/?• Wj&êïÊ& : . ~ ■Sw-Jt ■'.'■■■ 2^gg ^^sjSgPp'Ç s^M^isess .-. 2r:; r - • y '•<^;-]^X^-*5'p^^2222ia ^^peegg^B^^ag^r.. i^.Vtv'-r??'-^-'--" ' ■ C~Z•- :v: ^ : ' ./ ' -•"" ';'T : ":" ". fgflgp fy^.zriy ,3fWS^^>:v ■r- :'-W<^ L'-t>^t; î^cf r . r ^*-C *■$£&- % 2* lêz 3*-/ Hurrah for Tube Tube Flavor Co of Newark, Ne w .> ersey., ,v• • fu VO rs mav be pur- We have a complete stock of their goods and the following flavors ma> oe p chased at 25c per tube :-- . ROSE VANILLA ORANGE LEMON _ ALMOND CINNAMON This Tube Flavor has made a hit with the ladies, and if you have not used it there is a great pleasure in store for you . _ When We Test Eyes It Is Done Scientifically. MAPLE PINEAPPLE BANANA Druggists R.M. MITCHELL & CO. Bowmanville, Phone 92a, Night calls 92b Optïcîâns © Who's Your Grocer ? We re Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high grade teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will be filled promptly and satis factorilv if left with HARRY ALLIN 0ppo ^ 0 a 0 „ d v y m a e r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville BellPhone 186 m-- T r--imn u ■ n L -->lfJ îl til 6 6 I f BOWMANVILLE, JUNE IS, 1914 SALEM Miss Neda Symons has returned after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Harry Rowe, Or- ono Mr. S. J. Honey and G. A. Steph ens motored out to Port Perry recently Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and Katie visited visited at Mrs. Osborne's, Ebenezer Miss Reta Caldwell spent the week-end at Mr. John Walter's Mr. Alex Prout and Miss Lena with friends at Courtice Mr. and Mrs. L. Buttery and Annie at Mr. Bell's, Courtice. \ Guaranteed GasolineatlFord GarageX, DARLINGTON NEWS. Mr. W. H. Beck has sold the Mann farm at Raby Head to Mr. Bongard of Toronto who is making extensive improvements in house and grounds. His family and friends will spend the summer there ... Mr. Allen Diehl, Toronto, was a recent visitor at Mr. Albert Goode's Mr. E. F. Willoughby who js recovering from a very serious illness is visiting at Mr. Geo. VanDyke's Miss Pearl Metcalf is visiting visiting in Oshawa Miss Luella Burk, Highland Creek, and Mr. Roland Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald, Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. E. J. Burk's Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Enfield, and Miss Hazel Vandyke, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Geo. VanDyke's. Our sales of Martin--Senour prepared paint are enormous always 100% pure as advertised. W. H. Dustan. ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Miss Myrtle V. Bragg, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. .. .Mrs. Chas. Wight is visiting her father Mr. Robert Courtice, Courtice Several from here attended Ebenezer anniversary Sunday and SKonday. For the best buggy see F. O, Mason. HAYDON NEWS. Anniversary services will be held on Sunday June 28. Singing will be given by sceool in the'afternooh and by Eldad choir in the evening. Collection in aid of school funds. On Wednesday afternoon July I, ball games will be played, by two local teams and tea will be served from 4.30 p.m. In the evening a first class concert concert will be given by Mr. Wm. N. McKen- dry, entertainer, Hart well -De Mill, soloist, and Miss Ida Landly, reader, all of Toronto. Toronto. Admission : Adults, tea and concert concert 40c; children 25c; tea or concert, adults 25c, children 15c. See F. O. Mason before installing lightping lightping rods anJ save money. ' TYRONE NOTES. Visitors: Mrs. N. M. Cunnings, Ottawa, with her brother Mr. F. G. Byam; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Herd, Toronto, at Mr. Ea. Virtue's; Mrs. Z. Pollard, Oshawa, with relatives; Mrs. and Mrs. F. G. Byam and sons Lionel and Earl and Mrs. Cummings autoed to Millbrook Sunday and spent the day with friends