Mm mm mm Em B THE Established 1S79 NOTES AND COMMENTS Û3 WÊZ S AVINGS deposited in this bank draw thé highest currenkçate of ___ - TKii interest. Withdrawals of part or the (SAIKIAIDA whole amount may be made when- OFF/Ç^ ever desired without delay. TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH is wortoy [ . . <r nerve, or- A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. ««««die» .ho at Blackstock (R. H. Ceubon. M»ager), Newcastle. Orono, Branches aMOatoiacaw^^ Brooklin end NewteneîUe; ■ j. ■ Oshawa. E. McLATJGHLIN. Barrister. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Ottce:--Bleakley Block. Ring Street. Bow man ▼111 e. Money to loan at reasoai- able rates. AB-lyr, B.J.Hazl© wood, M.D.,O.M BOWMANVILLE. . ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Un. lverelty, Toronto; Fonr years Attendleg Physician and Surgeon atMt. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg, Ki. ' Oü re and Residence Welll^gloa 1 (t (No. 10?. Rt. Tel GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers *nd Solicitors. Notaries Public, A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario HEALTH W. H. ALEXANDER, V, S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated b^Jatest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bowen Bowen aimTle. Phone 193. 20-lyr LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loscombe, K.C. E.S.Senkler, B.A, Money to Loan. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. , DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. Graduate of Boyal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, Oust off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting of your home, your office or your store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Elec. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey Block, Temperance-i t TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busv these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to f20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav Dominion Pianos are the Best The reason a Dominion Piano is better than some others is that only the best materials that money can buy is used. They are the strongest built piano on the market and they are built on scientifically correct principles. principles. Dont -buy a piano because you can get it for less money. It will not be - as cheap in the long run. Buy a Dominion Piano and be satisfied the rest of your life. I can fill your order for all kinds of small musical instruments, violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. James Deyman Agent, Bowmanville Eczema. Perhaps the most common of all the diseases of the skin is eczema It is a very difficult and rebellious disease to treat, and it shows an obstinate tendency to relapse. It may run an acute course, and last only a few weeks, or it may become chronic, and last for years or even a lifetime. It attacks persons of all a-ges and conditions, and can mimic every other sk-iiPdisease that is known. Eczema is generally a constitutional constitutional disorder. Although - the im- ] mediate outbreak can often be traced traced to some local irritation, such as the use of a soap that is too strong, or the action of some chemical agent, the chronic cases do not affect affect those who are in good physical condition. The late Dr. Erasmus Wilson, an English authority on skin diseases, believed that eczema was a disease of debility, and he said that the debility could be divided divided into three types--the "nutritive,,r "nutritive, ,r the "assimilative,' - ' and the "nervous." The assimilative type of eczema is most often found in infants, and the treatment of infantile infantile eczema is chiefly a matter of changing the methods of jeedmg, and getting the digestion into good order. Among the causes for chronic eczema eczema in older persons, gout easily ranks first. Many persons .suffer from gout or rheumatism without having eczema, but when eczema does appear after mdiddle life, the possibility that it has its origin in gout must always be reckoned with. Eczema of the nervous type, sometimes sometimes follows a sudden shock, or it may be the results of prolonged anxiety or overwork. Probably eczema is never brought on by local irritation alone : but it is important to avoid all such 11- ritations, since it is not always easy to tell whether or not a person person has a predisposition to the- disease. disease. Eczema is almost always worse in winter, for the sudden changes in temperature act as rn e_ chanical irritants to the skin. Washing, too, always makes it worse, and sometimes it is necessary necessary to use oil instead of soap and water in cleaning the. face hands. The treatment of the C4LS6 is * both, constitutional and lo- cal ; and each case must be treated experimentally, for specific for the Companion. The undisturbed if not heroic digestion digestion which arises at the first clear note of the wood thrush, and, after the due process of orderly f kitchen events, sits eager and ap- petent .before a slice of fried ham, a dish, of fried potato-cakes, a stack of wheats, a bowl of od-tmeal, a platter of fried-eggs, etc., of note these days. Our ( ganization requires time for _ P re ~, pa-ration to meet The daily exigencies. exigencies. It has to be warmed up, and cannot go cold to its work.. It suggests suggests to the appetite that a bit of fruit, a soft boiled egg, ahd a cup of coffee will represent sufficiency and kindness to the interior economy. economy. ' Therefore when a French man of wisdom, .with seeming logic, says that' the heavy work of digestion ought to be thrown upon the rested digestive organs and that consequently consequently the" "heavy meal" of the day ought to be eaten early in the morning, we reply that his theory is plausible but in error. Digestive organs may be rested in the morn- but they are not ready INSTEAD of buying * speculative real estate on thé installment ydü should buy revenue ë"s. . . producing - ... investments bn *the installment plan. Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suitable suitable investments for you. A. H. Martens & Cq. Members Toronto Stock Exchange BOND, aad SHARE BROKERS C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO : 12-14 mg, for woirk, except in the case of the now 'rare and always heroic digestions before mentioned. Moreover, the French man of wisdom is socially wrong. One may welcome the cheering presence of one's fellow man at 6 o'clock in the i evening, but no lover of the human race wants to see his brother at 6 o'clock in the morning..The inalienable inalienable ^.-ight of humanitv at- 6 o clock in the morning is a grouch, a silent-, comforting grouch which only asks of humanity that if it cannot keep out of sight-, at least it keeps its mouth shut. CLUBBING LIST. The Statesman or The News wil be furnished for 1913 in. Connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe. $4 00 Daily Mail & Empire 4 00 Toronto World 3 50 Daily News 2 50 Daily Star, in country £ 50 Daily Star, in town 3 5° Weekly Mail & Empire •' 1 75 Weekly Witness .. 1. 1 80 Weekly Sun .-.. 1 85 Farmers's Advocate.-............... 2 50 Farm and Dairy : 1 85 Family Herald & Weekly Star ..... 2.00 Home Journal 1 75 Christian Herald 2 50 Christian Guardian 2 50 Canadian Farm • 1 85 Canadian Countryman 2 00 Saturday Globe 2 00 Sunday World 2 5° Township of Darlington Court of Revision and Appeal- Eating is -as much, social diversion a-s it is stoking. As stoking it would become abhorrent and men would flee to thickets with their meat if eating were not also social. A dinner, properly considered, is the gentle fourth or fifth act of the day. The climax has been reached. The stress has been endured, the complications mastered, and the mind comes rest-ftilly to the service of the body. If we are to have ■ the "heavy meal" of the day set for 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning, it will be served to a generation which sits up all night. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Revision 1 for the Township of Darlington will be held at the Town Hall, in the village of Hampton on Saturday, May 30th, J914, at 1 o'clock p. in. to hear and deteimine the.several é.omplairF « of errors and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for 1914. All persons haying haying business at the Court are requested to attend attend as aforesaid. W.R. ÀLLIN, Clerk of the Township of,Darlington. Dated at Hampton the 12th day o May, 1914- 20-3 w SPRING IN ENGLAND Devonshire Hedges Abloom with Flowers. On different summers when the editor was in England he enjoyed ' many - interesting interesting talks with Mr. Blight, 2 Croft Terrace, Holswdrthy, Devonshire, who, lapwing our lève for our native county, seldom fails at this, season of the year to kindle in us a keen" desire to see again beâiîtifdl Devonshire, so under date of ApriTjj he wrote us > long and interesting interesting letter from which we quote a paragraph paragraph which may stir up. a longing in the hearts of our English readers in this country country to see the sights which Mr. Blight well describes: ' "Having seen in your paper that you had been feasting your eyes on English primroses, I thought of you many times last Saturday when driving through Sut- combe on t'cTBradworthy. What I would have given tohave had the pleasure of your company then. I am certain you never saw such a blaze of color, such rich profusion of floral beauty of nearly all the colors of the rainbow from Barton gate this side of Thuborough. Primroses by the thousands greeted the eyes on the hedges, by the road and in the fields quite a feast to look upon.. These were interspersed by myraids of violets _ rich in appearance and very large for a wild variety. variety. Then there were whole, patches of dandelions, some of them as big round as a half-crown and some larger. The wild anemonies on the north side of Sutcombe Rectory were also rich in color and profusion, profusion, the sides and top of hedge being literally covered. Owing to a cold wet March some of the.. flowers were kept back and April sunshine has brought them out together. I can see from my bedroom window on the hedges a half mile away the black thorn covered with clusters of blossom--the most profuse I ever remember seeing. Saturday you could have seen such a lot when driving along. The gorse what when we were boys we used to call v.uze (furze) is a sight to behold--simply one blaze of rich yellow beauty. Rhododendrons, too, are lovely at Thuborough, Sutcombe Rectory and Bradworthy Vicarage, where there are huge plants of them--in fact, little trees. Then the celandine and other way- side flowers that you still remember were also in evidence. There are only a few wild hyacinth? or what as boys we called blue bells, but the sweet scented daisies are to be seen by the million. Who would not desire to be living in lovely Devonshire Devonshire surrounded with such lavish profusion profusion of nature's productions and loveliness? I thought of sending you specimens of the different varieties of flowers I saw last Saturday, but was afraid by the time they reached you they would have lost all their fragrance and beauty. How I should like to clasp hands with you once more and have a drive together. Thank you very much for sending me The Statesman. W hen it comes I know there is a pleasant evening for me in perusing its pages. AVe have had a splendid Spring with warm weather since March which we have greatly greatly enjoyed. * Yes ! Caught with the goods--a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. But it would be a shame to scold them when they like it so well, and it's so good for them. ,v<f » i i'A- TM /m ■ -z£ y.'A w Get the original. 