Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1915, p. 3

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fry a chronic disease common to womankind? womankind? You feel doll--heedachey? Backache, Backache, pains here and there--dixzin ess or wrhaps hot flashes? There's nothing yon ■n «-I--yon 'cair:enjoy! or it--hecanse relief in DR. PIERCE'S 'avorite Prescription a B ^=oMe N MV-'w^d"î could not deep at night. Suffered with enraej. m my nght hip, and every month would have spells and have to ^ •iMmimnt- Pellets' eight bottlesofyour «Favorite Prescription' and one iSk C^now do my work for six in family, and feel like a i Lgïï it is the best medicine in the world for women. Pré» roznmend it to all my friends and many of them have been greatly benefited by it. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS Rrileve Mver Ills! Wood's Phospliediao, The Gréa*. English Remedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Oures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, V&P™' dency. Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six jor $5. One will please, six wilLcure. Sold^by all druggists or mailed in plain plcg. receiptof -priep. A>w pamphlet mailed fr ce. THE WOO fifi Medicine com toroxto, ont. (Fwtriy wistor.) | HEALTH Don't let it rim too long, it will " ;ad to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, nervousness, nervousness, depression depression " arid sallow complexion. Just try CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They relieve relieve . fermentation, indigestion -- gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach and Iivcrin perfect running order. At all drnggiiti, 25c., or by mail from 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto A Question of Roads. A retort tirât shows' something of the attitude of Russian and Austrian Austrian officers before hostilities actually actually broke out, is reported by the Petrograd correspondent of the London Times. In the course of his last interview with the Russian military authorities before the war, Prince Hohe-nl-ohe, the Austrian military attache, expressed surprise that the Russians should be requisitioning requisitioning so many automobiles, the extensive use of which since then may help to explain the rapid alternation alternation of fortune of engagements that Aiave so often - proved confusing. confusing. "Your roads are too bad," the ^Austrian remarked. "Of what use are automobiles ?" "Ah," replied the Russian, "but you must remember remember that your roads are very good !" Reversed Conditions. ,; I met Jones on the steamer ; he was going abroad for a trip." "Jones, eh 1 ? I remember that man when he didn't know where his next meal was coming from." "Well, it was just the opposite when I saw him on the steamer he didn't know where his last meal was going to." Time isn't always money to the chap who does a credit business. Skin Troubles and Diet. There is reason to believe that there is a close connection between many forms of skin trouble and the diet. One significant thing is the singular stubbornness of many skin disorders and their mysterious tendency tendency to recur even when the physician physician continues the form of treatment treatment that at first seemed to act as a cure. Among these rebellious skin troubles are acne, eczema, psoriasis, and urticaria. All four, diseases are likely to respond ^ to treatment at first, but too often they return obstinately, as a stream of -water returns when it has been swept back by a broom. That common characteristic has set the physicians searching for some common underlying cause. As a result of their investigations, it is generally believed that there is a direct relation -between the metabolism--that metabolism--that is to say, the chemical chemical changes by which food is transformed transformed into body tissue--and the condition of the skin. But although we accept it as ^ a fact that many kinds of skin trou ole are dependent on the diet, it is slid necessary to experiment with each case until w r e have found the particular particular diet that is best for it. After that has been accomplished, there is constant need for the patient to exercise all the self-control he pos sesses, for these obstinate skin disorders disorders cannot be cured in a f ew days or even a few weeks. A regulated diet does not mean simply going- without this- or adding adding that article of food. One leading leading dermatologist has defined it as "such a regulation of the quantity and quality of food and dnnk, its mode of preparation, and the time and method of its. consumption. as shall conduce to the restoration and : maintenance of the health of the body including the skin." The patient, therefore, must cô-operate faithfully with his physician or the cure will fail.