Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1914, p. 7

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Z ESSsÿ?; - : ; , ' -<: •'-VTfg 5 WAYS AND MEANS î jrÿüiübled. "Never fiiiûd. I :, ll waitiLwwters named Alphonse. You dîne 6 - "" in town a lot. Have you ever ; -"I wonder," Rufford broke in, "I'm sorry"--Mrs. Kingslake's expression belied her words--'"I'm sorry, Mr. Logan, but we must hurry away now. Good-bye !" . She extended to the young man the tips of her fingers, giving him a disapproving glance, "Come along, Eva!" she added - decisively. Maurice Logan gazed after' her, frowning. "No wonder," he muttered, _ "that Kingslake spends every evening at the club.!" The elder lady had taken care not to allow her daughter a moment's moment's private conversation with him. She had only stopped, indeed, because Logan had planted himself in their path. In her opinion, he was impossible as suitor for Eva. He shrugged his shoulders dejectedly-: dejectedly-: then suddenly hurried after them, picking up the card which the girl had let fall. Once again he raised his hat and turned away. But now his spirits rose. "So they're going to that concert to-night ; and Eva evidently wants me to be there, too. Probably sheTl arrange to speak to me somehow, somehow, bless her !" It- was difficult to make any headway headway against Mrs. Kingslake s undisguised undisguised opposition, and Logan had as vet been unable .to meet her husband. On the previous evening lie had again plucked up courage to call at their house, only to re as usual, a curt message that The situa- He's bound to come out sooner or later; then I'll pretend to meet him accidentally, and tackle hinp- about -Eva," ' r. /■; . Presently someone lit the,;gas in an upstairs room.- From his position position behind a stationary van Logan saw à figure, come to the "window. "There he is!-..Must have taken me for a bum--if Huch people' ever trouble wealthy men like him. H'm ! Now'he thinks I've departed." departed." Half an hour passed. All at once the gas-jet was extinguished, - and again a head',was thrust out. "A foreigper this time," Logan commenced. 'I don't think much of Kingslake's tasts in friends, if that's one of 'em. A dangerous- looking beggar !" A minute later he moved forward eagerly but the person who came down the front steps was not the one he had hoped meet. "I beg your pardon ' Logan began. The man stopped, swinging round in a startled„fashion. He wore a soft felt hat and a muffler above his ulster. His complexion was swathy, his black moustache waxed into points. * "Vhat is it?" he demanded, with- a decided accent. Logan set him down as a Frenchman. Vhat do you va-ntt" "Sorry to trouble you, but will Mr. Kingslake be long?"- "I do not know 'im." "A middle-aged, fair- haired gentleman," gentleman," Logan stammered. "He was in your room - a little while Then I saw you looking out, Ceive. as usual. a V.IUU ---- , ago. - thev were not at home. The situa- ; ^ QO >> lion looked discouraging in the ex- ,, go you gpy Qn meî „ tr H m e C half hoped that Mr. Kingslake "f>* «*>»• Bn * 1 wanted par would attend the concert; but, on » ««» Mr. [vmgslake, arriving at the hall that night, he.: . ' noticed that Eva's mother alone ac- 'I do not know ira ! I tell it companied her. Thev safe near the ! you already!" He made as if to front and during an interval he, continue on his way. "I mus' go." ed°"ed forward. Miss Kingslake, j He brought a watch from beneath waning till her parent was _ sur- 1 his coat and consulted it, "I am rounded by acquaintances, slipped j late !" across toe gangway. j Logan stood watching him as- he "So you guessed what I meant s j hurried away. Clever boy!" ... | A sudden anxious thought struck Anything special?" asked Logan, him. What if Mr. ,Kingslake had "I'm worried to death! Mother sj been assaulted and robbed? found a big, fat, rich man she wants j Impulsively he went to the house me to marry ; I an< } knocked. Maurice Logan muttered some-1 „ wj!1 ^ Mr Kingslake to thing below his breath. ± o>> •1 do wish mother liked you! B P eak to me . P lease 8 But she only thinks of money, and "if that fellpw at the Favorite is the one you want?" He gave a, rough description, and Logan excitedly agreed.' Ten minutes minutes later he entered the restaurant, restaurant, and asked for a word with the manager. . . While that functionary was being summoned, Logan glanced down the long room. Waiters of all descriptions descriptions were moving busily about the tables. He gave a start as he noticed noticed Alphonse in the distance. At the same instant the dark man saw him, and immediately withdrew withdrew with the tray he carried, dis appearing through a curtained doorway. doorway. Logan met the advancing manager, manager, and