Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1914, p. 2

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•• -"-'-V; •y >;•** v mm . S*»; \ 'K^V ;a>f X7" JL. E. McLATTGHLIN. l! NOTES AND CO.WH5NT5 BrvTtietFr. Solicitor and Coa^rtyanM*. Oecs:--Bleaklev Block. Klag BowuuavUU. lâoeoy *o loa* at r*** 0 *' mkle ratas. 4B-V»' BANK OF B.J.FazIewood» BOIT H AS VILLE. . OÇT. v OLD MEDALIST of ^rlnity^o.T iyerBity, Toronto*, T onr ^aMfÏÏpttoî G Fhy Biclan ana burgeon at Fittebnrg, Kf. 06 < e and Hetidenee Welli"KW» i 1 il iKr. JOA. Rt. Tel GOODMAN & GALBRAITH BarriatcM Solicitors. Notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario is : Incorporated by o4ct of parliament W. H. ALEXANDER, V- S. Bonorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collège. Collège. Diseases of all domestic animals treated l j latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- nr: anvil] e. Phone 193. 30-ly r L0SC0MBÉ & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loscomte, K.C, E.S.Se Hitler, B.A. Money to Loan. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. Capital -- $16,000,000 Rest -- -- $16,000,000 Undiv. Profits 1,046,217.80 Savings Department Head Office, Montreal. J, A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. Not many months ago the,finance ministers of Europe, were, the}- •admitted, ab t^iejr wits' /end. toy' : tç find new sources of reyen.ue for const-motive and reformatory. purposes. purposes. When the British medial profession struck against the social insurance act, because 'the compensation compensation offered the doctors for their services thereunder was deemed too low, Lloyd-George earnestly protested protested that he could not possibly raise another million or so to pay the doctors more. In Germany complaints were heard that the industrial industrial insurance and compensation compensation laws were costing the empire too much.,money. and that industry couldn't stand the growing burden. In France proposed and promised reforms were postponed because the taxing authorities positively didn't know what else to assess. Social and Personal Who is our oldest citizen? Goldfish are gro * n in jap^n. Who is our wealthiest .citizen ? Who will be Warden for I9 r 5 Town elections are coming near. Don't let children play with matches. TTT» l 1 * J * __ "n .A M ■*!! 1 a 1 rrac THE Established 1873 Ti . DR, T, C, DEVITT, DENTIST. Giadcatb of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OIFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, tjnst olf King St.) OFFICE BOUES: 9a.m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. House Phonk 90b Fbone 90a TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken în-dav Farms for Sale or Rent Are you looking for a farm '• It makes no differenc how large or how small, I have probably just what you are looking for. Farms suitable for mixed farm- fruif farms, market gar denote. denote. Now is the time to buy. mg, ing, A POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER We have a sound business proposition for a reliable energetic salesman for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs, etc,. Pay weekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation. We sel' through ou: ■ ibs- meu direct to the consumer and gu» '<in- tee delivery of fresh, high grade tiees. Onr agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business dc^3. Established 35 years. Write . Pelham Nursery Co.. Toronto. P. S. Handsome catalogue on request, either to applicant or those wishing Nursery stock. 37*22 Insurance Information Are you interested in Insurance ? Do you want information about insurance ? I will gladly answer answer any questions about insurance insurance that you wish to know. Don't hesitate to call and see me. Harry Cann Insurance and Real Estate Think now of these things in the light of thé war loans and war credits credits voted by the parliaments of Europe ! The German reichstag, with but one negative vote, has sanctioned new wa-r loans to the amount of $1,250,000,000, and this money will be needed in the spring, if not earlier. The British parliament parliament voted a like sum the other day. The countries at war, with the exception of the little, fellows who are being financed by the big brothers, brothers, are all emphatically "thinking "thinking imperially," thinking not in millions but in billions, and bhink- j ing of these for destructive pur poses only. The London Statist,. in a stoical