--Youth's Companion^ ATHLETIC OAMSS Those citizens who witnessed the' high school girls giving their dumb bell drill m the Opera House Friday evening week were greatly delighted and nobody got. a very serious shock whe.i that exercise ended up with a pretty little dance. Girla athletics are lately receiving ranch more consideration, in towns and cities especially, especially, than ever before and old-fashionea folk-dances are- becoming popular. In the country most girls get enough exer- without requiring special athletic games, but even in the country schools there are being introduced many of the athletic games that are recommended m urban schools. What is more interesting and beautiful than, children_ gping thru their pleasure or health activities, even some simple forms of dancing which are slowly being recognized in some schools in this country but which have become one of the regular exercises in American public and high schools. Threç years ago when in New Yprk City at the May games \of the Public Schools Athletic League we first witnessed witnessed the interesting and pretty foik-dancmg when possibly ten thousand children _ engaged engaged in them under careful supervision of their teachers in the aq e and lovely Central Park. This amusement held a very prominent place in that . athletic event which was really an exhibition of the work being done in the Girl's Branch of the League under authority of the Board of Education. The movement was only introduced into Gotham schools a few years previously, but on the occasion of our last visit we learned that, it h:.s spread all over the country bringing joy and happiness to thousands of children, affording them another game for healthful healthful out-of-door recreation. While it is a great force for good it can easily be turned into an undesirable direction- and therefore must be safeguarded by a wise policy and preserved as an actual form of school plav and not be used for exhibition purposes--it must be play for play's sake and as a health giving exercise. Not only folk-dancing but all kinds of girls' at! - letics may become harmful unless carefully carefully controlled. With this end in view the standard lo'k- dances are taught to teachers in inst uc* tion cla co es conducted by the League. Phonographs with folk-dance records are being provided for schools by the Board of Education so that folk-dancing may be practised out-of-doors, on the flat roots, and in yards. It is not our intention to discuss girls' athletics farther now as it will be considered considered in another article but shall simply give names of a few folk-dances: English--all Morris -dances-Abaudnum bunches,, shepherd's 'ke y> - bobbing Joe; country dances--"ribbou, Maypole, saiOvs h ompip e, an in ue t. Scotch--Highland fling, reel of four shean trews, etc. Irish--Jig, lilt, reel, rincce fadde. Danish--Ace of diamonds, crested hen, four dance, little-man-in-a-fix, mountain march. Swedish, the longest list of all--Picking, all--Picking, carrousel, chain, Xmas t me, Fjil- lnaspolska, frykdalspolska, washing the clothes, etc. Hungarian--Ba borak, esardas, csebogar, solo. Italian--Tarentalla. Russian--The crane, Komarinskaia. The Board of the Girls' Branch of school athletics, we were told, is absolutely opposed opposed to the use of aesthetic and so-called "artistic" dances for elementary school children or any dancing that is done at ethers instead of with each ether and enjoins all teachers, mothers and fathers to preserve for their children a genuine childlike spirit of play in dancing and athletics. "Fruit-a-tives" Have Proved Their Value' In Thousands of Cases WHAT SHALL : l SING TO YOU? Bar -DR- JAMEB- L..HUGHES, Toronto. Bing- iae the 'Bob-o-link samg of Joy With hcc diear said -merry tune Ohaering any heart- avtth thàs eong of praise For ithe clover, fields in June. Sing ,a«~ the thrush, to (his mate èacs-Loré In the* mystic Afterglow, D5ep in the gilen, till my soul was filled, With the -bliss the. angels knew.' Sic-2. -no my mother of' Hope -and -Faith, And cif Courage, Freedom, Truth; Sing as she sang, till L-fe-ed once more The inspiring thrill of youth. Sing me these songs and. -theyMl wake my powers To consciousness of might :-- . Fc-arlccc, I'll tiiiimh towards the mountain ton Till I-reach its shining height. : , -- W 1 . si-.Wuitfil OF A WONDERFUL CURE Only Remedy That Acts'On - All Three Of The Organs 'Responsible For The Formation C£ Drier Acid In The Blood. Many people do not realize that the Skin is one of the three great eliminators- eliminators- of waste matter from the body. As a matter of fact, the Skin rids the system of more Urea (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. When there is Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidneys at all, but be due to faulty Skin Action, or Constipation of the bowels. "Fruit-a-tives" cures weak, sore, aching Kidneys, not only because it strengthens these organs but also because because "Fruit-a-tives" opens the bowels, sweetens the stomach and stimulates the action of the skin. