Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1915, p. 2

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Wm ÈHSr- HcI.AtJGto.IN. .* 4t ' **>**". Ho Met tor e.nd CoafaywMC* Omee--BUaklev Block. King Street. ■owmuavlUe. Mosey te lou et reeeew skie retec. *S-4yr s B. J. B a île wood, M.D.,JCvtl Howmajttille. . fWT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinllÿ uBè: iverslty, Toronto; Fonr yqfte* AjibadHp rpyrtclcr end Surgeon et Mt. Oeühel Hospital Htteberg, K«. v - CB ce end Becldenee Welll-'gtot Ht. Tel 1 «i <Kr. lor. GOODMAN 4 GALBRAITH E.rriMçii ..a Solicitors KoUriee Public. A. K. GOODMAN, D. I!. CALMAITH 5C8 Luœaden-BMg. Yooge & Âdclaide-sts. Toronto Qntario ; w. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Gol- itM. Dkeaees O f ail domestic animal» treated 3 Jatettt-ki 13 latest known method». Office àt his residence, King-st, East Bow teanriUe. Phone 1931 20-lyr • LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loecomte, K.C. B.S.Se«kler, B.A. Monet to Loot. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto OFFICE: NOTES AND COm VI5NTS Mrs. Havelock Ellis, the English lecturer on "sex problems," believes believes the gambling element in marriage marriage can be eliminated by having the.couple live under the same roof for two months previous to the ESTABLISHED) IM7 Incorporated by c4çt of 'Parliament , . Has it ever occurred to Mrs. Ellis Ellis that one way to increase this gambling element is to be eternally talking a-bout "sex problems" 1 Fill the. couple's minds with the idea of problems and you create those problems for them. Convince a couple that their relation is a complicated affair, full of grave and dangerous questions, and you give them a dangerous point of view. j Capital -- $16,000,000 Rest $16,000,000 Uttdjv. Profits 1,046,217.80 Temperance St. (just off King BowmanriUe, St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily- except Sunday. Phoxb 90a House Phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous TaUor-ma.de Suits at $15--really worth 118 to $20. They have an excellant selection ef worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why uot have your luit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargainsat this price, quality and work considered; Have your measure laken fn-dav It is hard enough for a good many J people who really love each other to get over the inevitable discords of married life without having those discords given a philosophical and scientific basis. What young couples should know is that the sex problem at the -base, is the problem of mutual mutual consideration and necessary mutual adaptation. One of the most important "sex problems" at the present day is to find a way of stopping so much useless talk about "sex problems." artment Head Office, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. Wm. Watson, The English Poet. A POSITION"'FOR FALL and WINTER AY e have a sound business proposition loi* a reliable energetic salesman for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs^ etc, Pay weekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation. We.seP throngh our 8 iles- men direct to the consumer and gua - an- tee delivery of fresh, high grade tie as. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business done. Estab'ished 35 years. AVrite Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. P. S. Handsome catalogne on request, either to applicant- or those wishing Nursery stock. 37-*fâ Great Britain has declared a protectorate protectorate over Egypt and thus deprived deprived the Khedive,, who is in Vienna, Vienna, of about $400,000 a year. It has also deprived the Sultan of Turkey of an annual tribute of $3,500,000, which will irritate Enver Pasha and his German officers. The Sultan, of course, w T ill be vexed at losing another Turkish province and will no doubt issue another', firman, declaring declaring a holy war on behalf of Germany Germany against the infidel British. Seeing that Germany is equally infidel, infidel, it is not to be wondered at that the followers of Islam do not seem to take the holy war very much to heart. Farms for Sale or Rent Are you looking for a farm ? It makes no differenc how large or how small, I have probably just what you are looking fer. Farms suitable for mixed farming, farming, fruif farms, market gardening, gardening, etc. Now is the time to . buy. Insurance Information Are you interested in Insurance ? Do you want information about insurance ? I will gladly answer answer any questions about insurance insurance that you wish to know. Don't hesitate to call and see me. Harry Cann Insurance and Real