there Several from here attended Ebenezer anniversary Sunday Sunday and Monday Several volunteers left for camp Monday morning..... Mr. Fred O. Werry, Sanaric Lake, N. Y., is holidaying at his father's, Mr. Peter Werry. Mr. W. L. Smith, Liberal Candidate, will hold a meeting in Son's Hall, Saturday, Saturday, 20th, at 8 p.m. Every elector should attend this meeting and hear Mr. Smith discuss the public questions in the coming -election. Largest display of buggies at F. O. Mason's. 80LINA DOINGS. Prof. J. B. Reynolds, B. A., Guelph, addressed addressed the Farmers' Club on Wednesday evening giving a good talk on Feeding Dairy ' Cows.... Mrs. John Baker and daughters are spending a week with her parents at Providence... .Mr.- and Mrs. Robt. Philp, Burketon, autoed to Mr. W. Werry's Sunday in their new Ford car.. Messrs S. A. Northcott, W. C. Werry, A. L. Pascoe and I. M. Law autoed to Or- ono, Friday, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Miss Lulu Reynolds and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe went by train and- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Run- dle drove over to attend Farmers' and Women's Institute meeting... .Rev. C. W. Barrett's many friends here wish him bon voyage to the Old Land and a safe return with improved health... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perkin, Moorefield, visited his brother-in-law Mrs. W. H. Worden Sergt. C. Scott is at camp.. Mr. F. Cornish who has lately moved to the Cryderman farm was operated on for appendicitis on Monday. He is progressing favorably. Buggies--fine display at F. O Mason's You Get the Best at Cawker's The old reliable purveyors are still leading. We have fifty- five of the best young Heifers and Steers procurable, having recently recently bought 19 steers and 6 heifers from Mr. Frank Symons. When we say BEST stock, our judgment is a safe guarantee. These cattle are for cur own use, so our customers will have the best quality, largest variety and handled in the most sanitary manner. We also carry an assortment of Cooked Meats, Smoked Meats, all kinds of fresh meats, pure home rendered lard, home made sausage and poultry. Your liberal patronage thankfully received and solicit a continuance continuance of the same. c. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS ' Victoria Building, Bowmanville f, I I I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Powell, Oshawa, visited at Mr. B. Powell's over Sunday.... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Maxwells, recently recently visited at Mr. A. Smith's Miss Ida McCulloch has gone west for a trip visiting Winnipeg, Calgary and Banff.... Mr. Geo. Ormiston removed the roof on his barn and had a raising Thursday afternoon. afternoon. He is putting on a hip-roof wi h metallic shingles....Mi- Liberal Candidate, will address the electors electors here in Sons' Hall on Friday evening June 19 Mrs. Wm. Scott, Miss Ida Scott, Mr. John Scott and Frankie, Mr. A. Heron, and Malcolm Heron, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Peters, Misses Elva and Lucille, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Griffin We are glad to see that Mr. W. L. Smith, Liberal Candidate is going to speak in Sons' Hall, Enfield, Friday, 19th, at 8 pm. Every elector, whether Tory or Gr.t, should attend this meeting and hear what Mr. Smith has to say. /' Oils, GaîoBfie, Accessories and Repairs at Ford Gasage. MAPLE GROVE. Anniversary services of Maple Grove Sunday School will be held as follows : Sunday June 21 sermons will be preached at 2.30 p.m. by Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor of Bowmanville Methodist Church, and at wi n 7-30 P.m. by Rev. S. F. Dixon, pastor, w t Smith thp ! Collection in aid of school funds. On Mon- ' dav June 22 at 2 p.m. a program of