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2 50, trial size, 25c. or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Otta VTA . Fruit-a-tives Limited. SOUTH DARLINGTON Standing of pupils of S. S. No 3, Darlington, Darlington, on.. December exams: Jr. IV-- Frank Abernethy, George Downëy; Sr. III- LloydCrago,Nellie Burgess, Norman Burgess,.Ferguson Abernethy; Jr. Ill-- Laura Lane, Doris Clarke, Johnny Hopps, Mildred Downey ^absent); Sr. II --Charlie Rundle, Ethel Franklin, Burnett Power; Margaret Abernethy, Odas Met- T1IE FARM. ♦ Live Stock Commissioner Says Conserve Conserve the Breeding Stock. Everyone knows that trade conditions conditions and comm-e.r-eiai enterprise in the Do-minion have suffered a very serious and unexpected upheaval during ithe past year. To this. situation situation the w-a.r has, of course, largely largely contributed ; but other' causes, including including the general financial depression depression throughout the country, have been operative for some months past. The agricultural industry industry has, naturally, been very widely affected by these changing conditions and by the varying situation situation with respect to demand and supply. The rise in the price-oi grain, together with the-- corresponding corresponding fillip to grain production, represents, without doubt-, the most outstanding feature of the direction which has been given to agricultural activity. We need, perhaps, above al'i things else, sane, level judgment in the conduct of our agricultural affairs affairs during the coming year. It is to be expected that grain production production will be largely increased. The raw products cf the soil are, and wil-1 be, in demand at remunerative prices. What then is- to be ua-id, what course is to be followed, with respect to the breeding of live st ock ? The high price -c-f- feed, on the one hand, and relatively low prices for market stock, on. the other, have ■resulted in very heavy - marketing fih rough out-.; Gan-ada v-particul ar ly in the -Western Provinces, of she stock, suitable --for breeding purposes. Perhaps this was inevitable, but will these conditio-ms continue Î Feed grain will, without doubt, be 'n^ftopriekrycr-fttoJ HedicincAd AYirjetable Preparation forAs- si m i latins lhe Food and Régala-* ling lhe Stomachs ana Bowels of Tog Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Infants h ii prjbm ? Promotes DigpslionJCheerfukj ness and P^t.Contatasseiifcr Opiuni.Morphinc npm&raL Not Narcotic. HugmofOMDi Rxhpkia jtbcSenn Jbd.dlcSdts- ^$IrImc{eStda+ f Una Seed- durifed Sugar- hwttispea Ftarer. Apérfect Remedy forConshpa- lion. SourSlomach.Diarrhoca, Wbrms.Convulsions.Fevcnsh- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sisnaîureof TkE CentaurCompaxy. MONTREAL&NEW YORK Exact Copy of Wrapper. CCNTA.UK com RAN V. New VO K K calf, Marie Rundle, Hilda Foley, Clarence | pr i ce but it must never be Hopps; Sr I--Reggie Frahklm, WiUie ov |rlooked th-alt the country can OUR TO AFRICA The Voice of That Country In Its Misery Must Have Reached Up to Heaven Hopps, Clifford Lane. borne, teacher. * Florence Os- Freedom from Asthma. Asthma -is one of the meat distressing troubles, sudden in its attacks aud prolonged in agonies. Fn q.;ently many things are tried, but no Mug seems to give hope of relief. Dr. J. AK ..KellovnV Astiim 1 Remedy is the' one hely which can Le depended upon. If you have tried other remenies without success, do not fail to get at once a package of this uniformly uniformly successful preparation. of Restored to Health by Lydia ; E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -- Her Own Story. London, Ont.-- "I am a farmer's wife and a very busy woman. Last summer I was taken with severe pains in my back so bad that I could not get up or scarcely move without without pain, and my periods were painful. painful. . M y husband called in a good doctor doctor and I was under his care for some time, but he did me little or no good, jne dny a friend of mine told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she had been greatly helped by it. I began taking it and soon got well, and my periods became natural again. Since then I have had perfect health. In fact I have uever felt so well in my life. