Cut Rate Drugs BOWMAN VILLE, OCT. 1, 1914 --AT- Jury & Lovell's BOWMANVILLE Salax, the best fruit salt 25c Baby's Own Tablets 25c for • 20c Baby's Own Soap 8c Burdock Blood Bitters, reg. 1.00 for.. .80c Carter's Little Liver Pills, 25c for 15c Best Liver Pills 25c 2 boxes for 25c Chases Linseed and Turpentine 25c for 20c Chase's K. & L. pills, reg. 25c for 20c Chases Ointment 60c for. 5.0c Chases Nerve Food, 50c for... 3 8c Dodd's Kidney pills, reg. 50c for 35c Rexall Kidney pills (guaranteed) 60 pills in a box -5° c Danderine, reg. 25c for 20c Danderine, reg. 50c for 40c Fruitatives, reg. 50c for. 40c Ferrol, reg. $1 for 80c Fellow's Hypophosphites, $1.50 for. $1.10 Gin Pills, reg. 50c for.. 35c Nerviline, reg. 25c for 20c Thomas' Electric Oil, 25c for T7 C Castoria, reg. 35c for 27c Hamilton's Pills 25c for 200 Herpicide, reg. 50c for 4°c Miller's Worm ftowders, reg. 25c for. .20c Miller's Headache Powders 25c for.. ..20c Padway's Ready Relief 25c for 20c Miller's Iron Pills, reg. 25c for 20c Scott's Emulsion reg. Si for -8oc Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians. Eye Glasses For Every Eye We can give you the right kind of glasses that will suit your exact exact individual requirements. Don't wear out your eyes by overstraining o r overtaxing them when a pair of properly fitted glasses will give you instant instant relief. Our work is guaranteed guaranteed satisfactory. When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. JURY & LOVELL, The Rexall Store, Bowmanville - Switches - Switches pay for themselves by increasing the life of your tungsten tungsten bulbs. - Look over your lighting system and have a few more switches cut in by us. Leave your orders at W. H. Dus tan's Hardware Store. K.O. Whyte Electrical Contractor Temperance-st. - Bowmanville Next St. John's Church. Fall Styles * re Here We are very proud of them. All the'-' latest ideas, plain toes, dainty heel, fabric and brocaded tops, etc. $3. 50 to $5. 00 Mr. G. H. Linton, Toronto, was in town Fair day. Mr. W. J. Bragg was judge on fruit at Lindsay fair. Mr. Fred Hea 1 , Toronto, was among the Fair visitors. Mr. Silas Runnalls, Welcome, attended Bowmanville Fair. Mrs. R. Crago, Oshawa, visited old friends here Fair Day. Mr. Paul Trebilcock, Peterboro, spent Sunday at his - father's. Mrs. J. M. Brimacombe is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor, Tara. Mr. James Beith, jr., Buffalo, N.Y., has been visiting his father, Dr. Beith. Miss Inez Mâson, Toronto, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. S-B. James. Hear the Swiss Singers and Yodlers in Opera House Wednesday night, Oct. 7th Mrs. John Wood, Rochester, N.Y., has returned home after a visit with friends here. ^ Mr. L. Williamson and daughter Lillie» Hampton, recently visited at Mr. W. J. Williams'. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stinson, Janetville, visited her sister, Mrs. S. T. Dowson, Providence. Mrs. H. Joness has returned from a very pleasant visit with her son George at Adams, N.Y, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLean and Mrs. S. Trew, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. Rd. Snowden's. 1 Mr. James Milligan of the Royal Bank staff, is spending his vacation at his home in Clifford, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Whitby, were guests of her brotber, Mr. wm. Hislop, last week. Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland and daughter, Toronto, visited her father, Chief Jarvis, over the week-end. ■Miss Lou McSorley has returned from a very pleasant visit at the home of Dr. Sproule, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. John Carscadden, Ponty- pool, celebrated their golden wedding Wednesday Sept. 16th. Mr. Rupert Hamlyn, who has beenhol- idaying at home, has gone to New York city to resume teaching. Dr. Geo. Pierce and sister, Chicago, 111., and Mr. John Bant, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. S. B. Arnold recently. The Midland Press Association will meet in "The Post" Building, Lindsay, Fridav, Oct. 9th at il o clock. Misses Luella and Agnes Hepburn, East Whitby, and Miss Helen Gray, Toronto, were recent guests at Mr. Wm. His op s. momns m luwu Mr. W. E. Jewell, Kingston Rd., and- Moses Holland, manager of West Durham Exhibition, l was judge on light horses at Oshawa Fair. Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn, of Dunbar Road, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Fred Trebilcock, Homewood Avenu e--Peterboro Review. Mr. T. D. Howden, Postmaster, and Mr. T. H.' Clayton, Whitby, attended Bowmanville Bowmanville fair and gave us a friendly call. Mrs. Robt. Strowger, Toronto, and Mr. David Hambly, Woodstock, visited Mr. W. W. Allin and attended Bowmanville Fair. , J • Mr. and Mrs. J.- H. Jury attended the wedding of Miss Marion Biglow McCaw and Mr. David Carnegie, Port Perry, Sept. 16th. , , Mr. and Mrs. W. White and daughter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey, Tyrone, were Fair Day guests of Mr. K. Popular Shoe s--Popular Prices F. R. 3OLEY) ParlorBoot Shop, Bowmanville - "On the Sunny Side" . Rd. Snowden wants your produce. Miss Gertrude Cawker is visiting friends in Toronto. Bring furs for repairs Fair Day to Mayer's Fur and Hat Store. Mrs. (Dr.) Keese, Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting Miss Florence Hoar. Snow fell in Quebec Monday Sept. 28, considered to be the earliest for years. Miss Millar of Exeter, Devonshire, England, England, is visiting her niece, Mrs. F. M. Souch. Many of our citizens attended Orono Fair Friday and report fine exhibit and large attendance. Mrs. Horatio Moore, Lindsay, VIS1 J-ed her cousin, Mrs. M. A. James and oth friends here Monday. Mr. Leslie C. Cox has gone to John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., to take post graduate work. Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Miss May and Mr. Byron S. Vanstone, Toronto, spent Sunday Sunday at Mr. F. C. Vanstone's. Mr. W. G. Murray, forman of "The Enterprise" Sarnac Lake, New York, visited his father, Mr. W. Murray. Reserve Nov. 5th, Guy Fawkes ni^ht, for Grand Orange Concert given by high class artists. Watch for full particulars 40-2 W Thos. Bottrell & Son won 31 PJ^es out of as many entries at Peterboro Fair, ana 32 prizes with 33 chicken at Lindsay Fair last week. Mrs. G. W. Rives, Rochester, N. Y., after four years' absence, visited relatives and old acquaintances, guest of Miss Irene M. Holland. Mrs. John H. Morris has returned from a pleasant visit with her son, Mr. r. H Morris, Winnipeg, who is now moving to Edmonton, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jewell attended the supper supper at the re-opening of Kirby Methodist church, Monday even:ng. Winners of first prize in bread at Bowmanville Bowmanville and Orono Fairs baked with Supreme Ranges. See these wonderful stoves at Mason & Dale's. Men's and children's new styles of Fall and Winter hats at Mayer's Hat Store. Full lines of gents' furnishings just received--none received--none better or cheaper. All good cooks should read about the contest on an inside page. Do you think you have five good receipes that might get you the stove free? Try it. Those who like good music are in for a treat Wednesday night when the Swiss Singers and Yodlers appear in the Opera House. Plan opens Monday noon. Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson and little daugh ter, Gracie, have returned to their home in Denver, Colo., after spending three months in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. The Churches. Bowmanville High School Field Day sports will be held on Friday, Oct. 9» at I.30 p m. Splendid program of sports has been prepared. Keep the date in mind and be present. Friday, Oct. 9, is the date of the School Fair for Darlington township to ber held at Hampton. Mr. R. S. Duncan, Mana ger, has his plans well laid and every school in Darlington will be interested Remember the place and date and attend. Mr. Geo. Gallup, Bowmanville, has Barred Rock and Leghorn Cockerels for sale, bred to lay stock, fair prize winners and others. If interested it might be advisable advisable to get one now to improve a flock for next season. With off hand hasty selecting, they took four firsts, three I seconds and one third prize at the I 4 