Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1914, p. 8

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A Satisfied Customer Is Our Best Advertisement BOWMAJN VILLE, DEC. 24, 1914 MITCHELL'S CORNERS» of S.S. No. 12, Darlington, names in Order of merit : Sr.TV A. Flint- Report off, S. Langmaid ; Jr. IV--S. Brooks, A. Pascoe; Sr. III-H. Flintoff, J. Flintoff, R. Cameron, W. Vivian, W. Cameron, N. Robbins ; Jr. II--G. Herring, * E. Martin; Sr. II--A. Baison, N.JJerring, J. Raison, F. Pascoe; Sr. I--W. Richards, I. Vinson, W. Vivian, I. Pascoe; Pr. A- M. Richards, M. Armour, E. Herring, L. Vivian; B-- F. Flintoff, P. Stainton, West, R. Cameron; C--R. Pearse, G. Welsh. Irene Somerville, teacher. TYRONE NOTES. Jubilee Singers will be in Bowmanville February 3« Send in names of Christmas visitors early--we print Tuesday. ' ... Miss Maude Edwards, Toronto, is visiting visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Mrs. W. B. Short, Queen st, is spending the holidays with relatives l > Toronto. Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., pastor of King St. Methodist Church, pshawa, has received received an unanimous invitation to the pastorate of The Tabernacle, Belleville, and has accepted. A jolly sleigh-load of young folk includ- ing High and Public School teacher, and students attended Miss Marion s school entertainment, southwest of Eben ezer on Monday evening, a most gratifying success COUNCIL. The affair was THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES are sure to satisfy you in every particular. They have six distinguishing features : Effectiveness of Seating Economy of Construction Durability of Wearing Excellency of Finish Lowness of Price Mr. Allan Lindsay, Lakefield, is visiting Mr. James Stone and other friends...... Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis attended the china wedding of her uncle, Mr. E. Evans, Yelverton, Saturday... .À large number from here attended the concert at Beth- esda Friday night... .The regular meeting meeting of the Women's Institute was held Wednesday at the home of Miss Vera Colwill. Papers were given by Misses Florence Werry and Maude Virtue on Home-made Candy, and The Cooking of Meats by Mrs. Sherwood Rundle. A social social time was spent, everyone enjoying the homemade candy. Suitable gifts are skates, cutlery, safety rasors, flash lights. You will secure good values at Mason & Dale. TO SUBSCRIBERS STATESMAN is printed Tuesday this week so as to reach readers by Christmas Day. Next week we shall print on Tuesday Tuesday also. Correspondents make a note of this. We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas. CAR OF CORN COMING. Excellent Cookers Our stock is complete. Dustan "Quality Hardware" Bowmanville - Ont Prepare For Christmas Festivities T HE old reliable business of C. M. Cawker & Son will still have its usual display of Meats and Poultry to supply their numerous numerous patrons with the very best that can be bought. They have secured the following cattle, fed by some of the best feeders in the Township : 2 prize steers from Thos. Baker, Solina: 4 heifers from Miltdh Wight, Providence; 4 steers and 1 heifer from J. D. Hoar, Providence; 3 extra choice steers from F. Symons, Bowmanville; 4 heifers and steers from J. H. Werry, Bethesda; 1 heifer from H. Greenlees, Bowman- manville; 11 ewe and wether lambs fioin J. H. Werry, Bethesda;, a iso. a quantity of pork and veal besides a large number of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. #- Leave your order early and you will be sure to have the very best. If you want pure lard get our home rendered, also homemade homemade sausages. 