Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1915, p. 4

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£-.9--v" 1Ê % é- Ü' F. A. Haddy's Annual Stock-taking Sale N OTICE the low prices on the following lines we wish to clear out previous to our stock-taking sale at the end of January. Reductions all genuine. Ammonia Powder 2 ^ or I 5 C Swift's Pride Cleanser IOc s * ze f° r 5° Swift's Borax Soap 4 C t> ar Haddy's Ideal Soap 7 bars for 25c Haddy's Ideal Baking Powder ..... 15c lb. tin Dalton's D B Baking Powder *5c lb. tin Tomatoes, Peas, Corn - 3 f° r 2 5 c > Lombard Plums, Green Gages 3 f° r 2 5c - Canned Peaches *4 C tin, 3 tor 40c Canned Pineapples t® c tin, 3 f° r 5°c Fruit Jelly in Tumblers tOc Blueberries, Imperial qt gems 35c Celery Relish, Worcestershire Sauce each IOc bottle Michoyce Sauce, extra fine 10c bottle Pickles reg. 15c for IOc; 20c for 15c; 25c for 20c Ketchup small bottle IOc; large bottles 15c and 20c Olives, plain reg. IOc for 8c; 15c for 12c; 20c for 15c; 25c for 20c; 35c for 25c; 50c for 40c; 75c for 60c Olives, stuffed reg. 15c for IOc; 20c for 15c; 35c for 25c; $1.00 for 75c Clover Honey in 5 lb. pails 75c; in 10 lb. pails $[.50 Sanderson's Extract Coffee reg. 20c size for 15c; 35c size for 25c Matches, Jumbo boxes, silent tips IOc or 3 for 25c Parlor Matches, reg. 15c IOc and I2%c Shoe Paste 5c box, 6 for 25c Mixed Nuts, about 100 lbs. to clear out ... only 15c lb. Layer Raisins, only a few left ' • • 20c lb. Oranges, good and sweet-, 2 doz. for 25c; larger size 15c doz. LAMPS--Glass Hand Lamps, complete, every one a bargain, 20c to 50c TUMBLERS--Best value we have ever had 3c, 4c, 5e, 6c, 7c each. A few'fine cut glass tumblers at about half price DINNER WARE--Odds and ends at greatly reduced prices, consisting consisting of plates, platters, covered vegetable dishes, gravy boats, etc. DINNER SETS--We have three Dinner Sets which are incomplete owing to breakage, all good quality of semi-porcelain and good patterns, which we will sell at bargain prices. Spend your money with us and save money F. A. HADDY China Hall Grocery Phone 62 Bowmanville S- W. Mason & Son's January Stock-Taking and Remnant Sale IS NOW ON T HE STOCK must be thoroughly Jcleaned up by the end of January. All short ends of goods of every kind will be sacrificed at about Half Price. All surplus Winter goods will also be on sale at prices that will ensure a quick getaway. getaway. Including : Ladies', Misses 1 and Men's Underwear, Blankets, Comforters, Comforters, Kimona Cloths, Wrapperettes, Gloves, Mitts, Toques, Hoods, Clouds, Scarfs, etc. SWEATER COATS ON SALE--reg. 50c for 35c; reg. 75c for 55c; $1.25 for 90c; $1.50Jfor $1.10; $2.00 and $2.25 for $1.60; $2.50 and $2.75 for^$1.75; $3.00 and $3.50 for $2.35. All of the balance of our Ladies' and Misses'JCOATS, SUITS and SKIRTS at Exactly Half Price. LADIES' WHITEWEAR--All at Sale Prices. Corset Covers, reg. 25c for 19c; reg. 35c for 25c; 50c for 38c; 75c for 55c. FURS--All Furs at Half Price. Letter and telephone orders promptly and carefully carefully attended to. S. W. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 14, 1915 DARLINGTON LIBERALS Liberals of the Township of E>arlington met at Hampton, Saturday when the following following officers were elected ^Pres., A. J. Reynolds; Vice Pres.--Silas Trewin; Sec., Treas.--A. L. Pascoe. Besides the regu- i lar routine of business, votes of confidence 1 were passed in our leaders Mr. N. W. Rowell and Sir Wilfrid Laurier and also to Mr. W. L. Smith, Orono,regretting the loss of his son. MUNICIPAL echoes. Strenuous economy seems _ to be the watchword of this year's council. Why was Coun. Percy so anxious to have A. Barber audit his own books ? A citizen has no right to sit at the council council board if his wishbone is where his backbone should be. Coun. Grigg thinks a competent man should supervise the laying of town pavements, pavements, he's right, too. Is it to the mind of electors to pay an auditor $10 a day and not make a grant of $io to Sick Children's Hospital ? Chief Rd. Jarvis holds more municipal offices than any other citizen. His first appointment for 1915 is Sanitary Inspector. Inspector. If Coun. Tole expects to be Mayor next year he will have to put the roads and streets in better condition--on less than $2,$00. Coun. Grigg may not be an orator, but he's an untiring worker in the interests of the town. When he speaks it is with sincerity and without fear. Hardly a council meeting is held but some citizen asks permission to cut down a tree. More trees «till be planted on some streets if Coun. Foley has his way. Coun. Trebilcock is in favor of giving free