Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1915, p. 3

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maqpr makes an evening full of pleasure. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicir.e. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No.- 1, $ 1 ", No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. ' Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO. ONT. (Ferwrly Windsor.) PROMPTLY SECURED] In all countries. Ask for our INVEN- ijOIVS ADVISER,which xvill be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal, HOME With Fish. To Thaw Frozen Fish.--There are two ways to thaw fish. If they are thawed at room temperature there is no chance of their losing their flavor, unless they are allowed to stand after they have thawed out, when they will "breakdown ' somewhat somewhat and spoil more quickly than a fresh caught fish, which spoils quickly enoiTgh, as everybody knows. A quicker way is to put them in cold water, and as this 15 the method used by dealers when customers demand fresh caught fish, although there is none in the market, market, or those to be had are at prohibitively prohibitively high prices. Baked Trout Steak.--Put two strips of bacon under the steak and two over it, and then some fresh tomatoes tomatoes on top, and bake. It is necessary necessary to understand that there is much good in a fish, like the trout, that is large enough for steaks, although although we like that species best in the smaller sizes. To Broil Any Fish Steak.--Do not have your dealer cut the steaks too thin. A steak an inch thick can be broiled in from twelve to fourteen minutes, about six minutes to a side, and a fillet from the side of a thick fish will cook in about the same time. A fillet is a thick, flat slice of fish without the bone, just as a fillet of beef is strip or slice of muscle or lean meat without bone. For a single large steak, use half a teaspoonful of salt, a. pinch of pepper, a tablespoon of vinegar and three of oil. Mix these together and add some slices of onion and other seasoning if you choose, turn the fish over and over in this seasoning, seasoning, and let- it lie for an hour, if there is time, turning several times. This is an excellent way to season fish, even if you cannot let it lie an hour. You will not taste any of these things, but will know that your fish has an excellent taste, it**will not have unless well, sea- little A FAMILY REMEDY FOR MANY YEARS Used "Fruit-a-tives" With The Best of Results. ELIZABETH OF BELGIUM. Stays With. Kins Albert at the GEORGE McKAY EsQ. Kipp en, Ont. , June 17th, 1913. "I have been using 11 Fruit-a-tives" as a family remedy for many years. They are the best medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit-a-tives" do me the most good--they never gripe and their action is pleasant. "I have used them for Indigestion and Constipation with the best results, and I heartily recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted. These troubles have leftmecomplete- ly and I give ' 'Fruit-a-tives" full credit for all this. A nicer pill a man cannot take." GEORGE McKAY. The enormous demand for "Fruiba--. fives" is steadily increasing, duetq the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumatism, Chronic, Headaches, and Neuralgia, and/ all Kidney and Bladder Troubles^/ 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. Sold by all dealers or sen con receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. grain CANADIAN NORTHERN BÛWMANVILLE TIME TABLE iHtiective Dec. I4t.lv TRAINS LEAVE I r i T vi onto ami Interine liât 3 it it! -> 11 v.f-j f7.o7_p.in. 1 ( 11 rt-ii ^ vtllevillu, Yarker, Tweed, Harrow- smith, "vii- nlinn. Kingston, Bmckviile, Smith's Falls, Ottawa and intermediate stations. 11.53 a.m. I c l C oe Rill and Intermediate Stations 11.53a. ill. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Piéton and intermediate points G.3S p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE i rriv. Toronto and Intermediate 5c itioai 11.53 a. m. G.SSp. m. Irrom Belleville, Trenton an l Intermediate Points: also Piéton and 0.0. it- djia-i Rig a. m f7-37 p. m. Iront Maynooth IC. O. R.) ff.37 p. ru. 1-rom Side nil am, Tweed, Yarker, Jtr. f 7.37 p. m. From Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Broekville, King t t,,n, Yarker, Deseronto. Napanee, Picton, Trenton and intermediate points, f 7.37 p.m. lit..is run daily except Sunday unless other wise marked. I c i fuither particulars see other adrorbise aient appearing in this paper, or apply f--flag stop. W. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound--Their Own Stories HereTold. as soned. Small fish need but seasoning ; those of a coarser need a good deal to make them fine. Serve with Hollandaise sauce or plain melted butter and slices or quarters of. lemon. Boiled Fish Steaks.