blurted out his inquiry. "I'm sorry sir, but Alphonse has just this moment asked to go home." Without waiting to give any further further explanation Logan hastened out. As he reached the back of the building, Alphonse issued into the side-street from the exit used by the staff and dashed over towards a Tube station. In an otherwise deserted corridor corridor Logan overtook! him, and, seizing seizing his arms, forced him against the wall. "Where's Mr. Kingslake? That's his watch you've got, 1 dare say ; and his overcoat's *in your room, What have you done with him?" ' ' I---do not-- onde r stand. " "He went into the house, and now he's vanished!" declared Logan Logan hotly. "If you had nothing to do with it, come with me to the police! You won't? Ah, I guessed as much !" "Let me go! You are wrong, I say!" "That remains to be seen. I'll take you by force. I'm going to investigate talks about- our 'social position. _ The girl sighed. "Father's quite different." . ^ ^ ! "I ll interview him somehow." declared Logan desparately. "Tomorrow "Tomorrow night- ITL call at his club, for sure. On the following evening, therefore. therefore. he sec- out- determinedly for -Lev father's clu,b. re hear see. various arguments "There's no one o' that name livin' 'ere, nor in the 'ouse, neither," neither," declared the slatternly woman woman sharply. "You've come to the wrong address." "He was at the window--on the first floor " wmmmm "That room belongs to Alphonse. 'E's just gone out." She was about to close the door, Ôn his wày he i when Logan stopped her. j "But don't you understand? I 1 mv . ct . ask him whether he ; saw my friend up .there with my doesn't consider his own daughter's i own eyes--Mr. William Kingslake! honpiness before everything else. ) Logan insisted angrily. I iv.v-r emphasise the. fact that, even I "Rubbish ! You clear off, else I 11 if I v i; t Earning a great- deal now, j fetch my husband !" ,-erv soon promotion'll come along;! Logan produced some silver. _ a'-d vh-n " ! "Now look here, I'll bet you this a 'W hopped with a jerk, staring ] half-crown he's still upstairs. Take <-w ^ed'v'm-ivss the road. Eva had j me up and show me. If I'm wrong j.vnted out- her parent, and. ! --he forced a laugh--"the moneys ! vours 1 v "Done with you, This way Mr. Clever- cnee p unless Logan was greatly mistaken, there was the gentleman himself, i'i't L-ivrpn or down a side-street. | sticks : ' With an'exclamation of satisfac- A man they met in the passage th e ;he voues: man started in pur-1 looked equally rough and forbidd- - bui the" traffic delaved him ! ing. Logan had hardly expected siiahtlv. and by the time he rounded | that- his ruse to gam an entry would the co rner Mr. Kingslake's fawn I be- successful, overcoat was some little ahead. , ■What can he want- along here? - ' tells ye / The thoroughfare was narrow, the dwellings mean and small. - _ . •Ar. :! he's actually going into one no place for concealment. vf ihe houses! Sir,"Logan called : cupboard stood ajar. He stepped to treat's'ess!v, "one moment!" Hr distance I "Ther you are! P r a-ps next ! time vou'll believe what anybody Logan entered. The small room was poorly furnished and contained Its one ^ _ the window and back, the woman v-' ice- must have been easily ! laughing derisively. , " but Mr. Kingslake, with- !" "Satisfied? Like to look up the observed indabie , --- --- <=> * , . ,,, out paving the slightest heed, push- , chimney . ( ?d onèn a door and disappeared. "Its funny; Logan was left outside, irritated 1 easily,, handing her the com. ind bewildered. Logan "But I must have made a mistake.' You :, That's queer behaviour!" he win. Every Woman Can Ose In the passage below he paused a moment. "That- French, 'chap--Alphonse 7 ; -and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and . depress- j j "Mightv inquisitive, ain't you? j 'H's our "lodger. Works at some I restrong or other. Quite respectable, respectable, 'e is." ! Maurice Logan held a different ; opinion. Once in the street again, j he shook his head doubtfully. "I'd have sworn that was Mr. » DUOII Wu dllvl , i * * iU n ion to which she may be j Kingslake's overcoat -hanging «subject. These troubles and ; cupboard ! But, L ^e question." others are symptoms of debil- ; come of him ? , , - ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation there in a are at once safe, certain and convenient. They clear the system and purify the blood. They exert exert a general tonic effect and insure good health and strength, bo that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. Every woman of the thousands who have tried them, knows that Beecham's Pills act To Certain Advantage Worth a Oefasea a-Bex Lu-eetiwwiABrer Baaal! Uneasily he tried to decide upon : the