/ ( ÜH -sSS -i-tiÿ 3A? SîiW S? M$:SS¥âS âSg$ : //U rnmm ^ - ;, "^î ;5?< ÉlipHg HPHi fï- ?S£S W ■œSSi y In the Alps. "Tell us about it," urged tihe children. 1 Atrat Gertrude laughed, and said that she would. ^PPur&5rude was an artist who & long trip to Europe, an<fl^HFn her nephews and nieces vistfced her, there was nothing they likeoso well as to look through her big sketch-book and have her tell them the storfes about the pictures. This time they had shown special interest in the drawing of a street in a mountain village, where two boys were driving a flock of goats up to the door of one of the quaint houses. "That "was in the Alps," said Aunt Gertrude, "and the little village village is on the road that the great Napoleon built through the Simplon Pass and over the mountains more than a- hundred years ago. The boy with the stick is driving his goats from house to house, to let his customers have goat's milk according to their needs,, just as the milkman drives round his wagon.in this country. The other boy, with a basket, is also delivering parcels from the village store. The clothes that the boys wear, and even their shoes..are made at home." "What a strange house !" broke in Molly. ••-Yes," said Aunt Gertrude, "it is "very old, and is of the kind common common in those mountains, low and heavily built. Between the little windows upstairs you can see three curious designs. They are the coats of arms of the three cantons or states that were the beginnings of the present republic of Switzerland, Switzerland, just as the thirteen colonies were the beginning of America. The great bulge below the windows is the big oven, where all the cooking cooking is dune. Over the houses farther up the street you can see one of the mountain peaks, which is always covered with snow. And it is a curious thing that beautiful flowers grow beside the mountain road, even within a few feet of the snow 7 itself." "I wish that I could go to the Alps," said Kenneth. "Perhaps you can all go some day,'" said 1ns aunt, "but you should learn all about your own wonderful and beautiful country before you visit the strange lands over the seas."--Youths' Companion. Companion. TftE BEST rtEracnNE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine fdr little ones. They are guaranteed ; by a government analyst analyst to be absolutely safe and. n.èyer fail to cure constipation,- colic, colds and simple fevers- by regulating regulating -the stomach and. bowels-. Concerning Concerning them -Mrs! S. Shannon, Urney, N.S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my two children and think they are just what little ones need. I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mad at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville,, Ont. 4*: «'ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE.' every reason to bêBcve that pur ships have a jniich greater superiority superiority of ; gun-fire, oyer,.., the .= German- ships 'than the ^Gneisena'ir rand . „. , Scharnhorst. had civet - the. ? Good BRITISH PREPARED FOR AN A- and Monmouth.; The ref ore it Yil. -RATTLE. * ' will be to our interest to make the range as far as ^possible ; 'and as Admiral Jellicoe is: alsb one of our leading gunnery experts, dëpen- How NORTHERN CANADA WILDS. Hudson ecus' and Though Bay Agents, Half- Natives There. * much is written about Western Canada nowadays, writes P. II. Godsell, in the Wide World Magazine, one hears very little of the vast northern waste's of that Dominion, where the conditions of life vary but little from what they were a century ago. Until very recent years the great widerness of swamp and forest stretching from the head of Lake "Winnipeg to Hudson Bay, and northerly to the Arctic Circle, was known as the district of Keewatin. With the exception of small detachments detachments of - Northwest Mounted Police, a few scattered missionaries and the Hudson Bay Company's traders and employes, this vast-district vast-district is peopled entirely by Indians of the Cree and Salteaux tribes, and in the far northern portion, a, few wandering Eskimos and Chippeway- ans. This country, in which winter of almost Arctic severity holds sway for eight months in the year, is a network of large lakes, river and smaller streams draining into Hudson Hudson Bay. Along most of these navigable" navigable" waters, situated from a hundred hundred to two hundred and fifty miles apart, stand the lonely trading posts or forts of the Hudson Bay Company. These forts usually consist consist of a, picketed or stockaded square inclosing a number of log or frame buildings, usually four or five, with a tall flag-pole rising in the centre, from which, on special occasions, floats the red ensign of the company. The'staff of the smaller outposts generally consists of one white man as officer ip charge, with two or three half-breed or Indian assistants assistants or dog-drivers. As in most eases these posts are situated in a virgin wilderness, far from civiliza- tiS^pthe trader may not see a fellow fellow white man for six months at a etreteh. and has only the society afforded by his half-breed servants. 