Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1914, p. 5

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I ! . i i Pure _ T.R. BOWMAN VILLE STATION GOING BAST. Paris Green , per pound 8.62 ft* ni» 10.18 „ S.36p.m. 6.49 „ 7.18 , 9.68 , GOING WESTijj; :Express 4.22 a. m Local Local Passenger -.Passenger 7.02 9.46 „ 1.38 p.m. 7.11 .. Daily Lightning rods--see F. O Mason. Miss Ida Pinch is home from Toronto* Window screens from 25c up at W. H [ Dustan's. Mr. Roy Warnica of the Normal School, I North Bay, is home. Mr. David Elliott, Toronto, was Sunday guest of his brother, Mr. John Elliott. * ' Notices of Births 25 cents; Marriages SO cents; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free, BOWMAN VILLE, JUNE 25, 1914 ■ has removed to When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury Sc Lovell The 'RoXoiL Store Bowmanville, Phone 78 r Ladies ! We have secured the agency for The Jas. Richardson Co., who are the best ladies' Tailors in Toronto and therefore turn out the most perfect hand-tailored Garments t o your individual measure at the most moderate prices possible. We carry a complete line of samples, Goods, Linings, etc., which we will be pleased to show at any time or give information regarding same. Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring A. Crossman High Class Tailor S3 Horsey Block, Bowmanville Opposite Post Office V \ Look to the Style of Your Shoes Madam NO MATTER how clever the cut of your suit or the hang of vour dress, if your shoes are not stylish you do not ap- ▲ pear at V ! Send Us Your Meat Order. We select the very best stock obtainable- for our customers. When you buy here you get meat from stock raised by the best farmers in Durham. Our stock includes • Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Lamb and Cooked and Smoked Meats of all .kinds of the - best quality and at reasonable reasonable prices. We can-also fill your order for butter, eggs, canned goods and pickles. your best. COLONIALS ARE IT. We have them in all the popular leathers --T-white,. black and fan. Fred R. Foley Parlor Boot Shop Bowmanville On the Sunny Side', The Horsey Block Bowmanville 15 4\ ^25 Minimize the work of keeping keeping your kitchen neat and clean by installing a 'Stmfdwd*' kitchen sink--handsome in _ ppearance and a real labor saver. We guarantee the Jtfghest grade of sanitary plumbing. Let us quote you. Good Work is our Success W. H. Dustan Quality Hardware, - Bowmanville 23 r 3. Build with Concrete And make results certain by using Canada Portland Cement. I can supply you with one sack or a car load. Get My Prices On Paristone, Fire Clay, Fire Brick, Sewer Pipe,' Field Tile, Lime, Plaster Pans, Hair, Mortar Color, etc. I am eqiupped to fill large or small orders promptly. Let me know your needs now. William Brock Contractor and Builder Bowmanville - - Out Phone 114, • P.O.Box 122 Miss M. C. Colville Hagerman's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Colbome, recently visited friends here. Mr. John A. Holgate was elected Pres- edent of Foxboro Bible Society. Mr. Benjamin Bickell, recently visited his uncle, Mr. William Nelson, Keene. Mr. Windatt Tod and Mr. R. W. Redman Redman visited friends in Brooklin Sunday. Mr. Geo. Sherin, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother who is improving nicely. Miss Laura Turton, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills spent Sunday Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Manning, Oshawa. Mr. W. A. Dryden, Brooklin, was in town Thursday attending the Rowell meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sunter, Toronto, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. E. i- Osborne. „ Mr. Fred C. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. R. Cherry. ^ ^ Mrs. M. A. McLean, Liberty St., North, has been visiting her sister Mrs. John Mutton, Penryn. ■*- Miss Eva Scott, of Bowmanville, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Young. Deseronto Post. Mr. R. B. Andrew, real estate dealer, Toronto, and affirmer well-known citizen, was in town recently. Mrs. (Rev.) J. W; B ™ er ' ^mÎ^f" ford, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. r. H. Mason and other relatives here. Mr. W. H. Perkin, Moorefield; who_has been visiting relatives here gave The STATESMAN a friendly call Thursday. Mr Tohn G. Cooper, represented the Globe and Mr. W. Wallace, the Toronto Star, at the Rowell meeting here last W Miss QueenieRamsay and Miss Marion Van Nest having finished their course at Normal School, Peterboro, have returned home. , , , , • Miss Minnie Jennings attended the wedding wedding of Mr. Thos. J. Watson and Miss Evelyn Fleming at Port Hope Tuesday, June 16. , 1 , Morrison's Orchestra were at the Salad Supper in connection with St. George s church, Newcastle, Wednesday evening this week. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Agnew, Prince Albert, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker, Centre-st., on their way to visit friends in England. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Day and daughter Hilda Kingston, were recent guests ot his aunt Mrs. (Rev) W. C. Washington en route to St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Hara and daughter, daughter, London, England, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Hara, of 9 Edgar- ave., Rosedale, Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Battle and her niece, Miss Hicks of Grand Rapids, Mich., who has been spending some months here, are visiting visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Fleming, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullis motored from London, and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Down. Mr. and Mrs. G. W^. and Sam McLaughlin, McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, and Misses Ai- leen and Mildred McLaughlin, Oshawa, were recent guests at F. T. Guys, -- ar- lington. ' , Rev. C. W. Barrett, and Mr. Chas. Horn Hampton, left Friday morning for Montreal Montreal for a trip to the Old Land, sailing from Montreal by the "Andama of the Cunard Line. Bowmanville Fire Brigade are running an excursion to Lindsay on Thursday July 30--Civic Holiday--there being a big fireman's tournament in the northern town that dav. The welcome rain, came at the weekend weekend to mark the longest day of 1914. Tune has been almost dry but the low temperature prevented the injury to crops that scorching heat would have produced. It rained on three days of the summer solstice. ' Our citizens should feel proud of the honors brought to our town by the Foresters' Foresters' Courts, our senior and junior branches branches winning the silver cups presented at the "Annual Field Day" held this year at Peterboro. Hurrah for Bowmanville s followers followers of Robin Hood. _ . Mr T C. Tice, the supervising principa 1 of Public Schools, Oshawa, passed away Sunday June 14. An attack of l 3 - grippe last winter left a severe strain w hich ultimately ultimately sapped his strength. He was a Prince Edward County boy. The remains were interred in Picton. Miss Grace Bray, motored down from Toronto in her new Ford bringing her friend Miss Queenie Houston and sister Helen who remains at her Uncle Fred Foster's "Norway Place for the holidays. Miss Mabel F. Bray returned with her sister sister to the city after a pleasant visit here. " Messrs J. C. Kells, Wm. Vance andMrs. Wood motored out to the Jubilee Anni versary at the Methodist Church, Mount Pleasant on, Sunday, each of whom were at the opening fifty years ago, and as may be imagined many recollections of the far away occasion were renewed. Rev. Benj. Greatrix preached able sermons and a good 1 choir furnished mns\c.-Millbrook Reporter. ' , Municipal Bulletin No. 7 shows that during 1912 and 1913 Durham county suf- fered less from decreased population than any other county in this Province, the decrease being only 7 in a total of 3°J85 in the whole of Ontario. Several show decreases ranging from 7 to 2,210. Durham Durham is all under local option except Port Hope and Newcastle and farmers are generally generally well-to-do hence contented Dr. L. B. Williams motored down from Wire cloth in all widths for screens and windows at W. H. Dustan s. Mrs. I. Tabb is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Dagge, and Mrs. Stiler from Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garbutt, Sycamore, 111., are visiting at her father's, Mr. Alex. Wight. Mrs. L. W. Winter and Miss Violet Os-* borne, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs.C. Osborne. Mrs. (Dr). A. Beith and Mrs. W. McKay are visiting