Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1914, p. 3

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£Se- ' |C' To the Woman Who Realizes She Needs Help IN THE EDITOR'S MAJL. You aye nfervous. Yjgiu l|ave "crying spells." You are dejected. Yoü don't $lêep well You have backache. You .have Tost ambition for "your work. You are beginning to feel old and /oofc" old. Mr. Norman C. Jennings, Port Hope s enterprising Clothier and Gents' Furnisher, Furnisher, was the first to forward his subscription subscription for 1915 on the new remittance: form sent out ;in the paper last week. I These symptoms, more than likely, are produced by some weakness weakness or derangement. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Mr. J. C. Smith, B.A., Principal of Collegiate Collegiate Institute, Ingersoll, writes : I beg to acknowledge a copy of your news- i paper containing vour article on your re- ; cent visit to The Ethical Culture School, j New York City. I have read • the ; article i with interest as have also my assistant teachers and we have derived much benefit benefit from it. Will aid you in regaining youthful health and strength--just as. it has been doing for over forty yëàrs for women who have been in the same condition of health you now find yourself. It soothes and Invigorates. It upbuildsarH^üptins. \ Your medicine dealer will supply you in tablet or liquid form, or send 50 one-cent stamps for trial box. Address Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Ik. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regdate Steeach, lifer and Bowels. Easy to' take. -A' Rev. Neil McPherson, M.A., D.D., Springfield, Mass., ufider date of Dèc. II, in remitting his subscription writes : I congratulate congratulate you on ;ihe continued success of your paper. I find evèry week's issue full of interest altho I have been away from ray home town many years. When we are thru with the paper we hand it to Mrs. Grant, formerly Miss Annie Russell of Bowmanville who' has lived here for several years. People are buying useful presents this year as I am. No money should be spent need essly when the poor wives and children children of soldiers and the Belgian refugeee- ! are calling to all of us for help. I want i to tell you how much your paper is appre- ! dated in our home. I look forward to i its coming every week with pleasing an- 1 ticipation. Don't laugh when I tell you that I always cut out the housekeeping recipes and file them away for use--Mrs. H. Tuck, Toronto. s. R. DAVEY, Bowmanville, Ont. CANADIAN NORTHERN NEW NIGHT TRAIN Between Toronto and Ottawa DAY TRAIN WEDDING. Tape--Woodley. m- m. m. Lv. Bowmanville 9-53 a Ar. Ottawa 5-20 p (Central Station) jLV. Bowmanville 7-37 P* m * Ar. Toronto - 9.15 P- m - Daily except Sunday For Railway and Steamship Tickets, Parlor and Sleeping Car reservations, and all information apply to W. G. Giffler, Station Agent. SHOP AT HOME. Now that the Christmas shopping season season is almost here and all Durhamites are putting aside their spare cash for this important important occasion, or perhaps are making purchases in a small way andputting them away for that occasion, they should consider consider very carefully the question of pur chasing their goods at home, from our own local merchants. This is a question of no small importance, both to you and to the merchants, and both should be loyal to each other. The merchant has invested money in a business in Bowmanville Bowmanville and he naturally expects to get his businss from the people of this town and surrounding country. If he does not get that business, which he is clearly entitled to, then he must fail and go out of business. business. If the citizens of Bowmanville do not do their trading with their own merchants, merchants, how can they expect these men to continue to do business here ? Do your shopping at home. Throw away the mail order catalogues and be loyal to your community. 5 . buy IT IN BOWMANVILLE. Jack's Wife. Bank Teller--This cheque is all right, hut'you must be introduced. Can you bring in your husband ? Woman--Who, Jack? Why, if Jack thought you wanted an introduction introduction to me he'd knock your block off 1 A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Dec. 2nd at the home of Mr. W. J. Tape, "Whitehall" Long Sault, when their son Mr. Wm. Tape was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Florence Woodley. At three o'clock the bridal party took their place under a large wedding wedding bell in the centre of a very prettily decorated room. Rev. Wm. - Higgs of Tyrone performed the ceremony imthe presence of about fifty guests. The bride who looked charming in a dress of brown velvet trimmed with lace and satin, was attended bv Miss May Hooey who was prettily gowned in a dress of blue silk. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Cecil Pascoe of Solina. After the signing of the register all retired to the diningroom diningroom where a most delicious dinner was served. The bride received many pretty and useful gifts. The groom's gift to the bride and bridesmaid being pretty pearl pins and to the groomsman a tie pin. In the evening the young people of Tyrone and vicinity gathered at the home of the groom to wish Mr and Mrs. Tape a happy happy and prosperous married life. All spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening with games and other amusements. "Do you subscribe to all the articles articles of the Atihanasian creed?" was asked an old lady. "No, I don't; I can't afford it. There's a collection next week for the convention convention fund, and I can't do any more," 'was the reply. The prisoner had been called to the bar and had informed the Judge that owing to lack of funds he was not represented 'by counsel. "In that case," said the Judge, "the ■ State will provide a counsel for you. Sitting over there on the first •bench «are Mr. Smith, Mr. Tompkins, Tompkins, and Mr. White, and there .is another lawyer out in the hall. Whom do you want to represent you?" The prisoner looked the three lawyers over carefully, and turning to the Judge said : "If it is all the same to you, your Honor, I'll take «a chance of the fellow m the hall." whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the digestive. organs, that these may soon develop into more serious sickness. Your future safety, as well as your present, comfort may depend on tho quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who have tried them, Beecham's Pills are the most reliable of all family medicines. medicines. This standahi family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder steep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality .come' after the system has * been cleared and -the : 6lood purified by Rev. A. P. Latter, box 433. Parry Sound, Ont.; has sent us a unique yet both plain and pretty calendar for 19 1 5 and 1916 with "The Season's Greetings from the Methodist Parsonage." It is printed in blue and red and with every month are given a number of bright sayings of clever men. Here are two that appeal to us : What concerneth every man is not whether he fail or succeed but th the do his duty.--Ian MacLaren. Don't look for the flaws as you go thru life and even if you find them. Be wise and kind and somewhat blind and look for the virtues behind them. The Churches While addressing the congregation of Methodist church, Campbellford, Sunday evening week Rev. H. C. Garbutt of Nor- ham, was taken with dizziness and was unable to conclude his sermon. Sun "ay, January 3, has been set aside as a d y of special intercession and prayer on behalf of the British and allied cause and to the memory of those who have fallen in battle. The same day will be similarly observed in Great Britain. Rev. S. L. Toll, pastor of London-st, Methodist church, Windsor, will succeed Rev. David Rogers as pastor of Central Methodist church. St. Thomas. Pastor Toll was à college mate of Rev. H. B. Kenny at Albert College. Are you troubled in testifying? If so you can get a little book of points for Christians and personal workers for 25 cts. It is a companion as well as a helper for altar workers. All objections and excuses excuses carefully answered by Scripture references references and practical advice. Its author is Evangelist H. S. Miller. It also includes includes a large collection of personal testimonies testimonies by earnest Christians of deep consecration consecration and experience, fully adapted for use in all meetings and for every occasion. Handy in form and always with you. Address Address Geo. W. Noble, Publisher, Monon Building, Chicago, 111. By a vote of 56 to 7, after a two-day's Conference of the Church Union Committee Committee this resolution was carried : "This Joint Committee on Church Union, representing representing the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches, in commending commending the basis, so harmoniously amended, to the negotiating Churches, do so in the faith strengthened by this conference that this movement, so wonderfully carried on thus far, will be brought by the blessing of the Great Head of the Church to a cordial cordial consummation." In the Methodist Episcopal Church across the lines an official called Guardian of Attendance is appointed. Miss Laura Voss, Short Tract, N. Y., has sent us a card she uses on which is the Legend of Cathay and this significant prayer, slightly slightly altered and abridged : Kind Heavenly- Father:--At the begining of the new year --we bring to Thee as our White Gift to the King of all Kings our heart's adoration and ask that Thou wouldst accept it together together with our pledge--that we will attend attend in Thy House jeach Sabbath to worship worship and to study Thy word and to make inquiry concerning those things that pertain pertain to our Eternal Life. Grant to bless our homes, our Sunday School, our Church and our Nation.