Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1914, p. 5

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Give Him Something Useful for Christmas Tnis Year When Every $ Mas a Long Way to Go. Something That Is Needed Is The Most Sensible Present. w /Y'Y "e-.ll Cravats • that are different 25c to $1.50 Mufflers and Silk Neckscarfs iàëOc to $3.00 And then, too, you raise his opinion of-you just another another bit higher when you present present him with something practical and sensible--something sensible--something he would buy for himself himself House Coats suitable & comfortable $2. 50 to $6. 00 Bath Robes and Lounging Robes $3. 75 to $7. 50 Fine Hosiery cotton, lisle or silk 25c to $1.00 Men's Gloves Every time he wears the Scarf, the Shirt, or the Cravat or Housecoat, or the Bath robe, or the Hose, or the Suspenders, Suspenders, or the Cloves which you gave him, he thinks of you Every time some friend speaks a word ot admiration for the gift you made him, it brings a happy recollection of you Every time he sees the ornamental, ornamental, perhaps, but unuseful unuseful gift of someone else, he unconsciously remembers vou for your practical, useful and sensible gift, of something to Fashion's latest shades wear. $1 to $3 Handkerchief a magnificent line lOc to $1 Sweater Coats all color combinations $1 to $5 So, when you select a present present for 4 him" remember, men are practical. They cherish the memory of a practical, useful gift, but soon forget the opposite kind. And make your gift to "him" something he will really really like better than all of the other presents he receives Dress Shirts handsome new designs 75c to $2.00 Stylish Hats Aàké acceptable gifts $1.50 t0 $4.00 let it be something to wear. And don't lose sight of the fact that most men instinctively instinctively know that anything which bears this store's label is absolutely right in style and dependable in quality. We box all Christmas goods appropriately. A Clothing Co., rss» The Style Store for Men Phone 61 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE. DEC: 24, 1914 Second page contains local news. Further church news appears on an inside inside page. "In the Editor's Mail" appears also on an inner page. Wedding of Tyrone couple reported t on an inner page. Mr. Ed. Hines, Homer, Ont., is visiting friends in town. Cobourg married women are seeking to vote at municipal elections. Buy fruit at the' fruit store opposite Goodyear Club on Division-st. Mr. Leslie C. Cox, Johns Hopkins University, University, Baltimore, Md., is home. Mrs. Arthur G. Wright, Hamilton, is visiting her father, Mrs Thos. Tod. Mr. W. H. Shaw, Vancouver, B. C., is visiting his mother, Mrs» Win. Shaw. Miss Marjorie King, Lilian Massey School, Toronto, is home for holidays. Mr. Jessie Hunt is visiting his sister at Windsor and other friends in the West. Miss Thompson of the Goodyear office is spending Christmas with her father at Paisley. Mr. Clare C. Washington, B.A., Vic toria University, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Citizens sincerely sympathize with Mrs. A. Tait in the death of her sister after a prolonged illness. Mr. Roy H. Rickard, Victoria University, University, Toronto, is holidaying at his father s, Mr. Jas. G. Rickard. Mr. Stafford R. Balkwill, Faculty of Education, Toronto, visited his aunt, Mrs. W m. Coombe, recently. Miss Marv Boyes. Toronto, was guest over the week-end of Miss Florence L. VanNest, Victoria Villa. Shooting match of clay birds will be held Christmas afternoon at Goodyear Gun Club. Public invited. Messrs. C. M. Cawker and R..R. Hoskin attended the funeral Sunday of the late Miss McNall at Port Hope. •At Cannington Winter Fair Thomas Bottrell & Son won 30 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 specials with 32 birds. Miss Brita Higginbotham. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, is visiting her father, Mr. T. E. Higginbotham. Mrs.J. H. Cavanagh and son Billie, Medicine Medicine Hat, Alta., are visiting her uncle, Mr. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Horwood and daughter daughter Hazel, Toronto, spent the week-end with their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Coombe. 