tc£ m îff •a \ 5f: Made In Canada Reliability Efficiency Purity of Ingredients You Can Help the Canadian Canadian Patriotic Work of Relief And It Will NOt Cost You à Cent HOW? Simply by Purchasing Rexall Toilet and Medicinal Goods and < ther Rexall Products at the Rexall Stores Over 400 Rexall Stores--the Best Drug Stores in Canada--are contributing contributing FIVE PER CENT, of all the Rexall Goods they purchase from October October 15 to December 31, to the Canadian Canadian Patriotic Fund. Therefore, every time you spend a quarter or half dollar for a Rexall product you are helping to swell this Fund, and besides, besides, you are helping keep Canadian work people employed --two most worthy objects at the present time. List of Rexall products, the purchase of which will materially assist in rais : ing a big fund for the Humane Work of the Canadian Patriotic Organization, Organization, free at any store. All Rexall Products are being sold at the same price as they were before the war. "The United Drug Company and The Rexall Store selling these preparations guarantee them to give, satisfaction. If it does not go back to the store where you bought it and get^our money; it belongs to yvu and we want you to have it.' A Monument to Canadian Industry Note the Foundation Stone Every Rexall product is sold with this positive and liberal guarantee guarantee printed on it. The rapid growth of this Company in both England and Canada is due to the satisfactory results produced. No remedy could be offered with this broad guarantee if the best that skill and money could produce were not represented in the products sold. A Special Offer Fish Globe and Gold Fish FREE Easily cared for ! The delight of children ! We have imported a very choice lot of lively, attractive and beautiful beautiful Gold Fish. While, they last we will give 2 Gold Fish and a nice Fish Globe absolutely Free to everyone purchasing Rexall Goods to the value of 60c or over. We want everyone to know for themselves how much better Rexall Remedies are than the average remedies on the market, and this week we make the above exceptional offer. DO NOT PUT IT OFF--OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED. Call personally; phone us; write us or send in by a neighbor; any way to get your order in early. We do not want to disappoint anyone and mail and phone orders will be carefully looked after. Partial List of Remedies (Over 300 Remedies in the entire list) Arnica Salve 25c Armcated Witch Hazel 25c Baby Cough Syrup 25c Baby Laxative 2 5 c Bamboo Brier Blood Builder $1.00 Bedwetting Remedy 25c Beef, Wine and Iron - 75c Bronchial Tablets I0C Bunion Ease - 2 5 c Carbolic Salve 25c Castor Oil (Aromatic) 25c Catarrh Tablets 50 e Catarrh Jelly 25c Celery and Iron Tonic 75 c Charcoal Tablets (66) 25c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 25c Corn Salve IOc Com Solvent 25c. Earache Remedy. -25c BOWM AN VILLE, NOV. 19, 1914 Eye Wash 25c Fruit Laxative 25c Grippe Pills. 25c Headache Wafers 25c Health Salts 25c Internal Pile Remedy 50c Kidney Pills 5°c Little Liver Pills ■ • • 25c Neuralgia Tablets 2 5 c Pile Ointment * -35 c Rheumatic Remedy 5oc-$l.00 Rubbing Oil ..... ....... 25C-50C Sarsaparilla Tonic, $1.00 Seidlitz Powders 25c Syrup White Pine and Tar.. • • .25c Toothache Stopper I0C White Liniment • 25c Wine of Cod Liver Extract.. $1.00 Worm Syrup 25c WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY The Gold Fish and Globe will be given to every person buy- ing spectacles this week. Jury The Sate, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians Rd. Snowden is paying 32c for eggs. Mr. H. H. Todgham, Toronto, was in town Thursday. Mr. Lewis Irwin recently visited relatives relatives at Little Britain. Miss Young spent Monday in Co bourg with Mrs. Henderson. Miss Frances E. Conley spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Misses Lillian and Jennie McLean are visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Vera Jackson, Kendal, is attending Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trebilcock, Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday at his father's. Miss Ina Tod, Oshawa, was guest of her uncle, Mr. Thos. Tod, over Sunday. Editor and Mrs. M. A. James are visiting visiting their daughters in New York City. Miss Mabel C. Cox, Sutton West, spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. Chris. Cox. Mrs. Jane Miller, Orono, recently visited visited her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Doncaster. Misses Alma Pollard and Lena Horn have been visiting relatives in Toronto. Read Chas. M. Bice's article on Female Suffrage and Prohibition on inside pages 32c is a pretty good price for eggs That's what Rd. Snowden is paying this week. Mrs. Davis and Mr. Stanley Davis, Pickering, recently visited friends in this vicinity. Rain fell heavily all day Sunday and the attendance at the church services was very small. Mr. J. C. Burns, Cannington, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. Burns returned with him. Column of church notes, West Durham Boys and other interesting articles on inside inside pages. Mr. C. C. Washington, Alsask, Alta., has returned hpme after two years' absence in the West. Let us explain to you how your fuel bill is lessened by using a Supreme Range. Mason & Dale. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker celebrated the 45th anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday, Noy. 17. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellman attended the Ontario Horticultural Society meeting meeting in Toronto last week. John A. Bell, formerly a prominent Newcastle merchant, died at his daughter's home, Chicago, 111., Nov. 12. Rev. Canon Walsh, Brampton, recently recently yisited his sister, Mrs. Ed. Cobbledick, and Mrs. D. F. Walsh, Orono. . Miss Winifred M. Bragg and Miss Ruby Jackman visited the latter's sister, Mrs Hubert Jennings, Oshawa, Thursday. Mr. Hubert Higginbotham, Newcastle, and Miss Brita Higginbotham, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent Sunday at Lome Villa. Miss Nora Werry, Solina, was elected Grand Conductor of the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, which met in Toron to last week. Schofield Woollen Mills, Oshawa, are now working days, nights and Sundays to keep up with the orders for the Govern- ; ment contracts. I Mr. Elmer Beckel of the Goodyear office office staff, has been transferred to their branch in Hamilton. Our best wishes follow him to his new home. Mrs. M. A. Heren, Miss Margaret and Master Wallace Heren, Oshawa, and Miss L. M. Washington, Bethany, are visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. Washington. Mrs. Fred G. Loscombe sustained a bad accident Friday morning when she slipped on the freshly fallen snow and broke both bones of her right leg above the ankle. Major-General Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, was presentëd with an illuminated illuminated adress by the Home Guards on his visit to Lindsay, bis home town last week. Durham and Northumberland apples will be sent to the Pan-American Exhibition, Exhibition, which opens in San Francisco, February February 1915. The intention is to ship about 2000 boxes. The many friends of Mrs. John Wight, Providence, who is in Bowmanville Hos pital suffering from a broken thigh, wil be pleased to learn she is doing as well as can be expected. 2 dozen sweet Valencia oranges at Rd. Snowden's for 35c. Mrs. F. A. Hoar, Barriè, attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Della Osborne and Mr. Milton J. Elliott, Wednesday, and is now visiting her mother, Mrs. John Osborne and other relatives here. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Allen, Church-st., will be pleased to hear she is recovering nicely from the severe injuries received in falling downstairs a few weeks ago, and is now able to receive receive callers. We congratulate Dr. Howard C. Run- dle, Brighton, on his winnings at the East York Poultry Exhibition, on obtaining 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for pullet; 3rd cockerel and 4th hen, all White Wyandottes. His birds competed against those of the Russell Russell Poultry Farm, conducted by one of the wealthiest poultrymen. Royal Templars of Temperance are having a measure of success with their work of organization. At their meeting held on Wednesday evening 7 new members members were enrolled, Mr. E. Skitch pogating the work and a large list of names have been secured for the meeting Wednesday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sharp, "Castle Brae Farm" Burketon Junction, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Jean Hay Dunbar, to Mr. Stanley Way Kent, only son of Mrs. Martha J. Kent, Paris, and grandson of the late Major John Westbrook and Elizabeth Sage of Stoney Creek, Ont. The marriage marriage to take place in Toronto about the middL^f December. Wei ■ ct attention of our readers to the ad W* 'Temple of Fame" to be given by Simcoe-st, Methodist Sunday School, Oshawa, on Tuesday, Nov. 24 und Thursday Thursday Nov. 26. Our citizens who remember when this play was given here in 1904 wil be interested in seeing it again. You will be richly repaid for attending. Secure your seat for one of the evenings from the pastor, Rev. B. Greatrix or S. J. Courtice, Superintendent, or any of the officers. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call special attention to their fine stock of black and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A 18c dozen for oranges at Snowden's. Dressmaking and plain sewing wanted. See advt. They who make the best use of their time have none to spare. Don't delay any longer. Buy a Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale.. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf You'll have to hurry if you're going to use Certain-teed on that roof. Mason 8k Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nichols, Wesley- ville, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Mr. Walter D. Burden, Oshawa, District District Agent tor Canada. Life Assurance Co., was in town Wednesday. The biggest bargains yet in men's and boys' warm and stylish overcoats at The Anderson Clothing Co's. 10 days' sale. , We are pleased to see by the letter we publish this week that Colorado has gone "dry". Truly the United States with its mixed nationalities is showing a worthy example to the world by combining to banish intoxicating liquors from the re public. And all honor to the good women women of Uncle Samis domain for the helpful helpful part they have taken in freeing that country from the licènsed saloon and promoting promoting total prohibition. May the good work continue till every State in the Union is a prohibition state. Furs in sable, natural and black wolfe, Persian lamb, mink marmot, dyed coon, black Russian dog, blue wolf, etc.' All new and special value at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Wednesday evening Nov. 11, about 6 o'clock while Mrs. Norman Sanders, Kingston Road, east of Oshawa, was up in the hay loft of their barn, with a lann- tern, it exploded, and set fire to the building. building. In trying to escape from the flames and reach the groun 1 she was considerably considerably bruised. The neighbors quickly gathered but the fire spread rapidly. A horse and double rig were saved. The barn, which was totally destroyed, contained contained a few loads of feed. Some insur ance. Mr. Sanders is a son of Mr. John Sanders, Bowmanville. w /a s / .Ti'xLI 'lit? 'Mi, J iSi8|s$211 7^ Sacrifice Worth of Good; $15 Notices of BirtHs 26 cents; Marriages 50 cents ; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. When fnneral jards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Reid--In Clarke, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Reid, a son. MARRIAGES McLaughlin--Pinch--At the residence of the bride's parents, Division-st., Nov. 11, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Mr. William J. McLaughlin, Valley- field, Que., and Miss Ida Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pinch, Bowmanville. Elliott--Osborne--At the residence of the bride's mother, Ontario-st., Nov. 11, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Mr. Milton J. Elliott, and