Estate The Union Jack will now fly from the Cape to Cairo. There is a small piece of German territory on the road called German East Africa which, no doubt in due course, will be incorporated in the British Empire. Empire. But Egypt's mission is definitely definitely assured. She becomes an Empire. Empire. Probably Egypt proper, which only stretches some 650 miles south of Cairo, will absorb the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, which stretches another 1,200 miles southwards southwards and includes the whole upper upper valley of the Nile. The Egyptian Egyptian Government may in due course incorporate this Imperial domain in Egypt proper, and thus the Egyptians Egyptians themselves gain greatly by the definite elimination of Turkish rule. ing of ratepayers to discuss a proposal to follow Bowmanville's example bv boosting boosting the assessment of town properly. The Reformer says there was an avalanche of protest against the scheme. The best speech was made by Postmaster J. F. Tamblyn, who looked upon it as a disaster disaster for the town. It would keep manufacturers manufacturers away. He had always favored a high tax rate and a low assessment, and had sat in the council with the foremost citizens of the town who all held the same views. Look at sister tow ns--Port Hope., Cobourg, Lindsay, Orillia--their rates are 28, 29, and 30 mills, but their assessment was proportionately low. Then consider how a high assessment affects the county rate. A few years ago Oshawa paid $1200 to the County. The amount kept climbing climbing up until last year it reached $3500, but this year it had just been doubled up and Oshawa would have to pay about $7500. Out through the county they were assessed assessed at about 40% « while we are paying just as high a tax rate on our high assessment assessment as they are on a low rate. The high assessment worked to the disadvantage of the town in everÿ way. Bowmanville's county rate in 1913 was $2220.66,- but in T9?4 on the high assessment it is $2901.24, or nearly $700 increase, besides the salary of the extra assessor who increased the assessment and what has the town got to show for it? - SPECIALS for XMAS i doz. Tweed and Worsted Suits at $17-50 each. " doz. Tweed and Worsted Suits at $19.50 each, i doz. pair Trousers, at $3.00 and $3.50- I doz. pair Trousers, at $5.00 and $6-00- These are a few specials for this week only. All garments tailored to your individual measurements. measurements. Also an unlimited number of Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds, Chim chill as, Cheviots, Llamas, etc., in plain, stripe -and diagonal patterns. Goods of some of the best houses in Great Britain are represented in this .stock. Leave your Christmas Order EARLY THE EDITOR TALKS. Oshawa public market was opened Sat urday week with less than expected success-spectators success-spectators were many'" but sellers were few. Hon. James Duff failed to attend attend as advertised but sent a Mr. Hart to expostulate on how to conduct a market. Bowmanville went wild over a public market some years ago, but it soon fizzled out.- Ladies would not lug home heavy baskets and expose themselves to all weathers when they could have goods delivered delivered at thtir doors by local grocers. Perhaps Oshawa ladies are different. Farmers, too, find ready sale at stores and many have private customers so that they do not care to hang round a market dickering dickering with buyers for an hour or two for sake of a few cents. HORSeV BLOCK. No class of workers have a more strenuous strenuous and physicially exhaustive occupation occupation than those employed on the large daily newspapers and we see no good reason why such people should not enjoy the same freedom from toil and office cares that those do in other industrial establishments. establishments. London the Greater set a worthy example this Christmas by the newspaper offices agreeing not to publish any papers on Christmas Day. Surely the Golden Rule should apply to editors and others on newspaper staffs as well as to other Christians and the dear public be quite willing to accord them the same privileges they enjoy themselves. By all means give all the employees of newspaper newspaper offices their freedom on Christmas Day. Ethical culture will hereafter be taught in Toronto public schools on recommendation recommendation of Mr. R. W. Cowley, Chief Inspector Inspector of city schools, the obligatory subjects now being : Reading, literature, composition, spelling, grammar, history, geography, writing, arithmetic, manners and morals, hygiene, physical culture, art, nature, study, vocal