'■^t~-Q?ï*'y^-" : ' m I x --*- x me 1915 WE EXTEND TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND KRIENDS The Compliments of the Season WE THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL, FOR THE HEARTY PATRONAGE ACCORDED OUR STORE DURING 1914, AND ASSURE YOU OF OUR best service and cooperation cooperation FOR THE NEW YEAR RICE & CO., Opp. Post Office BowmanviUe In extending to you our greetings for A Happy and Prosperous New Year, we desire to express our appreciative thanks for your past patronage. We look» to the future with added ambition, and seek your- continued patronage with a justified feeling of confidence confidence in our ability to give you prompt and satisfactory service. C. H. HADDY, JEWELER. ALEX. ELLIOTT BOWMAN VILLE, DEC. BAYPOK HEWS. Miss Annie Mount joy, Toronto, has been with friends here Glad to see Mr. John Gilbert home again after a summer's visit with his brother, Mr. David Gilbank, g a «lr. /; .1 he school concert, which was held in the church Friday evening Dec. 18, was a thorough success. The program, program, which was given mostly by pupils of the school consisted of songs, ^ dialogues, readings, recitations, and club ^swinging. Previous to singing God Save thé King a hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Wm. Trewin, BowmanviUe, and seconded by Mr. J. Slemon, Enniskillen, for the excellent excellent program rendered and to the splendid framing the pupils had received from their teacher, Miss Ethel Gilbert. Proceeds $16.65 for Belgian Relief Fund •OLÎNA DOINOB. and Holiday visitors:--Misses Bessie Mary Reynolds,.Toronto, at home... • • • Miss Emily Pearn, Fenelon Falls, at A. L. P-scoe's .Mrs. Affholder, Toronto, with her brothers Miss Baldwin, To ronto, at home. Mr. Harry Grooms, Toronto, Toronto, at S. E. WèrryV .... .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maunder, Lindsay, with friends^.... Miss Aura Rundie, Maple Grove, at Coun cillor Baker's Mr. Clarence Vice is attending the Young Men's Convention at Peterboro,representing the Young Mens Bible Class Rev. Roger Alim. Myrtle, was a guest of Mr. S. Shortridge, Sunday Special Sunday School services were very interesting and appreciated Sunday Farmers' Club meets Tues- day, Jan. 5th, at 2 p.m • Mr. Nelson Reynolds has an attack of tonsilitis. HAMPTON Mr. James Grieves, Winnipeg, has recently recently been visiting at Mr. W. J. ton's.... Mr..Reuben Hurlbut and bride have been visiting relatives in this locality .... Miss Pearl McCulloch, Rochester, and Mrs. C. Nichols and children. Indian Head, are visiting at Mr. Donald McCulloch's. McCulloch's. .. .Misses Grace and LenaNiddery, Toronto, and Master Levi Niddery, Hampton, visited at Mr. Geo. Ormisfon s .... Mr. Oliver Heatlie and Mrs. G. Heat- lie, Brock, are visiting with relatives.... Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Powell, Oshawa, are guests at Mr. BdPowelt's Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Law, Toronto, were at Mr. L. C. Pascoe s.... The community was startled Saturday by the news that Mr. John Virtue had died very suddenly. He apparently enjoyed Christmas as well as usual but Saturday morning he felt ill and summoned the doctor but did not seem to be seriously ill and was up .around. But he passed quietly to rest about 4 P m > apparently without a struggle, in his 73 f d year. was a peaceful citizen, a good neighbor and of a retiring disposition. For a good many years he has taken his greatest pleasure amongst his flowers of which he was very fond. He leaves five sisters to mourn his loss : Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. J. Abraham, Celian; Mrs. G. Heatlie, Lay- ton; Mrs. J. McCulloch, Beathton; Mrs. J. Hepburn, Enfield. Rev. W. E. Honey, B. A., Enniskillen, conducted the funeral services, the interment taking place at Hampton on Tuesday. 2000 live fowl wanted Jan. 6 and 7, see advt. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman call special attention to their fine stock of black and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. Ba » r In wishing you A Happy New Year we take the- opportunity to express our~appreciation of the loyal support of our friends and customers during the year, and hope that 1915 will bring you a full measure of health, happiness and success HARRY ALLIN opp °i^ 0 Æ 1 a e r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 Mr. Frank M. Brown, Munson, Alta., is enjoying holidays with his parents and old friends.... Mr. Leslie Kellar is visiting visiting his sisters in Prince Edward Co..... • Mrs. W. N. Brown, Toronto, Miss Johns, Pickering, and Mr. Rees Johns, Guelph, are home for the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wray, Oshawa, is with friends..... .Regular meeting of W.M.b. at the home of Mrs. M». A- Hastings was well attended. Mrs. Barrett opened the meeting with a carefully prepared map of the work done by the society. President Mrs. F. G. Kerslake presented an excellent excellent program. Mrs. I. L. Brown gave a talk on the lesson and topic; Mrs. Burns a paper on "Partnership with God"; Mrs. J. E. Cole a fine reading "The Childhood of Jesus"; Mrs. Corden and Mrs. Col will read very appropriate extracts from The Child in the Midst"; Mrs. George Taylor recited some beautiful verses- "Motherhood." "Motherhood." All felt the meeting to be of great uplift and encouragement, At the close Mrs. Hastings setved coffee and cake. January meeting at the home of Mrs. H. E. Cole when Tyrone auxiliary are invited. invited. Mrs. Mutton and children, Consecon, recently recently visited her parents here; Misses Annie Johns, Mildred and Gertie Martin and Litta Ruse, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Creeper, Owen Sound, at Mr. John Elliott's; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Weston, Mr: and Mrs. B. Dickinson, Hope, Mr. Russell, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. Rowe's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Ranton, Toronto, at Mr. John Ranton's. ....... Rev. R. Allin, Mvrtle, preached here Sunday to a large and appreciative appreciative audience.... Mrs. A. Peters entertained entertained her bible class Thursday evening. evening. .. .Mrs. C. Johns entertained a number number of young people Tuesday evening Miss Mildred Cole was "At Home" to a number of friends Wednesday evening. TYRONE NOTE». Ql H H ■ I 3B Choice Meats for New Years ENNISKILLEN NEWS fc-- 1 T HE old reliable business of C. M. Cawker & Son will still have its usual display of Meats and Poultry to supply their numerous numerous patrons with the very best that can be bought. They have secured the following cattle, fed by some of the best feeders in the Township : 2 prize steers from Thos. Baker, Solina; 4 heifers from . Milton Wight, Providence; 4 steers and 1 heifer from J. D. Hoar, Providence; 3 extra choice steers from F. Symons, BowmanviUe; 4 heifers and steel's from J. H. Werry, Bethesda; 1 heifer from H. Greenlees,3owman- __ manville; 11 ewe and wether lambs from J. H. Werry, Befchesda; also a quantity of pork and veal besides a large number of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. Leave your order early and you will be sure to have the very best. If you want pure lard get our home rendered, also homemade homemade sausages. Cash paid for poultry, hides, sheep skin and tallow. Thanking you for past patronage, asking a continuance of the same and wishing all the compliments of the season. i§ § C. M. Cawker & Son Victoria Building Purveyors Anniversary services of the Presbyterian church will be continued on Friday, January 1st, New Years Day when tea will be served from 4.30 p m. In the evening^ evening^ concert will be given by Mrs. Man- ley Pickard, one of Toronto's popular soloists, Mr. John A. Kelly, ventriloquist, humorist entertainer and singer, Mr, Arthur Beech, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. C W. Souch, and Miss Marion Martin, Martin, Tyrone, soloists, and addresses by local ministers. Admission, adults, tea and concert 40c; tea or concert 25c; children, children, tea and concert 25c; tea or concert 15c. Mrs. Charles Stewart's Sunday School class gathered at her home Saturday evening evening and presented her with a beautiful silver pie knife as a token of their appreciation appreciation of her service among them Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Kent, Paris, Ont., Sun- daved at Mr. C. Stewart's... .Family reunions reunions were the order of Xmas Day, and a number of old boys and girls acted on the suggestion of the STATESMAN poem "Going .Home for Xmas" and got here, too. Some of the ones who came: Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Kent, Paris, at Mr. A.. Sharpe's; Miss Retta and Mr. Leslie Robbins, Robbins, Rochester, at Mr. F. Robbins': Will Hamilton,Irondequoit, N.Y., at W. Oke's; Mr. Will Preston, Ettington, Sask., with his parents;Mr. Roll Virtue, Fenelon