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound is a medicine many women need. If you think this letter will help other womenplease pub- it. "--Mrs. K. C. Young, Tamblmg s Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. Women who suffer-from those distressing distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'■ Vegetable Compound to restore their health. =1 f yoirhave the slightestdoubt tuat Lydip E. Pinkbam?s»ycgeta- îôe Comi>oimd will help you,write têXydiaE.PinkhamMedicineCo. (goofidepÉfa*!) .Ivyun,Ma«8.,ior ad- Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, mud held in strict confidence^ Health Hints. In making a mustard plaster use the white of an egg instead of water. water. No blistering of the skin will be caused. Health is to be judged, not from mere weight and bigness, but firmness firmness of flesh, redness of lips and cheeksy and straightness of 'bone. Paint warts with tincture of iodine once a week, and rub carbonate carbonate of soda into them each time after after washing the hands, and they will quickly disappear. So many sufferers from indigestion indigestion make the fatal mistake of thinking to lessen the evil by not taking a sufficient amount of nourishment, nourishment, but this is one of the worst things that can be done, for by not giving them a proper amount of work to do the digestive organs get still weaker. A day or two in bed is one of the best cures jor- a slight cold, especially especially if aJchild is delicate. Don't coddle a -child, but all the same do not attempt the process called "hardening" by some mothers. It frequently ends in the killing of a child, or else in permanently injur ing the constitution. When there is sickness in the house it is a good plan to keep. & small dish of carbolic acid solution in one corner of the bedroom for disinfecting purposes. A little of this solution sprinkled in the s cep -ing rooms, etc., at any time wil keep them in a sanitary condition, which is very important. A JOKE ON BISMARCK. flow His Wife Got Rid of An English English Nobleman. The great Iron Chancellor of Germany, Germany, Prince Otto von Bismarck, who first welded the nation into an empire, was a most devoted and docile husband, and very docile to his wife's advice. And her ready wit, although it saved him many a weary hour, once got him into a ludicrous position. Lord Russell, an English nobleman, nobleman, was one day calling on the prince, when he remarked that Bismarck Bismarck was doubtless annoyed by countless visitors who took up his time unnecessarily. "That is true," responded the chancellor with a laugh, "but my wife has a trick for getting rid of all bores in a graceful way. If she sees I have a visitor who is likely to prove dull, she comes in and makes some pretext for getting me away." Hardly had Bismarck ceased speaking when his wife bustled into the library. "Otto," she said, in a commanding commanding voice, "you must go'«it once and take your medicine ; you ought to have had it ten minutes ago." It is needless to say that in spite of the hearty Laugh that followed, the English visitor did not long delay delay his adieus. "The Lord will provide" is about as far as many a lazy man's religion ever IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. Mr, A. S. McGibbon, Denver, Colo., in remitting his subscription says : Your paper is just like a real letter from hpme and I assure you I appreciate its weekly visits very much. My new address is 522 Humboldt-st. Mr. Felipe (Philip) T. Smith, Hijos y Cia, Barracas de Maderas--Fabricas de Cajones, Cassilla 158, Victoria y Temuco, Chile, South America, in sending his remittance remittance for his Canadian papers «ends fits regards and season's greetings to his Bo w- manville friends and others of the "Homeland of Durham." Wouldn't this make you shiver ? Mrs. Edgcrton Washington, (nee Minnie Sherr in) Morden, Man., writes under date of Dec. 22 : It was 20'^bëlbw zero here this morning at 9 30 o'clock, but the sun is shining so brightly it is just lovely to be out when it is cold if there is no wind. Pleased to know the people in ray old home town are generally well and wish all the season's compliments. Miller's Worm Powders wili eradicate eradicate the worm evil that bears so heavily on chi dren and is believed to cause many fatalities. They are an acceptable acceptable medicine to children and can be fully relied upon to clear the food chan nfila thoroughly of these destructive parasites and restore the inflamed and painful surfaces to healthfulness, are an excellent remedy for these :. * Keeping Her at Home. Wife--"Don't you think might manage to keep house for a week, while I go on a visit? Husband--"I guess so; yes, of They evils. you alone > ; course." "But you miserable ?" "Not aGbifc." "Huh! Then won't be lonely and I wont go. -* --- Jk Selects Carefully. Gibbs--Does your wife believe all you tell her ? Dibbs--Yes ; you see, I am mighty careful what I tell her. Stop the Cough.