1 Cash paid for poultry, hides, sheep skin and tallow. Thanking you for past patronage, asking a continuance of the same and wishing all the compliments of the season. C. M. Cawker & Son HAMPTON Monday evening Dec. 2ist, the Cedar Dale Mutual Sick and Ben. fit Club, presented presented their Financial Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. C. H. Burrows-, with an in itialled gold headed umbrella. A token of their esteem and confidence in him for the last three years services rendered to the said Club. Epworth League's last meeting was in charge of Mr. Hilton Peters, 3 r< f v i ce * president. Subject was "Temperance. Meeting opened with singing and prayer by Mr. F. J. Groat. Lesson was read by Mrs. F. T. Allin. Mrs. Geo. Taylor and Miss Estella Reynolds gave two excellent temperance readings and Dr. C. W. Sle- mon, Enniskillen, gave a fine address on "Alcoholism and its relation to heredity. A duet by Mesdames A. Peters and Robt. Warder, and a solo by Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, were much appreciated. A most interesting interesting meeting dosed with praver by Mr. T. Salter and the Benediction. We have a car ot corn arriving in a few days. Any person wanting good strong feed cannot do better than get some of this corn. , , , After having our mill closed down for about a month getting it overhauled and new machinery put in, the mill is running again and turning out better flour than Be sure and ask your grocer for Van- stone's Flour with your next order and you will be delifehted with it. Better phone your order at once so that we can notify ÿoü when it arrives. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bowmanville. CHINA WEDDING SOLINA DOING* si The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Evans, Yelverton, was the scene of a very delightful evening on Saturday, December igth, it being the 20th Anniversary Anniversary of their wedding. Approximately 40 relatives and friends gathered towards evening, taking Mr. and Mrs. Evans com Town Hall, Hampton, Dec. 15, 1914- Statutory meeting; members all presént; Reeve W. E. Courtice in chair. After routine resignations of James Parr and C. W. Souch as pathmasters were accepted, Wm. Smith and Nelson Smith being appointed appointed respectively. W. T. Taylor, J. J. Smith and Richard Bragg applied for bonus to build w.re fence--granted. H. Short asked to have cedar cut on road side--to Coun. Woodley. Cohn. Stanley was authorized to sell wood on road in 5ih con., lot 21. Thos. Clements was allowed allowed a rebate of $2 on his taxes. M. De well was allowed $1.25 rebate on taxes, statute labor having been done James Rundle was similarly allowed $11.25 rebate rebate Secretary Local Board of Health presented his annual report--received and fyled. East Whitby and Clarke presented presented bills for work on town line - laid over. Unanimously resolved that in future no payments will be made for work done on town lines unless commissioner of this council is first consulted; clerk was instructed instructed to so notify the Townships of East Whitby, Clarke and Cartwright. By-law for holding of Municipal Elections Elections was passed Dominion Railway Commission will be asked to order C. N. R, to give property owners on lots 21 and 22, con. 3, access to their property, the same having been closed when roadway was diverted. Trustees of S. S. 14 and 19 waited on Council in regards to assessment of property property for school purposes. Laid over. Clerk search for documents relating to the dispute. Treasurer acknowledged these receipts: C, W. Slemon, M.D* 2/5 cost cement walk $22.94; J. H. Adams cement bags $157°? R. Baldwin, old wood $2.00; J. Reynolds, settlement 1913 taxes $1.00; Refund Trustees Trustees for teachers' salaries $4,478. Orders drawn on Treasurer as follows : Benj. Powell, gravel . • $ 2 10 A. W. Allin, dry lumber 3 00 F. W. Allin, gravel 3 40 H. Elliott, supplies 9 34 Jas. Rundle, refund statute labor II 25 The Pedlar People, culvert tube 12 24 Thos. Snowden, gravel 15 00 J. Aldworth, grading and gravel 19 20 A. W. Allin, lumber, posts, etc.. 19 80 Blake Courtice, gravel 23 30 C.T.Langmaid, grav. station road 25 00 Robt. Collacutt, gravel 31 0° Thos. Snowden, " 43 75 J. Clatworthy, bal cement bridges 1416 00 Christmas time is drawing near and with it you are reminded of the annual concert to be held in the Church here on Christmas Eve under auspices of Epworth League. Choice program of readings, recitations, dialogues, choruses, and vocal and instrumental music will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy a social evening. Admission Admission 15c and 10c. Concert to begin at 8. AUCTION SALE Couch, Johnston & Crvderman are selling selling off all Ladies' Cloth Coats and Skirts and a mighty^ nice at from ^ to ^ below regular prices. Mason & Dale's. Saturday, Dec. 26--Mrs. Emma Keeler, Brown-st., Bowmanville, will sell by auction her household furniture and effects, much of which is good. Terms cash. Sale at I o'clock. See bill*. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. Don't forget that F. R. Mayer has a special line of gents' furnishings suitable for gifts. , t A Flash Light is a handy thmarto have gift. See 4hem at H. J. Werry, wire fence bonus i I Victoria Building Purveyors %zzmw-. 0 EH Choice Christmas Goods From Many Lands B ECAUSE the British Fleet has solidly maintained the supremacy of thé seas we are in a position to supply you as usual with, our customary high-quality fresh food dainties frem all over the world to grace the Christmas tables. Don't hesitate to Shop Early this year, for some of the usual autumn shipments did not arrive. Let us suggest a few of the leaders : 3=10 Visitors: Mr. Norman Reynolds, Toronto Toronto University, at home; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Bethesda, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's: Mr. T. B. Penfound, Maple Grove, at his sister's, Mrs. W. C. Werry; Mrs. S. C. Rundle and son, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rùndle's; Mr. John Gilbank, who has been spending the summer in the Northwest, with his brother-in-law, Mr. W. T. Taylor; Miss Mildred Penfound, Courtice, at Mr. Thos. Baker's; Mrs. R. J. Luke and Olive, Kedron, at Mr. Wm. Werry's Special program at Sunday School Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. Roger Allin, Myrtle, will be present..... .Carol service at Eldad Sunday was largely attended. attended. The choir, under leadership of Mr. James Jebson, sang several selections, which were very much appreciated; offering offering quite satisfactory. Sons of Tem perance will have special program New Years' eve of readings, recitations, music, etc., and a drama "A Year's Call" will be given installation of officers.... Library Board will be pleased to have all old members as well as new ones, renew their membership at once to close the year's business New officers of Young Men s Bible Class: President--Nelson Reynolds; Vice President--Cecil Pascoe; Secretary- Treasurer--John Brooks; Missionary Com. --Donald Yellowlees, Roy Blair, Alfred Dewell; Membership Com.--Everett Vice, Elmer Gibson, Thos. Atkinson; Sports Com.--Everett Vice, Elmer Wilbur, Hugh Annis; Teacher-- B. G. Stevens. All the latest styles in gents' furnishings are to be found at Mayer's store. Santa Claus has left many pairs of skates at Mason & Dale's for good boys and girls. pietely by surprise. After partaking of a N. Byers, very sumptuous repast those present repaired repaired to t^e spacious drawing room. Mr. John McLaughlin was appointed chairman, chairman, and having spoken briefly of the reason for gathering on this occasion he called on Mr. Richard Evans, who read the address given below. Mr. and Mrs. Evans were made the recipients of a very costly set of china dishes. Mr. Evans replied replied briefly but well. Rev. Mr. Ross of Pontypool was then called upon, and having having congratulated the happy couple_ gave some very sane advice to all. Others who responded were Messrs. T. Cowan, Orono, Wm. Cann, Bowmanville, J. J. Clark, Austin Fallis, R. B. McGill, Robert Henderson, Arthur Annis, and the following following nephews also responded : Byron McLaughlin, McLaughlin, Capt. Lome McLaughlin, J. Evans, Geo. E. Wilson, and N. J. Wilson, the latter speaking for the single men. The Chairman then called for music and immediately all rose and sang "For He s A Jolly Good Fellow." The remainder of the evening was spent in music, games and social intercourse. The address : Jas. Stainton, " - W. R. Allin, Sec. Bd. of Health. W. E. Courtice, services " H. J. Werry, " " œ - C. W. Slemon, M.D., Med. Officer A. E. Jennings, San. Inspector W. R. All in, express charges E. J. Clarke, weed inspector Mrs. W. G. Stephens, caretaker W. E. Courtice, reeve, salary R. Woodley, deputy reeve, salary J. Stanley, councillor, salary.... G. A. Stephens, " T. Baker, " ... . W. R. Allin, clerk, salary N. F. McNachtan, counties' rates 8,791 75 Trustees ot S.S., statutory rates 6666 00 " " local rates.... 