music, domestic science and manual training. To this we strongly suggest that elocution be added for advanced classes. This is à subject altogether neglected in too many schools. Even, higiisçhooHr are woefully deficient in teaebtog reading and declamation as our American educators designate public speaking. In our opinion, it is far more important that,.» young man or woman should be able to spçgk -dearly and readily readily in public than to know something of art and .nature study/ valuable as some During a stay of several days at the military c imp at Valcartier just before the Canadian troops sailed for England we never saw or heard of any misdemeanor misdemeanor thru drunkenness--(it was a "dry" camp thanks to the command of Major General Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia), and we were very greatly surprised and felt very sorry when we read that the camp at Salisbury Salisbury Plain was by order of Col. Alder- son to be "wet." It is with pride and sincere sincere pleasure, therefore, that we read a tribute to Valcartier in The Globe of Dec. 26 in a letter from "One of the 32,000" Canadians in training there. He says: "In my opinion, the Methodist Church should not be criticized but heartily congratulated congratulated on the interest she has taken in the welfare of the men on Salisbury Plain. Anyone who was familiar with the camp at Valcartier and also with the camps here cannot but admit that the "wet" canteen canteen is a curse to both officers and men. In Valcartier a drunken brawl was never heard, but here never a night passes but drunken brawls are heard in many of the tents. Only the other . day. the Colonel, sentencing a prisoner, said in my hearing, "Pte. , drink is your disgrace". And drink and its attending evils is the disgrace of hundreds of other Canadians, among them those who are being sent back to Canada as useless. The Methodist Methodist Church holds Canada's good name as sacred, as should also every other organization organization whose aim is moral uplift. And anything that is a disgrace to Canada is a stain upon every citizen, no matter what are his religious convictions. And as the Methodist Church is one of the largest oi the Dominion she naturally feels her share of Canada's disgrace. CLUBBING LIST. The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1915 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe $4 00 Daily Mail & Empire 4 00 Toronto World 3 50 Daily News 2 50 Daily Star 3 00 Weekly Mail & Empire " 1 85 Weekly Witness 1 85 Weekly Sun .. 1 85 Farmers' Advocate 2 50 Farm and Dairy 1 85 Family Herald & Weekly Star 2 00 Ladies Canadian Home Journal.... 1 85 Christian Herald 2 50 Christian Guardian 2 50 Canadian Farm 1 85 Canadian Countryman 2 00 Saturday Globe 2 _oo Toronto Sunday World 3 50 WEDDING. Wilson--Nelson. A pretty wedding was celebrated Dec. 23rd,.at p. m. at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. F. Nelson, East City, Peterboro,- when Miss Arietta Nelson, 1 Hailey bury, was united in marriage to Rev. J. S. Iveson Wilson, also of Hailey- bury. The ceremony was preformed by the father of the groom, Rev. J.C. Wi son, of Toronto, in the presence pi immediate friends and relatives. The bride and groom were unattended except by little Miss Isabel Nelson, the flo er girl. The bride was handsomely attired in a beautiful beautiful gown of white cepe meteor and lace, trimmed with pearls, and carried a shower shower bouquet of white roses. The flower girl carried a boquet of pink carnations. Thç happy couple left for Haileybury, via Toronto. They will reside in Haileybury. * Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, as they cannot cannot reach the saat of thé disease. Catarrh Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken* internally, and acts directly upon, the blood and mucous surfaces. Haft's Catarrh Curais not a q-uack medicine. medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in- t.h .