--Amen. We have received the weekly bulletin of a very busy church--First Congrégation Congrégation al Church, Springfield, Mass., of which that brilliant divine Rev. Dr. Neil McPherson, M. A., a Bowmanville Old Boy, is pastor with Adelbert J. Brooks, assistant. The present church edifice, built in 1819, is the 4th building, the first metting house dated from 1645. A novel feature in Dr. McPherson's Church is -a "Beginners' Department.of Bible School" meeting in church parlors at 10.30 a.m. same hour as morning church servie. Parents Parents are requested to bring all children from 3 to 6 years into this school while they themselves attend morning worship. Capital idea. Regular session of Bible School at 12 noon, (attendance oyer 500) Junior Endeavour at 4.45 pin.--Leader Marion Anderson. Young Peoples' Society Society at 5 40 p.m.--Leader Sarah Holton. Evening worship al 7 p.m. choir of 45 voices. Miss Marion Swift, violinist. ; ' l- *.• f. P5V;er>-.vT4>.h ii II > l . » Î- "Fruit-a-tives" Keeps Young And Qfl In A very substantial (business man tried to educate ibis young wife to keep correct household accounts. With this end in view «he gave her an account book, : and instructed'her to enter on one «side all her expenses expenses in detail, and on the other side money received. At the end of the first month the fair young wife carried her account 'book to her husband in triumph. "'See," said she, "I have done what you a%ked." But a'"groan? of despair escaped escaped from the husband's lips when hfe read on one ipage, "Received^ and"* ion the 'bfcherV "Spent it." J. W. HAMMOND Esq. Scotland, OnT.- Aug. 25th. 1913 41 Fruit-a-tives" are the only pill manufactured, to my way of thinking. They work completely, no griping whatever," and one is plenty for any ordinary person at a dose. My wife was a martyr to Constip ition. We tried everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large sums of money until we happened on "Fruit- a-tives". I cannot say too much in their favor. We have used them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruit-a-tives". Their action is mild, and no distress at all. I have recommended them to many other people, and our whole family uses them". J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cured by ' ' F ruit- a-tives" are proud and happy to tell a sick or ailing friend about these won derful tablets made from fruit juices. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Stir Constantly. Mrs. New-bride came hurriedly into her huslband's study one morning. morning. "Herbert, dear," «she said, "this recipe for lemon pie says to sit on a hot stove and stir constantly. " "Well; Alice," replied the doting husband, "if you do sit "on a hot stove I think you will find that you will stir constantly." Several lively games for young folks have come ^ down with ever increasing popularity. since colonial days; Among them,""Going to Jerusalem,"; Jerusalem,"; are the best, known.- The first and thé last are action games, while the second is possibly -the most amusing. amusing. - ' v.' ■■ For "Going to Jerusalem" it is necessary necessary to clear the centre of the room, Then, in -reversed order, a line of chairs is arranged, there being one at tfiè piano start's a march and the players, players, forming in line, "nfarch round the chairs. Suddenly the music stops. Then there is a scramble among the players for a chair. Of course," after each chair is occupied one player will rèmain Unseated, and fall out of the game. When the music starts agàin, a - chair is removed and the marching ^recommences to end as before. Even uallÿ, two players will be left to match around a single chair and the one who is left standing when the music ceases for the last time, is sent to Jerusalem. In other word's, if forfeits have been decided upon, the luckless player must pay it. Gossip, unlike the last game does not require any running around. In fact, absolutely quiet is almost essential essential to its success. First, the players seat themselves on the floor in a circle. Then one of them leans over and whispers something into the ear of the player on the left. In turn this player whispers it to the next, adding something something to what fié was told. Eventually the story goes the rounds, the last player to receive it repeating aloud what he was told. This is then compared compared with the original statement, and of course the comparison creates lots of amusement. Spinning