1 To be eligible the Mayor, Reeve of I Councillor of a town property to the value of $600 or rent property to the value of $1200. Mr. W. G. Jaffray has been elected President of The Globe Printing Company in succession to his father, the late Senator Jaffray. Misses Mabel and Helen Bray, Toronto, are holidaying with their uncle, Mr. F. A. Foster, "Norwood Place" and other relatives relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Holgate, Fox- boro, will spend the winter in town, occupying occupying Miss McClellan's pretty cottage corner Wellington and George-sts. Mr. John A. Carswell, Red Deer, Alta., former editor of Oshawa. Vindicator, has been tendered the highest gift of that place--Mayor by acclamation for I9 I 5* Mr. R. W. Redman is in town for holidays holidays and is receiving hearty congratulations congratulations of his many friends on passing with high honors his first term at College of Pharmacy. Private Frank Smith, Omemee, member of "D" Company, 45th Regiment, was killed in the battle at Meuse River while fighting with allied troops. He was a reservist of Royal Indian Horse Artillery. Mr. A. J. Lockhart, Vancouver, B. C., writing Orono News says : "All the old Durham boys here are well. Times are very quiet and real estate is at a standstill. standstill. Young men are given work clearing land. Xmas Cutlery at Mason fit Dale's. Note changes in railway time tables. Furs galore below city prices at F. R Mayer's.^ • Give him a Safety Razor. Get it at Mason & Dales. F urther local, news-over two columns --on am inside page. Bowmanville merchants are rejoicing in a splendid Xmas trade. Four inches of the "beautiful" fell Sunday Sunday night making excel lent, sleighing. Are you looking for gifts for men ? See Màyer's fine assortment of ties, gloves, mufflers, handkerchiefs, hats, cape, etc. j. Infantine asks you to buy fîüit at his store on Division-st. See his advt. A full line of Nyal-s Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf Last minute shoppers should see the fine line of cutlèry, skates, safety razors, etc., at Mason & Dale's. No need of going to the city for furs when you can get anything in furs, below city prices and goods guaranteed at F. R. Mayer's. Couch, Jehnston & Çrÿderman call special attention to their fine stock of. black and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods by the declaration declaration of war. . BIRTHS. Wilbur--In Darlington, Not. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, a eon. Bagnkll--In Bowmanville, Dec. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bagnell, a son. . Cochrane--At Oshawa Hospital, Nov. 29th, to to Mr. and Mrs. B. Cochrane, a son. Freeman--At Oshawa Hospital, Dec. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Freeman, a daughter.' Since died. A Made - in - Canada MARRIAGES Baxter--Smith--In Oshawa, Dec. 12, byBèv, Geo. Yule, Miss Agnes Smith, Oshawa, and Mr. Albert Baxter, East Whitby. Rent--Sharp--At Trinity .Methodist, church, Toronto; Déc. 19, by Rev. Dr. W. S. Griffin, Jean Hay Dunbar, daughter of . Mr. Andrew Sharp,- Bnrketon, and Mr. Stanley Way Kent, Paris. Meat Slicer ^J- Having installed one of the latest improved Meat Slicers, made in Canada, we are prepared to serve you with the best sanitary handled meat on the market. DEATHS Cann--In Hope, December 20th. Thos. Cann. Habile--.At Myrtle, Dec. 16, Charles Hartley John The first concert in the series under auspices of the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Bowling Club was given in the Opera House last Wednesday evening. Miss Ruth Thom, the lyric soprano soloist, certainly won honor and established heisdiasa singer of the first rank, especially in "Rule Brittannia" and in the folk songs in which she appeared in costume she called forth the hearty applause of her audience Miss Murphy, violinist and accompanist, proved, herself an artist of no mean ability and her selections were greatly enjoyed. Mr. Elsworth Plumstead in his prose, songs, stories, costume selections and character delineations gave variety and entertainment that kept his audience in good humor. Next concert in the series will be given by the all popular Adams Company who carried off the palm last jn his 79th year. Pike--At Myrtle, Nov. 80th, Mrs. Pike, aged 94 years, 8 months. -- Carscadden--In Pontypool, Dec. 11th, Carscadden, aged 71 years. : Smith--In Port Perry, Dec. 9, Hannah, widow of late James J- Smith, aged 80 years. Chapman--At Agihconrt, Dec. 20th, Margaret Malcolm, beloved wife of Robt. Chapman. Redditt--At 18 Snmmerhill Ave., Toronto, Dec. 19, Rev. John James Redditt, aged 61 years. Bradburn--In