10c a package He Wanted to Know. Mrs. McLubberty--Here's some pills, Murty, thot Mrs. Hegan was afther sindin' over for yez. She says theÿ's aither kill or cure yez. McLubberty (who is ill)--Begor ra, did she do foorst 1 say which they would Somq people tell the truth because because they can't think of a suitable 1 lie. ALLAN |_INE 7ÏOYAL MAIL PEARLS OF TRUTH. and dis- there is no dis o rder. --Yo u th s OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENT Health Notes. About 24 women in 100 are stronger in the left arm than they _re in the right;-women, too, are more frequently equally' strong in both arms than are men. Many people would so. strengthen their throats that they would never suffer from soreness werè they to gargle once every day with slightly salted water. _ The use of milk and eggs as a diet or an aid in building up a patient is often a trial for the nurse. Many patients will take the milk slightly warm, or even hot, and digest it .readily, when cold milk causes distress.' distress.' It is an excellent plan to rinse the mouth with cold, cooD or hot water, as preferred, before and after drinking milk. The distressing complaint of sick headache is the result of eating too much and exercising too little. In the majority of cases the cause lies, -in the fact" that the. food taken; is' so rich in quality 7 or so excessive in quantity that the stomach cannot digest it. ' A simple diet on grains and ripe fruit, with sufficient exercise exercise in the open air to keep up a gentle perspiration, would speedily effect a cure. ' Do not have evil-doers for friends .--take as your friends the best of men.--Budda. Never lose an opportunity of seeing seeing anything beautiful. Welcome it in every fair face, every 7 fair sky 7 , every fair flower.--Kingsley. Life never seems so clear and easy as when the heart is beating faster at the sight of some generous, generous, self-risking deed. -- George Eliot. . Hardness of heart is a dreadful quality, but it is doubtful whether, in the"long run, it works more damage damage than softness of head.--President head.--President Roosevelt. ( Womankind suffers from three de- 5 1 usions --Marriage will reform a man; a rejected, lover is heartbroken heartbroken for life ; and if the other woman woman was only out of the way he would copie back.--Myrtle" Reed. There's not a blessed thing in this world worth having without sacrifice. sacrifice. The big people, the people that have the big things in life are those that have paid, or are prepared prepared to pay, the big price for them.-- W. J. Locke. Montreal From Montreal and Quebec Tues. June 2 Tues, June 16 Tues. June 30 Tues. July 14 Tues. July 28 -Quebec--Bristol Steamer Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Full particulars and tickets from - M. A. JAMES Bowmanville, Agent, - From Bristol Wed June 17 Wed July 1 Wed July 15 Wed July 29 Wed Aug. 12 To LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVRE The memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, sailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or, j THE ALLAN LINE,~ 95 King SI., West, Toronto. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. CANADIAN pacifi HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS -to- MAN ITOB A, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, iiidusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - .43.00 From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto. On Trade. Marks Designs Copyrights se> ânê sending a sketch and description may The Most Helpful. "You have quite a number of books, I'see," remarked the visitor, visitor, glancing round the room. '•Which do vou think, is the mbst tionary, . without a aouu&, . was {yhe prompt response - :<siJ Mrs. 'Rirrkirr» "You don't really mean days when it becomes necessary necessary to dry clothes within door®, hang them a-s high as possible. Ji -= HERE'S GOOD NEWS nrnTino FOR DYSPEPTICS We have good news for every, person in this town who has any form of stomach trouble, it is about a remedy for indigestion indigestion and dyspepsia that we have so much faith iii as to offer it to you with our personal personal guarantee that if it does not relieve you and satisfy you in every way, we will refund the money you paid for it without question or argument of any kind. Wow nsk nothing;, either RexallDyspepsia Tablets Tablets will relieve your stomach ailments or the money you paid for them will be handed back to you. -There is no red tape about our guarantee. It means just what it says. Your word is "enough. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets .don't satisfy you, the money is yours and we want -you to have it, < y Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets soothe the inflamed inflamed stomach, check heartburn and distress, distress, stimulate a healthy secretion of gastric gastric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE . (Effective May 16th) TRAINS LEAVE*'." ' " -T Tor Toronto amilntermèiliate V.V.ii V* 9.05 a.m. 7.80^.m. 8.30 pm Sunday only Fci Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee and Intermediate Points; also G. O. R. Station» betweeil ,1'rénton and Picbon. 