the platter is to ^ well known, to require description. Variations Variations are sometimes introduced where several platters are to be kept spinning spinning at the same time. This requires a great deal of agility on the part of the players and is often attended by many groteque tumbles. Spotting is another game played with plates. In this case the bottom of a plate or saucer is socted by being being held for a second over a gas jet or in a candle flame. Then each of the players is given a plate, the spotted plate being among them. Some one is selected to set the example, and at the command, "Do as I do," each of the players draws his fingers across the bottom of his plate and proceeds to pass it over his face as was done by the director. • t 1 Jor Infants ami Children. Kind You Hove Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-' ness ahd RestiCoiitains neither Opiuni.Morpliine nor Mineral J Not Narcotic. Hecipe of Old DitSWtdUIZPIIQMi Pumpkin Seed ~ AlxSeimu. + Bod; elle Sdts- AnistrSccd + Worm Seed- Clariliid Sugar • with SmlttjireenFlarar. Apeffect Remedy forConstipa- lion. SourStomach,Diarrhoca, Worms.Convulsi.ons.Fcverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sisnatureof TkE Centaur Company. MONTREAL&NEAY YORK Thirty Years "Are you the same man who -ate last week?" "No, my mince pie mum. I'll never be the same man again !' Winter Term Opens On Januâtÿ 4th Strike for a Better Position by taking a course in the Popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. This school stands head and shoulders above the ordinary business colleges and when thoroughness of training is considered, considered, ranks among the best on the continent. continent. Handsome Catalogue sent on request. Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal Exact Copy of Wrapper CENTAUR ('ll) IA Lord Chief Justice Clerk Brax- field was a man of few words and of strong business habits, and consequently, when he courted his second wife, he said to her : "Lizzie, "Lizzie, I'm looking for a wife, and I thought you just the person to suit me. Let me have your answer on or off to-morrow, and nae mair a-boot it." The lady next day replied replied in the affirmative. Short 1 y after the marriage, Lord Brax- field's -butler came to him to give up his situation because he could not bear her ladyship's continual scolding. "Man," Braxfield exclaimed, exclaimed, "ye've little to complain of"; ye may be thankfu' ye're no married to her." fo: "Have you an opening here me?" asked the assertive man. "Yes," answered the capitalist. capitalist. "It's right behind." !| r^ere isn't a'mémtier of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at nigh^and you're RIGHT in the morning. All irnegists, 25c, or lay mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 1 ^ pv \ a 7$ Bg m sPtài 16 What Shall I Give At Christmastide ? GRAND TRUNK r s a y's l t w e a m y CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES TOLD IN A SIMPLE WAY FARE and ONE-THIRD D;c. 22-23-24-2:5, good for retnrn until Die- 28; also Dec. 30 and 31 1914, and J in. 1.1913, valid for return until Jan. 4, 1915. SINGLE FARE Dec. 24-25, gobd for return until Dec. 26; » Iso Dec. 31, 1914, and Jan. 1, 1915, valid for return until Jan. 2, 1915,. Above reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N".Y. Tickets sold at reduced tares from Bowmanville Bowmanville to Toronto, Montreal or intermediate stations stations on main line, or from above station to Parkdale or Sunnyside, will not be valid f passage on trains Nos. 1 and 14. Tickets now on sale at G. T. R. ticket offices. No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. Wo will gladly deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 51 Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves, lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity. Give Ear to tbc.se who cry, for crumbs--and heap their homely larders high, for lo ! the Joyous Season's here -- and Christmas comes ! Give Hands to those who need a guide, nor. east a thought of* race or creed, since Brotherhood is -all worth while at Christmastide. Give steps t-o those who cannot plod on their own errands to and fro above the erisp December sod, as others go. Give Thought to what- you can do to cheer the heart PROMPTLYSECURED! In, all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISEE,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Mentreat Cook's Cotton Root Compound. best and A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, 33; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TO10NT0. 