Blackstock, Dec. 15, Abigail M. VanCamp, widow of late George Bradburn, in her 78th year. - Jennings--At the home of Mr. JohnT. Hooper, Bowmanville, Dec. 17th, Richard ennings, in his 88th year, brother of Mra. Thos. Creeper. McNall--At Port Hope, Dec. 17, Rosanna C., youngest daughter of Mr. Luther R.McNall. Sister of Mrs. Archibald Tait, Bowmanville. Jaffray--In Toronto, Dec. 16, at his residence. "Surrey Lodge", Grenvilie-st., Robert Jtiffray, Senator, President of The Globe Printing Co, in his S3rd year. Drop in arid see our nicely kept store and at the same time leave your order for a Christmas fowl and get the best price going. Our goods are the A1 variety. Quality is our motto. See our Currants, Raisins, Peel, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and in fact everything up to date for the Christmas trade. j a i 8 o wish to thank my many customers for their liberal patronage in the past and solicit the continuance of the same in the future. J wish one and all a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Rd. Snowden SSST2S IN MEMORIAM In loving memory Of Mrs. Tames Smith, departed this life December 21st, 1913. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled who A place is vacant in oar home, Which never can be tilled God in bis wisdom has recalled, The boon His love had given ; And though the body moulders here, The soul is safe in Heaven. Children. season. HOCKEY NOTES. Bowmanville has entered Junior and Intermediate teams in Ontario Hockey Association. Whitby intermediates play first league game at Taylor's Rink New Year's Eve. Junior team plays its first home game Jan. 5th with Whitby. Port Hope juniors play an exhibition game here this Wednesday night. Christmas afternoon Toronto Central Y.M.C.A. team will clash sticks with the local intermediates at Taylor's Rink. Both local teams are practicing every night from 7 to 8 o'clock. There seems to be plenty of good material for both teams and every player is given a chance to make good. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moet Complete El-- r Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Brick house, 8 rooms, new furnace,- hard and soft water (inside), £ acre garden, apples, plums, cherries, stable and driving house all in first- class repair. Bargain for quick sale. Possession early in January. Apply on premises, corner Concession and Liberty streets to T. C. Bragg, or box 327, Bowmanville. Srt Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO HAMPTON "Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario F OR SALE--Good set of heavy Sleighs with box: also Power Chaff Cutter. Apply to E. R. Bounsall, Monument Works, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. ' 528 ►TOVES FOR SALE-Two good stoves, parlor h cook and heater. No further use for them " account of having furnace. Apply to Willard Caldwell, Livëryïi&wmanvilïe. ' - 52tf O RDERS WANTED FOR SAWING WOOD--I am prepared to do all kinds of wood-sawing with my 10 h. p. gasoline engine outfit. PriceB reasonable. Apply to Thomas Tabb, 49 4 THF. LAST CALL FOR XMAS PRESENTS A Practical Education.--One institution that has an excellent reputation for doing good work is the Elliott Business College, 734 Yonge St., Toronto. If you wish a | reliable business education write to the j college for a catalogue.. Mrs. W. Laing, Clarke, has returned I from an extended visit with relatives m Calgarv, Alta., and Mrs. M. A. Gerry, I Detroit, Mich., and Miss Laing, Clarke, 1 are staying with their sister, Miss Aiken, who is recovering from the effects of a serious fall. What's the matter with the Port Hope I police ? Daily Guide says that scarcely a night passes now without a robbery of chicken houses. Hundreds of chickens have been stolen the past few weeks. Un Friday night Geo. Perrin's meat house I was relieved of 4 Q rs * X ou have local option for whiskey is directly or indirectly the cause. See our enormous stock of Skates, Cutlery, Hockey Sticks, Sleigh Bells, Robes, Horse Blankets, Mitts, etc., all marked down for Quick Sale. We wish you all a Merry Christmas. RICE & CO., Opp. Post Office Bowmanville The funeral of the late Miss McNall, Port Hope, took place Sunday afternoon and was largely attended by sympathizing friends and neighbors. Deceased lady had been ill for some time and bore her great suffering -with Christian patience. Miss McNall was an active worker m the Methodist Church, a valued member of the choir, and had by her kind deposition made a large circle of friends. Heartfelt svmbathy is extended to the bereaved fa£S.Mr. L. R. McNall, and two sisters, Mrs. Irwin, Port Hope, and Mrs. Archibald Archibald Tait, Bowmanville, in their hour of | trouble.