air. Rev. W. J. jolliffe, Toronto, preached in Cambridge-st. Methodist Church, Lindsay, Lindsay, Sunday. Rev. A. L. Brown, Wood ville, will conduct conduct harvest home services in Pickering Methodist church Sunday. Rev. E. A. Tonkin is supplying the work on -Canton circuit for Rev. J. W. Cannon who is ill in the hospital. Rally Day services at King-st, Methodist Methodist church, Oshawa, were conducted by Rev. A. P. Braçe, B.D., Toronto, Sunday. Rev. H. J. Keith, minister at Knox Church, Peterboro, has received a call to Westminster Presbyterian Church, Edmonton. Edmonton. Rev. H. A. Frost, Methodist minister at Pontypool, has joined his Regiment as chaplain to the contingent that is leaving Valcartier camp for the front. Rev. C. G. Williams, Çonsecon, will conduct anniversary serviced in Queen-st. Methodist Church, Lindsay, Oct. 18th and lecture on 19th. The mortgage on the church will be burned. Mr. Levi Halfyard of Victoria College, Toronto, who gave a stereoptican lecture on China to Bowmanville Leaguers Monday Monday evening will conduct services in the Methodist church Sunday. Rev. G. C. Welsman's subjects in Disciples Disciples church Sunday ardc Morning : "The Kingdom of Truth"; Evening : "The Second Commandment." A cordial wel come to visitors and friends. Messrs Knight and Pickard and Misses VanNest, Pollard and Cawker, sang at the re-opening services of Kirby Methodist church Monday evening. Rev. R. A. Whattam, pastor, announced that the entire entire cost about $900 for repairs had been covered by cash and subscription. Captain Luxton, in charge of the Salvation Salvation Army Corps here, is a capital cornet player and has succeeded in reorganizing the band, and the musical part of their service on the street is very much improved. improved. This leader is one of the best cornet players that the Army here has had, and produces a good tone and has considerable executive ability.--Orono' News Cor. Mrs. À. L. Nicholls, Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mrs. (Dr.) Beith, Mrs. A. Christie, Mrs. J. McClellan, Miss Fairbairn and Miss Margaret Allen attended a meeting of the Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Missionary Society of the Presbyterian cn.urch at Whitby Tuesday. Mrs. Nicholls was appointed delegate to the General Board meeting. Rev. A. H. Drumm addressed addressed the meeting on behalf of the Presbytery. Special meetings were held for the Salvation Salvation Army Harvest Festival Sunday and Monday Sept. 20 and 21. The meetings meetings were very success^! 1 , good crowds and good music. The sale of goods Monday Monday night was a splendid success. Lieut. Luxton ard Lieut. Stone, Commanding Officers, wish to thank the many kind friends for helping them. The target $60 was reached. A large attendance was present Monday night in the Methodist schoolroom when Mr.' L. Halfvard, of Victoria University, notice* of Births 28 coûta t Marriages SO cents; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at thie office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Clark--In Pontypool, Sept. 22, to Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark, a son. Williams--In Bowmanville. Sept. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, a son. Martyn--At Shannavon, Sask., Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Martyn, a son. ~ ~ MARRIAGES Heatlie-- Sayinàc --At Oakwood, Sept. 15th, Stella May Savinac, and James Garfield Heatlie, Little Britain. Simpson--Munroe--In Woodstock; Sept. 23rd, by Rev. Hugh Monroe, B.A , Toronto, brother of the bride, William Simpson, Montreal, and Margaret Margaret Christina, daughter of William Munroe. ; DEATHS KERR--In Cobourg, Sept. 26th, James Kerr, in his (Fith year.; Perkins--In Darlington, Sept. 28th, Mary Perkins, Perkins, aged 66 years. Keeler--In Bowmanville, Sept. 23, James Keeler, aged 76 ye» rs. Walkey--In Hope, September 28th, William Walkey, in his 69th year. McLean--In Bowmanville, Sept. 25th, James McLean, aged 74 years. Whitney--In Toronto, Sept. 25, the Honorable Sir James Pliny Whitney, K.C.M.G., aged 71 years. Wallace--In Clarke, Sept. 22, Marion Wallace, youngest daughter of late Thos. Wallace, aged 74 years. " Ayers--In Port Perry, Sept. 20th, Mary Ann Smith, wife of Wm. Ayers, 23 Howie-aye, Toronto, Toronto, aged 65 years. Langmaid--At 543--14th St, Edmonton, Alta.