4- Was Duly Invited. A gentleman was chatting to his wife in the presence of his little daughter, and remarked, "We will ask Mr. Brown to come and . dine with us to-morrow. It takes him all hîi; time to keep his head above water." water." Mr. Brown was duly invited, invited, and came. Ag §oon as he C-OHii tirf--Ul»- *■ L1 " - i • j ocvuea m a chair tne little daughter went and sat on his knee, then started stroking his hair. "Well,-" she said, with much surprise, "your hair isn't wet. "No, little woman," said Mr. Brown, "why should it he wet1" $< Papa said it took you all your time to.keep your head above water, so I was sure yotir hair must be very wet." Fiancee antL- Partnership Were Won. The ancestor of Henry Laboa- chere, Pierre-Cesar Labouchere, was a shrewd business man and lover. Mr. Algar Labouchere Tho- rold tells in the "Life of Henry Labouchere" Labouchere" how he won at the same time a fiancee and a partnership in the house of Hope. - He was sent by Mr. John Hope to England to see Sir Francis Baring on business, and while there fell m love with Sir Francis's third daughter, daughter, Dorothy. Before he left England England he asked Sir Francis to let him become engaged to his daughter. daughter. Sir Francis refused. Pierre- Cesar then said, "Would it make any difference in your decision if you knew that Mr. Hope was about to take me into partnership!" Sir Francis unhesitatingly admitted admitted that it would. Pierre-Cesar then went back to Holland and suggested suggested to Mr. Hope that it might be a good plan to take him into partnership. partnership. When Mr. Hope discouraged discouraged the idea, he .said, "Would it make any difference in your decision decision if you knew that I was engaged to the "daughter of Sir Francis Baring!" Baring!" Mr. Hope replied "Certainly. Whereupon the wily clerk said, "Well, I am engaged to Miss Dorothy Dorothy Baring." That very day he was able to write to Sir Francis, announcing the news of his admission to partnership partnership in the house of Hope, and in the same letter he claimed the hand of his bride. * DREAMED OF HOME. Soldiers on Field Weary of Beautiful Beautiful Dreams. In a letter from Private G. Tomkins, Tomkins, of the Royal Sussex Regiment, to his sister at St. Leonards-on-Sea, England, the following curious story occurs: "We- have-a- saying out here, 'Dont dream of Tome.' When a man has a particularly vivid dream of home he knows that he will be killed in his next fight. There was a man of ours who awoke the other night- from a beautiful dream. He thought he was back at home on the conclusion of peace and he had a great reception from his wife and two children. "The two little ones were crawling crawling all over him and laughing with delight. They were all happy, and the thing "was so vivid that he had to tell us about it. It- seemed to please him. Sure enough his number number was up, for that afternoon he was struck in the throat with a bullet, bullet, and as he died the only words he uttered were : 'Oh, my God, I shall never see my children again." 46 BUNCOMBE" It Don't Always Pay to Be Skeptical. Skeptical. When a newspaper writer and proofreader that works nights can feed himself out of dyspepsia, which most all that class suffer with, it is worth while to know the kind of food used. This man says: "Being a newspaper writer and proofreader, also a graduate in medicine 'as well, though not practicing, practicing, makes a combination that would produce a skeptic on the subject subject if anything would. "Day after day I read the proof on the Grape-Nets advertisements with the feeling -that they were all 'buncombe.' All this time I was suffering from dyspepsia from the improper food I was eating at the restaurant. "One day I saw a package of Grape-Nuts at the restaurant and tried some with cream. The food took my -fancy at once. After a few lunches on it at midnight I noted an improvement in my feelings, feelings, and was able to work with less fatigue. "I have used Grape-Nuts as a regular diet since then,. and have improved greatly. The old dyspepsia dyspepsia and bad feelings that I thought were necessary adjuncts to night work disappeared, and I am able to do much more €und better work "• *' ..-.vil cu-oro man ever before. "I was nearly ready to give up and seek health in some other walk in life, but, thanks to my change in diet, l am now all-right." "There's a Reason." Name given by Ganad4an Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Look in pkgs. for the famous little book, "The Road to Well ville." Ever read. the. above letter; A new one eripemrs from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest Every Sailor la Protected on the Grtîàt Modern Battleships. Battleships. If we could see the ships of the Grand Fleet in the North Sea we may be sure they would hardly -present -present that spick and span appearance appearance which we associate with a ship of war during times of peace ; their sides all stained with rust all round the water line, and a generally bo- draggled appearance--that is if they have been keeping the sea, says t/he Navy and Army