--Fish steaks may be boiled on tup of the stove or in a chafing dish. A halibut steak j of a pound weight can be boded and , used with a_sav.ee, or be boiled and j flaked and used as a salad or for j timbales. Cover the steak uit-hj boiling water and add a bit of bay ; leaf, some green pepper, or carrot j and onion, and salt and pepper, and j k gently until done. It may i twenty minutes. Save the J Fi-mid in winch it- is boiled for sauce j ter, and finally with plenty of soap and a stiff brush in hot water. Finish Finish up by rubbing the hands with lemon and rosewater and glycerine. When your kitchen sink is trusty rub it over with kerosene. Squeaks in shoes are prevented by dipping the soles in kerosene. The white spots appearing in the ! spring on the lining of your re j frige rater will disappear if you rub ! the zinc with kerosene. Leave the | refrigerator open several hours, I then wash with water, soap and am- ! monia The refrigerator will then : be clean and sweet and all spots With, King Albert a Battlefront, "Long - live Queen Elizabeth, a great' sovereign, .but above everything everything else, a great, a good, and a true woman," was thç toast drunk to Belgium's Queen at a banquet of the Municipality of Brussels, long before the war became- a reality . "A great, a good, and a true woman/' woman/' It is a phrase which is in no sense- an exaggeration of the virtues. virtues. of thé Queen, whose heroic deeds since the War of the Nations broke out were only to be expected from one who was idolized by her husband's subjects, and known among them as the "Angel Queen." it is fourteen years ago since King" Albert wooed and won the daughter of Duke Charles Theodore Theodore of Bavaria, who was so famous famous as an oculist. Inheriting that kindliness of heart and consideration consideration for the weaknesses of others which led her father to establish a free hospital at Munich, where he performed over 5,000 operations on the poor, Queen Elizabeth has always always striven to ameliorate the lot of those in distress. When still in Antwerp. King Albert Albert said to the Belgian Prime Minister Minister : "If necessary, you, my dear Minister, and I will take our rifles and go into the battle." "So will I," added the Queen, "and with me all the ' Belgian women.' Queen Elizabeth has kept this pledge, for she is constantly on the battlefield aiding the wounded, cheering the fighters, and comforting her husband. husband. Kept Her Pledge. n^Yo sooner had she placed her threeXchildren -- Prince Leopold, born in 1901, Prince Charles, born in 1903, and Princess Marie-Jose, born in 1906--in the care of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, at Basingstoke, Basingstoke, when the Kaiser and his Huns, violating the neutrality of her husband's country, invaded Belgium, Belgium, than she hurried back to the King's side, insisting on sharing his dangers and discomforts. "I of the happiest description. Their favorite hobby is the study of the violin, of" which they are both ^ extremely extremely fond, and one of thé most popular pictures in Belgium is that which depicts King Albert reading while his wife helps Prince Leopold to master the violin. KEEP SMILING. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto. cool take Edmonton, Alberta, Can. -- "I think it is no more than right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. "When I wrote to you some time ago I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. I had organic inflammation inflammation and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was confined to my b^Dand the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. I most heartily recommend your medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, and think they are fine. I will never be without the medicine in the house."--Mrs. Frank Emsley, 903 Col- -^uribia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. * / The Other Case. Beatrice, Neb.--"Just after my marriage marriage my left side began to pain me and the pain got so severe at times that 1 suffered terribly with it. I visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an operation. operation. I heard cf the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bottles bottles of it with the result that I haven't been bothered with my side since then. iqv or soup. If you want to make timbales flake the Ash, add to it- an out an equal measure of cracker crumbs, and what seasoning you choose ; bind with white of egg, allowing ■one egg for each timbale cup two- thirds"full of the mixture, All the buttered timbale cups, set- them in hot water, and cook until the egg is well set-, turn out of timbale mold and serve with a cheese sauce. You may decorate the bottom of., the mold with strips of green pepper before before you put in the Ash, or you may drop in an egg which is poached in the cooking of the whole. Cheese Sauce.--This sauce has many names, but is simply a white sauce made by cooking together a large tablespoon of butter with one of flour, and then adding to it, stirring stirring all the time, a cup of hot milk. When this is well blended, cooked, and seasoned, add from half a cup to a cup of grated cheese. Too strong a cheese taste with fish is not liked by some people If the sauce should happen to be lumpy, by any accident, put it through a strainer before adding the cheese. Butter Sauce.