0NT. (Fenaerly Wiadsor.) - l soothe the mind and make the world seem good and kind to those less low. smiles It is a new way. It is something abso lutely different.. No lotions, sprays or sickly ltilmer smelling salves or creams. No atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind. Nothing, to smoke or inhale.. No steaming or rubbing or injections. No electricity or vibration or massage. No powder; no plasters; no keeping keeping in the house. Nothing of that kind at w h i e 1 1 'ou- which OWE" WHITE STAR DOMINION LINE rfsvfe} ,>•***, tei' mm mums FROM PORTLAND & HALIFAX LIVERPOOL Twin-Screw From Portland - Halifax S.S. Zeeland, i2,oiaT. Jan. 6 Jan. 7 S.S. Vaderland, 12,018 T. Jan. 16 Jan. 17 S.S. Zeeland, 12,01s T. Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Apply local agents for full particulars, or . Company's Office, 118 Notre Dame W. t Montreal all. Something new and different, some- tiling delightful and healthful, something Instantly successful. You do not have to OVER 66 YEARS 3 EXPERIENCE tell you how--FREE, and this is not a so-called doctor's prescription--but prescription--but I am cured and my friends are cured, and you can. be cured. Your suffering suffering will stop at once like magic. •MJ ifl ATENTS f Am Freé-- You Can Be free i filthy and loathsome. It j my mind. It undermined my fining my will. hawking. TÜAoÊfHfÂRes My catarrh was made me ill. It^ûUh aasss 4SS '«5385 g HfS«f MST ONE CEBIT 'agency tor securing patenta. - îSr ?aiy?gtfc Æ:So "" Hree.*| BaofetofvUhoufcfl A handsomely Illustrated weakly. Largest clr- of any scientific joarnai. Terms for VU.-7 LLk L 1 name Dm/Bam Ksts: «SdSmy^uï yoo vita f or tun ate than yo u. Give Smiles to all whose weary load brings gloom and pain and gray despair, and bends them •o'er life's ©teep road ; for with them are rare. Give Knowledge to the dull, untaught, untaught, for some there are who do not know with what our Ohristnms- tide is fraught ; and speak of Him, the manger-born, beneath the Eastern Eastern Star's pale glow. Give Courage to the fearing hand that needs thé clasp of friendly hand and cheering smile and all good-will ; give courage, then, to such as they this day. Give Heed to others and their | need. They know, they feel, they j have desire ; nor is it what you j think is best, but rather what they i most- require that you should give- i and do and say on Christmas Day. j ■ Give Laughter--not the scornful i sort, but laughter that abounds ' with happy, wholesome, merry sounds a.nd so infectious as to bring a like retort. Give Heart---the heart that beats ! for all upon this day ; the heart that greets the lowly and the high ; the heart that grows with sympathy and knows but love for those who pass you by. Give Joy to all--it may be bread for one, or just a smile, or yet a simple toy, or words of praise or even . gold--but give them all and •you will give but Joy. Give Praise to Him, that you have many things--good -, friends, a home and health--and life's long span. djive Praise to Him • fo-r ^a-11 ; these ithings,' and, best of all, the Brotherhood Brotherhood of Man ! t And giving these, you will have given more, by far, than prince or potentate of >rnodeiinX, You will have given I hat gold, nor favor, nor fear can You will have given that He was ever giving to the and the poor, comfort and strength and hope and rest and courage and faith--for' of these things are the Perfect Christmas Gifts made. we sna: Discouraging Outlook. "Do you believe that ever have universal peace 1 'I'm afraid not. Of course the nations may cease, warring against each other ; but men and women will probably keep right on get-ring married. ' * CARTERS SAM KATZ, Room ASMS MX Mutual St, Toronto, 0»L Sick Headache and relievo all the troubles incident incident to a bilious state of the system, auch as 'Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Tain in the Side. &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing SICK Headache, ,yet Cartee'e Lit tie IJyer PMf arQ equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they ilso correct all disorders of i liestomach.sthnulato the liver and regulate the bowels. Even, they only cured MEAD Ache they would bo almost priceless to those who Buffer from this distressing complfttnt; butfwrtu- nwtelv tholr goodneeadocs np.t end here.an d those " who once try them will iinduieàé Itttlo pills valu- Able In bo many ways that ihoy will not bo 3^11- ang to do without them. But aftor all flick r You 'Will have given better things than stocks and bonds or lands or sdiadecâftrr-, .• ■ -, . n *Yoti'i will have given that which neither ponnp nor power nor highest I influence can commander ire ia where Oiÿ ÿill|pure it while iBthebtpeofj 3wsasr...^- - Carter's Little Liver Pills are very «mall had very easy to take. One or two pills make a i -- --ldd They are strictly vegetable and do not gri$ cmn misas sa, nv toxz. M KB. W Boa. M b®. •> •'■li '■ '• Vv--,

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