Journal. But the most startling change would be the stripped and naked appearance they would present, for gone would be aH sails, boat davits, davits, ridge ropes, and the usual pa-r^ - phernalia that is part of any ship's peace trimmings. The vessels are cleared for action! Getting a ship ready for the stern test of battle is no light undertaking. undertaking. At least once a week during the piping times of peace the whole ship's company are exercised ^ at "general quarters," an evolution whidh v takes a very few minutes to perform. On these occasions the buglers sound off "exercise action," when the guns are "cast loose," magazines opened, the guns being loaded with a projectile and dummy charge. Drills are then proceeded with, the guns generally being secured, secured, and all stores returned by six bells--11 a.m. When the ship is going to target practice "action" is sounded, and, of course, the guns are loaded with a real charge and the firing proceeds proceeds until the amount of ammunition ammunition allowed for these occasions is expended. Then the "secure" is sounded. That also is a prépara tory performance alongside "pre- pare for battle." Then the ship is stripped of every atom of frilling likely to prove dangerous to life and limb. All Wood Is Removed. One/of the greatest dangers in a modern action is fire, owing to the terrible incendiary nature of the shells used, so that theoretically no scra-p of wood should be found in a warship ; but as men have to live in them during times of peace, a certain certain amount of wood fittings is absolutely absolutely necessary for comfort. But every scrap of wood fitting is of a portable nature, and easily removed. removed. Occasionally men go to "stations, prepare for battle," when every piece of woodwork that could be jettisoned is marked, and each man or group of men made to understand for what parts they would ~e responsible.' Just what would be done with boats in action seems never to have been definitely settled. Some officers officers are in favor of lowering them into crutches on deck or superstructures superstructures and filling them with water; others suggest covering them with canvas and binding them round with rope from stem to stern ; others, others, again, take the heroic course of dropping them into the sea all well fastened together, and allowing them to drift where they will. The latter course seems the most practical practical and sensible one. The only object of the boat can be to save life should the ship be reduced reduced to a sinking condition, and both the filling of them with water or marling them down would render render them useless for this purpose, as it would take some time before they could be made ready for lowering, lowering, always supposing they escaped the shattering effect of sihelil. What is being regarded as a good substitute for life-saving purposes in many ships in the grand fleet is the men's mess tables. These are made of . one-inch planking, are about three feet wide, and from seven to ten feet long. Floating flat on the water, they-would support support a great number of men. Immediately Immediately meals are finished, these tab 1 es are dismantled, ready for carrying on ■ deck, should the need for using them for life-saving purposes purposes arise. Life-saving air belts have recently recently been provided. These are worn around the waist and can be blown up quickly, and will keep the wearer wearer afloat if the ship goes down, Everybody Protected. In our big modern ships no one will be outside armor protection during the course of an action. There are no secondary armaments to use to-day ; for although the latest latest of our Dreadnoughts, the "Iron Duke" class, carry twelve 6-inch guns, as did all pre-Dreadnought ships, these are a purely anti-torpedo anti-torpedo armament, and -would not be used in a general action. The gun numbers would be all in their turrets, turrets, while the remainder would be below the protective deck and inside inside the belt armor. At jr. mi... on i«e ment of au ac tion--that is, if the weather were clear enough tô allow for long range--the gun crews would have nothing to do beyond loading the gun, tihe training, laying and firing being carried out by the control officer in the control station, situated situated at the foremost head. It is puite possible that à battle may be decided before the fleet get near enough for the individual* gun-lay- ers to show „th^r skill. As- things stand in thé North Sea, we havo nastj, stuff. CURED BY NERVI LI NE. ; Anyone wo"ufiT marvël at my recovery; recovery; writes Mr. Leonard Lotli&m; a young man well known : about Chatham. Chatham. I Inherited, a rheumatic tendency tendency through my mother's- family, anti in jinÿ early days suffered fright- -1 v . -a v ;w , L- tolly.7 About three years ago the pain de nee may be. placed upon him. to stiffness settled in my "left knee take every advantage tfiat superior- i joint.