on our part is now starting in this district. "Telegraph messages have been coming in from everywhere to Headquarters Headquarters without intermission. So far I understand cne long important enemy trench has been captured and,' d'Stijig the night, further advance may be made. Almost a worse enemy than the Germans is the swamp mud If it would freeze we might have made success. It is late, and all is quiet again in the artillery lines, but I am thinking of the poor fellow's who must be lying a short distance away or being carried off by the ambulances. The artillery have again not suffered, and the infantry infantry âre those who will have suffer ed the casualties. I have just stopped to read the official telephone messages as to the progress ot Uie attack, and notice several prisoners were takêii with the firsi trench." Mrs. Fred Tinkham, South Canaan, Canaan, N.S., writes "Please send me another box of Baby's Own Tablets Tablets as I do not care to be without :hem. I have used them repeatedly and consider them tihe best medicine in the world for little ones." Thousands Thousands of other mothers say the same thing. The tablets cure all xhe minor ills of childhood such as constipation, sour stomach, colic, colds, simple fevers, etc., and are guaranteed to be absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 V cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * owner. Sir Hamar is a strong Home Ruler, and on one of his more or less recent visits to Toronto he told the Canadian Club that the Dominion Dominion ought to do 'her full ©hare towards towards the defence of the Empire. He is at present member of Parliament Parliament for Sunder land, Eng. , having 3ecu elected for that constituency in 1910. He has made himself prominent prominent in the same way that Theodor e Roosevelt, Sam Hughes, and many others have carved riche® for themselves. themselves. This is not to say that he is vain or that he talks too much-- but simply that he is best described as "a force'.' Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, The Patent Solicitors of 71a St. James St. Montreal, report. that :.56 Canadian Patents were issued 'or the week ending December 29th, 1914, 108 of which were granted to Americans, 34 to Canadians, 10 to residents of Great Britain and Colonies, and 4 to residents of foreign foreign countries. Of the Canadians who received patents, 15 were of Ontario, 5 of British Columbia, 5 of Quebec, 3 o Manitoba, 3 of Alberta, 2 of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan , and 1 of Nova Scotia. Both Tickled. "Why is that man laughing ?" "Because he bought a horse cheaply." "And what's the other one chucking chucking over ?" Inclined to he Stingy. Phelim. O'Rourke had been married married only a week when he discovered that his wife was' inclined to be stingy in regard to the larder. He had been working in his small garden garden one afternoon when Mollie came to the "back door and called out in strident tones, "Phelim, come in to tay, toast, and foive eggs." Phelim dropped his spade in astonishment, and ran into the kitchen. "Sure, Mollie, ye're only tazing me !" he said. "Nay/' replied replied his wife, it's not ye ; it's the neighbors I'm foolin' The Scene Was Funny. ' Paddy has a great power of enjoyment enjoyment after all. One day as he was walking he saw a 'bull attack a man, and he had to hold his sides with both hands, the scene was so funny. After a time tho animal turned his attention to him, and poor Pat, after exploring the upper re trions, came down with a bump regions, on the other side of the fence. He rubbed his wounds as he said to himself--"Faith, I'm glad I had my laugh when I did or I wouldn't have had it at all." "Why did Eerdy yith his fa drop out of business with his father V ' "Well the old man said he could stand for college flags and posters, but he positively would not have^any sofa pil-lowe around the office. Willis--We thought pur bank cashier was a good business man because he was always talking about making the funds go as far as possible, Gillis--Did he d 0, ri? Wil'lis--Yes ; the last trace the detectives detectives got of him he was in South America. After Change to Postuni . "I have been a coffee drinker, more or less, ever since I can remember, remember, until a few months ago 1 became more and more nervous anc irritable, and finally I could not sleep at night for I was horribly disturbed by dreams of. all sorts and a species of distressing mgfit mare." (The effects on the system of tea and coffee drinking are very similar, because they each contain the drug, caffeine.) "Finally, after hearing the experience experience of numbers of friends who had quit coffee and were drinking Postum, and learning of the great benefits they had derived, I concluded concluded coffee must be the cause of my trouble, so I got some Postum and had it made strictly according to directions. "I was astonished at the flavour and taste. It entirely took the place of coffee, and -to my very great satisfaction, I began to sleep peacefully peacefully and sweetly. My nerves improved, improved, and I wish I could wean every man, woman and child from the unwholesome drug-drink cof- "People do not rea-lly appreciate or realize what a powerful drug it is and what terrible effect it has on the human system. If they did, hardly a pound of coffee would be sold. I would never think of going back to coffee again. I would almost almost as soon think of putting my hand in a fire qfter I had once been burned, Ypurs for health. Postum comes in two forms : Regular Postum -- must be well boiled. 