Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1914, p. 4

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BOWMAN VILLE, NOV. 12, For Immediate Sale | One Complete Water Pumping Outfit Suitable for private house supply in the country or any place where a good water supply is not available, consisting of the following items : One 3»xl2" Steel Pressure tank, mfd. by Flint & Walling Co, Kendall, Ind. One 3»x8" Simplex Pump. IF' Suction Connection 1" Discharge Connection, Peters Pump Co, Kewanee, Ind- One i H P. Wagner Motor, Model 8v, Type SA.C, for operation upon 110 Volt, 60 cycle single phase current. One Automatic Pressure Regulator and Controller for motor, and all necessary valves, gauges, fittings, etc. Outfit may be seen^at | Goodyear Club, Bowmanville g (\o^cfusOvr^ Far Better Than We Can Tell You! W E WISH that every woman in this town-jihad used a box of this face powder--yes, or even the smallest part of a box. Then, we should not need to advertise it, for nothing wel can say about The Churches. The call to Rev. John Macintosh, B.D., Sydney, Nova Scotia, has been sustained by Lindsay Presbytery to the pastorate of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Lindsay. Lindsay. When in Ottawa at the General Conference Conference last month we had the pleasure ot renewing the acquaintance, formed some 35 years ago, of Rev. Dr. Hugh S. Pedley of Montreal, and enjoying a friendly chat. Since then his brother Rev. Charles Pedley Pedley passed away at Woodstock aged 04 years. Deceased was a Congregational minister but for some years has been active in Children's Aid Society work. He was eldest son of the'late Rev. Charles Pedley pastor for several years of Co- bourg and Coldsprings till 1871 when he died. Of his seven sons left early in life without father or mother, one died in early manhood and four out of the six entered the ministry, three being, Dr. Hugh Stowell Pedley, Montreal, Rev. Jas. Pedley, Toronto, and Rev. Hilton Pedley, a missionary in Japan, who married Miss Staples, Baltimore, Ont., a bright pupil of the editor of this journal. MASONIC An event of supreme interest to al local Masons in the visit of the Distric Deputy Grand Master. The News says that Orono Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 325» received a visit at their last regular communication, communication, from Rt. W. Bro. G. C. Bon- nycastle, D. D. G. M., Otonabee District No. 20, who was accompanied by Bro. Harry J. Knight of Jerusalem Lodge No. 31 Bowmanville. Other visitors were present. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Dr. Bonnycastle delivered an instructive instructive address on Masonry, and brignt speeches were also delivered by visiting brethren and Rev. Bro. R. A. Whattam. Bro. Harry Knight sang three patriotic numbers which were greatly appreciated. One candidate was passed to the second degree. During the evening an excellent lunch was served. Every member of the Craft is requested to contribute at least one dollar to the relief fund for Belgian refugees in Britain. OBITUARY Mr. W. T. Oke, Toronto III IADE CANADA Sylvodora Face Powder can tell you half as much about its perfection as you can learn from even a single application. You will be pleased to find how adherent and invisible it is, and its delightful scent is an additional charm. The quality will suggest that the price is a dollar a box; but. 50 cents will buy it. And remember--it can be had only at our store. R. M. MITCHELL & CO Druggists and Opticians Nyal Goods. Camera Supplies. Neils on's Chocolates. The remains of William T. Oke, Toronto, Toronto, were brought here for interment on Friday morning when Messrs. L. Morris & Son met the train and conveyed the casket to the cemetery. Death was occasioned occasioned by asphyxiation in his bedroom at his home 4 Oxley-st. He was found dead when called for breakfast and the pçliçe department .w^s notified, Qtl eX- ] amination the gas jet was found to be very loose and it is thought that Mr. Oke had turned the gas off and accidentally and unconsciously turned it on again. He was 64 years of age. Mrs. Oke, her three sons and three daughters, two sons-in-law and his sister, Mrs. H. Burgess, Oshawa, and several other relatives from Toronto and Oshawa attended the funeral. Rev. H. B. Kenny