- T was lame and walked with , a ity of gun-fire offer's. : _ very distinct limp. Neryiline wàs The great test of a ggnëràl action, brought to my notice and-t rubbed it if one takes place, .will be the armor-plate* armor-plate* as it is possible v that these will be quite vulnerable to the armor-piercing ; projectiles how in use. In the direction of armor the German ships have-a slight advantage, advantage, but nothing commensurate with our great guff power. UP-TO-DATE SERVICE. The comfort and_well-being of the passengers who travel on the Canadian Canadian Pacific is always foremost in the minds of the officials o-f the company, company, and further evidence of this is to be found in)the official announcement announcement made that all the cars in the Montreal-Chicago service have been equipped with an up-to- date valet service, so that you can now have your clothes brushed and pressed while you sleep. Simultaneously Simultaneously with this comes the decision of the Canadian Pacific to discontinue the use of the toothpicks on the tables of the dining cars. This step has not been taken without serious consideration. Many letters of complaint complaint have been received in this connection, and it is pretty well known that provision of toothpicks at first-class hotels and restaurants is now considered not quite the thing. -- . THE GOAT DOGS. into the stiff joint four or five times a day. It dispelled every vestige of pain, reduced the' swelling, took out tire stiffness, and gave me the full use of my limb agàiHï. I - don't believe there is: a pain-relieving remedy, not a single single liniment that can compare with Nerviline. I hope every person with pains, with sore back, with lameness, with lpmbago, with neuralgia--I do, hope they will try out Neryiline which I. am convinced will quickly and permanently permanently cure them." If Nerviline wasn't a wonderful painless -remedy, if . Nerviline didn't quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasn't known to be a grand cure for all rheumatic rheumatic . conditions, it wouldn't . have been so largely, used as a family remedy remedy for, the past forty years. No better, better, stronger, or more soothing liniment liniment made. Get the large 60c. family family size bottle; small trial size 25c.; sold by any dealer, anywhere. SCURVY AMONG TROOPS. en- in A Mexican Rancher Describes His . Method of Training Them. Just before the Rio Grande crosses the boundary line between Colorado and New Mexico, it ters a box canon whose wall some places are a thousand fe-M in height and almost perpendicular. For a number of miles, before it enters enters the canon, the river flows through a rough country that is worthless for farming purposes. The pasturage even is so scanty that it is suitable only for sheep and goats. The few settlers are all Mexicans. Wolves and coyotes haunt the hills and ravines along the river bank, and the herds must be watched watched day and night. Near the entrance entrance to the canon lives a Mexican rancher who owns several _ large herds of goats. He-has -Found out how to herd his flock without hired help. He sends the herd out on the range under the care of dogs, each of which has been raised among goats, and has, in fact, had a goat foster mother. This man describes describes his method of training his dog herders as follows : "My dogs are a cross between the shepherd and Scotch collie. As soon as the pups are born, I take those that I want to make into herders away from the mother dog and put them to nurse on a nanny goat, one puppy to a goat. The goat milk agrees with them perfectly. perfectly. They are never permitted to run with other dogs, and know no oompatiions except goats, and by the time they are grown they have a.thorough knowledge of their adopted relatives. You might almost almost say that they were half goat. "After the puppies get their teeth, I have to watch them carefully, carefully, for. now and then one of them will get the habit of biting the goats. That trait renders the dog absolutely useless for my purposes, and I immediately kill him. But biters are very rare. The dog raised raised in this way soon becomes a natural natural guardian of goats, and at & year or so can be put in charge of a herd. The herds go to the hills in the early spring, and remain there till the first snow comes. The dog stays with his herd day and night, drives his charges to the best grass in the morning, and rounds them up at night on some good bed ground, just as a human herder would do. And all the time he keeps a sharp lookout for prowling prowling wolves or coyotes. - I almost never lose any goats to these animals. animals. "I carry food to the dogs once a day. The only time a dog will leave his herd and come in to the ranch is when I fail to take him something to eat And then he is impatient to get back to his work, and as soon as he has got his meal, hurries away. "I find the dog herders more satisfactory satisfactory than men. They understand- understand- their business thoroughly, and they are always faithful. Moreover, Moreover, I do not have to pay them any wages." -- : ALMOST LYNCHED It happened to a local druggist that sold a cheao acid corn salve instead of the reliable Putnam'e Corn . Extractor. Substitutes bum the flesh--Putnam'e cures