--The old fashioned j butter sauce for boiled fish is still in favor, although there is some question about its being wholesome wholesome ; the white sauce is also questionable. questionable. This is made exactly like the white sauce, except that boiling boiling water is used instead of milk, or better vet-, the boiling liquid in which the fish was boiled. Finally cut up one or two hard boiled eggs into the sauce. will have disappeared. To clean painted walls wipe them first with a cloth wet in kerosene and let stand fifteen minutes Then wash the walls with good, warm scapsuds, but do not rub soap on the cloth or the paint will be streaked.. Bub spots of tar or pine pitch un clothing in kerosene before them. washing ! Household Hints. | The home milliner generally ! makes the mistake of using too | many stitches in .sewing on flowers ! or feathers. "Few but strong," is Queen Elizabeth of Belgium girls. ' Mrs. R. B. Child, Beatrice, Neb. Uses for Kerosene Oil. Here are nine use.s to be made of kerosene oil. Wash out your dustless dustless mops in kerosene and soak your dusters in kerosene. Let the kerosene dry on your dusters and you will have dust-less dusters ! A spoonful of kerosene added to a kettle of very hot water will make windows, looking glasses, and picture picture glasses bright and clear. Use a small, clean cloth, wring it dry, and rub it over the glass, after wiping wiping down the framework with an oiled cloth. Then proceed to. the next window and treat it similarly on both sides. After that go back to the first one and wipe it dry with a large, clean cloth. No- real polishing polishing is required and the window or glass will look clear and shiny. Kerosene will clean your hands better than anything else after blacking a range or stove.. Pour a feathers, the rule. A double thickness of material, put shieidwise and stitched under the arm while a dress is being made will prove a great resource when the. dress begins to wear out. Brass polished with oil and rotten-stone rotten-stone will have a deep rich yellow tone. The whiter, more brilliant tone is caused by acid polishes. If you have to pack .bottles in a trunk, tie in the corks, and wrap them in soft towels, garments, etc., and place in the middle of the trunk. If the stepladder «lips, paste a piece of old rubber over each support; support; this will not only prevent a fall, but it will protect the floors. If you have casters put- on your woodbox, it will be much more convenient to sweep around and under it, or to move it from place to place. When cooking mushrooms it is safe to put a silver spoon in the pan. If the spoon turns dark you can be sure there is a toadstool in the pan. Excellent school sandwiches are made of large ripe olives stoned and chopped fine and spread on bread and butter sandwiches with mayonnaise. mayonnaise. Apples pared, cored and set into a dish with sugar and water to bake until tender, but not broken, are delicious served with custard poured over them. A Prime Dressing for Wounds.--In some factories and workshops carbolic acid is kept for use in cauterizing wounds and outs sustained by the workmen. Far better to keep on hand a bottle of Dr Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. It is just as quick in action and does not scar the skin or burn the flesh. There is no other Oil that has its curative qualities. qualities. am not a Queen at present. I am a fellow-sufferer and helper," she replied, replied, in a simple, dignified tone, when her husband and his officers urged her to leave the zone of danger. danger. As a nurse and the organizer of hospital equipment, Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth has rendered invaluable aid. Before her marriage she gave serious serious attention to the study of medicine, medicine, and after some years obtained a degree of M.D. at Leipsic, being of great service to her father in.his many good works, and herself gaining gaining experience in surgical affairs. Is Practical-Minded. Apart, however, from- hospital and nursing w'ork, Queen Elizabeth has given further evidence of her practical-mindedness by her interest interest in the industries of the people, and her endeavors to further their work. After the funeral of King Leopold, who died in 1909, Queen Elizabeth did a patriotic thing in a characteristically womanly way. She gave orders for large quanti- tiets of Brussels laee to be used for her robes of State when she came out of mourning, and for her ordinary ordinary dresses. This was at a time when, for various reasons, Brussels lace had ceased to please its own country, and the.industry required a fillip. And it was Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth who provided that fillip in a manner which gladdened the hearts of the lace-makers of the country. The home life of -the King and Queen of Belgium has always been In living over life's best days The day comes back again When first we met, and in my heart You smile, as you did then. And still I smile a sweeter smile, Because you smiled, and so Your smile is passed to other hearts To give them brighter glow. Keep smiling, for your happy smiles In other lives' shine on To bring them in thc-ir darkest hours The glory of Hope's dawn. January, 1915. ■ : *------- WORK OF BED ( BOSS. Canadians Responding to Needs of the Soldiers and their Families. For the past, month the French, British, and Servian soldiers, to | say nothing of the remnant of the gallant Belgian army, have been fighting under the most appalling conditions such as have never before been