recitations,, recitations,, dialogues, and singing will be given by the school. Tea served, at 4.30 p.m. Tickets, adults 35c; children 20c. At 8 p. m. a grand concert will be given under auspices of Epworth League when the following will take part : Miss Florence Hazel Wharton, A.T. C. M.,post graduate reader and entertainer, Toronto, Miss Florence VanNest and Miss Greta Scott, Bowmanville, soloists, and others. Admission Admission 25c; children 15c. The Dodd System of lightning rods is Recognized as the best; see F. O. Mason. v --~ . TAUNTON HAMPTON NEWS. FAMILY RE-UNION The re-union of the Reynolds Family was held at "Spruce Lawn" the home of Mr. John Reynolds, Solma, June II. From early morning autos and other conveyances conveyances brought the friends from far and near. A sumptuous dinner was servdti on the lawn to which all did ample justjce. The young people later engaged in a very interesting game of base-ball, the playing of which would- shame some League matches. It is very many years since the family of the late Mr. Jos. Reynolds have been together and they are scattered widely over the Province anJ this will be a timë long to be remembered by them. The older members recalled old scenes of long ago and enjoyed themselves very much. A group photo was taken as a souvenir of this occasion. Supper was served and the tables fairly groaned under the load of rich viands of which all partook partook heartily. This was indeed a red letter day in the family. Those present included Mrs. Jos. Reynolds, Mrs. Ed. Saimders, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and Misses Lulu and Edna, Solina; Mr. Jos. Maunder, Mr. F. Maunder and wife, Mr. Wm. Reynolds, - Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Miss Helen, Lindsay; Prof. T. B. Reynolds, B. A., and wife and James and Edgar, Guelph; Mr. Jas. Perkin and wife, Moorefield; Mrs. Frank" Humphrey and Miss Dorothy and Miss Ida Reynolds, Oakyille; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, Harold and Beatrice, Bothwell; Mrs. Irvin Foster, Kenneth and Harold, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Affholder and Miss Maud Perkin, Toronto; Mr. Russel Reynolds, Reynolds, Scarboro Jet; Rev. C. W. Reynolds, New Liskeard; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osborne, Osborne, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds Reynolds and Misses Estelle and Maude, Hampton, and Mr- and Mrs. John Reynolds Reynolds and family. Mrs. Wm. Maunder was on a visit to Winnipeg and Mrs. Albert Albert Webber, Lindsay, was ill, otherwise all were present. DARLINGTON COUNCIL TOWN Hall, Hampton, May 30. Regular meeting of Council held this day; all members present, Reeve'Courtice presiding. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Clarke Township Council asked for assistance in appealing to D. R. Commission in regard to an alleged alleged discrimination by^the C.N.R. in the passenger and express rates to Orono and vicinity; granted. Mr. A. L. Pascoe and others appeared as a deputation from the Farmers' Club, Solina, requesting that a special grant be made towards road leading leading to Solina station from the north; Councillor Baker and Reeve Courtice will add $25 each from their appropriations. Reeve and Treasurer were given power to borrow money to meet current expenditure. expenditure. Clerk was instructed to order an additional 4 road drags and 6 road scrapers. scrapers. Council formed into a court of revision revision and dealt with three cases of minor importance. Mr. C. J. Halliday appeared on be half of C.P.R. asking if there were any complaints in regard to their crossings crossings through the township; referred to Conns. Stanley and Stephens. Mr. Silas Trewin asked^or refund on over-payment of taxes in 1913; laid oyer. Mr. E. J. Clarke was appointed weed inspector. Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. R. Bentham to move his fence at lot 24 on the line. Mr. J. Found complained of state of bridge on Base Line; referred to Reeve Courtice. Mr. John Bârfon and the Council entered into an agreement in regard to fixing up the road on lot 24, con. 8, the former to do certain work .and keep in repair for 7 years the road, bridge and ditches, and the Council to grant the su 11 of $100 on the satisfactory completion of the work. Messrs. Neil Smith, Sam. Mountjoy, Silas Trewin, "T. Elliott, J. Lane, C.Stainton, J. Barton, T. Evans, L. T. Pascoe, E. Knight, G. Gibson, Jas. Scott and N. Scott applied for permission to build wire fence for bonus; granted. Treasurer acknowledged following receipts: receipts: Miss C. Pierce, taxes for 1913 . .$ 2 50 Levi Morris, rent road allowance.. 5 00 F. McMann, on acc't trees cut 10 00 Orders were granted on Treasurer as follows: F. Cordon, cedar. A. W. Allin, dry timber 2 J. Reynolds, refund cement bags.. 2 S. E. Werry, dry timber 3 Mrs. W; G. Stephens, adv. salary 5 C. W. Slemon, M.D., disinfecting 11 H. Elliott, postage, etc., 1913 38 60 00 00 00 00 25 16 ï? Miss Gladys J. Jackson, M.E., Newcastle. Newcastle. contributes a pretty story to this issue; see inside page. COMING ANNIVERSARIES HACKNEY STALLION ./•Royal Denmark"--Season 19-4 Royal Denmark iS the greatest Hackney Sire ever imported to Canada and his stock is already giving great satisfaction here. For particulars apply-, to J. JEBSON, Taunlcn Grange, Enniskillen P.O. 23 4 Town of Bowmanville Court of Revision and Appeal. Notice is hereby tnat the first sittings of the Court of Revisi *n for the Town of Bowra-orville will be held at the Council Boom, in the town of Bowmanville on Monday June 22nd, 1914, at 7.30 p. m. to hear and determine the several .complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for 1914. All persons haying haying business at the Court are requested to attend attend as aforesaid. LEWIS CORNISB, Chairman. juHN LYLE, Cl.-rk.»f the ■ Town of Bowm^nyiUâ- ®at ed at Eowmanv.Ile this 8th day of Ju3e,-lfi4. f 24-2w ' Maple Grove Bethesda Hampton ... .June 21-22 ... . June 21 .June 28, July 1 BETHESDA Rev. F. L. Farewell, Toronto, Field Secretary of Epworth Leagues and Sunday Sunday Schools, will preach anniversary sermons sermons at Bethesda on Sunday, June 2ist, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Collection at each service in aid of Sunday School. 24-2W Auto for Hire » When requiring the services of an auto send us your order. Rent by the hour or day. Terms right. Leave orders at Cole's Barber Shop, one door east of Bowman House. Arthur Cole, Bowmanville Proprietor Mrs. M. B. Cryderman has returned after a pleasant visit with her daughter Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Kirkfield Miss ! Mary Katerson, Toronto, is at home with her parents Miss Eva Clatworthy, , Toronto, spent Sunday at her father's.... I Miss Pearl Ranton spent a week in Tor- ! onto recently... .Mr. Sam Ruse, Toronto, I is visiting his brother, Mr. Frank Ruse, ' who is ill Mrs. Wm. Scott, Miss Ida 1 Scott, Mr. Jack Scott and wife, and Mr. Herron, Scarboro, autoed to Mr. Wm. j Peters' last week Regular meeting of the W.M.S. is postponed until Tuesday June 23rd. The meeting will be in the basement of the church Wedding bells are again heard in our village; congratulations congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple.. . .Rev.' C. W. Barrett and Mr. Chas. Horn start on a trip to visit the Old Land on Friday June 19. They expect to return about Aug, 1st. The best wishes of their many friends go with them for a happy voyage and safe return. Mr. Horn will visit his native village and relatives after an absence of many years. Rev. Thos. Brown, Lindsay, is expected