& country for -years and is a regular prescription. It is composed composed of the best tonics known, combined combined with the bast blood purifiers, acting acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of.th ) two ingredients ingredients is what produces such wonderful wonderful results in curing cat irrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. * HOCKEY NOTES. Junior Games Dec 30--Bowmanville kt Oshawa. Jàn 5--Whitby at Bowmanville. Jan 8--Bowmanvil'e at Whitby. Jan II--Oshawa at Whitby. Jan 27--Whitby at Oshawa. Jan 31--Oshawa at Bowmanville. Intermediate Games Dec 28--Picton at Belleville. Dec 28--Bowmanville at Peterboro. Dec 29--Oshawa at Whitby. Dec 31--Belleville at Picton. Jan I--Whitby at Bowmanville. Jan 4--Bowmanville at Whitby. Jan 4--Belleville at Oshawa. Jan 5--Peterboro at Picton. Jan 6--Oshawa at Bowmanville. Jan 8--Picton at Oshawa. Jan 8--Belleville at Peterboro. Jan II--Bowmanville at Picton. Jan II--Peterboro at Belleville. Jan 13--Oshawa at Belleville, Jan 15--Picton at Peterboro. Jan 15--Whitby at Oshawa. Jan 18--Peterboro at Whitby. Jan 18--Oshawa at Picton. Jan 18--Bowmanville at Belleville. Jan 20--Picton at Whitby. Jan 20--Bowmanville at Oshawa. Jan 22--Whitby at Picton. Jan 22--Oshawa at Peterboro. Jan 22--Belleville at Bowmanville. Jan 25--Peterboro at Oshawa. Jan 25--Belleville at Whitby. Jan 27--Picton at Bowmanville. Jan 27--Whitby at Peterboro. Jan 29--Whitby at Belleville. Jan 29--Peterboro at Bowmanville. • -- * -- BY HENRY CHAPPELL, Bath, Engf and. (Mr. Ifenry Cha.pgell, .a railway perler at Bath; -is know tv to his comrades -as the - ' Bath Raii'way Pc-et."' A .-poem: such as this lifts Mm tcf-Aihe rank'of a national : poet.) You boasted the Day, and you" toaoted the Day; " X And now the Bay ihas come, Blasphemer, braggart and coward.all. Lit tie you rock os the numbing ball, line blasting- shell, or ■ -the "white -arm's"' fall, As they speed poor hum ace heme. You spied for the Day, you lied for the Day, And -woke the Day's red spleen. Monster, who asked God's aid D.v'ne, 1 Then strewed His seas with, the ghastly mine; Not all . the waters of the Rhine Can wash thy foul hands clean." You dreamed for the Day, you schemed for the Day: Watch how the Day will go. Slayer of age and youth and prime (Defenceless slain for never a-*c.ime) Thou art r.teeped in blood as a heg m slime, False ^friend and cowardly foe. You have sown for the Day, you have grown for the Day; Yours is the harvest red. Can you hear the groans and the awful cries ? Can you see the heap of slain that lies, And sightless turned to the ilanae-oplit t?k;es The -glassy eyes of the dead? You have wronged for the Day, you have longed for the Day; That M the awful flame. 'T s i c-th.ing to you tha-t hill and plain Yield sheaves of dead men amid the grain; That widows mourn for their loved ones slain, And mothers curse -thy name. Buib after the Day there's a price to pay For the sleepers under the sod, And Him you have mocked for many day-- Listen and hear what He has to say: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," What can you say -to Gcd? @F ©ÂNASÀ TORONTO HPHE business man who has customers in various partf of Canada or elsewhere wil. find the services of this hank of invaluable assistance in collecting collecting drafts, etc. J *33 B BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. MçMILLAN, Manager. Branche, «ho .t BUçk»tock (D P. MacFarfrne. Manager). Newcastle, Orono. Ofhawa, Whitby, Beoolcti* and Newtonville. ^ THE BACON HOG. a BRIEF ANALYSIS OF THE WAR SITUATION. By Chas. 31. Bice, Denver. Colo. With varying success the great wap surges along, with first one the other, securing and the small then side, then losing gained. While from German accounts, it would seem the Kaisers forces were gaining at least temporary successes successes in -Poland against the armies of the Czar, the allies in the west are engaged in ocancel lin g these advantages advantages as fast as they accumulate. advantagesjare then ' engravings One of the Foundations of Ontario's Agricultural Prosperity. With the desire of placing 6 an up- to-date handbook on swine-raising within the reach of every farmer in the province, the Ontario Department Department of Agriculture requested Prof. G. E. Day, of the .Agricultural Co.U -lege, Guelph, one of Canada's leading leading authorities on. live stock, to prepare prepare such a work, which has been issued in the form of Bulletin No. 225, entitled "Swine," containing 80 pages, profusely illustrated. It is a .most .practical and complete complete statement, covering every point helpful in the . selection, housing, feeding, and general handling handling of the bacon hog. The bulletin bulletin opens with the place of the pig on the farm, Prof. Day very plainly plainly showing the Why as well as the How. The various types of swine described, with photo- of prize-winners at some of the leading live-stock shows. The author goes fully into methods methods of feeding, -prescribes the best rations, gives the causes of soft bacon, bacon, and- shows how to avoid that and other drawbacks to a perfect on raising young pigs practical. Hints on rupture and othe l'ai l'ai so given, together counsel regarding The advice is intensely dea.ling with troubles are with excellent exercise. The chapter dealing with the curing curing of pork is worth much to those who put up their own meat. An excellent method of try-out lard is also described. - Prof. Day bestows much attention attention upon the question of buildings, and gives plans of,both stationarv and portable pens that he can heartily recommend. He also pays considerable heed to sanitation, giv~ ing the latest suggestions regarding disinfection, ventilation, etc.