the corn. Use only the beet--"Putnam's" 25c. at all dealers. The Drinking Water Is Scarce in Spite of Rain. British troops in the trenches in West Flanders and northern France are suffering seriously from scurvy and vermin. Water is scarce for drinking purposes and almost none at all of it to be bad for bathing purposes despite the great quantities of rain that have fallen. The following letter from a member of the? now-famous Middlesex Middlesex Regiment, says : "We have been kept busy lately waiting, and continually moving from the beastly German shells. The Germans are using vast quantities quantities of lyddite, and many of the boys have been permanently deafened deafened by the roar when the shells explode nearby. "I have not had my clothes or my boots off for twenty days. All the others are in the same fix. There has been lots of rain, but there is little water for drinking or bathing purposes. "Mud, mud. That is the principal part of the landscape on every hand. We are living in dug-outs at the foot of little hills or behind patches of woods. "The Germans have four big guns in front of our lines which are liable to go off at any hour of the day or night. Each shell weighs 230 pounds and we call them Black Marias. They can shoot ten miles, and the other day one struck near the edge of the trench, burying me beneath a wagon-load of mud and slime, but the boys dug me out before I suffocated. suffocated. "Yesterday was a terrible day. The German artillery kept blazing away from dawn to dark, and it was impossible to get in or out of the first line trenches. This phase of fighting is far from our oild conceptions conceptions of fighting. We seldom see any Germans to shoot at except small parties of snipers. "My teêth and gums are getting jsore from eating the hard army bis- cuit$, and most of the others are in the same way. We usually soak them in warm water or tea before we try to eat them. Writing paper and envelopes are very scarce at the front, for all the space on supply supply trains is now being taken up with provisions, ammunition, fresh arms and other accoutrements. Only small packages now get through the military postal service. All big ones are barred." -i REMARKABLE PHOTOGRAPHS.! _ Late King Edward and the Kaiser tn Attitudes of Anger. ' 'I call the ' picture 'The Beginning Beginning of the War,' " is how Sir Herbert Herbert Tree describes a remarkable photograph which he possesses illustrating illustrating a quarrel between the late King Edward and the Kaiser Wilhelm Wilhelm several years ago. The origin of the quarrel is not divulged, but Mr. Basset, the London correspondent correspondent of the Petit Parisien, relates how he first saw this snapshot, "taken five or six years ago, when King Edward VII., irritated by certain certain . underhand tricks on the part of his nephew, found it necessary to tell William- II. what he thought of him fairly, sharply. The indiscreet photograph shows the end of the scene. The two sovereigns had been talking in a corner of the garden, garden, and after a discussion, which seems to have been very heated, King Edward has turned brusquely away, called his dogs to heel, and, obviously displeased, has refused to hear another word. The Kaiser, looking thoroughly ashamed of himself, himself, is trying to detain him, his hands outstretched in supplication. ... I have never seen such a striking striking and prophetic picture." Sir Herbert Tree got the photograph photograph in Homburg in 1909 from a certain prominent person who witnessed witnessed the royal quarrel. It may well be that that quarrel sowed the seeds of the Kaiser's anger that have " attained such monstrous growth since the war began. Y Highest grade beans kept whole ant mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. delicious sauces. Flavored with They have no equal. be- Just the Trouble. Knicker--All men are equal fore the law. Bocker--That's just the trouble, they should be equal after the law. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Bed,-Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting-- just Eye Comfori. Write lor Book of the Eye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. One-Side<l. Magistrate -- I understand that you overheard the quarrel between the defendant and his wife ! Witness--Yes, sir. Magistrate--Tell me, if you can, what he seemed to be doing. Witness--He seemed to be doing the listening, sir. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to mÿ sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's. Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever ! they might cost. I found Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills by their mild yet searching Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. .Conceited Youth--"I wonder why that young girl over there looks at me so much!" Young Lady--"She has weak eyes, and the doctor told her to relieve them by looking afc something green !' H. W. QAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto.. I F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson. Brampton, or SO coi- borne St.. TVronto. FARMS WANTED. V ]URMS WANTED FOR CASH BUY- _ntO ns delicate! evs ancl to rx '"' nailRe for ■ iovonto FOB SADE. When a man boasts of being slow but sure, we are afc least sure about the slow part ! R egistered i Holstein Calves. Durham. SHORTHORN r. .). m< miscellaneous. action very suitable to the aencate i j^ use X~ iUYtress. Farm specialist. character of a woman's nature. They i church St. Toronto. _ never once griped me, yet they estab- j lished regularity. My appetite grew i keen--my blood.red and pure--heavy] rings under my eyes., disappeared and to-day my skin is x as clear and unwrinkled unwrinkled as when I was a girl Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter, from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or the Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. AND risen. Q __ _ out pain" by^ our "home treatment. ^ W,n;« ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS, internal and external, cured ETC.. ■w i th ee before too late Dr. Bellman Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. edical niiMEmiîEnisB* I TONIC | Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Slakes Hens lay mere Cgîis, AIsj k tr r h liera healthy mut vi-.'-rons. S.Jil in 25c., f.Oe packages l.y >!cal- eis everywhere. Urite f«>r our New Book. • • International Poultry Guide." Free. international stock eoob ce. Limited. TORONTO. ONT. "I've come," said a man who had just been shown into the editor's room, "to see why you called me a political jobber in your paper today." today." "I regret the error quite as much as you," replied the' editor. "Ah, then you didn't mean "to call me that!" "No, sir, I wrote 'robber', 'robber', very distinctly." Memory Helps. Not only dates, but figures and facts, can be committed to memory without much effort by making it a rule never to think of one thing without recalling what you want to remember with it. Suppose you wish to remember a school friend's address. If you think of the number number of the house and the name of the street whenever you think of his home you will never forget it. It is this habit of tying one idea or fact to another that enables some persons to remember quickly, and any one can acquire this habit who will përsevering.ly follow this simple simple rule. When a man comes home sick, his wifë expects him to hold the baby while she mixes him a dose of some An Important Point. A city girl was taking a course in Agricultural College. After a lecture lecture on "How to Increase the Milk Flow," she rose for a question.. _ "How long," she blushingly -inquired, -inquired, "must one beat a cow before before she will give whipped cream! Manard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen.--Last -winter I received great benefit from tihe use of MINARD S LINIMENT LINIMENT in a severe attaok of La Grippe, and I have frequently proved it to be-very effective in caeee of Inflammation. Y"our6, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Machinery For Sale Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. from large factory 7 for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, flywheel, bearings, bearings, etc., all in good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inches fifty inches, belting six inches twelve inches. Will sell entire in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. to t«l or Magistrate -- Now; prisoner, F wish to know why you hit your husband husband with -the kitchen poker, as you admit you did ! Prisoner -- Shure, yer honor, I couldn't-find the broomstick, as I use in general, so I took the nearest thing that came to hand. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Little Guide Posts. To be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the ©tars ; to be satisfied with your possessions, possessions, but not contented with yourself until you have made tihe best of them ; to despise nothing in the world except , falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothing except except cowardice; to be governed by your admiration rather than by your disgust; to covet nothing that is your neighbor's except his kindness kindness of heart and gentleness of manner-these manner-these are little guide posts on the footpath to peace.--Henry Van Dyke. Magistrals--Why did you marry two wives! Fat--Well, sor, so long I supported the both of them wid- out wan knowin' about the other, I thought as how I moight be doin^ humanity a blessin'- by dispensin wid wan ould maid. Just a Scratch B UT it needs looking after just the same. First aid treatment with CARBOLATED ED. Oe ISSUE 3-T-lt?; Mlnards Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. Trideowk will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. Carbolated- "Vaseline" is a most effective Antiseptic dressing for cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all, kinds, such as eczema, -poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for corns. Sold by Chemists and department department stores .everywhere. Refuse to accept substitutes. Free-booklet on request. CHESEBROUGH MF'G CO. (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave. Montreal