73&o 00 Council adjourned to Saturday, Dec. 26th at 10 a.m. ' _, . W. R. Allin, Clerk. 5 70 7 50 15 00 10 00 10 70 11 25 27 25 40 00 45 1 00 15 00 75 00 75 go 75 00 7 5 00 75 00 85 00 your assembled ENNISKILLEN NEWS. 1 Sultana Raisins and PiffS-- The entering of Turkey into* the war" has "disarranged shipments, but. we secured our supplies prior to hostilities there. The raisins are fine and juicy, 15c to 20c per lb, the figs are an exceedingly choice lot, 15c to 20c lb. Currants From Greece--Greece is the source of the world's supply and although shipments were held up for a time, ours have arrived as before. before. Finest quality, per lb., IOC to 15c. Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts--For the Christmas baking every housewife wants sound, fresh nuts. Stale nuts are dear at any price but you pan depend absolutely on the quality of our goods. Peels--Lemon, Citron and Orange, all good enough to stand your closest inspection. inspection. You will _ want them for your Christmas cake, ,and we would urge you to let us have your order as soon as possible. Seeded and Valencia Raisins -- We stock < only brands of recognized merit and can confidently recommend them to you. Our finest Seeded sells at 13c carton, and Valencias at 2 lbs. for 25c. Mincemeat -- Tastily spiced and made in the most sanitary way by â reliable firm. Just the thing for the Christmas pie per jar 35 c > ° r 2 Ihs at 25c. Oranges--Our stock of choice, ripe, juicy oranges is unsurpassed in quality and values. Florida and California navels from 20c to 60c doz. Poultry--We want any quantity of good poultry, must be properly dressed and dry picked to receive highest prices. Smoked Hams-- Very choice, 8 to 10 lbs., special for Saturday only 18c lb. Christmas Tree--For the Christmas Tree which so delights the youngsters we have many suggestions to offer. There is fresh candy of various kinds, chocolates in dainty boxes at all prices. HARRY ALLIN Clttb Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 Visitors: Misses Maud and Gladys Virtue, Virtue, Tyrone, and Dr. Clark, Bowmanville, at Dr. Slemon's; Mrs. Byron Nesbitt, Mt. Vernon, and Mrs. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, at Mr. James Pat r's; Miss Emily Pearn, Fenelon Falls, at Mr. Geo. Reid's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pascoe at home; Messrs. Messrs. Garnet Sanderson, Orangeville, and Chalmers Sanderson at Mr. F. W. Lees .... Miss Luta and Mr. Russell Smith entertained entertained about 40 young friends recently Miss Editha Virtue has returned from Toronto hospital accompanied by Mr. Webster and Miss Mary Virtue; sorry to report no improvement.... Good attendance attendance and excellent program at League last week; meeting was in charge of Mr. Russell Gilbert. No League this week Christmas service was held in Methodist Methodist Church Sunday evening. The excellent excellent sermon by Pastor Honey and three Christmas selections by the choir delighted the congregation .Service withdrawn next Sunday in courtesy to the Presbyterian anniversary...... Monday evening a good sized audience attended concert and Christmas tree, and the kiddies kiddies were out you may be sure. T J r °P e young yeople deserved and received the anolause of the audience and the gratitude gratitude of the E. L. and S. S. of this place. Owing to attack of tonsilitis Miss Taylor, soloist, Blackstock, was unable to be present. present. Proceeds about $30* The annual soiree of Enniskillen Presbyterian Presbyterian church will be held as foll G^ s : Sunday Dec. 27, services will ^conducted ^conducted at il a m and 7 P m by R ^ v - Ge °-J u ! e ' Oshawa. Music will be furnished by Blackstock Presbyterian choir assisted by Miss Barbara Foster, contralto soloist, Toronto. Collection in aid of church fund. On Friday, Jaii. I, New Years Day tea will be served from 4-30 P m. In the evening a concert will be given by Mrs. Manley Pickard, one of Toronto's popular 23U Mr. John A. Kelly, venttitoqmst, humorist entertainer and s mger, Mr Arthur Beech, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. C W. Souch, and addresses by local ministers. Admission, adults, tea and concert 40c; tea or concert 25c; children, tea and concert 25c; tea or concert 15c. of fur - bought at F. R. Prises, away Dear Loved Ones : It is with great pléasure that we relatives and neighbors, have asse here to-night and taken possession ot your home. Many a time have we partaken of your hospitality, but never on just such an occasion as this--the twentieth anniversary anniversary of your marriage. It hardly seems possible--for so fast the wheels of Time revolve--that just twenty years ago tonight tonight some of us were privileged to witness witness your marriage vows, and again we are with you to-night to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of your married life. "Each year is a golden milestone on the path of human life; Happy is the naan who passes them with a good and faithtul wife." We all felt that we could not let this memorable occasion pass without some fitting mark. We all have the brightest memories to cherish of your family relationship and intimate friendship friendship through the many years. Your home has always been open to your friends; and and aU ays have we found in you a delightful delightful host and hostess. You have filled your place in the social circles,, and your pleasant faces would be sadly missed were you to absent yourselves from anv of our gatherings. You have been true friends, in time of trouble and sorrow. Is it any wonder that we take delight in meeting here tonight and in endeavoring to make this an occasion to be remembered? How true, the words of Longfellow ; "We may build more splendid habitations, Fill our rooms with paintings and with sculptures, but we cannot buy with gold the old associations." associations." Time has dealt gently with you both, God has prospered you m your undertakings, and at the prime of life you. are in a position to enjoy life to its itu extent. And as God has prospered you. and yours in earthly things, we sincerely hope you are laying up for yourselves treasures in Heaven for the life to come. We ask you to accept this gift as a token of our love and souvenir of our gathering here tonight, and we pray that you may be spared to pass many more ot these golden milestones, and may the One who has guided you so far be with you and yours through the many years we hope are yours. (Signed) John McLaughlin, Wm. Cann, Thos. Cowan, R. B. McGill, J. J. Clark. Buy Fruit At A FRUIT STORE and you will get better quality and better values in all kinds of fruits than elsewhere. All I ask is that you give me ah order to convince you that you can be served best at my store op~ posite Goodyear Club on Division St. Choice juicy Oranges, all sizes, at lowest prices. Grape Fruit, very large size, at 4 for 25c. Malaga Grapes, Cranberries, nuts of all kinds, just fresh in for Christmas trade. Very meaty Dates and Figs, some at 10c lb., extra choice at 15c lb. Once a customer always a customer--because customer--because I give satisfaction. satisfaction. J. Infantine Retail and Wholesale Fruit Store Bowmanville - Ontario. wm CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Dailv Grand Trunk Railway going west : Express 4.22 a. m Local 7.02 „ Local '9.46 „ Passenger 1.38 p.m. zParaenget 7.11 „ GOING EAST. Express 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.36 p.m. 6.49 ,, 7.18 , 9.68 . A Perfect Gives Joy and Xmas Present to Both Giver Receiver Our store is full of such gifts; iu fact few towns in Canada can boast