Falls, at home; Mr. and Mrs Webster Virtue and Helen, and Miss Mary Virtue at Messrs. Messrs. J. W. and J. E. Virtue's; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown, Toronto, at Mr. George Argue's; Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, with their parents; Miss Gertrude Stevens and Mr. J. McFadden, Peterboro, at her father's, Mr. E. Stevens; Mrs. Palmer and children, Weston, at Messrs. S. Hoskin's and Nelson Nelson Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Babcock and Miss Eula Pascoe at "Cedar Lodge"; Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and children, Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Royce and son, Palmerston, at the parsonage; ML and Mrs. Chas. Virtue, East Whitby, at F. W. Lee's; Mr. Wm. Oke and family spent Xmas with Mr. and" Mrs. Matt. Robbins, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. H. J Werry and family at Orotio; The Siemens at Mr. Silas Trewin's, Haydon; 1 he Herrings at Mr. Wm. Wbtten's, Enfield; Mrs Emmer- son at Port Perry; Mrs. Nellie Perry at Messrs. Fenton and Willard Stevens', BowmanviUe; Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brown, Hampton, and Mr. Frank Brown, Munson, Alta., at Mr. Enoch Stevens'; Miss Addie Rutledge, Salem, at Mr. Bert Stevens'; Rev. and Mrs. Honey and Melvin are spending New Years in Lindsay and Little Britain The. Adult Bible Class sent three of its shut-in members, Mr. George Argue, Miss Editha Virtue, and Mrs. F. W. Lee beautiful Christmas bouquets which were very much .appreciated...... Mrs. Frank Sanderson, formerly of this place, died at her daughter's, Mrs. Chas. .Virtue, East Whitby, on Wednesday last. The remains were taken to the home of her son, Mr. John Sanderson, Cartwright, and buried af BIackstock Thursday. Much sympathy is felt for the family in- their bereavement. Tuesday evening Dec. 22 was the occasion occasion of the Public School Patriotic Concert and the patronage was very gratifying. gratifying. Mr. A. W. Annis, Secretary- Treasurer, presided ably. The opening chorus "O Canada" was sung in excellent style, followed by the newer patriotic number by Mr. R. L. Werry "England's Daughter". A motion song by five little gins - Hazel Werry, Geraldine Clemens, Dorothy Higgs, Lola Richards and wee Irene Morris--provoked much laughter, and in a Xmas chorus with Gladys Col- lacott, Aileen Higgs, Geraldine Clemens and Irene Werry, with Mane Werry in a duet, Marion Martin's exceptional vocal ability was enjoyed. Readings were given with good expression by Alma Cut- tell, Mary Higgs and Hazel Hodgson. The drama in which Haro.d Clemens made Bessie J'rout and Johnnie Hatherlev acquainted with some characters of "Story Book Land" was entertaininirg, the costumés costumés adding much to the attractiveness of the scene. There was 1 old Robinson Crusoe (Clayton Gardiner) in his sheepskin sheepskin coat, and bold Robin Hood (Lewis Gardiner) dashed in with green suit and sword. Margaret Moore as "Alice in Wonderland" was winsome and Reta Amsbary hobbled in as old Mother Goose. Harold Burgess made a mischevious- looking Tom Sawyer and Irving Clemens an eerie Peter Pan. Sturdy Leatherstocking Leatherstocking was acted fine by Brenton McCullough, McCullough, Harry Hatherly appeared as Kipling's "Mowgli" and Willie Martin was equally good as "pore old Uncle Romus". Fred Partner was reminiscent as Tom Brown grown old, and Louisa M. Alcott's attractive little women were Alma Cuttell, Dorothy Higgs, Vivian and Eleanor Amsbary. Willie Little was princely as little Lord Fauntleroy, and Lola Richards was sweet as Little Red Riding Hood. A flower drill in which sixteen girls, carrying green baskets of red roses, marched stately and posed gracefully giving a very pretty and pleasing pleasing variety to the program. Their movements movements were accompanied wiih music by Miss Alma Cuttell who also showed skill in the club-swinging exercise. Another attractive feature was a tableau of a military military characrer introduced by the singing of "Tipperary" and soldiers of the King". A dozen young men of the community appeared appeared in uniform round a tent and campfire campfire and were attended by Misses Vera Colwill and Clara Woodley representing Red Cross nurses. The scene was particularly particularly impressive when "Tenting to-night" was followed by the bringing in of a supposedly-wounded supposedly-wounded soldier by Mr. Bruce Honeywell as camp