* Sept. 17, Irma, the two-year-old daughter of Mr- and Mrs. R. W. Langmaid, formerly of Darlington. Darlington. Cornish--At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Proctor, Roland, Man., Sept. 19th, Eliza Mountjoy, relict of the late Saul Cornish, j Darlington, in her 90th year. Mother of the late Mrs. Rd. Worth, Bowmanville. ■SSMBHBBanUPSMHBHI "Lest We Forget" OYSTER SEASON IS HERE ! We exj ect our first shipment of SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Thursday. They are .first quality-- large and meaty. Try a pint; Another lot of those nice Pork Sausages and "WeanerS j us t received this week. Somehow Somehow our customers seem to think we have ' the best in town--and I guess they are right. Now's the time to make Cranberry Sauce, while the Cranberries are fresh. We have a barrel of nice ones. Bring your Butter, Eggs and Poultry to us and receive highest market price*. Rd. Snowden Bowmanville ses E. R. B0UNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones Branches : ORONO 10-34 HAMPTON t TOVES FOR SALE--Happy Thought Range | and two Heaters. Apply to Jos. O. LaBelle, ' Beech ave, Bowmanville. 40tf OST--A Brooch on King-st or picture show Return to Mrs. F. W. Robinson, Queen-st- Bowmanville, and receive reward. 40 1 UNBURST BROOCH LOST--In Bowmanville Sunday 13th. MAN Office. Reward for return to, States- 40t C OLLIE PUPS FOR SALE--Pure bred Collie pups, sable and white, bred from A1 heelers. 82 and §3 each. T. J. Cole, Box 158, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. .39 3* OUSE TO RENT-- Furnished oi unfurnished, 8 rooms, furnace and electric light, centrally centrally located. Apply Statesman Office, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 39 3 * H n - « xhe show put on by Guy Brothers Fam- Mr. N. E. Jennings and Miss Maud Fleming, Port Hope, visited at Mr Wm. equallea^m mi ^ ac( a featmre . Jennings' and attended Bowmanville F ]j veryt hing this season from street to Wednesday. stage new--ah but the name--a household Mrs. W. J. Fleming, Bowmanville, who wo ^ d tQ the peo ple of Bowmanville. Se- -- u--„ eoenrUno- a few davs with ur. | cure ur seats at Mitchell's drug store. has been spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Annis, returned home to-day. Lindsay Post. . Prof. Chas. T. Paul, Indianapolis, Ind., who has been holidaying with relatives here, is a delegate to Disciple convention at Atlanta, Ga. Misses Gladys and Marjory Westaway returned recently from a very pieasant I visit with their sister, Mrs. H. T. Howe, Montreal, Que. Beehive Rebekah Lodge has re-opened and will hold regular meetings every Monday at 8 pm. Good attendance of members requested. - Miss Florence Hunter, daughter of Mr. James Hunter, Orono, has been accepted as nurse to go with the Canadian contingent contingent from Valcartier. who has been Roof Paint at F. O. Mason's. Take your eggs to Rd. Snowden All kinds of fur repairing done at Maver's Fur Store. Come early. You get highest prices for farm Tiro duce at Rd. Snowden's. Phone 243. A floor plug is just the thing for your reading lam^ZLet K. O. While figure on Safety first;--Don't strike matches to find your Electric light, get K. O. Whyte to.put in ^ switch. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman cal special attention to their fine stock of black and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. Get the full benefit of your electnc lUUUl U U» Dustan. Hallow'en Entertainment--Will the ladies of the town who are interested in the Public Library attend a meeting on Fridav evening Oct. 2nd at 7.30 in the Reading Room to plan for the annual Hallowe'en entertainment. Don't miss seeing Merrill, the prince of jugglers, who will be here next Saturday Miss Tennie Hooper, wm, ~~--1 uet me mu - spending the summer with her niece, Mrs. lights by installing switches. See K. W. Couch and other relatives here, left J -^hite about it or leave orders at W. Saturday for Rochester, N.Y. Mr. B. J. Cox is on a business