officiated at the interment in the family plot in Bowmanville cemetery. The pall-bearers were his three sons, two sons-in-law and a nephew. Deceased was well known in South Darlington where his mother, the late Margaret Oke, lived and raised her family, her husband having died when the children were young. William Oke was engaged in farming on Manvers Road for several years and afterwards moved north of Oshawa, and when he gave up fa' ming owing to a serious illness, illness, he engaged in life insurance, moving to Toronto. The eldest son,Mr.H. 7 Oke, 18 Strader Ave., Fairbanks, Toronto, Toronto, came down Thursday and made arrangements arrangements for the burial here. Mis. W • T. Oke's address will be at 305 King-st. W„ Toronto. GUY FAWKES' NIGHT The concert in Opera House Guy Fawkes' night, Nov. 5» under auspices of Loyal Orange Lodge Noi 2384, was splendidly splendidly attended. The star of the evening was little Miss Ivy Rosemund Rumlev, who recited, sang and acted as a child, young lady and gay boy, proving a ç.eyer male impersonator, and was enthusiastically enthusiastically encored. The pianist, Harry Walker, was an accomplished player and bronght excellent music, patriotic airs and others, out of the piano. Mrs. Robert Jones as a Scottish vocalist was very free in responding responding to encores and sang a number of old Scotch favorites in sweet voice. Ine comic features, we regret to say» we *e decidedly decidedly of the lower order of vaudeville type, hence found favor only with the "gods" and younger element in the audience. audience. The actor's attempts to be witty got so dangerously near to the suggestive and vulgar that it smacked too much of Tooley-st. If that is the Lancashire type of entertaining, this town will not crave any more. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Oct. 31, 1914- Members all present, Reeve Courtice presiding. presiding. Minutes of last meeting also of of special meeting, were read and confirmed. confirmed. Communications were read and dealt with as follows:-- W. F. Kerr, Eng. clerk of the Peace, Cobourg, certified that selectors of Jurors Jurors had completed their duties. Filed. Macdonald Shfepley, Donald & Mason, Toronto, asked if any action had been | taken in order to preserve the land of .Mrs. A. L. Fleming, situated in the south j y A of lot 8, B. F. Con., on the Lake Shore, j Clerk instructed to reply that no action had been taken as they did not consider it came within their jurisdiction. The C. N. R. general superintendent stated that the necessary improvements J had been made at their crossing at mileage 38.3. Filed. Goode & Sons, Toronto, and Neil Me j Phail, Burketon, asked for information as to the increase in local tax rate for S. S. No. 7. Clerk instructed to reply. T. J. Smith appeared in regard to his former communication alleging that certain certain lands had not been properly assessed to S. S. No 19. Laid over for future information. information. - J. T. Cole and H. J. Werry again appeared appeared before the council in regard to water being claimed from farm of the latter onto the road. As no satisfactory agreement could be arrived at between them on motion of Councillors Baker and Stanley it was resolved to call on an en- geneer to decide the question provided that an agreement is not arrived at between between the owners of property interested. H, W. Marchman. Toronto, on behalf A Satisfied Customer! Is Our Best Advertisement Timm»»; . rfcvto THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES are sure to satisfy you in every particular. They have six distinguishing features : Effectiveness of Heating Economy of Construction Durability of Wearing Excellency of Finish Lowness of Price Excellent Cookers Our stock is complete. W. H. Dustan' SSSSJSTrgK' Make yourself count for the place in which you liver What real good are you |n your town or community ? Get into $he game--lead push or lift but don't be a leaner Look not mournfully upon the past--it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present--it is yours. Go " forth into the shadowy future with noble resolutions and a manly heart. Mrs. R. H. Bunt, Toronto. Mary Jane Kent, beloved wife of Capt, R. H. Bunt, Toronto, fell asleep in Jesus, Nov. 6th. Deceased was born