11a.m. 7.80plm. 3.3? p.m. Saturday only 1 or Coe Hill and Intermediate Station» i li.00 a. m. Fnr Y&rket. Tweed, Harrowsmith. Sydenham t.nd lnterroediateiStatien^on Rày of Quinte tty. • 11.00 a. m. trains arrive From Torontoiand Intermediate Station» lia. m. 7.30p". m. 3.38 p.m. Saturday only. Frnm Nananee, Belleville, Trenton an l tuber F u ediat e^oints: also Picton and O.O.rt. P not») , ".05 a. m/ 7.80 p- m. 8.50 p.m. Sunday only > From Maynooth" (C. O. R.) 7.80p. in. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, etc. t 7.80 p. m. T l a'ns run daily, except Sunday unless other- . prise marked. I c, farther pariieularssee other aire.tisement appearing in this p&per, or apply tv uARRTSfiV. Bowmanville Agent. ULSTER AND HOME RULE I fully agree with my old friend, Dr J. L. Hughes, of Toronto, when he urges à referendum vote on the proposition of home rule for Ireland, but whether the scheme would meet its Waterloo, if submitted, submitted, no man is qualified to decide. Was not this very question the principal issue before the people when the Asquith party and their allies were elected? I so understood understood it, and if so, why delay the measure by again submitting the matter to popular vote ? I must admit I had not read any of the speeches of Sir Robeit Perks referred to by ray friend, and I recognize all too vividly the difficulties in the way of forming forming a just judgment on matters occuring so far away, where one has to depend on reports of newspapers often disqualified bv prejudice or interest from giving the real facts about the matter, but I have yet to learn that it is dangerous to give to struggling humanity an increased measure of freedom. In the whole world European European monarchies, aristocracies, and autocracies autocracies not excepted, the leavening influences influences of democracy are at work, and a wider liberty for all classes seems to be the inevitable law of a progressive evolution. evolution. But I have much respect for the alarm felt by Orangemen as to the dangers dangers of Home Rule bèing "Rome Rule" in disguise. . It seems always the bane of humanity to have thrust upon it when victory seems certain, some old ' worn-out religious dogma to prevent the speedy realization of its aspirations. But I respect the alarm and apprehension of such strong and gifted gifted men as my friend the Doctor, and others like him, entertain, and still I cannot cannot believe that to increase the freedom of the masses and allowing them to govern govern themselves is going to be attended with such direful consequences as they predict. I fear they are viewing the situation from the standpoint of what the Roman Catholic church was during the darkness of the middle ages, and have not made allowances for the changes that have un-- donbtedly taken place since modern civilization civilization was ushered in. Let us give Home Rule a fair trial and then should untoward calamities follow as some predict, predict, it is' not too late to "rightabout face" and restore the old order of things. Chas. M. Bice. Fare 00 BETWEEN (UFFALO 5- LEVE LAND TWE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE' 500 feet* breadth 93 feet, 6 inches; 510 staterooms and parlors accommodalliw 1500 r asH-n- ^ CTg (Gr«Mter in cost--larger in all proportions--richer in all appointmenUn-tban any steamer on rid. In service June 15tlu gers, inland wctcra of the world, Magnificent Steamer. "SEEANDBEE," "City of Erie" and "City of Buffalo" Daily--BUFFALO and CLEVELAND --May l.t to Dec. 1st Leave Buffalo - - 9:00 P.M. Leave Cleveland - - ®-30 A Arrive Cleveland - 7:30 A.M. Arrive Buffalo - - - 7.30 (Eastern Standard Time) r^Tmeetions at Cleveland for Pnt-in-Bav, Toledo. Detroit and all point. WcstandSouth^ct. Railroad U^kets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland arc good for transportation on our'■ Ask youTdckcfagent for tickets'™ C. & B. Line. Write us for handsome illustrai! booklet f. e<. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.; Cleveland, O. Try Eclipse Flour for CaKes and Pastry. It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. TaKes Less Shortening than Manitoba flour. . That's why so many of. the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by It Phone 77. Fred. C. Vanstone, Bowmanville. It is a Liver Pill.--Many, of the ailments ailments which man has to contend with liavè their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible susceptible to the disturbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This accountsffor thé great many liver regulators now passed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is none superior to Panne- lee's Vegetable Pills, Their, operation though géntlë is effective; and the most delicate can use them ^ Rural Landlady--"If some of your acquaintances in the city are looking, for country lodgings I hope you'll mention my place." Departing Departing Guest--"1 will ; but I don't recall recall anyone that I have a grudge I Order Coal Now | LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery Loscombe at the Patient Husti&nd--"Why did you ÏMst^'d^ I keep on Ais cornerJ«r twb hours '? BRid -y you were jmerelv going to^Btep im to see Mrs. Kn^vall w#*'; Wife-- ghe' insistai on tilling me. "How far back - can you remember remember Timer V' asked the inquisitive l &ller. v< Oh, ever so -far !" replied the little fellow:. "I can remembej, .... when -I was ever so little that d Sfoofildn 't rëinembêri-any thing. y«i-ds and Office at Holgato's Evaporator, Corner Division Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phono 177.