Miss Lydia AdeUa, youngest daughter of late John Osborne, Bowmanville. Scott--Trev in--At residence of the bride's father, Nov. 11th, by Rev. W. E. Honey, Mr. Herbert N. Scott, Tyrone, and Miss Florence Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. William Trewin, Enniskillen. Hallett--Hutson--At the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Copp, 83 Byron Ave., London, Sept. 9th, by Rev. W. H Harvey, B.A., Mr. W. J. Hallett, and Mies Rebecca Batson, Batson, both of Whitby. Forced $15,000 Men's and Boy's Clothing and Furnishings to be Sold Régardless of Profit. Your opportunity to buy This Season's Goods at less than Manufacturers' Prices. Everything must go.S'No reserve. reserve. Nothing held back. We have no old goods that we want to work off. Our Sales have always been suo cessful because we have always done exactly as we advertised and have always given our customers satisfaction» THE REASON FOR THIS SALE--We ordered our usual amount of Clothing and Furnishings for fall and winter long before the war was thought of. Since the war started business has dropped off one-half- The"goods were all delivered to us, but havo not been sold, but must be paid for by Dec. 1st. This Is How We Are Going Xo Do It ; 50 splendid tweed suits in greys, browns and mixtures, well lined and trimmed, extra value for $10, now. 7-65 40 men's and young men's suits, fancy and plain worsteds, the best value in Canada for $18, sacrificed at 13.95 30 suits, good strong tweed suits reg 7.50 and 6.50 quality for .4-85 Great Sacrifices in Men's Suits 76 men's and young men's suits, in pure wool British Serges ana Worsteds, Scotch and Irish Tweeds in very choice colorings, over a dozen models to select from ; blues, greys, browns, handsome checks and overchecks, fancys and plains, reg up to $15, sacrificed at... 11.95 49 choice 12.50 and 13.50 suits, browns, greys, blues, tweeds and worsteds, suits with the full vigor of youth in the wear, sacrificed at ... 8.95 $20 and $25 suits, bench-tailored bench-tailored and hand-tailored, with a year's shape-retaining guarantee, suits that take you away from the old prejudice of the big tailor prices, sacrificed at 15.90 DEATHS PERBMAN--At Brooklin, Oct. 14, Rachel Kerr, wife of late Thos. J. Pereman, in her 85th year. Penny--In Bowmanville, Not. 7. 1914. Norma Madeline, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Penny, aged 4 months 18 day*. Jones--In Hope township, 1 ' of typhlod fever, Nov. 16th, Ina Mary, youngest daughter of John and Mary Jones, aged 19 years. A Bunch of Snaps IN MEMORIAM CROSSBY--In loving memory of our dear Carrie' who entered into rest on Nov. 19,1912. Friends may think she is forgotten And how wounded hearts are ill But they little know the sorrow That my broken heart doth fill. Oh, darling in your happy home above I pray yen cannot see me suffering here. You do not need your mother's care and love But, oh, I need v on more than ever dear. Mother, Sisters and Brother. Snap No. 1 35 Youths' Long Pants Suits, splendid splendid tweeds, mostly greys, regular I sizes 33, 34, 35, regular $12.00 and 10.00, sacrificed for $2-95- Snap No. 2 Snap No. 3 25 Men's Spring and Fall Over- ? J Boys' Tweed Suits, reg. $4.00 coats, regular $12.00 and 10.00, sac- and $3.50, sizes 22 to 30, for... $1-98 rificed for $3.95 "Lest We Forget" E. R. B0ÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. Snap No. 4 20 doz. Men's Negligee Shirts, separate separate collar, soft cuffs, regular $1.50, sacrificed at 69c Snap No. 5 Snap No. 6 5 doz. Boys' Wool Coat Sweaters, Boys' Paramatta Raincoats, sizei; with or without collars, reg. $1.50, 26 to 32, guaranteed absolutely water- $1.25, sizes 24 to 32, all colors, sac- proof, regular, $5.00, sacrificed for rificed for 69c $2-95 We are heaviest in Overcoats. This is where we will make the Greatest Sacrifices FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night call» promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches ; ORONO HAMPTON H OUSE TO RENT--8 rooms with good stable on Church-st. Apply to R. R. Loscombe, Bowmanville. 