best course to pursue After ! all had he been deceived by a i chance resemblance? Well, an im- i mediate call at Mr. Kingslake s ! dub would settle that point ! Soon he had driven the ! taxi-cab. A ! "Vo sir." the hall porter ans- j we red ; "Mr. Kingslake's Dot here. You'd like to wait, sir ? Certainly . Sitting in the lounge, Logan fidgeted, hopefully scrutinising each arnval. At last he saw a fam- ^*"Hullo, Rufford; -Are you a member member here ?" - . ,, "No: but I'm meeting one. "%o am I-at least, Vm trying to. Look here, what would you do in a case like this? His prisoner ceasing to struggle, interrupted in a low voice. Loga,n staring half incredulously, released him. Mrs. Kingslake sat stiffly upright When the servant ushered Maurice Logan into the drawing room she raised her chin disdainfully. "Eva has promised to marry me, he began politely. "Out of the question!" the lady snapped. "You know my views, .Mr. Logan. I'm only receiving you at my husband's request, though I can't imagine what rea son he can have for " "Allow me to explain," Logan returned persuasively. "I've dis covered a secret which I think ought to be kept in the family." As he continued Mrs. Kingslake gave a stifled gasp. Her husband corroborated the visitor's state ment. There followed a short silence. silence. "Don't you agree with me?" Logan Logan asked. --yes; I suppose so." I--I don't know w 7 hat to say !' Mrs. Kingslake spluttered. "Y-ei "Thank you! I feel sure I ear make Eva happy." She rose speechless, red of face As she passed her husband she shrugged her sho'ulders expressive ly. "You were bound 'to know soon er or later my dear," he remind ed her. The door slammed. The two men were left together. "This shock won't do her any harm," observed Mr. Kingslake quietly. "A good wife, but too extravagant. extravagant. I simply couldn't provide provide all the money she wanted to spends" Logan nodded. "So you took a post at a restau r- ant?" "I was a waiter before I married. My wife never knew of it. I didn't meet her till afterwards--till I'd started in the City." "It was very plucky to work extra extra hours like that." "I've earned quite a lot at the Favorite. Big 'tips' aren't at all exceptional there. But I was always afraid somebody would recognize me, although I altered my appearance appearance as much as possible every night in that room I'd rented." "Does Eva know?" Logan queried queried gently, laying a hand on his shoulder. "No? Then please let me tell her." "No, no! Why?" "Because she'11 be proud of her father." "You think so?" "I'm sure of it." - "She's chosen a good fellow, I can see. I'll send her in," declared declared Mr. Kingslake, hurrying to the door." And if you don't see me any more this evening, you'll understand, understand, won't you?"--London Answers. Answers. * LADY HARDINGE^ Vice-Reine of India, who died at a London nursing home after undergoing undergoing an operation. She was 46 years old, and was married to Baron Hardinge in 1890, and leaves two sons and a daughter. ACTIVITIES OF WOKEN :.TÎI.-TfT7Vn.nT7T.»,l,»,M.l.l.i.l|Tr!£<l<l«J'A. < . What Fluffy Knew. . Fluffy is a big black and white cat .that belongs" to Paul, Ned and Bob Hunt. He seems to love Paul, the quiet boy, just a little better than he does Ned and Bob. Aftei he has played with the boys until he is tired, he likes to jump up into into the big chair and curl up in Paul's lap and go to sleep. But best of all, Fluffy likes to sleep on the foot of Paul's little 'bed. Ned and Bob can sometimes coax him up on their beds to play, hut. when he wants to rest, he always goes back to Paul's bed. Until last summer the Hunts lived lived in a little eastern town, but- m July they moved west. Mrs. .Hunt told the boys that they, would have to leave Fluffy with friends until they were settled in their new home ; and so the day before they left, Paul carried Fluffy over to Mis. Brown, who was going to keep him for a while. One afternoon, a month later, when Fluffy was curled up in a corner of the hammock, he saw a large wagon stop in front of the house and a boy run up the steps Fluffy • did not like strangers ; so he ran upstairs to the attic door, and mewed just as loud as he could. He 'had always been allowed to go up there whenever 'he- had asked, but this time Mrs. Brown picked him up in her arms and carried him downstairs. In the kitchen he saw a large crate with hay in the -bottom, -bottom, and two dishes fastened in the corners. Mrs. Brown placed Elut fy on the hay, and the boy picked up the crate very carefully, and put it beside 'him on the seat of the wagon. That' night Fluffy was put on the cars. At first he was afraid and cried a great deal ; but the men on the train gave him bits of their luncheon, and put cool water into his cup when he needed it, and af ter a time he curled up in a and went to sleep. The Propriefaryor fated HedicineAct. AYpiietible PrepansiionforAs- Eimiltiting IheFood and Régala^ - ring lneSfomadis and Bowefsof --z_ For Infants and Childreii. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Promotes DigeslioiuCImfid ness and RestContainsneillier: Opium.Morphine nor Mineral/ Not Narcotïc. JRecipe of OldBcSfiMDELPnUffll Pumpkin Set cl ~ AbcSenaa * Jhcfceifc Sdts- ufaiseSeed * ^ffSfona/nSiâi* Hina Setd- 'tledSutmp' tearlanr. Aperfeci Remedy forConslipa- l ion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convul8ions.Fevensh- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of TUe Centaur Company. montreal&newyork Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. IK C t N T A U •'V COM F»A N V. MfCW V O rt K CITV. NOTES OF SCIENCE ball More than 300 kinds of fish are known to produce sounds. Paris has about 115 residents to the About five o'clock of the second I acre to London's 50. day after he had left Mrs. Brown's -- -- His friend listened attentively to hl *<n? T Jove, it's difficult to advise your v. . **l there »re First Catch Your Victim. The Old 'Un-- Pluck, my boy, pluck ; first and last; that is the one essential to success in business. The Young 'Un-- Oh, o'f course, I quite understand that. The trouble is finding some one to pluck. Patience may be the lazy man's only virtue. \ Fond Mother--"My dear, are you better this morning?" Dolly--"I don't know, mamma. Is the jelly all gone?" Fond Mother--"Yes, , dear, ' ' Dolly--' ' Well, I think Tm scores of well enough to get up now." Women act as factory inspectors in British Columbia. England has about 35,000 women convicts each year. A Chester (Pa.) tobacconist has over 3,500 woman customers. England has a college where women are taught bee-keeping. Women will be allowed to compete in the next Olympic -games. England has two woman preachers who occupy pulpits regularly. Women and men are educated together together in • school and college in Norway. Norway. Women are much braver than men, according to the Reverend R. H. Morris Morris of Philadelphia. Most of the women employed in the New. York department stores receive $9 per week. A Paterson (N.J.) woman paid $T25 for a coffin to bury the body of her P et dog. Havana has a newspaper "which is run entirely by women and prints general general news as well as that of special interest to women. Princess Josephine von Lobkowitz won the chief woman's prize in the society fencing tournament held at Prague. Each of the several hundred graduates graduates of the Philadelphia Normal school for girls has been found to be "as nearly nearly perfect as possible." Mrs. Rebecca Clark of Wood Green, Eng., is believed to be the king's oldest oldest subject, having just celebrated her 110th birthday. Women can talk more than men with less fatigue because their throats are smaller and they tax the lungs and vocal vocal cords less. Dr. Annie Hubert has been appointed appointed resident physician in the work- house on Blackwell's island, N.Y., at a yearly salary of $1,80Q. Baroness Worporgo, one of the smartest women in Vienna society, was one of the first among the Austrian Austrian aristocrats to take up aviation. The Reverend Emma E. Bailey is the/onîyNwoman minister in the Uni- veÿpalist qliurch in Pennsylvania. She has been engaged in pastoral work for 35 years. ^ _ . , Cooks, nurses, maids and other domestic domestic servants in Pennsylvania will work only eight hours a day if the bill advocated by the industrial commission commission becomes a law. In Norway women are allowed to sit in parliament, but not to become members of the government. The goverpment of Denmark contributes contributes a regular sum annually to the Domestic Workers' Union. For personal use the average woman woman smoker orders 100 cigarettes at a time and consumes ven a day. Queen Wilhelmina ; ^rsonally investigated investigated the living conditions of the workmen in Amsterdam. r J/hst to please her husband, Mme. Poincare, wife of the president of France, spends $20,00(1 a year on dress. Female policewomen in Denmarx receive receive $300 a year more than men when they first enter the service. The London educational cemmittee has leased four apartment flats ior use in instructing workingmen's wives in housewifery. . * Queen Mary is now a colonel in the British army, having been made colonel-in-chief colonel-in-chief of the Eighteenth Hussars. Queen Alexandra and two princesses have also been given corresponding ranks in other regiments. Fourteen-year-old Mildred Baker is conceded to be the brightest public- school girl .in New York city, having secured 990 for a gemeral average of a possible 1,000 points. he was