use of Opera House for concerts in behalf of charity or patriotic funds. He is right. Mayor didn't seem to agree with him at first, tho. Who is responsible for the present fire alarm system being out of condition, the chairman of Fire & Water Com., or the firemen ? If it had been properly taken care of there should be no need for $300 outlay at present. Local electricans were not given a chance to figure on the alterations to fire alarm system--$300 awarded to Oshawa firm. That's a poor example for council to set and then behind the counter preach "Buy-in-Bowmanville". After his two years' experience Mayor Hillier would be very tar "at sea" in conducting conducting regular procedure of council such as putting thru a by-law were it not for the prompting of Coun. Cornish, .who is an authority on such matters. Who is this man Welsh that Coun. Percy is so anxious to pay $10 a day for auditing books? Some say he is a personal personal friend of the Finance Minister, while others contend that a relative recommended recommended him as he works for Mr. Welsh. Teamsters, delivery boys and others are anxiously awaiting the time when the Fountain presented by Coun. Tole wilkbe put in action. The question is, Where should it be placed ? Certainly not in front of the post office to make a bog hole. Bowmanville has not for long years had the honor of having one of its citizens Warden of these United Counties, but it may not be able to say that after this year as Reeve Tail's chances for the Warden- ship are at present reported to be above par. What's the use of having the books audited, audited, any*ay ? Coun. Percy pigeon-holed the auditors' report last year without presenting presenting it to the Council; and this year he is willing to pay $10 a day to a man who probably has never been heard of in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. "Be loyal to your own community" is a popular slogan just now, but Coun. Percy insists on employing an out-of-town auditor auditor at $10 per day plus his expenses, and the local auditor who assists him is only to receive $25 for the whole job. Disloyalty Disloyalty and extravagance, we think. Coun. Percy in referring to auditing of waterworks accounts, said : "There isn't any man in Bowmanville fit to go over these accounts". Mv, but he and the Mayor must have made an awful mess of things if the accounts are in such a state as that. No wonder they want an out-of- town man to straighten things out, if that be true. That was a pretty strong bribe His Worship offered The Tames Papers, if they would not be so severe in their criticism criticism of the Council he might favor turning turning a little of the town printing the James way. Thanks for your offer, Mr. Mayor, but The James Papers are no lick-spittals, nor are they controlled by the "big interests", interests", nor are the editors clams or jelly fish. Their hands are not tied by any political party, organization or body of men. They do not gather their editorials from a lawyer's office, a doctor's waiting room, nor from the floor of a blacksmith shop. You have the wrong number, Dr. Coun. Foley is to be commended for his suggestion of having a Civic" Improvement Improvement Committee appointed, the object of which is to make Bowmanville more beautiful. beautiful. . Many citizens already take considerable considerable pride in keeping their lawns and premises tidy and attractive, which has brought forth many favorable comments from visitors. The committee should receive receive the co-operation of every citizen in a campaign to clean up. the neglected places, which are not a few in many parts of the town, and beautify these unsightly lots and buildings by plantii g shade trees, evergreens, plants, vines or shrubbery to relieve the bareness and deserted look. Following the example of the post office, flower boxes might be placed in the windows windows of the public buildings, as well as in the stores on our main street. No doubt the Park at Port Bowmanville will receive some attention, too. Bowmanville-on- the-Lake is attracting more people to its shores every summer, but it still can be made more attractive and inviting. A little intelligent planning, such as Coun. Foley suggests, with the co-operation of the citizens, will help us look forward to seeing many more "beauty spots" around Bowmanville the coming season. Will the optician you are getting Jan. 18 to 23 charge you regular prices for glass s ? This is a fair question apd we give a fair plain answer. You will not Only get your glasses at oùr regular lowest lowest prices, but the first 10 people each morning who purchase gold or gold-filled