--Coughing is caused by irritation in the in the respiratory passages and is the effort to dislodge obstructions that oome from inflammation inflammation of the mucous membrane. Treatment Treatment with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil will allay the inflamation and in consequence consequence the cough will cease. Try it, and yon will use no other preparation for a cold. maintain very large numbers live stock on the enormous quantity of rough fodder which -it can produce. produce. - To waste this, for the sake of the grain Which can be grown, would, under the present circumstances, circumstances, be criminal neglect. It is clear, then ? that the country should conserve its breeding stock. If grain is to be grown for sale it is recommended that plans should be carefully thought out as to the manner manner in which the greatest quantity of rough fodder may become available available for feeding purposes, and as to the means by which this otherwise otherwise waste product, together with the screenings and unsalable gram may be utilized to the best possible advantage.- In other words eliminate eliminate waste. Do it by feeding live stock. ■ > The present low prices for stock | cannot last long. A careful review of the world situation makes it clear that there will be a shortage next year. Europe is becoming seriously seriously depleted in bclt-h breeding and feeding -stock. The United States, for ten months of the current year, at its leading markets is short 746,- 045 cattle, 203,000 sheep and 1,- 894,939 hogs. Canada ha», as before before stated, heavily liquidated her breeding animals, and, while it- may possibly maintain its quota next year of. cattle and . .-sheep, it is doubtful if mk>re than seventy-five per cent, of the number of hog© will find their way to market in 1.915, as compared with the current year. It is, therefore, a time for livestock livestock men to «bay with their trade. The present tendency is, of course, all the other way. A safe harvest is likely to be reaped by those who have stock for sale next year. Even bankers and business men are of this opinion. One word of advice is to be given. Avoid marketing -so far as it is at all possible to do so during the period of October fifteenth to December December fifteenth. This is *a time of the year when everybody else has stock for sale. It is a period when ^packers know that they can fill their cellars with cheap méat. These are the mônths when the surplus surplus of the "whole country find© its way to the packing centres. It is invariably the period 1 of low prices, uncertain markets and disappoinlt- "T am debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians."--Romans 1:14. and years, F rom Ask a man how much he owes he instinctively thinks of money. Yet one of the most easily paid debts is/fchat foTxinere money ; the hardest! that wh^h cannot be settled settled forNiash^"^ There are honorable debts and dishonorable debts. Nations are indebted to nations, Christendom is in debt to the heathen world. What do we owe to Africa ? For centuries it has fallen to her lot to suffer a long series of injuries from other continents. The infamous infamous slave traders spread massacre and misery along her coasts and far into the interior. The advent of other races throughout the ages has been associated with rapine, constant spoilation of goods and estate and with poisonous alcohol. European nations of "light and leading" have stolen millions of square miles of territory without right a-nd without compensation, solely by the power of sheer violence. violence. And, to counterbalance all this wickedness, what has been done for her ? Looking back over thirty what a change I have seen-! a few scattered schools of a generation generation ago, thousands of schools are_ dotted to-day all over the land, where the children can learn of righteousness. The bushmen, the Hottentot, the Kaffir, all are being being taught. Thousands of them have had the light of the gospel shed into their hitherto darkened lives. The governments have long since realized that Christian, education education for the African means an ira-^ mense benefit to the whole country. Trade has spread over the land. • Missions have been the pioneers of commerce. Europe