again lifted up into a wagon wagon and given another ride. This time the wagon stopped before a large brick house, and the man carried carried Fluffy's box up the steps. In the doorway stood three excited little boys. "Ô Fluffy!" cried the children, and Fluffy answered "Me-o-o-o-w in such a loving tone. The bovs 4 had a saucer of milk on the floor in the kitchen, and when their father opened the box, Fluffy-jumped Fluffy-jumped out and ran right over to the saucer and drank and diank. Breathlessly the boys waited. When Fluffv had finished the milk, he walked slowly through^ the rooms until lie came to the hall. Then he ran upstairs and walked through, each of the chambers and looked carefully at each bed. At last he came to the little room where Paul's bed stood.. Then without any hesitation, he jumped up on the foot of the bed, just as he had always done when he w r as tired, curled up and began to Pure lithium, which is the lightest metal known, has no practical use. So-called Chinese rice paper is made from the pith of a Formosan tree. Great Britain imports more than 20,- 000,000 bottles of mineral waters annually. annually. Auxiliary steering gear for automobiles, automobiles, operated by the feet has been invented. In Germany a patent has been granted granted for a rubber substitute made from soya beans. Italians are experinienting with the production of cotton on the oases of Tripoli with much success. Honing on clean aluminum after whetting on a stone will give a knife a razor edge if done carefully. That Esquimaux have two more, ribs than any other human race has been discovered by an English scientist. side of a window screen and black on the inside, the vision of a person behind behind the screen will not be obscured, while persons outside cannot see into a room. English experimenters have found that above a temperature of 39 degrees degrees salty solutions are less corrosive of iron and steel than pure - water, while below that temperature the reverse reverse is the case. Ground cork and a binding material have been formed by a French inventor inventor into a cover for bottles that guards them against breakage and keeps their conténts at a uniform temperature without using a Vacuum. For restaurant purposes a coffee heater has been invented which injects injects a jet of steam into a cup of cold coffee just before it is served to save impairing its aroma by keeping it at a high temperature for hours. A l STR A LI A ' S P 0 Si l l 0 N. Among the Richest Portions of the British Empire. 1 It has been proved that anything An Englishman has patented a grass j that can be grown or produced in trimmer that resembles horse clippers any other part of the Empire can be successfully grown or produced within the island continent of Australia. Australia. Whether in the form of wheat, wool, dairy products, fruit, and is operated by both hands. Much success has attended an English English doctor's experiments in curing lead poisoning with an electrolytic bath Harnessed waterpower in the Unit- ' timber, meat, or.minerals. Austra- ed States represents an -annual saving of more than 33,000,000 tons of coal. purr. "Oh papa," cried the boys, from the doorway, "how do you suppose 'he knew which bed belonged ix> Paul ?"--Youth's Companion. MODEL COTTON PLANTATION. English Spinners Seek to Be Independent Independent of America. In the hope of some day securing a. raw cotton supply independent of America, the International Federation Federation of Master Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers' Association of England has launched a scheme for the establishment of a model cotton cotton plantation in Punjab, India. Considering the advances already made in India, it is estimated that before many years the Indian crop- will be almost as large as the American American crop. The model plantation in will demonstrate the benefits which arise from intensive farming thereby encouraging the landed proprietors proprietors to adopt this system and to improve the yields per acre and the quality of the fibre.. The land will ,be sown with as large percentage of American cotton cotton seed as possible, and the Agricultural Agricultural Department of Punjab will have the right to purchase any of the surplus seed produced which is not required for the estate, for distribution distribution in other districts. The Federation has secured a twenty years' lease of 7,500 acres close to "the railway and water supply. supply. A modern ginning mill is to be erected, and as there is scarcely anv population in the vicinity, model model villages are. to be established for the workmen, who are to be brought in and instructed by ex- perts. Leading members of the Federa- The crater oÇïn extinct volcano in which there are