experienced in the wars of history. For days and nights they have been compelled to remain in trenches half full of water with the winds of heaven beating continually upon them. Yet they have not complained. complained. Are they downhearted 1 No! They are bearing all this misery misery and suffering that the arms of Britain, France and Belgium may be crowned with victory and that the homes of England and France may remain inviolate. How can we show our gratitude to these brave men J If every man, woman and child in Canada were to give one dollar to the Red Cross Society over . seven million dollars could be spent in saving saving hundreds of lives and bringing c-omfort to .millions of brave soldiers who are ready to lay down their lives for the freedom of their native land. One dollar would not be missed and to what more /worthier object could such a sunn be given ? The lives of our men are valuable to us, the victory of our arms is vital to our very status as a nation, therefore upon our shoulders devolves devolves the responsibility' of doing our share in making the existence of our brave soldiers as pleasant* as circumstances will permit and in saving every life that- it is humanly possible to save. Mr. J. K. Osborne, whose name is familiar to Canadians, writing recently recently to the Canadian Red Cross Commissioner in London, says :-- "As Canadians, we are exceedingly anxious to do what we can for the benefit and comfort of our soldiers. Like many others, we are short of j money but we have a beautiful motor car which we are sure can be made most useful. We- want to give it for hospital work. We desire to present to the Red Cross Society our Limousine car. This is not a loan, it is a free gift. We have the start of you in the' way of comforts for the boys on Salisbury Plains. My wife and two other ladies have already sent for distribution about 300 body belts, about 175 pairs of mittens, besides mufflers, helmets, etc. They will all be wanted and many more." Such a. spirit is worthy of one of our leading citizens. There are many who cannot give motor cars but all can give of their substance for the greatest of all causes, the cause of humanity. Subscriptions and comforts of a.ll kinds will be warmly welcomed and should be addressed to the Canadian Canadian Red Cross Society, 77 King St., East, Toronto 1 , Canada. NOTE : All consignments should bear the name and address of the senders and a list of the goods. That Weak Back accompanied by pain here or there--extreme nervousness-- sleeplessness--may be faint spells---or spasms--all are signals of distress for a woman. She may be growing from girlhood into womanhood--passing from womanhood to motherhood--or later suffering from that change into middle life which leaves so many wrecks of women. At any or all of these periods of a woman's lifë she should take a tonic and nervine prescribed for just such cases by a physician of vast experience in the diseases of women. DR. RIERCE'S Favorite Prescription has successfully treated more cases in past forty years than any other known remedy. It can now be had in sugar-coated, tablet form as well as in the liquid. Sold by medicine dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50 cents in stamps. Miss Elizabeth Lordahl of Berkeley, Cal., in a recent letter to Dr. Pierce said: "I was completely- broken down in health, I was aching: and had painsallovermy body and was so nervous that I could scream if anyone talked to me, but I had the good fortune to meet a nurse who had been cured by Dr. Pierce's Prescription. 1 have never had an. occasion to consult a physician since--am in excellent health." HEALTH Pain. Pain is of many kinds, and most of us know .something of more than one of them. It- varies,, too, in de - gree quite as, much as it does m kind. Many people lead useful, and even happy lives, who are in some degree of pain most of the time. But when pain becomes really intense, intense, life can no longer be "useful" "useful" and "happy" even to the most heroic ; it takes "all a, human being's just to -bear courage strength and it. We suffer through our nerves, and any nerve that is having a very bad time of it is able to send its message of protest not only all along its own course, but to other nerves at some distance from it. That is what is called sympathetic or reflex pain. A familiar example is the way in which several teeth will ache, when only one nerve is actually inflamed. Pain, of course, has its uses. By- means of it the physician is oftsn helped to his diagnosis. He cannot take the patient's word for the severity severity of the pain, for what one person person will bear with comparative reality or severity of the pains of which their children complain. It is not always wise or kind to give instant relief, even . when the suffering is great. In certain intestinal intestinal disorders, for example, an anodyne will quickly change the victim's groans to quiet, heavy sleep. But the symptoms are only masked, and the. trouble that caused caused the pain may progress until it is too late for the operation that might have meant a cure. The safest safest means of relieving pain until - the doctor comes is the application of either heat or cold. For some pain there is nothing like a hot- water bottle. When there is much congestion, the same .bottle filled with ice water will gi\e more re- ief.