frames will get a second pair for advertising advertising purposes free of all charge--(this pair will be best quality, $1.00 lenses in a good steel frame.) Jury & Lovell. OLD DURHAM BOYS. Lieut; W.H. Roenigk, Lindsay. - Officers of the 45th Victoria Regiment, and a number of friends were guests of J. J. H. Fee, Ll,-CoL, C.O., Lindsay, last Wednesday evening at Hotel Simpson, where a sumptuous repast was enjoyed on the occasion of the annual banquet of the officers and will go down into the history of the 45th as a red-letter event. In the course of the addresses in reply to the toasts a number of speakers eulogized Lieut. Bandmaster W. H. Roenigk for the untiring and very faithful service he has at all times given to the Regiment. He came in for a great deal of praise from the officers, owing to his readiness to assist assist them on all occasions, be it late or early. Bandmaster Roenigk and his family family are held in the highest regard by the people of Lindsay, and his services as an old volunteer and as bandmaster in connection connection with the Canadian Militia have been, and are, highly appreciated. Lieut. Roenigk is one of five bandmasters is Canada holding a lieutenancy. Capt. C. R. McCullough, Hamilton. That was à very masterful address on "The Soul of the Nation" which was delivered delivered by Charles R. McCullough before a club of business men at a luncheon in Hami.ton, Jan. 4. We can only give a brief part of it. "Napoleon" said the speaker, "once asked a distinguished surgeon surgeon if under his scalpel he had ever met the soul. There is no reply. Ralph Waldo Waldo Emerson had, however, defined for us the soul man. as not an organ but that which exercised the organs, not a faculty but a slight, not the intellect but master thereof. All reforms aim to let the soul have its way. To obey its motions Dollard Dollard des Ormeaux with his companions offered themselves us as a willing sacrifice sacrifice to save the settlements of early Canada Canada against the hordes of Irovuois invaders. invaders. Albert of Belgium showed forth the soul of his country when he opposed himself himself to the arrogant demands for free passage passage of the German hosts intent upon killing killing the spirit of the French people. As Ulysses went to battle trusting in his valor and the righteousness of his cause so dared the Belgians to look the tyrant of human liberty squarely in the face and endure the horrors of war rather than sell the soul of the nation. As of old time Socrates said to his accusers that whilst they might kill his body harm could not touch him--the soul--the inner man, so in these times the gallant king of the Belgians might answer William of Germany. "Heine the Great German poet had described himself as a soldier in the cause of the liberation of humanity. He had said that the Englishman Englishman loved liberty as his wedded wife, the Frenchman as his mistress, the German German as an old grandmother consigned to a remote corner of the kitchen." The speaker decided that Germany was at war with herself, if she but knew it, to solve those problems solved by the people of Britain hundreds of years ago--the rights of the people as opposed to the arrogant claims of divine right by Stuarts on the one hand and Hohenzollerns on the other. Presently the eyes, long blinded by the teachings of a false philosophy of militaristic militaristic force, would be opened and a mental and perhaps physical revolution - would follow upon the inevitable defeat of German German arms in this fight against human liberty--against liberty--against the souls of nations--not omitting that of Germany herself. ENTERED INTO BEST. Mrs. A. W. Macnab, Toronto. His numerous friends of St. John's Parish, Parish, Bowmanville, ovér which his distinguished distinguished father, Rev. Dr. Macnab was Rector Rector for many years will sympathize with Rev. Canon Macnab in the unexpected death of his wife on Thursday Jan. 7 at their home in Toronto. She was sister of the late John Griffith for many years in business in this town as harness maker. The Toronto Telegram says : In the death of Mrs. Macnab, wife of the Rev. Canon Alex W. Macnab of St Alban's Cathedral, Toronto loses an outstanding woman worker, both in charitable and church organizations. organizations. Mrs. Macnab passed away quietly Thursday morning at their home 120 Wells-st. She had suffered from sciatica for more than two years, and at the time of death from neuritis. Only the day before her death the doctor had said there was no immediate danger. Miss Mary Gwladys Griffith was born in London, London, England, and was married to the Rev. Canon