numerous hot springs is uti.ized as a sanitarium in Japan. * What is said to be the largest wireless wireless transmitting station in the world recently was completed near Carnarvon, Carnarvon, Wales. A flatiron for travellers which takes lip but little room is hollow and can be filled with alcohol for heating it quickly. A French electrical device for curling curling women's hair is said to be so efficient efficient that the hair retains its shape for months. ■sTongs have been invented by a Connecticut Connecticut man to enable bakers to handle handle fre'shly baked pastry without touch- lia has been able already V> produce produce and export in fairly substantial substantial quantities, and to-day there is a rapidly .growing demand for every kind of product. The growing growing demand for the products lias encouraged the Australian Governments Governments to "speed up" the work of immigration. The soil is there an-d the climate is eminently favorable. Although for several years there has been a steady stream of immigration and the new-comers have soon been able to "fit in' and become suececs- ful producers those who are apt to think the best opportunities have been seized and that there is a fear of over-crowding, might be reminded of the faet that Australia Australia is still one of the most sparsely ing its surface. A gun carriage patented by-a Ger- man artilleryman holds a gun level no! --- ..ri t- matter how uneven the ground on peopled portions of the British Lm- which the wheels stand. ! pire. It has shown that it is nafe- A new oil headlight for bicycles is ur ally among the richest by reason provided with an electric bulb and stor age battery for use when the fuel be-, comes exhausted. of its wonderful mineral resource), its fertile soil, and its healthy climate climate ; yet there are per square mile For spreading oil on troubled waters r numb er of people than in a British patent has been granted a a smanei i German inventor for a series of tanks attached to a. cable. An English woman has obtained a United States patent for bunks for ships so supported as to remain level no matter how much vessel rolls. A record is believed to have been made by a fire engine which pumped water at Superior, Wis., for three months vdth but five stops for repairs. There are estimated to be 200,000,- 000,000 board feet of merchantable lumber standing on the 60,000 square miles of public forests in the Philippines. Philippines. . By allowing its inmates perfect freedom freedom and employing them at useful occupations occupations an insane asylum in Prussia effects about twenty per cent, of cures annually. English tests of the use of radium to aid plant growrih have shown that it is most effective when used in the proportion proportion of one 700th of a gram to a ton of soil. By connecting a hinged step with the air-brake system, an Englishman has invented a device to prevent a train almost any other part. There is a population of only 1.5 persor.-s to the square mile as compared with 373.3 persons to the square mile the United "Kingdom. m Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Bold in three decrees decrees of etrength--No. 1, $1; g re .. No. 2. S3; No. 3. $6 per b ox . Sold by all druçgiete, or Bent P repaid on receipt of price, "rce pamphlet- . Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO- T0I0NT0. OUT. (Ferswff WMtsr.) OVER 66 YEARS* EXPERIENCE : , starting while its passengers are a- tion believe that within a few years ! light i n g from or boarding it. 4-w^x . p rimar i] V f 0r the use of physicians, it will be possible to increase the Indian cotton crop to ten million bales without encroaching on the area required for food. Manufacturer Manufacturer in all countries using Indian cotton are subscribing to tho pro- jeCt ' . 4. Some people dream of success. Others keep awake and believe it. a dynamo transformer has been invented invented in France wffiich will turn out currents of various tensions and strengths at the same time if desired. Slot machines -which automatically give receipts for coins that are dropped dropped into them have been installed in several public places in Budapest by a savings bank to attract depositors. If white netting be put on the out- Tradc Marko Design* Copyrights Ac. , on Patent» tlons etrlptly conlldent [ sent Ire* Oldest agency tor eecoringpelents. Patent» taken through Munn èt Co. receive special notice, without «targe. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Ulustrateti weekly, largest circulation circulation of any eclentitic joornaL Terms lor Canada, $3.<5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by- all niwtdtalera. wr/oNhs,. gew York i V i A, Washington, D. C. >

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