Mrs. C. P. Blair and other friends in Ottawa. Miss Edna Allin, Newcastle, who has been visiting at Mr. A. C. Allin s is now with relatives in Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and daugh ter, Toronto, were recent guests of his father, Mr. Chas. Williams. Men's Ready to Wear Suits made up in latest styles and Men's Suits made to order at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mrs. James Nicholls and grand-daughter grand-daughter Amelia, Port Hope, are visiting at Mr. Jacob Cobbledick's, Ontario-st. A lovely lot of new wash goods in Crepes, Ratines and Bedford Cords just to hand at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman s. Mr. J. H. Reid and bride, Lamonte, Alta., are visiting his mother, Mrs. John Reid and his sister, Mrs. Vf. H. Pearn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howden, Toronto, and Mr. T. H. Cla.ton, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. John F rise, King-st. Mr. James Perkin, Miss Maud Perkin, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perkin, Moorefield, were recent guests of Mrs. Jas. Richards, at Mr. G. T. Charlton's. Miss Helen Mitchell, Miss Carrie Mar- tyn and Miss Belle Galbraith have gone on an extensive tour to the Pacific Coast, I visiting friends enroute. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are selling selling all Ladies' Suits at one third off the regular price and all Spring Coats at pne quarter off the regular price. We congratulate Misses Dorothy Johnston Johnston (honors) Doris Courtice and Ina Pethick on passing their primary exams in piano at Toronto Conservatory of Music. All are pupils of Miss Alma Courtice. Courtice. _ E. C. Drury, Esq., Past Master Dominion Dominion Grange and President United Farmers Farmers Co-Operative Co., will address electors electors at Orono Friday June 26 at 8 p. m. in the interest of the Liberal. candidate, W. L. Smith. Mr. S. Meehan, manager of the Lindsay Minstrels who gave a successful entertainment entertainment in Bowmanville Opera House recently, was the recipient of a handsome gold ring from Lindsay Citizens band, the presentation being made by Bandmaster W. H. Roenigk. Mrs. Will Croxall went to Oshawa hospital hospital to undergo an operation and latest report is that she is doing well. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery -- Brooklin cor. to Whitby Chronicle. Mrs. Croxall was Mary Courtice of Ebenezer, daughter of Mrs. W. Squires. Friends of Miss Jean Haycraft, Brooklin, Brooklin, and Miss Grace Haig; Columbus, will be pleased to know that-they have passed their examination in vocal music at Ontario Ontario Conservatory of Music, Whitby, both taking honors. Miss Haycraft is niece of Miss E. E. Haycraft of this office. Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold the regular meeting in the form ot a picnic at Mrs. E. Bellman s on Friday June 26. Novel program, good refreshments, refreshments, etc. Admission loc. Ice cream will be served. All ladies and children invited to come and have a good afternoon's afternoon's pleasure. "Is that you, Daddy ? " This picture in last week's paper has created much talk and more reflection. Can you imagine a a boy or girl's feelings the first time they see "Daddy" drunk? One friend of the liquor interests said he would not have that picture on the bill boards in Ontario for $10,000. Mr. J. W. Flavelle, Toronto, a pronounced pronounced Conservative, has contributed a large amount to help Mr. Rowell to win on his Abolish the Bar policy. Several other prominent Conservatives in Toronto have done likewise-placed their influence, means and convictions behind this moral issue for this election. Upper Canada College, Toronto, has accepted a scholarship from an old bov, Mr. John Alexander Culver well, C. R., Port Hope. A sum sufficient to give a yearly prize of $25 for 26 years has been deposited in a trust company. The^prize is for mathematics, a branch of study in which the donor was very proficient at college. Firemen of this town are completing arrangements for a grand excursion bo Lindsay on July 30th by Grand Trunk Railway. Lindsay firemen and Citizens Band have completed an extensive program program of events for the day. The firemen's firemen's program will be hose reel races, ladder races, half-mile race, tug of war, best dressed fire brigade, prize for largest chief and also for the smallest, in the parade. parade. There will also be a marching contest contest for bands. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, a former Bowmanville Bowmanville boy, son of the late Rev. J. R. Sanderson, M.A., of this town, has never voted on the Liberal side but in a clear, ringing message to his congregation West Belleville Méthodist church in favor of abolish the bar. His declaration was uncompromising. His argument was unanswerable. unanswerable. Mr., Sanderson has arrived at his present position only after long debate debate with himself. He is son and grandson grandson of Conservatives. He has always been an ardent supporter of Sir James Whitney. But, he asked himself, would he have refused to support the present proposal had it emanated from Whitney. If not, then how could he, as an honest man refuse to support the policy because it happens to come from Mr. Rowell the leader of another party. BIRTHS. Penny--In Bowmanville, June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Penny, a daughter. | Brown--In Bowmanville, Jnne 17, the wife of Mr. E. H. Brown, of a daughter. Woolner--In Darlington, Jnne 16, the wife of Mr. Chas. Woolner, of a son--still born. Quick--In Bowmanville, June 12, the wife of Mr. Max Quick, of a son. MARRIAGES Horn--Wray--At, the residence of the bride's parents, Jnne 17, ,'by Rev. C. W. Barrett, Mr. Thos Wray, Oshawa, and Miss Mary E., daughter of Mr Charles Horn, Hampton; * Annis--ALLIN--At residence of the bride's parents, June 17, by Bev. H. B. Kenny, Mr. Geo. Franklynn Annis, South Darlington, .and Miss Florence Jane, daughter qf Mr. A. C. Allin, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Babcock-tPascoe--In the Methodist church. Enniskillen, June 17, by Bev. W. E. Honey, Mr, Herbert Delroy Babcock, Lindsay, and Miss Marian, eldest daughter of Mr. C. J. Pascoe, Enniskillen, - C H A PMAN--Plowwri ght--At JCing-st M ethod- ist Parsonage, Oshawa. Jnne 17th, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Miss Annie Rachel, daughter of Mr. J..F. Plowright, and Mr. Garnet James Chaprpan, both of Oshawa. Stewart--Thornton--At the residence of the bride's parents, June 17th, by Bev. B. A. Wtiattain, Wtiattain, Viola Beatrice, younger daughter of Mr. C. J. Thornton, M. P., Orono, and Mr. Joseph Stew-, art of Ceylon, Sask., formerly of Blackstock. White--Thompson--At the residence of the bride's parents, June 16, by Bev. J. A. Bloods- worgh, Norman B. White, Vancouver, B. C., sou of Mr. Bichard White, Milton, and Ora Ethel, daughter of Mr. John Thompson, Port Bowan. DEATHS Allin--In East Whitby, June 15, Edwin Lewis Allin. Tice--At Deer Park Sanitarium, Toronto, June 14, Thorpe Carmen Tice, Oshawa, aged 44 years. Blake--At 46 Maple Avenue, Toronto, June 23, Hon. Samuel Hume Blake, K. C., in his 79th year Brittain--In Moosejaw, Sask., June 18, Harry C. Brittain, formerly of Bowmanville, in his 48th year. Thompson--In Winnipeg, Man., May 25, Chas. E. Thompson, formerly of Kendall. Interment at Fleming, Sask. Foster--In Bowmanville, June 23rd, Elizabeth Allin, widow of Bichard Foster, in her 73rd year. Funeral from the residence of her nephew, Mr A. C. Allin, Centre-st, Thursday. June 25th, at 2.30 p. m. to the cemetery. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and nignt calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON T EACHER WANTED--An experienced teacher teacher for S. S. No. 4, Darlington. Salary 8600, , Anuly to H. F. Osborne, R. R. No 2, Bowman-1 ville. 26-2w. T EACHER WANTED--For S. S.No. 5, Darling ton, holding Second Class certificate. State salary and experience. C. J. Smale, Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer, R. R. No. 4, Bowmanville. T eacher wanted--For s. s. No. 9, Clarke, Second Class. State experience; salary salary 8550. Apply to Edgar Osborne, Secretary- Treasurer, B. B. Newcastle. 24-tf sn. F ABM FOB SALE--90 acres of land, lots 14 and 15, con 7, Darling2on, orchard, good pasture land, wall watered. Possesion April 1st, 1915. For full particulars apply to B. J. Keeler, on premises. 