and America are everywhere .pushing the sale <>t their products. Africa is almost world in itself. a Then God sent the valiant and holy Livingstone, the patient heroic Moffat, the daring. martyr Hannington and the saintly M ac ' kay, who- fearlessly threw themselves themselves into the breach, and turned the tide of wrong. In their wake have followed noble noble men and women who, by their splendid endeavors have done much to bring a new hope to a well-nigh hopeless people. The work has been slow, but founded upon the rock. We are compelled by the circumstances circumstances of to-day to face the face that neither men nor nations can live to themselves. The importance of knowing more than the affair-* of our own home, our own country, is vital to our very existence, in- sleeping sickness in Africa is a, menace to America, the plague in Europe or Asia stirs the world. And Africa, heathen Africa, is being startled into a fresh fever of unrest. by the news of white men fighting. Christ has been/re-crucified m house of his friends. But is this the end ? Nay. For Africa is only the beginning. Christendom has tried to pay ba-ck something of us debt to the barbarian. The gospel has still its ancient power. ^ God-. Almighty is working with the fatt-h- 'ful and the Dark Continent., rh? whole world, will yet lie conquered at His feet.--Rev. James H. Bai- mer. Occasionally there is a man who was born lue^y--that is with a good supply of plain common sense, "Why- don't you ibrugfc. your Fair ?' ' aake^çl a than of jbh<& boy with the frowsy head. "Ain't got no brush." "Wihy don't you use your father's.brush?" "He ain't got no brush." "No brush? Why hasn't he a brush ?" "Ain't got do hair." jfm Franklan d demonstrates demonstrates that COD LIVER OIL generates more body-heat than anythhjh else. Ia fSCOXT'8 EMULSION the pure oil is so prepared that the blood prefifa from every drop, while it fortifiée throat and longs. If yee or ffratÿ» yoeshiVj easily: take SO ) far i**a èfcptfc:' fnfifitea . ». 14-40 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. a uer Try It, Brothers. Two mep were talking of the l^ard times. "Does your wife ever I because she threw over a i man in order to marry you .1 | ied Hall. "Well, she start' 1 once," was the reply, "but % cur her of it; without delay." "I wish you would ten me how " toid HaJL ' T started right in grieving With her," replied the other, "aud T grieved harder and longer than she did!" % ^ng returns to the producers. Breed, therefore, to have your stock available for stale at soma other time of the year. Take care to provide sufficient winter feed that you may not be forced to sell when the cold wealther cotnies. Above all, conserve yohr breeding stock. - --* : Medals Gratify. Both services fl^re immensely grat- i^ed that the Kmg has decided to gave medals to pd land before till mo iis recognition si e heroes' of sea ;e war is over uld prove very stimulating to all our warriors, ^-nd assjpj; recruitàng as few other thipgs could. Should the brave men d(ç. their wivM or DftfiToet relatives will receive tjme meaals, arid no heirlooms heirlooms wu4 ibe more precious in the famuies of those who give up their lives for their country. < Whole Families JhnployciL Among the silver masters of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, it is rather an established established practice to encourage the employment employment of families. It is more the rule than otherwise that a father working in the silver trade will apprentice apprentice his children to that trade as they arrive at working age. What Dog. A barrister once opened his cross examination of a handwriting pert by asking, "Where is dog?" "What dog ?" said the tonished witness. "The dog," plied his tormentor, "which judge at the last Assizes said -vould not hang on your evidence. ex - the as- re- : he he The Woman Who Takes the proper help to keep her digestion right and h e ^s^sUiin free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnatural unnatural sufferings. À11 women who have tried BEECHJUR'S PIUS know this famous Remedy to be the proper help for them. A few doses will make .immediate difference and occasional^ use rr ^l! cause a permanent improvement in health rind strength. . tney cleanse the system and purify the blood and every woman who Beecham's Pflls, not only enjoys better physical - - 1 • nerves and brighter spirits, but she relies on conditipfi» with lam's quieter Enloys A Clear Complexion * # Werlli • awlnea a Box «œred only by Thomee St. Helene. I^nceehire. Enfilend. ilold everywhere in Canada and U. S. Aracnoa. Ia boaea, 2S pent».

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