trip to Quebec and Maritime Provinces in the in the interest of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Mrs. Cox and Miss Alice Louise accompanied him. HSîon C t..?e°new J î?e U La H Æ| by f tbe retirement of s£ John^Morrison I OcT. 3,'at the Opera House Mr Gibson whose term of office has expired. G has been trying for several years to Captain Gertrude F. Holland of the | engage this manandjhisy^ear wasjucces^- presented stereopticon views on "Our Share in China" and gave a very interesting interesting lecture on the subject. The pictures were splendid, and everyone enjoyed the evening as was shown by the rapt atten- 1 ion given the speaker. Mr. Roy Rickard, Rickard, also a student of Victoria College, was chairman and filled the office very acceptably. Miss Reta Cole provided instrumental instrumental music, and Mrs. H. Singer sang a solo very sweetly. Homemade candy was served at the close. Come next week and bring your friends. Rally Day was observed Sunday by Bowmanville Methodist Sunday School, Rev. F. L. Farewell, Toronto, Associate Secretary of Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues, conducting the services. In the morning he gave a good address to parents parents from the words "Train up a child in the way he should go, etc." In the evening evening he spoke especially to young men and women from "It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom , presenting presenting the duty and opportunity of each in a very practical manner. In addition to the anthems by the choir, a quartet, Messrs. Knight and Pickard, and Misses VanNest and Pollard, sang very nicely "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". At the Sunday School session over 500 were pres ent, the superintendent, Mr. Wm. Trewm, presiding, the program used being prepared prepared by the Department, harvest being the theme in recitation and song. The roll call of the classes was not the least interesting, a number reporting every member present. Misses Reta Cole, Lola Souch and Elsie Betts and Master Percy Mercer recited appropriate selections. A number of pupils from Mrs. Warmca s clciss sang a chorus, and the school furn ished a number of hymns led by the or- chestra. Mr. Rov H. Rickard, who has spent considerable time training the school in song, conducted the service. His work as a leader was very highly spoken of. Rev. Mr. Farewell gave a short address and met the teachers at the close of the session for a friendly chat concerning their work. OR SALE--5 Trio Barred Rocks, hatched April 1914 ; also 5 cockerels, all are Trom prize winning stock. Apply to Tom Percy, Bowmanville. ^9t EN AND WOMEN WANTED--Everywhere to work in thei r own home, 820 weekly for few hours work. Supplies furnished free. Experience unnecessary. The Co-operative Union, Windsor, Ont. 39 ** M' OARDERS WANTED-- Good large bedroom, suitable for four school boys or -- girls in a quiet home, centrally located. Apply to G. S. K., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 36t B' tARM FOR SALE--128 acres, con 4, lot 15, i -Darlington, near C.N.R. Bowmanville station, station, grain or stock farm, 9 acres of bearing orchard, 2 good springs and well, bank barn anc_ other ont buildings, also silo, good stone dwelling house, 40 acres plowed. Apply to W. J. Clemens, R.R. No. 1, Hampton, Ont. 37tns R. B. ANDREW Real Estate, Loans, Valuations 309 Temple Bldg., TORONTO EFFICIENCY first, last and all the time is the chief feature of the courses of instruction instruction in the famous ELLIOTT Toronto. Yes, our graduates succeed. They have that habit. Why is. it that many students from other business colleges colleges come here to finish courses and get positions? Remember the first word '"Efficiency". Write for catalogue. Students Students admitted at any time. fuf Iriis act is the most interesting to be seen. Tickets on sale at Mitchell's drug store. Secure your seats now--they won t cost you any more. Wanted at once--all the good butter, fresh, eggs and young poultry you can spare. Bring them to Rd. Snowden and receive best market prices. BIG METHODIST OFFER. General CONFERENCE GAIN, Women's Social Dept S. A. Headquarters