24-3 wsn F ABM FOB BENT OB SALE--Being lot 16 and 17, con 5 and 6, township of Darlington, 110 acres, more or less; brick dwelling; frame barn, stone foundation; stable for cattle and horses, cement pig pen and hen house, and stone silo, all in first class condition; ever flowing stream on the fifty acres and a flowing well on the sixty acres. A first class dairy or grain farm. Plowing possession as soon as grain is oft; full possession April 1st, 1915. Further particulars îlddIy on premises. W . R. Greenaway, Hampton, P.O. 254sn * A utomobiles fob sale -- McLaughlin Buick, 2 cylinder, 18 H. P. Boadster for trooO, and Begal 30 H.P.. 4 cylinder, 5 passenger touring car *500. Both in good condition. Apply to C. COLLINS, 61 Richmond-st., Oshawa, or The Anderson Clothing Co., Bowmanville. 24-4w* R. B. ANDREW Real Estate, Loans, Valuations gaj 309 Temple Bldg., TORONTO If yon expect Higli Grade Employment Employment yon must make High Grade Pre- oaration- One school that is well-known throughout Canada for strictly superior training is the lliott Toronto, Ont. Graduates of this school readily obtain employment because there are thousands of openings in this city every year and we are called upon to fill more than we can. Enter any time. College open all year. Write for catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Notice to Students The management of Shaw's Business Schools, Toronto, begs to advise all Senior Senior Public School and all High School students that it is prepared to mail a copy of its curriculum to any one who desires to qualify in a short period of 6 or 8 months for a good salaried position. Address--Shaw's Schools,. Toronto, Ont. Head Office, Yonge <fc Gerrard Sts. auto livery. L h ?aMre. iC HiTbfhour:mile a or e dîy r Careful driving.. Terms moderate. Phone F. W. K1RKENDALL, Church-st. Bowmanville. Toronto *on" Wednesday by jay of BroughamT Greenwood, Locust Hill, Brooklin to Enniskillen, and tells us that he never saw so many caterpillars on or chards and shrubbery of all kinds as virtually virtually covered the trees between Yonge st. Ind Brooklin but east of that village he saw none whatever. He said he saw no visible efforts being made to stop the ravages of this pest not even in one ex- , perimental orchard passed. [dominion permanent 1 LOAN CO. Has declared the regular semi-annual dividend of three per cent upon its paid up capital Stock, payable July 1st to stockholders of record June 22nd, 19*4- ChildrenTcry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Picnic Supplies Picnic season is again here and we are well prepared with a first-class stock of supplies to make a nice, tasty luûch: Heinz -Pork and Beans......... .10c and 15c Red Cross Pork and Beans. -....3 tins for 25c Pickles in bottles ...20c, 25c, 35c Sour Pickles in bulk 20c quart Sweet Pickles in bulk........ 30c quart Catsup in large bottles. ^0c Corn Beef, Cooked Ham, Prepared Mustard, etc. Let us help you prepare tlie Picnic Lunch 1 Snowden & Paint on The Elite Grocery - Bowmanville, Ont. Special Sale We are Offering at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's, Black, Calf Oxfords, goodyear welt soles ^ lace or button, regular price $4.00 and $4.50 ^pO e VU per pair. Sale price Men's Patent Oxfords, goodyear welt soles, lace, regular price $4.50 per pair. Sale price $3.00 Men's, Tan, Calf Oxfords, goodyear welt soles, (ft 1 AA lace or button, regular price $4.00 and $4 50. ^VeW Sale price-- FRED. KNOX . Successor to Jno. Hellyar HOT Weather Goc New this Week Childs, and Misses and Womens Dresses Middy, Muslin, Voile and Crepe W aists. Princess Slips, Skirts, Corset Covers, Vests and Night Gowns. New Wash Dress Goods, latest weaves. New Parasols, Lace Collars, Collars, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves. Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts, the balance to clear at less than cost of manufacture. New Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums, Lace Curtains Curtains and Curtain Nets. Montreal--Quebec--Bristol From Montreal and Quebec Tnes. June 30 Tues. July 28 Tues. Ang. 11 I Tnes. Ang. 25 | Tnes. Sept. 8 lues. Sept. 22. From Bristol Steamer Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES Bowmanville, Agent, Wed July 15 Wed July 29 Wed Aug. 12 Wed. Aug. 26 Wed. Sept. 9 Wed. Sept. 23 Wed. Oct. 7 Next.Doorlto Standard Bank Lettei or Telephone orders, carefully and promptly attended to S. W. Mason & Son BOWMANVILLE

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