15c ap« 26c packages. Instant Postum--ia a soluble powder. powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious jr)qyeF£Lg6 instantly. 80o an<i 60o The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same, "There's a Reason for Postum. -- séltt by Grocers. College Humor. Billy--Do you believe in signs ? Milly--Yes, indeed. Billy--Well, last night I dreamed vou were madly in love with m What is that the sign of ? Milly--That's a sign you were dreaming./ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. An Embryo Humorist. "Johnny, didn't you hear me say to save part of your doughnut for vour little sister ?" "Well, ma, you told me not to eat the hole of it an I didn t, only ate the rim. 1 The First of ALL "Home Remedies 5 ' V ASELINE," in f Minard'e Liniment Co., _ TXrT Sirs,--I Lave used your MINARD S LINIMENT LINIMENT for five pact 25 years and -whilst l have occasionally used other liniments 1 can ea.fely say .that I have never used any equal to yours. , . - Iif rubbed between the hands and inhaled inhaled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in 24 hours. It- is .also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly. J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. its many forms with their innumerable innumerable uses, is the foundation oi the family medicine chest. Trademark His Other Home. School Teacher--What little boy can tell me where is the home of the swallow ? Bobby--I ken, please. Teacher--Well, Bobby Bobby--The home of the swallow is in the stommick. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. In a Trolley Car. "Pardon me, sir, for stepping on your foot." . - Man with Toothache--"Oh. that s all right--it feels good/ It. keeps the skin _ smooth and sound. Invaluable in the nursery for burns, cuts, insect bites, etc. Absolutely pure and safe. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Insist on "Vaseline" in original packages packages bearing the name, CHESE- BRO U G H M A N U F A C T U R - ING CO., Consolidated. For sale at all Chemists and General Stores. Illustrated booklet free on request A good story is going the rounds with reference to the habit of undue undue familiarity. One of these ill- mannered people called at the British British War Office the other day, apd m the course of an interview with the War Minister inquired, "What do you think, Kitchener?" Lord Kitchener Kitchener assumed a sardonic -smil© and blandly remarked : "Don't be so beatly formal. Call me Herbert." Herbert." LOW FARES TO THE CHICAGO EXPOSITIONS. Via Chicago A North Western Ry Four splendid daily trains from the New Passenger. Terminal. Chicago san Francisco! Doe Angeles and CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO. (Consolidated ) 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL .to San Ban Diego. Choice of scenic and direct routes. Double P ^ ^ 1 Ai 'IT 11 1V1 Vi i i. % -- tratik. Automatic electric safety eignade all the y<yur trip and furnish fold- Deit ue ere and full particulars B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt,, Toronto, Ont. 46 Yonge St., Is next can make a fool of him- Any man self, but why t try to improve on nature ? ^Too Impatient. Suitor (waiting for the lady) your daughter coming ou winter ? Father--She'll come out when she's good and ready and if you git :resh I'll knock yer block off. - Widows and spinster landowners in Egypt are allowed to vote. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are just the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated --when their kidneys are out of order --when over-indulgence in some favorite food given them indigestion --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will "I'm going over to comfort Mrs. Brown," said Mrs. Jackson to her daughter Mary. "Mr. Brown hang- eel himself in their attic last night. "Oh, mother, don't go; you know you always say the wrong thing. "Yes, I'm going, Mary. I 11 ? just talk about the weather ; that s Courtship is the frying pan and matrimony is the fire. |nillflB Heep the Children Well safe enough subject. Mrs. Jack- son went on her visit of condolence. "We've had rainy weather lately, haven't v/e, Mrs. Brown?" replied the . widow. I been able to get my week s washing dried." "Oh," said Mrs. Jackson, "I shouldn't think you'd have any trouble. You have such a nice attic attic for hanging things in. You will ünÿ relief in Zam-Buk i It eases-the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure: Why not prove this? A U Druggist* and Stores*-- soo boa. a mBu K y J ED. 5. ISSUE 4--'15 ééi j t < un- < i i i i i < < i i i i 4 4

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