in Cornwall, Cornwall, England, on April 9th, 1840. While quite young, with her parents she crossed the ocean, residing for a time in Oshawa. In 1861 the family moved to Mariposa township. In the same year she left her home, moving to Bowmanville where for a time she lived in the home of the . late James B. Fairbairn. It was while living there she and the young man who became her future, husband first met. The relationship relationship deepened into true love. On August 9th of the year 1862 she and Mr. R H. Bunt were united in marriage by Rev. Canon McNab of Bowmanville. Shortly after this they moved to the village village of Hampton, where the greater part of her life was spent. She and her hus^ band were most faithful and delighted readers of THE CANADIAN STATESMAN since the year 1863. Wherever their home was this paper was a necessary part of it and always a welcome visitor, r or some years deceased was afflicted mu £h with'heart weakness, yet on the whole she enjoyed very good health. Always of a cheerful disposition she had a smile and a joke which she greatly enjoyed. F° r everyone her home was eyer open and a glad welcome given especially to all ministers ministers of the gospel. She was stricken down in her last illness only about a week before the last summons came. During the last three or four days her suffering was intense, almost beyond expression. Just before she lapsed into unconsciousness unconsciousness she was visited by one who had often called on her, Pastor W. J. H. Brown. She recognized him, and in a clear voice gave a most assuring testimonv that she had trusted in Christ as her personal Saviour. Saviour. Almost her last words, uttered in a clear voice, were "Blessed Saviour, blessed blessed Saviour." She leaves to mourn the loss of a true wife and loving and devoted mother, her husband, and three sons--Pastor sons--Pastor William T. Bunt of Parry Sound, Frederick A. and Gordon E., both of Toronto. Toronto. A service was held in the home of her son, Mr. Gordon E. Bunt, 7 Bellefair Ave , Toronto, on Thursday Nov. 8 at 3 p.m. by Pastor W. J. H. Brown of An- nette-st. Baptist Church, assisted bv Rev. Dr. German, pastor of Bellefair-ave. Methodist Methodist Church. Monday morning the body was taken to Hampton cemetery and laid by the side of the remains of her son who preceded his mother to glory a number of years ago. It can be truly said of this dear mother :'At Rest." "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow nut, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. of his father,asked permission to build a railway siding into thejr property on the south side of lot 3» con., 4» connecting with C. N. Railway. Consent given provided provided that they would build a gravelled approach of at least 50 feet on either side and that thev would not charge more than $1.25 per car to any person wishing to load or unload a car on either property. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $3.00 from H. Elliott on settlement account of 1913 taxes. Orders were drawn on Treasurer as follows;-- F. Orchard, cedar $ -bo S.E. Werry " - 1-0° W. W. Horn, supplies 1-50 W. J. Ormiston, labor 2.00 H. Hills, cedar 7-50 A. Peters, teaming and cedar.... 18.80 F. W. Allin,.gravel -bo Geo. Sandercock, " I - 10 C. H. Otto, " ... MO J. Samis " 2 -7° F. McMann, gravel and stone 15*50 J. H. Wilcox, material and repairs. 6.. o Byron Moore, dry gravel......... 1125 Geo. Moore, work and material... 15-17 Ed. Ward, work on culvert 4865 J. Gaud, lumber and teaming 55-88 J. H. Adams, cement for culvert... 78 5.0 McClellan & Co., cement.- 90.00 R. Woodley, cement walk Tyrone. 97-98 F. L. Robbins, do Enniskillen..... H3-25 Ont. Bridge Co., iron and railing.. 130.09 J. Clatwoithy, act. cement bridges 300.00 J. J. Virtue, wire fence bonus 3-75 Wilbert Tennant, " " 7--5 W. K' app, w- " "...... 10.48 Municipal World, blank forms 3-51 M. A. James & Sons, printing ac... 103.60 Mrs. G. Stevens, on salary 5.00 Selectors of Jurors 10.00 J. G. Burns, bonus dog destroyed. 