to take Mr. Barrett's work on the circuit during the latter's absence... .Miss Alice Kerslake, Bowmanville, visited friends here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mount- joy, Haydon, were guests of Mr. Sam Mountjoy .n ... Miss Mary Roach was called away to care for her sisterrin-law, Mrs. Fletcher Roach, who is ill.... Mrs. M. A. Hastings is under the Dr's care Anni versary-practice is in full swing, Mr. Benson Benson Cryderman in charge Mr. S. Salis bury, Mitchell, is visiting his daughter Mrs. J. E. L. Cole. Chi-Namel the Chinese Oil Varnish for floors, doors and furniture. Renews old furniture like new. Try a can at W. H. Dustan's. P. Werry, J. T. Cole, R. Avery, J. Found, Young people of the^ district gathered at. the home of "Mr. J. G. Langmaid Friday Friday evening to honor Miss Lizzie Trull previous to her approaching marriage. Mr. Arthur Stainton was chairman and , v rh „ nnnn on behalf of the gathering called on Miss . B , ' Georgie Langmaid to read an address, * - - - ' and Miss Vera baker and Mr. Russell Robbins Robbins to present a nice collection of Limoge Limoge china. Short speeches and music followed by refreshments contributed to the pleasure of the evening.... Miss Georgie Langmaid, A.T.C.M., was at Blackstock June 8 filling the third engagement engagement for Cadmus Presbyterian church. This speaks well for her popularity and elocutionary ability. McLaughlin and Gray Buggies at F. O. Mason's. W. Oke, wire fence bonus 2 70 it S. Jacks, Geo. A. Stephens, C.Stainton ■ " S. Mountjoy, " R. Ddwson, " ........ C. Smith " Wm, Greenaway> sheep damages Bert Northcott, W. R. Courtice, adv. to S S No 8.. I. L. Brown, salary assessor. T. Brisbin, 3 37 5 25 6 00 8 87 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 25 11 75 12 50 22 50 23 40 2 66 83 33 50 00 120 00 lumber 495 74 W. R. Allin, Clerk. Provincial Elections June 29th, 1914 BRICK AND JÆMENT WORK If you require any kind of Brick Work or. Cement Work of any kind I will attend to it promptly and guarantee satisfaction. Place your orders early. Phone 170. - Aé TURNER, Bowman ville, Cement Block Mfgr. Concession-st. E. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Rural Public Schools in Ontario received •from the Whitney Government last year 28 per cent less than the amount promised as grants on account of teachers' salaries. Rural Separate Schools, on the other hand, received from the same Government the full anount promised them. Public Schools were put off with 72 cents on the dollar. Separate Schools 100 cents on dollar. ~ Evidently Hon. J. J. Foy and Hon. Dr. Reaume looked more closely after the interests of Separate Schools than Hon. Dr. Thyne and Hon. James Duff looked after the interests of Public Schools. Vote for W. L. Smith and fair play for Public Schools. • . Bears the Signature of 5 §> Great Bargains Bargains in Men's Summer Suits 2 and 3 piece--50 Suits, light weight Tweeds, in grey, brown and green, plain and mixed patterns. Regular $15.< 9 and $18 ( 0 for $990 The Anderson ClotHing Company The Swell Dressers Store Bowmanville -r* A. H AD D Y "The China Hall Grocery Oranges We have purchased another lot of those Navel Oi anges --This will positively be the last lot this sea,son. They are sweet, juicy and seedless, Sunkist oranges---all sizes and closp- peels. W or cKestersKir e Maconochie's celebrated sauce--just the thing with cold meats. only 10c. per bottle. Mixed PicKIes Leas Extra quality, mixed pickles, special price ...... 2 for 25c. Pork and Beans Peerless Brand, choice pork and beans in Chili sauce, only 5c. per tin. This is less than you can buy the beans and cook them yourself. Confectionery Special for Saturday--The finest nut Maple Cream, only 15c. lb. F A. HADDY ^ Ü Bowmanville Phone 621 China Hall rocery WÈÊÈËmÈËÊËi 3i i S iËÉ£ , Satil