--Youth's Companion. ►*« equanimity, another will d 'scribe as intolerable anguish. The. doctor notices the patient s attitude, his facial expression, and --above all--his pulse rate. Real pain always makes the pulse vapid, and as a rule, the more severe the pain the more rapid is the pulse. That is a good rule to remember. Physicians often detect malmgei- ers by their entirely normal pulse nd mothers can with safety Dangerous Wood Alcohol. There is an enormous amount of wood alcohol used in the trades -- about 8,000,000 gallons per annum. About 4.000,000 workers are more or less exposed to inhalation of it, and it has been shown by investigators investigators to be exceedingly dangerous. Heretofore we have thought of wood alcohol as dangerous chiefly in relation relation to its effects when taken into the stomach. but it also is very injurious when inhaled. Legislation Legislation is urgently called for providing for better than ordinary ventilation ventilation in establishments handling the wood alcohol, and also for the labelling labelling of all articles containing it. ] Regulation has been strongly re- j sisfced bv manufacturers, particu- I larlv those interested in the mak- ! in a - of nerfumes. into which deodor ize f -1 F perfumes, into w wood alcohol enters large! rate, use the same test to determine Wot "G rowdier mist, isn t he s "Yes. Just now h about who will bury on earth." Woe ! is a confirmed pessi- wov ry : r g last man Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as well as in dreadfulheaikiches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remov e without assistance. The best remedy is Chamberlain's StomachandLiver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowelsand tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today--druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto ^ ALLAN LINE 7FOYAL MAIL I To LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. LONDON, HAVRE the Allan A ZOUAVE HERO. He Sacrificed His Life France. for Beloved I am in good health and I have two little in the water, wash your hands in it, then wash them in tepid wa- Smarty. Bix--I heard something this morning that opened mÿ eyes. Dix --So did I--an alarm clock. Nearly all children are subject to worms, and many are bora with them. Spare them suffering bv using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, the best remedy for the kind that can be had. Most of us would be satisfied with the silver lining without the cloud. CONSUMPTION TAKES HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE Hundreds of people succumb to consumption consumption every day. Science proves that the germs only thrive when the system is weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, confining duties or when general weakness exists. The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich and pure and active by taking taking Scott's Emulsion after meals. The cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the body by enriching the blood: it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbuilds the resistive forces of the body to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If you work indoors, tire easily> feel languid or nervdtis, Scott's Bînülsipn is the most strengtheniftgfood-medicine known. It is totally free from stupefying drugs. Avoid substitutes. 14-42 Scott & Bownc, Toronto, Ontario. A rare and stirring incident of personal personal heroism is that recorded in a semiofficial notice given out in Paris on the afternoon of November 23rd. '"The other day in Belgium, a German German column was advancing to attack a position in the forest of Brie, defended defended by a detachment of Zouaves. Our men noticed that before them the Germans forced a Zouave prisoner, and at the same time they heard cries of 'Stop firing!' For an instant our riflemen and the men in charge of our machine guns hesitated. Then from the German ranks they heard the voice of the Zouave prisoner, who called called to them 'shoot comrades!' "There then flashed out from the ranks of the Zouaves a general discharge discharge of rifles am. machine guns. The fire laid low the assailants of the Zouaves, and with them fell the heroic soldier whose devotion made it possible possible for his countrymen to checkmate the ruse of the enemy. "If the name of the brave man is unknown to the world, at least his regiment will retain forever the remembrance remembrance of his sacrifice, which is equal to any of the most famous instances instances of personal heroism recorded in our glorious history." The memory of a voyage on Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the. most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, sailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or, THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowman ville. Order Coal Now 1 Quite the Contrary. you of being "The boss accuses blind drunk." "Well, the bosh's mistaken. I'm sheein' twice as much as I she when I'm sober--twice as much, unner- I stand ? VI LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177.

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