--Guide Regular meeting of the Bowmanville I Women's Institute was held at residence nf Mrs. T H. Morris, Beech Ave., Friday afternoon." Mrs. G. H. Bickell, Prudent, occupied the chair, and after opening exercises exercises Mrs. Chas. Richardsonbehalfof the captains, reported that on Dec. 3rd 9 ! bales of clothing weighing 7fo Jbs.had been packed and shipped to MontreaHor the relief of the Belgians. $36.56 m money was also contributed, part of which was spent for material for first shipment Balance is being used for baby outfits I which are being made by members and with quilts and other clothing WÜI 1 ^ sc ? t in second shipment m January. Mrs. A. L. Nicholls read a splendid paper on the | life and work of Frances Wlll ar<L and Mrs. J. W. Sparling a paper on What I owe to the World". Both papers contained contained much to interest and profit all who heard them. A roll-call on "Present Day Needs" brought forth some pertinent suggestions suggestions which all enjoyed.^ Refreshments were served and a social time 8pe j£with the hostess. Next meeting on Friday, | Tan. 29th at Mrs. E. Bellman's, Balsam Grove. 'Dainty for at Tod's Xmas «I SANTA CLAUS has placed a big order with ua to supply the "kiddies" in and around Bowmanville with HOME MADE CANDY. We have been very particular to use highest quality ingredients in its manufacture, so eat all you want. 41 For the grown-ups we have very attractive gift boxes of Ganong's Chocolates from 50c up. Such a gift is always appreciated: er Don't bother making a Christmas Cake. Just come to our store and pick out one. We guarantee them to be first class. All sizes and prices reasonable. «([ Just received, an attractive assortment of Xmas Crackers. < Thomas Tod Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville ,Y CHANGES HANDS I WISH to inform the citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity that I have purchased the Bakery Bakery and Confectionery Business recently carried carried on by Mr. J. A. Milne, King St. I trust that ihe patrons of the Milne Bakery, as well as the many citizens who have become regular customers customers of mine during the past two months, will continue to deal with me. Our aim is to treat you right by giving good service and good baking of the highest quality. Try a loaf of Christie's Home-Made Bread to-day. ^ Special line of Boxed Chocolates, Home-Made Candy and Taffy for Christmas. Be sure to try our Christmas Cake. AT .TP.X CHRISTIE The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville I S. W. Mason & Son Send Christmas Greetings to all their friends and patrons Are we downhearted ? NO ! Be brave cheerful and optimistic.' No long faces or d^P ond , eid; hearts. To assist this cheerful spirit we have^ bought.and nlaced in stock the most attractive collection of useful articles suitable for Christmas presents that it has ever bee ^ °^ r P rl J^_ lege to show you, and at prices that will appeal to the most de .pleted pocket books. In part as follows : Ladies and Misses Handkerchiefs in Silk, Initial, Embroidered, Embroidered, Linen, Muslin, Lawn, Pictured, etc., from 3c each to $1.00. Fancy Collars Scarfs in silk, knitted and lace Gloves in kid, long or short, silk, su^de, or cashmere Wool Mitts Infantees and Bootees Veils and Toques Aviation Caps and Bonnets Polkas Sweater Coats and Sweaters Kimonas Leggings Underskirts ' and Underwear Night Robes and Corset Covers Corsets Hosiery in Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, Cotton and Wool • Coats Dresses Skirts Furs Linens of all descriptions, plain or fancy-- Napkins, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling, Towelling, Cushion Covers, Pillow Shams, Pillow Pillow Cases, etc., efcc. Men and Bôys Sweaters Sweater Coats Ties Collars Handkerchiefs Gloves Mitts Braces Night Gowns Pyjamas Sleeve Holders Arm Bands Socks Scarfs Shirts Smocks Overalls Spèçlàl l only Gent's Fur Lined Coat, size 38, Otter, collar, rat. lining, lining, reg. value $65.00, Sale Price$37.50. This is certainly certainly a bargain. S. W. Mason & Son BOWMANVILLE ◄ 4 4 4 4 i i i i < K/ //MW

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