46 2 D RESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING Wanted at home by Mrs. A. Lowe, 67 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 47 3* H OUSE TO RENT--Whole or part of a furnish- ed house, electric lighted, convenient loca- tion. Applyto Drawer B, Bowmanville.45t P IGS FOR SALE--Bunch of feeding pigs, also two sows in pig. Tam worth and Yorkshire. E. Jennings, Maple Grove, Bowmanville. P. O. 47 3* R ABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE--As good as ' new. Will be sold cheap. Address: Drawer B Bowmanville. or inquire at Statesman Office.' * 6t 30 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, browns, greys, mixtures. Soft, warm, comfortable cloths, with the full vigor of youth in wear, 8.00 and 9.00 Coats for 5.50 50 Solid Wear, Up-to-the- Minute Coats that were tailored to sell at 10.00 and 12.50. Come early 7.85 50 Overcoats; greys, oxford*, blues, browns and in Chinchilla*, Friezes, Whitneys, young mea's and men's. The best 12.50 to 14.50 Values in Canada for 9-95 25 Men's and Young Men's 20.00 and 22.50 Coats, all high-class tailoring, nifty short-fitted coats and Balma- caans for the particular young men, heavy driving and auto Ulsters, Raglans, Chesterfields, a magnificent array of quality and styles 14-55 100 Swagger Young Men's and Men's Overcoats i* Whitneys, Friezes, Chinchillas arid Brushs, handsome 15.00 to 18.50 coats; Connaught, Tipperary, Raglans, Raglans, Ulsters, etc 12 85 Sheep Lined Coats and Reefers Hats Underwear M UFF LOST--On the road north of Enniskillen Enniskillen about end of October a mink marmot muff. Finder please leave at F. W. Lee'r store, Enniskillen, and oblige. 47tf F OR SALE--Square Piano, Souvenir Range, bedro.oin furniture and other articles for private sale. Apply at once to Mrs. R. W2 James, corner Wellington and Cent re-sts, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. * 7tf M AN WANTED--An energetic reliable man to represent us as salesman for our well known nursery stock. Liberal territory and terms to the right party, K. D. Smith <fc Son Limited, Winona, Ont. H ouse and lot with stable for sale --House has six rooms and attic, cement cellar, hard and soft water, nice lawn, sitnate on main street in village of Hampton. Apply to A. E. Jennings, Hampton. H OUSE TO RENT--Brick house on comer of King and George-sts, Bowmanville, formerly formerly occupied by Jobn Foster ; 12 rooms, stable for two horses and drive shed. Will rent whole or half house. Possession Dec. 1. Apply Wm. Tordiff, Enniskillen. 47tf S EALED TENDERS--WiU be received up to Dec. 1st, 1914, foDthe sale of 60 acres of land being lot 9, con. 6, Darlington, suitable for pasture land. Lowest or any tender not necessarily necessarily accepted. Address, Wesley N. Hoskm, Bowmanville, Phone 146-rl2, or J. W. Hoskm, R.R. 2, Oshawa *6 3 COWS WANTED By the Victoria Industrial School A number of milk cows. Must be young and good weight. Holsteins- preferred. Address, C. Fkrrikr, Superintendent, Mimico, Ont. 45tf Reg. $7 values, sacrificed at 5.95 « $6 " " " 4.95 « $5 " " " 3.95 All this season's latest styles in hats All wool, cotton and wool, fleece --soft or stiff--R«g. $2 for..... $1.50 lined, two-piece or combination : * " $2.50 for...$1,75 Reg. 50c values for 39* -- _ " 75c " " 65* U Men's Fine Shirts 25 doz soft front shirts, stiff cuffs, reg. 1.25 and $1, for 79c Gloves and Mitts lined or Men's Overcoats 22 Men's Overcoats, tweed with velvet collars, reg. $20 and $18, now sacrificed for 5.95 Men's Coat Sweaters 1.00 1.25 1.50 ii H a a 85c 95* 1.20 Caps Fine gloves, work gloves, unlined : . Ree 50c for 39c Goat Sweaters, reg $1.50 for. 75c " 65c " " " 2.00 " a 79c 1.2 With fur or knit bands-- Reg. 50c for Jff " 75c for..!.. §5* " $.1-00 for.. % 79* $1.25 for ......95« 20 Doz. Neckties " $i " " 1.25 " » 1.50 " it ii ii a it .. Four-in-hand pure silk Neckties, .. splendid values at 50c, sacrificed at 23* Everything in store is reduced. Dozens of articles not mentioned here are marked down. ..79c ..95c , 1.20 3.00 " 4.00 " 5.00 " The Anderson Clothing Company, Phone 61 - Bowmanville