if not cheerful editorial, tells the British that the war is costing costing them a billion and a half P- r annum, and that they will have to pay indefinitely interest on a new war debt of about $5,000,000,000. It thinks, however, that the money can be raised without much dL- 7 on fairly moderate terms cent. © © © AN © © © '© I © © © © © © © I © A A © © © & © © © A & © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © Why Do Estimates Differ ? You have no doubt, asked' vourself this question ! The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Each contractor wiU quote on HIS quality, and as no one is going to do business business at a loss, the only conclusion conclusion is, that a LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not notice this difference- AT FIRST, for most of the work is concealed. But in a short time faults will appear, and the necessary repairs will more than: equal the difference difference between the. QUALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. My aim is to make known that my price is always for -the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMANSHIP. WORKMANSHIP. K. 0. Whyte Electrician. - orders may be left at W. H. Dnstans 9 9 9 9 w 9 9 9 9 Wood's The Greet*. English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency Despondency Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart Failing Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5 ' One will please, six will dure. Sold by all druggists or mailed m P^Pk^ on receipt of price New pamphlet mailed free.THE WOOD MEDICINE COf,TORONTO, ONT. (Fweeriy Wliiser.) ffculty 5 per sav SPECIALS for XMAS 4' cl ' 02 9 9 >S> 9 9 ^1 9 ÿÿj 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Tweed and Worsted Suits at $17*50 each. ^ doz. Tweed and Worsted Suits at $19.50 each. £ doz. pair Trousers, at $3.00 and $3.50* -V doz. pair Trousers, at $5.00 and $6 00 These are a few specials for this we ok only. All garments tailored to your individual measurements. measurements. Also an unlimited number of Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds, Chinchillas, Chinchillas, Cheviots, Llamas, etc., in plain, stripe and patterns. Goods of some the best houses in Great Britain are represented in this stock. Leave your Christmas Order EARLY m fur- a-nd diagonal of horseV block. Well, perhaps it can. But these •staggering totals are not like]} to •be dropped from the sk\ . Ho ers may become investors to a certain certain extent, but the greater part'of the money must- be diverted industry, enterprise, commerce, and •constructive social reform. The wealth and capital burned, wasted destroyed, cannot be used ther production, in extension improvements. The loss' is irreparable. irreparable. The loss is a world loss. Every nation is suffering and will continue to suffer from it. And the infinite pity of it is that the tre- j mendous and almost inconceivable | losses in life, health, vigor, and treasure are entailed not- by a war for principles, for human rights, for progress, for essential interests but by a war which even Dr. Dern- burg, the exponent of the German view, describes as 4 'unnecessary, stupid and uncalled for." Must such a war really go on for years . Is there no chance for the stall small voice of sanity and common sense Europe 1 SHAWS Results of Xmas exams, average %. XV--M. Galbraith 67; L. Cryderman 60; Sr III-- Ë. Weatherilt 68, L. Clemence 6l; Jr III--H. Joness 79, M. Jewell 73. A. Bates 42; Sr II-E. Lane 71, H. Parkinson C7- Jr II--M. Joness 65, H.Cryderman 51, G. Weatherilt 59; Sr Pt II--R. Lane 86, M. Clemence 76,1. Gilbank 67; Jr Pt II Ruby Lane 69; Sr I--G. Ashton 68, E. Gilmore 67, F. Ashton 64; Baby^Class- B. Gilbank 78, M. Joness 75, F. Robinson Sara A. Moïse, teacher. Who has lived in Bowmanville longest ? Children should be taught fire precaution. precaution. . Mr. Peter Murdoch is ness man. Buy made-in-Canada goods as far as you can in 1915. Read advertisements of Bowmanville's wide-awake merchants. Bowmanville merchants have done a splendid Christmas trade. Simcoe countv has abolished school promotion examinations. Erection of, a public hospital for Brace- bridge is under discssson. Mr. Robert Jaffrav's death causes the 8th vacancy in the Senate. Overheated and defective pipes cause a large percentage of fires. Christmas spirit has -bçen all round us this week--great crowds in town. A .united citizenship for industrial and commercial development in town: Gasoline is more dangerous than powder and more explosive than gun-cotton Schools in Mr. Albert Odell's inspectorate inspectorate have given $1200 for patriotic purposes Pleased to see Mr. T. C. Jewell out again after his serious siege of typhoid fever. Electric irons left with _ current on are responsible for many fires and some shocks. There may be other cures, but Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure stands at the head of the list so far as results are concerned. A farmer writes: The remainder of my life will be given to building up my home town that by dealing with mail order houses I have helped to-pull down. A point about our clothing is that we do not make enough difference between warm and cold weather. As a rule, we are over-clad in summer and under-clad in winter. Are you reading the advertising of the merchants who desire you to shop with them? Those who invite you through this paper to come to . their stores are those who want your business. Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves W01 m Exterminator is acceptable to children, aiid it does its work "Surely and promptly. An apostrophe to the value of the hen is attributed by an exchange to a philosophical philosophical colored man. He said : "Chickens, suh.is the usefulest animal they is. You c'n eat 'em 'fo' they's bo'n, an' aftah they s daid !" The William Lang farm 50 acres, one- half mile west of the town line, Darlington, Darlington, was recently bought by a Toronto man, a dealer in fertilizer, who has also bought sixteen acres from Mr. George A. Stephens. A Remedy for Earache.--To lur\e the earache is to endure torture. The 'ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, considering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' EcLctric Oil offers a simple remedy. A few drops upon a piece of liut or mendicated cotton and place it in the ear will work wonders in relieving pain. There was need of changing date of municipal elections, but when change was being made elections ought to have been fixed for first week in December instead of first week in January. A municipal campaign in Christmas holiday week is a nuisance. A grant of $1200 has been made by Ontario Ontario County Council to the Children s Shelter at Oshawa, the amount to be repaid repaid annually. Members of Council re- I cently visited the Shelter and were great- j ]y pleased with the efforts to protect neglected children. Help for Asthma. Neglect gives asthma a great advantage. The trouble,, once it has secured" a foothold, fastens its grip ou the bronchial passages tenaciously. tenaciously. Dr. J. D. Killogg's Asthma Remedy Wellington No, 19, Sons of England, oft ficérS elected to fillljhe various offices for 1915 are: W. President--M. J. Smith; V. Président -- R W. Holmes; Chaplain--T. C. Cartwright; Secretary--W. J. Berry; Treasurer-- Jas. Elliott; Committeemen-- F. L. Lucas, H/C. Petty,_ Hy. Lacéÿ jr, A. Ginger, A, Garper; Outside Guard-- T. H. Heighten; Inside Guard--W. W.Boddam; Auditors-- W. H. Thickson.- T. A.Nind, D. Grigg; Trustees--Jos. Jeffery. L. _Mor- our oldest busi- ris, R. Moyse; Room Com.- R--Jarvis, A. M. Hardy, T. H. Heighten; Physician-- A. S. Tilley, M. D.. Janitor-- T. H. Heighten. Heighten. Miller's Worm Powders not only exterminate exterminate intestinal and other worms, but they are a remedy for many other ailments of children. They strengthen the young stomach against biliousness and are tonical in their . effects where tiie child suffers from loss of appetite. Xu, feverish conditions they will be found useful and they will.serve to allay pain and griping in the stomach, from which children so often suffer. ©F ©AMJUtt* k r* ECURITY for both principal and O interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. .Judged by d^ standards, a deposit m the savings department of tins Bank is an ideal form of investment «jr TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. If' Newcastle, Oroao, T THE EDITOR TALKS The following extract from a letter written by Miss Amy Allin, Lacombe, Alta., formerly of this town, to her cousin, Mrs. W. W. Down, Kingston Road East, will be of much interest to all fruit growers growers and especially to fruit packers of this part of Ontario. She says: "Our grocer has some Northern Spies put up in barrels barrels by a Hamilton firm marked No. I. They are green and rotten, a perfect disgrace disgrace to the name of. an Onfario apple. The clerk is a Pickering boy, hence