- A valuable chapter is that devoted devoted to the common diseases of swine. Many of these are described, described, and their treatment is covered in so full and practical a manner as to make every hog-raiser practically practically his own veterinary. Any farmer desiring a copy of this latest bulletin on "Swine," will receive receive one free by writing to the Department Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Conceding the recent capture- of ! carcass. His hints on pasturing- 1 continuing in Indian Recruits. Recruiting for the Indian army is Lodz, and the slight advance in that region by the Germans,- and that the territory involved is greater in extent "than that in the west, it is not so important per square yard as tha-t gained by the allies along the battle line in Belgium and France. The. failure of the various campaigns campaigns of the Kaiser's forces since the war opened, demon sir a-te beyond beyond doubt that the Germans' are incapable of winning simultaneously simultaneously at hath extremes of their empire. empire. A victory in the east has a-lways been at the expense of a defeat in the west, .and a successful offensive attack in the west has always be-n accompanied by a retreat in the east. Already the Kaiser's military foree-s- have been shifted from ear. t to west and back again across the empire- six times The . perfected railroad system with its net wo k across Germany enables- them to make these transportations easy- and rapid, But on each trip there is a necessary and unavoidable loss of three days, during which the and soiling crops m nog raising, especially where he compares rape with clover and alfalfa, are particularly particularly suggestive. He also gives valuable directions as to the feeding feeding of roots, potatoes, pumpkins, apples and dairy products. Prof. Day places great emphasis on the selection of both sire and dam, and his counsel in this regard is much needed. Every feature pertaining pertaining to mating is thoroughly helpful. The management of the sow during and after gestation is thoroughly handled, and will likely save many a litter to the. swine- raiser who will read this bulletin. an extraordinary manner, the fighting races having had their martial -instincts considerably considerably whetted by accounts of feats achieved by the Indian troops at the front. In consequence of the number number of applications received at headquarters headquarters for permission to proceed to the front the commande r-in- chjef of the Indian army has been obliged to forbid officers to forward." such requests. Protect the child from the ranges of worms by using Mother GravvswtVorin Ex evmit.ator. It is a standard remedy and years of use have enhanced its reputation. reputation. om bet 1 S. S. NO. 9, CLARKE. Oshawa Board of Trade called a meet- Report for December, names in order of merit. Those with a star made 70 7o or more : Sr IV--* Cecil Bowen, Howard Howard Gibson, Roy Branch;- Jr IV--Edra Sharpe, Blanche Gibson, Mary Gibson, Victoria Middleton, Charlie Gibson; Sr III --*Stewart Craib, *Kenneth Fraser, Alex Bowen; Jr III--Lizzie Glànville, Orville Osbdme, George Gian ville, Harold Osborne; Osborne; Sr II--Ruby Middleton, Alex Davidson, Harold Gibson; Jr II--Beatrice Bragg, Dora Bowen. A. Maud Power, teacher. A Safe Pill for Sufferers. --There are pills that violently purge and fill the stpmach and intestines with pain. Par- melecjs Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. Thèy are purely vegetable, no mineral purgative entering into their composition and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be convinced. convinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands thousands owe their health and strength an timely use of this most ekcellent medicine. medicine. " I THE CANADIAN ALMANAC One of the most valuable annual publications publications in this Dominion is The Canadian Almanac which has appeared with regularity regularity every New Years since 1847, this year's being the 68th issue. We find this comprehensive compendium of information information indispensable in our office as it contains contains many lists znd data not available for ready référé ce, and in no other volume of its size known to us