5.00 R. R. Stevens, adv. or T.S., S.S., 6 80.00 Wm. Farrell, " T.S., S.S., 13 U5-00 Council adjourned to Saturday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m. W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk. Overcoats T HE SEASON for Overcoats is now at hand. We have a splendid range to choose from, including all the latest weaves. With regard to the fit, ask any of our numerous customers, and their answer will settle any doubts in that direction. And now about the Prices. They range from $15.00 to $30.00, which gives you ample ample margin to choose, from according according to your taste. horseV block The Greatest Sale of Ladies' Ready - to - Wear Clothing Durham KL Offered for quick clearance at HALF AND LESS THAN HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. On account of grave financial conditions we find it absolutely necessary to raisè a large sum of money by Dec. 1st. In order to do this we have decided to " clear the ENTIRE STOCK--nothing STOCK--nothing held back, everything in ready- to-wear goes into this sale--of our well known high-class, and fashionable Ladies' * Ready-to-Wear Goods, comprising ; Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Dressés, Underskirts and Whitewear. at pricés unheard of before in the history of Bowman ville. Mark you, this is not old, sliop-worn or out-of-style stock, but goods purchased fox 0111 Spiing and Fall tunic. These special offerings will not only appeal to you because they aie gieat induction.-?. :--but exceptional double values realized, excellent mateiials,. hist-class w 01 kiiinn>liip and stylish goods will be the predominating features which will compel you to buy. Beautiful Fall and Winter Coats High Class Garments, this season's coats, latest styles, up-to-date to the minute, quality and workmanship guaranteed, clearing about half-price and less ; Lot 1--12 only assorted sizes, sale price. ..' $1.98 Lot 2--24 " " " 3.75 Lot 3--13 " " " 5.75 Lot 4--14 " " " 7.50 Lot 5--16 " " " 10.75 Lot 6--15 " " " 13.75 Lot 7-- 6 " " " 18-75 Waists Are So Pretty It's Hard to Çhoose Between Them Our Waist Department will be one of the big features of this Clearance Sale. It seems almost ridiculous' to sell them at such a sacrifice. You'll think so too when you see them. Some of these waists that were sold at 50c to $1.25 we will clear out at 25c each. ' Other bargains equally good in better grade waists. Underskirts at Unbelievable Prices You will be attracted by the quality and workmanship pf these Underskirts. Underskirts. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity, A great variety of styles and materials clearing at prices that will be convincing. Sateen, Moire, Satin and Silk, black and colored, from 58c Up. V Ladies' Suits Big Snap Prices for Stylish Suits "Northway" make- 4 only Suits, reg. $13.75 to $15.75, Sale Price....... $ 5.00 g " " up to 23.00, " 7.75 9 " " up to 24.00, " 10.75 9 " our Choicest Suits, " . 12.75 Skirts Marked Below Cost Plain and fancy, plenty to choose from, but don't wait too long as they are sure to go quickly. They will be a silent salesman^and sell themselves. All this seasons s skirts. ■ ■ i=r* Clearance of Charming Dresses Cost of these dresses has not been considered in marking them away below regular prices. They must be sold. They will be sold We have only a limited number left, so act quickly. Variety and styles too numerous to particularize, but when you see the dresses you will be astonished and delighted, such as Black Silk Dresses, good quality, Sale Price $7.98 Fine Serge and Colored Silk Dresses... $2.98 to $9.75 A Shower of Ladies' Raincoats Take your choice of these Raincoats, worth from $5.00 to $12.00, Sale Prices $2.95, 3.95, 6.35, $7.d0 Every Woman Will Realize the Stupendous Savings Available if she comes to our store any day this month-hut in your own interests come early-to-day if possible. Ex. cent thatTwe must raise this money at oncë; there is no reason why such high-class attire should not sell at regular prices but as we stated, on account of the financial depression and the general conditions having gone S regular business, we are frank in saying that we have made this very generous price mducement to. ZkTyoubiy. The stades are the latest, the garments most seasonable, and we have never had better values. Remember these prices are for CASH and last only till November 30. S. W. Mason & Son u Drygoods of Style and Quality Phone 106 Bowmanville, Ont. t 4y.- z - b 4 ? VWÇi g?

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