knows what a good Ontario apple is, and savs it looks as tho the East, thinks any old thing will do for the West. There are too many Easterners here to be fooled. If British Columbia cannot grow as good fruit as Ontario they do send goods according according to label and wrapped, in paper like oranges and packed in boxes--not in barrels filled with fruit fit only for pigs." We withhold name of the firm. ROYAL M4IL STEAMSHIPS To J-iverpool - Glasgow - Londoo To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the plca»«U«t >memone* of your trip atyoad. Large. comfor.able ers, replete with every convenience and luxury die beautiful sail down the sheltered water, of court», , tho ship, attendant, ore not 1 2 For ntet.tmug ■booklets apply to locel a * en " I M. JAMES, . Unpleasant Ambiguity. He--Thev asked me to their rebut rebut it wasn't because they was only because I can Ky»g St., West, Toropto. Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. Didn't Apply. N ception, 1 like me ; it She -- Oh, taken. •'I believe in the motto, put'off till.to-morrow what you do to-day." " •Pay me that §5 then % ••The rule doesn't apply something I can t do. tnat s In a well written article by W. J. Knox on "The Public School as a Factor in Religious Education" he says "we must secure at whatever cost the fu. lest development development of the essentially religious element in our youth (i) bv religious exercises, (2) by biblical instruction, (3) by instructions in morals and (4) by co-operation with other agencies--the home, the school, the church and the community." At present very little attention is given to formal instructions instructions in ethics or morals. To the school teacher rightly inclined much might be done with lessons in school readers. Ontario readers include a number number of Æ sop's fables and other stories illustrating noble moral principles and the Golden Rule Series of books are authorized authorized for'instructing children in morals. By judicious use of history aud biography appealing to all that is best in the youth and stimulating him to noble action many valuable lessons may be taught. In addition addition to informing the mind regarding ethical principles there must be the habitual habitual working of these principles into daily conduct under the conscious and more effective unconscious influence of those around him. A moral education of real value is secured chiefly by the quiet inspiration inspiration of a noble life and the definite control of the boy's action by parents and teachers. I ss. n State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas County, \ Frank J. Cheney makes bath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of ToLdo, County and State afon said, and that said firm will pay the sum o ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aUC every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of HALL S CATARRF CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6LI1 day of December, A/D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally is daily curing cases of asthma of long Ua"actsTdirectly upon the blood aud Etnndiug. Years of suffering, however ?he system Send might have been prevented had i testimonials, free. Æ- «îWS 1 V .T CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, O "His Master's mark when buying your Vidtor-Vic- trola and Vidtor Records this Christmas. It is on every genuine VictorV icftrola and every Victor Record and in the windows of every shop where genuine Vidtrolas and Victor Records are sold. It is your guarantee of quality. mas, but use this preparation at once. j Sold hy all Druggists 75c. - Country users of telephones should Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation, know that the law is, that any person found interrupting the service on any telephone telephone line, or taking down receivers during during a conversation held by another _ party will, upon conviction before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceeding $25 .00. of no two. nothing, the 74. A Young Logician. Sunday School Teacher -- Wil liam, what mijst we do before can expect forgiveness of sms William--Sin. we LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut^ Stove and pea. sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery "A kiss is a peculiar proposition, use to one, yet absolately bliss to The small boy gets it for To a woman young man has to steal it, and the old man has to buy it; the babyfs right, the lover s privilege, . the hypocrite s. mask young girl faith, to a married hope, and to an old maid charity. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic Through lack of consideration body's needs many persons of the allow 4is- aràtns to eu- orders of th^ digestive appi dure until they become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering, _ lo these a course of Rarmelee s Vegetable may bring sicknéss, doctors bills and Pills is recommended as _ a sure speedÿ way to regain healih. pills a^e specially componded to combat dyspepsia and the many ills, that follow in it train, abd they are successful always, always, At iàst meeting of Durham Bovs Asso- ! dation, Mr. Thomas Yellowle t es^for 16 ELECT ORANGE OFFICERS At the regular meeting of L.O.L, No. 2384, on Friday Dec. nth, these officers for 1915 were duly installed: Worshipful Master--Wm. H. Yeo, (third term); Deputy Deputy Master--John Palmer; Chaplain--John Torrens; Rec. Secretary--James Nokes, 3rd term; Financial Secretary--Wm. Robinson; Robinson; Treasurer--Wm. J. Dunn; Dir. of Ceremonies--Elmer J- Dickinson; Ist Lecturer-Thos. Hayes; 2nd do-Jm. Hayes; Committee men--Wm. Cole, Geo. Kempthorn, Ernest Freeman, Percy Kel- man, and Geo. Weeks. This address explains a very pleasing incident by which a worthy Orangeman was fittingly honored: Mr. llobt. Agnew: Dear Sir and Broth- andl M 1 I pr-- These : er--We beg to'take this opportunity of lnese express , ng to you our appreciation ot the loss of work- you know that serious years jsecretarv of tfié association, was.pre- s^ness usually starts with a cold, and Rented with khahdsome «Iver tea1 service. à. cold exists. only exists where Remember that. -weakness An illustrated lecture,. "In tfie Trail uf the Destroyer," was given j by Prof. John Squair, in which he tracwUfhe course of w. >^a; Office et Hol^W» Bvaporâtor, Cormr Division Qoeen-ete., opposite High School. Phone II I. and ...vpaot Overcome the weakness and nature the German _arny »nd cures the cold-.hat'is the law of reason. Carefully avoid:drugged pills, | ^ j ames l, Hughes.--Toronto World. syrups,or stimulants; they are only 1 p r iday evening a Iargeând appreciative prop5 and braces %nd whips. ! audience filled Mass«wvHalb Albert^CoJ- Uisiii pure medicinal nourishment lege.lcUeyille. in -Scott's Emulsion that quickly en- cSStjn riches the blood, strengthens the lungs of " ' t h<^ musical,, expression ànd Helps héal die air passages. . ! ^ Sysical culfure 5 ^P«qneng. T»® Xdd mark this well--Scott's Enuil- muchnraise cann^He given toMiss jMsie siefe^nerates bo^heat ^ fSf^inst winter sickness* Get Scotts - iP. --•---- ik© enr valued services you have rendered to our lodge during your stay in Bowmanville, as a great portion of the recent success of this lodge is due to the interest you have taken in it. You have been instrumental in organizing our Lecture Class which is truly a great benefit to the lodge and to ourselyes personally. You have also been the means of procuring members and assisting assisting in ways too numerous to mention. Wè ask you now to accept this cane, not bnly as an expression of our appreciation of services rendered, but particularly m a small measure to show with what pleasure pleasure we enjoyed your ^genial ; presence amongst us. We can assure you that you have won a> warm sppt in the he^t s each anti every one of us, and withthe citizens of the town in general. While we know that yopF occupation does not per- mit you to. remain witfi us, yet we regret Bwmaawlfe 4 Purple Guards, L.Q.L., No. |S.H. Yeo, W.M.; E. Ç. Sutton, D.M.; Jas. Nokes, Rec. Sec. Vidtrola IV With 15 ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records $33.50 Other Victrolas from $32.50 to, $300 (on easy payments, if desired), and ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records at 90c for the two selections at any "His Master s Voice dealer m any town or city in Canada. Write for free cbpy of our 350-page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 5000 Vidtor Records. Ask to hear Your Kîiâg and Country Want You, the famous Bnt-sh Recruiting Song on Victor Record No. 1 7495, price 90c. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. LIMITED Lenoir Street, Montreal Vuftpr Records--Made in Canada Patronize Home Products DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Sold in Bowmanville by JIRÏ & LOVELL, LE> 1 MO UK IS & SON,

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