surgeon, and the last strains of "Dying to-night" proved even emotional. The closing chorus "The Land of the Maple" was inspiring, and the audience were impressed with the children's evident spirit of patriotism. The proceeds, $18.75, were devoted to the Red Cross Fu.id. The principal, Miss Greta M. VanNest, and her assistant teacher, Miss Bessie Mdllin, are grateful to the parents for the enthusiasm shown in the children's preparation, and to Major Wm. Farrell for assistance given, and to Capt. Lome McLaughlinfgr the uniforms lent. Recent visitors : Mr. T. G. Colwill, Whitby, with his mother, Mrs. John Colwill; Colwill; Mrs. M. J. Werry and daughters, Marie and Irene with her mother, Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Oshawa; Miss Olga Hoar, Cherry wood, at home; Miss Edith Wood, Toronto, at Mr. Norman Woodley's; Woodley's; Miss Margaret Hooper, Toronto, and Mrs. Chas. Awde, Orono, at Mr. C. Hooper's; Miss Ethel Eastman, Toronto, at Mrs. Byron Moore's; Miss Alma Werry, Werry, Enniskillen, holidaying at her grandfather's, grandfather's, Mr. Peter Werry; Mr. Bruce Honeywell, Toronto University, at home; Mrs, (Rev.) Wm. Higgs and children at her home in Frankford; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodley with friends in Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hambly at Peterbdro Tyrone Bible class show ed their appreciation of the efficient services services of Miss F. Virtue, their teacher, by presenting her with a beautiml gold clock as a Xmas present. Gunn, Langlois & Co., want live fowl, see advt. Winter Term Opens On January 4th Strike for a Better Position by taking a course m-the Popular .lOTT 1UKUNTO, OM\ This school stands bead and shoulders above the ordinary business colleges and. a hen thoroughness of training is considered, considered, ranks among the best on- the continent. continent. ... . . . - . - Handsome Catalogue sent on request. Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. " Principal Great January Clearing Sale of Men's & Boys'Clothing & Furnishings Starting Jan. 1 - 1915 - Ending Jan. 16 The time has come to clear out the balance of our Winter stock. To do this we are going to give the Greatest Bargains ever heard of in Durham County, -K Men's Overcoats We have 100 Men's Overcoats, sizes 34 to 44, all kinds, Ulsters, Dress Coats, Black Beaver Coats with velvet collars, Ulsters with shawl collars, greys, browns, blues, plain and mixed patterns, a splendid, well-selécted stock of up- to-date Overcoats. WE WILL SELL THESE AT HALF-PRICE. Just think what this means : A $7.50 Overcoat for . . ..$3 75 A $10.00 " " 5 00 A 12.50 " " 6 25 A 15.00 " " 7 50 An 18.00 " " 9 00 A 20 00 " " 10 00 A 25.00 " ....12 50 Men's Suits Men's Suits $ 6.50for... $4 95 " " 7.50 for ' " " 10.00 for..... 7 1)5 " " 13.50 for 9 95 " " 15.00 for !... 11 95 " " 18.00 for 13- 95 " " 20,00 for 15 90 Boys' Overcoats Boys' $5 Overcoats for ,.....$2 50 " $6 " " 3 00 " 7.50 " " 3 75 Corduroy Pants 50 pairs Men's Heavy Brown Corduroy Pants, reg. 2.50 for $1 50 25 pairs men's dark grey velvet corduroy corduroy pants, reg. 3.50 for 2 50 Underwear Men's 50c Underwear for 4=0c^jy " 75c " " 65- * " 1.00 " " „ ^ " 1.25 " " 1 UÔ " 1.50 " " 1 25 Coat Sweaters Coat Sweaters reg. $1 for Mufflers << U $ 79 1.50 for 1 10 $2 for 1 50 $3 for. 2 25 $4 for 3 25 $5 for..... 3 95 C< Men's Mufflers $1.25 for $ 79 1.50 for 95 2.00 for..... 1 35 2.50 for 1 75 <6 *~v Big reductions all through the store. If you do not see what you want on this bill, come in and we will give you a Bargain. Come early and get your choice while there is lots from which to choose. THE ANDERSON CLOTHING CO. BowmanviUe Greetings 1 ! extend to all our friends and customers our Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous cHew Year. W. T. cAtten Pig 20 Pookstore - A- New Year's Symphony A Happy New Year» Be Thine and in Thy Household May Peace and Contentment Reign Supreme on this the Beginning of the New Year W. A. Tom nominated as candidate for Mayor of Collingwood. BowmanviUe bachelors are giving- a dance New Years night. Mr. W, KeUy. Oshawa, was in town Wednesday and gave os a friendly call. We desire to express our appreciation for the confidence reposed in us during the year just ended, and to assure you that throughout tt^c year, on the threshold of which we now stan<v our every effort will be to merit the favor of your esteemed patronage. Yours very sincerelv, R. M. Mitchell & Co 4