I Toronto, was guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. Holland over the week-end. Captain Holland is being transferred to the same work in Newfoundland, where she goes m a few weeks. The prayers; and good wishes of her friends here follow her to ; her new work, * At the regular monthly meeting o - hert Encampment, No. 12, I.O.vJ.r., manville, Mr. F.C. P = l , hi ^ " a ^efPat- ed with a very beautiful Past Cmei rat riarch's collar bv members of the lodge in Recognition of his valuable services m organizing the iocai Encampment. Mr Pethick was appointed Grand Sentinel at last meeting of Grand Encampment. Geo. R. Guy, the King of . Mi " s ^.® t h'Guv I General Conference meets be one of tne many features with Guy is the place of Brothers Famous Minstrelswhicha meeting^ opening Sept. 23. hilled at the Opera House next Saturday meeting, f the Methodist church evening 1 Oct. 3^ Mr. has been before and eloquent men of the public for the past 41 years, a recora win inte rest every member. THE no minstrel man can boast of. He has cern a QuardiaN will be sent to any surrounded himself this season with the ChRISTIAN ^u^ If 1914 to Jan. best company of artists he ever had Mr ^^^/ô months-foV S1.50. ^ Every entertain yol | Me.godisthomeAould.have The GUARD- leats now on sale at Mitchell's drug store Furs to be repaired should be brought early to Mayer's fur stor^before the rush. Charges reasonable. / Safety firstj-Have *>ur electric work done by an experieje/d electrician. K. O. Whyte guarantees njts work. Ladies' and children's coats a superb stock-all new-made up in the most up- to-date styles', at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING BAST. GOING WEST W. J. Elliott, Charles Sts. Principal, Cor. Yonge and Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.52 a. m. 10.18 8.86 p. m. 6.48 „ 7.18 , 9.68 , 1 :Expresa Local Local Passenger :Passenget 4.22 a. m 7.02 „ 9.45 „ 1.88 p.m. 7.11 , New T elephone Directory Special Bar- every 4th . this year's Several wise Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. ! Express 9 46 a.m. l Express 9.08 a.m. 1 Express 8.10 p.m. 1 Express 5.04 p.m. Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post , Office. ' Canadian Northern Railway GOING "EAST. GOING WEST. | ^Express 10.56 a.m. IIExpress 7.30 p.m. •Express 3.48 p.m. | H Daily except Sunday •Saturday only TI Express 9.05 a.m. IIExpress 7-80 p.m. •Express 8.30 p.m. UDaily except Sunday. •Sunday only,' A new issue of our Official Telephone Directory Directory is now being prepared prepared and the copy will close within the next few days Orders for new connections, connections, changes of name or address should he reported to us at once. !AN. Address all orders to M. A. JAMES & SON, Bowmanville, Ont., and act at i once so as to get all the papers included °n this great offer. It means 4 months free. OOMS TO RENT-Some oHhe ^est^ving | flats' Electric lfghted^ over Photograph Gal- lery Rent moderafe. Apply to Norman S. B. James, Statesman office. R' EVAN H. McLEAN BARRISTER MONEY TO LOAN ETC., OFFICES BOWMANVILLE. NEWCASTLE; Bounsall's Block, ' Coulson's Block. Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. .. Enoay, 5-2w c Doing A Cash Business T AKE NOTICE that on and after October 1st I will sell on a strictly cash basis--no credit will he given. We have come to this decision owing to increased cost of baking materials. By doing a strictly cash business we will endeavor to sell at present prices, although we are forced to pay more for our materials. Try our Bread, Cakes and Pastry. They will p'ease you. J. A. MILNE, - Baker hhene 97, 'Bowmanville New Fall Goods Showing This Week. p/AvzA 44 5 * mit V AJ j' r W t X, 4 /i w X- z . i i Tf H y, Ladies' Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts with styles right up=tWthe=minute. Also a complete stock of Genjeral Dry Goods bought before the advance in prices which cannot be repeated on account of 4 *. the war. Lettei or Telephone orders, care/ally and promptly attended to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada S. W. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard BankJ BOWMANVILLE