of a stock such as we carry. An Unusual Offer-- Wé want everyone to see our display. This offer will make your visit worth while In all our experience we have never found remedies that give better results than the Rexall line of over 200 different kinds. We want ei home in this county to test them out. The Offer To everyone purchasing 50c worth or over of any of the following goods we will present a package of Rexall goods worth from 25c to $4.00. Come in and see the list and make your own selection of Cough Remedies, Ointment, Liniment, etc., etc. You may select FREE goods to half the value of your purchase. The Only Condition The only condition is that the purchaser must bring the coupon shown below, aim it must be signed as a voucher. List of Goods < Men Razors, Shaving Brushes, Shaving Cases, Shaving Strops, Shaving Mirrors, Shaving Cups, Safety Razors, Collar Boxes, Note Paper in fancy boxes, Tray elling, C ompanions, Hair Brushes, Purses, Military Brushes, Fountain Pens, Spectacles, Cigars, Ggar Cases Kodaks, Thermos Bottles Ladies l Brush, Comb and! Mirror Case Glove Cases,. Manicure Cases Perfumes, Fountain Pens, Thermos Bottles,. Hot Water Bags Purses, Hand Bags Stationery in Christmas- Boxes Finest Christmas Boxes-of Chocolates Cut Glass, Ebony Goods % Parisian Ivory in Hair Brushes, Bonnet Brushes and Hat Brushes Spectacles, Victrolas, Kodaks E acknowledge receipt of one package of Rexall goods valued at Name Address Jury The Safè, Satisfactory Druggists and.Opticians Bowmanville Ontario m' Just A Word About the REXALL The above exceptional offer is made to introduce, to-you the finest^ line of Family Remedies ever used in your home.. With every package you get the following guarantee in plains, positive terms, that are lived up to in every respect. We do. not believe it is pos.- siMe to- produce remedies of greater merit. the guarantee "The United Drug Company and The Rexall Store selliug these preparations guarantee them. to. give satisfaction. If it, does not, go back to the store where you bought it get your CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY * GOING EAST. GOING WEST Expiera 9.46 a.m. Express S.10 p m Daily except Sunday. Office. Express 9.06 a.m. Express 6.04 p.m. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Every piece; Mayerir is , down, too. Canadian Northern Railway GOINgJaST. GOING WEST ^[Express . * Ti.5i a.m. -- 6.38 p.m. ida «I Dally>xcept=Sunday IT Express 9.02 a.m. ~ Express 7.37 p.m. ly except Sunday BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE ^Effective Dec. 14Lh> TRAINS LEAVE 1 < i Toronto and intermediate Si v/toi t 9.02 a.m. f7.37 p.m. i « \1 rentonrBellevüle, Yaiiker, Tweed. Harrow- smith, Sydenhnm. Kingston, Brockvilln s Smith's Falls. Ottawa and intermediate stations. 11*53; a.m. 1 oi ■<. oe R ill and Intermediate .Station* 11.53a. m. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Piéton Mid j intermediate points 6.38 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Station» 11.63 a.m. 6.38 p.m. I torn Belleville, Trenton and Inter mediate Points; also Picton and G.O. R. 1 .C2 a. m, f7.37 p. m. From Mayuooth (C. O. R.) 17.37p. n. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, eta. 17.87 p. m. From Ottawa, Smiths Falls, BrockviUe King ston, Yarker, Beseronto. Napanee, Picton, Trenton and intermediate points. 17.37 p.m. -j , a iim daily except Sunday unless other wise marked. 1 c i further particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply f--flagstop.' W. G. GIFFLBRt Depot Agent. money; it belongs to you aaidi we want you to have it" Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians Spectacles Xmas We can fit your friends with spectacles so you can surprise thejrÿi at Christmas. After Christmas your friends can call and have their eyes carefully examined and glasses and frames will be properly properly fitted FREE OF CHARGE. Prices Steel or Nickle 50c up Gold $3.00 up Jury & Lovell When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly

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