is so much information information about Canada found. Some of the more important information contained in its 528 pages are: Customs tariffs banks and managers, Canadian milkia list with names of officers in 1st ovenfceas contingent, contingent, postal laws and complete list of post-offices and nearest railway station, list of Canadian newspapers)-- circulation and politics, titled Canadians, names of members of Federal and Provincial parliaments, parliaments, address of every minister, legal and judicial information, barristers and solicitors, county and township officers, names of educational institutions, athletic records, synopsis of Ontario Workman's compensation act, life assurance rates, stocks, bonds,, etc. The book is handsomely handsomely bound in dark red cloth with gilt title-and is sent by mail to any address a t $1 or may be had at any bookstore. It is published by. The Copp. Clark Company, 517 Wellington-st. W,, Toronto, Ont. If One be troubled with corns and warts, he will find in Holloway's Corn Gate an application that will entirely relieve suffering. <1 And you say you ate horse steak during the siege of Paris I How was it served ?" "A la carte, of course. 7} Canadian war industry of making shells for Imperial-army is likely to bring several several million dollars Worth of business to Canadian iron and steel mills. troops are withdrawn fri fronts. The total loss and damage j accruing in-this way is now beg'n- ! ning to count disastrously for the ! Germans,, and then swing of the j pendulum is a little less Avide as ! the experiment is repeated. j Indeed, the German War Office j at last admits since the failure.of! the da.s'h on Paris., that its forces ' have been compelled to retire. ! This time it is from Vernelles, which lies between Lille and Arras, a point in the line where most of. the heavy fighting has taken place ! during the past six weeks. Until the Kaiser is able to inflict! a. pairalyzing blow upon the Czar's forces in the" east, so as to be able with safety to withdraw his forces and transfer them to the west, the allies can safely count upon slow but continued success, and possibly before winter sets in compel the Germans to evacuate Belgian and French soil. From all accounts, it seems that the allies are slowly but. surely gaining the advantage, while Germany Germany is beginning to show positive signs of exhaustion of both forces and resources. The apparent victory at Lodz is explained by Petrograd despatches, as a, voluntary withdrawal of the 1 Czar's forces to concentrate them ait more strategical points further south. Lodz was a large city, but without forts or other defences of any kind, and its occupation by | either side, was never regarded as : very important, or worth much sacrifice sacrifice to retain. As winter approaches, with its biting frosts, a life in the trenches is anything hut desirable, but nature nature is impartial, and all are served alike. • These men cannot f fail to elicit our sympathy in theirs heroic sacrifices, and we should be willing to do our utmost to relieve their suffering as fair as possible. CHAS. M. BICE. Denver, Colo., 1914. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take" the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocea - *! Voyage. These fine modem steamers are equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and p'ensure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement" of the trip to the last hour on beard. For rates. Miiin; ilatrs and beautiful descriptive bookltLs-apvly to local agvnts or THE ALLAN UNE, 95 King St., West, TorontoT m a; LS ilflSpâmàF A. J A 31 ES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. s & U Hampton Mill Busy | *i| BUY SOME CORN--the cheapest and best feed on the market, ^1 We always have in stock the standard grades of Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed. If you have never dealt with us send us a trial order. You are sure to be satisfied as to quality _and prices. ^ ^ Bring along your grinding and oat crushing, as we do them on jfc ^ the shortest notice. ^ ^ Phone 129r6 CHAS. HORN Hampton ijjt # $ ee«e*e*«*eeeee#e#eee#ese#e Life is short, and our brother men are like ourselves, very imperfect. imperfect. It is best to judge all charitably, charitably, to resent nothing too bitterly, to forgive much, and to smile over many things. Order Coal Now LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now aud have prompt delivery Loscombe \ aids and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division Queen-stsi, opposite High School. Phone 177. and

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