Macnab nearly forty years ago. Following the marriage they came to St. Catharines, Ont., where Canon Macnab had a charge for many years. From here they went to Omaha, Nebraska, to spend four years before coming to Toronto Toronto in 1899. Mrs. Macnab was deeply interested interested in the work of the Anglican church and was past president of practically practically every society in St. Alban's Cathedral including the young people's branches. "She was an indefatigable church worker" said her husband, "and will be missed from the citv of Toronto. She was a most faithful and devoted wife." WOOD SALE. Monday, January 18--Mr. John C0I- lacott, will sell about four acres of standing standing second growth cedar in small lots on lots 4 and 6, con. 6, Darlington. For terms see bills. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. of Mason & Dale are clearing balance their skates at attractive prices. Beware of the .house to house spectacle pedlar. You pay 2 or 3 prices, and then have to come to town and get them changed changed by the reliable local optician. Jury & Lovell. We have heard many complaints from people who have bought spectacles from pedlars. In some cases they have paid $5.00, in other cases people have bought the same goods from the same man for $I.oo. Our regular price for this quality is 50c; Jury & Lovell- The eye specialist at Jury fit Lovell's may do for yo r child what an optician did for ex-president of U.S.-- properly fitted glasses changed him from a stupid lad into one of the best of students, and finally he rose to be : President. He is still living and you have seen his picture many times. For Infinite end Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of m ' f. - Y Mcflurtry & Co's. Big Still in the Front Ratifié We have set out to make this sale one that will long live in the memories of those far-seeing enough to make a purchase now. We have made enormous price concessions This huge sale is a veritable avalanche of bargains This indisputable evidence of our tremendous offers, offers teeming with economy opportunities. opportunities. Come to this sale, study the price tag and note enormous reductions. Here is a List of a Few of Our Economy SPECIALS : Table Cloth, Napkins Just received, a large shipment of manufacturers' clearing lines in Table Cloths and Napkins. These are odd lines and all good quality. Nice patterns patterns and regular sizes. They are about half the regular prices. Dish Rags Now there is do excuse for not having a good Dish Rag or Mop Rag, good size, special 3c each. Towellings Very special lot of Roller Crash Towellings, while it lasts ;. 5c yd. Furs, Furs RED TAG DAYS In the Fur Department. Prices knocked cleaa out of the question. Every piece must go. Come now and get yomr choice. Embroideries LOT I--Fine quality Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, reg. 8c and 10c, special 5c yd. LOT 2--Fine quality Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, wider widths than lot 1, reg. 12-^c and 15c, special 8c yd. LOT III--^Wide Dress Embroideries, beautiful patterns, reg. $1.25 and $1.50, special ... 59c yd. Boots Men's Tan Boots, knee length, regular $5.00, special for $3.58 pr. 25 pairs only Men's Tan and Black Elk Knee Boots, reg. $7.00, special $4.50 pr. Ankle Supports Now there is no danger of going over on yoar ankles while skating. Wear steel Ankle- Supports. Supports. They fix right on the boots. Regular $1.00, special 4Se pr. Come Early and Often to McMurtry & Co. Ltd. Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville "OVERLAND y y Overland Model 80 5 PASSENGER TOURING CAR-35 H. P. 425 hamÎltôn COMFORT AND BEAUTY COMBINED Comfort is attained by the long wheel base The equipm°nt is so placed that the symmetry ef of 114* in combination with the long flex- the stream line body is not broken. The tire car- itie springs. The rear springs are 48" long rier, with the extra rim, is on the rear, and the and are slung under the axles. The seat electric horn placed under the hood. The finish is backs are high and the upholstering unus- Brewster green with ivory striping, the trimmings sally thick. nickel and polished aluminum. Model 81T--5 passenger Touring Car, 4 cyl., 30 HP $1135 Model 81R--2 passenger Roadster, 4 cyl., 30 HP 1065 Model 80T--5 passenger Touring Car, 4 cyl., 35 HP 1425 Model 80R--2 passenger Roadster, 4 cyl., 35 HP.. 1390 Model 80C--4 passenger Coupe, 4 cyl., 35 HP 2150 Model 82T--7 passenger Touring Car, 6 cyl., 45 HP < 1975 All prices f.o.b. Hamilton. CATALOGUES MAILED ON REQUEST SPARLING & BEESON ONTARIO V YrS-- .:i-Y ï :::y

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