Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1914, p. 3

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w m. |5: -T' ■"-.r>A Î .'". HgHMSSgg ' ^gp Vr:_ *£ W r """" "*' ^ „ -. - - ~ - •* ,, x : ^ ? -; : - jlijjl mWHEBi .". |g||p§| 1 • - r -." L ■ : •-'- , •' ï ' " ' ' ..;■ ,:■ i •••■>■ ->V ' :. • • •• ,--^A; -: . ;x;;v/. ; r r ; : ï-:Vf-^ . - V 6" B THE Established 1878 ©F ©AMABA opfSf C£ TORONTO S ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United State» or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used* B O WM AN VILLE BRA N G H A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. irucfcw «IwrtBlii hlwfk (R. H. Cwihw, Mmitr), Neweeede, Orone, Oeluiwe, Whitby, BrpohBn md NrwtowriHe. A. E. McLATJGHLIN. B arrimer, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--Bleakler Block, King Street, Bow man ville. Money to loaa at reasoa- •ble raUe. 48-ljrr, B, J.Hazlewood, M.D.,G.M BOW MANTILLE. . ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Un. Ivenlty, Toronto; Fonr years Attending Pteyelclsn and tinrgeon at Ml. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg, Kj, Oil re and Residence Wellington St. Tel 1 xt < Ko. UP, GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis and Solicitors. Notaries Public, A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH 508 LumsCten Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate "of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, Kmg-sfc, East Bov- manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr. Rheumatic Fever. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Notaries Barristers, Solicitors, Public. R.R.Loscombe, K.C, E.S.Seekler, B.A, Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, (jnst off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. in. to 6 p, m, daily except Sunday. Phone eoa House Phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to Î20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings / to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality" and work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav It is not generally recognized that- rheumatism is a disease by no means confined to the elderly. As a matter of fact the most frequent sufferers from acute rheumatism and rheumatic fever are children and young persons. The first symptoms, symptoms, though they may vary a good deal with every case, are very often pains in the limbs, often treated with scant attention as being what are popularly know-- as growing pains, feverishness, and sore throat. If there is also perspiration, a. moist skin that is tender in places when touched, headache, and any slight swelling about the joint-s, there, is little doubt as to the presence of rheumatic fever. This disease has a special importance, because there is always the danger that it may leave a permanent weakness of the heart, and therefore great care is requisite. The patient should be put to bed, and always between blankets ; flannel night clothes in place of calico are also to be recommended. recommended. Medical advice is most desirable, not because drugs are called for but because there is always a certain certain risk of complications which may prove serious. The room should be comfortably warmed by means of an open fire but also thoroughly ventilated.. This must be accomplished without any danger danger of draught reaching the patient patient and a windowboard which pre- NOTES AND COMMENTS Ours is an age of exhibitions, and it must be admitted that London's. Simple Life and Open Air Exhibition Exhibition ha-s been rather long in coming. coming. It is, according to reports, a revelation in many respects. A vast quantity of things ; is shown by manufacturers, - packers and merchants, merchants, to bring home to the town man t-he ease and comfort of the simple life, of a return to nature. Everything that ingenuity suggests is'at his disposal, whether he wishes to pl|gr or rest in the country--in wood", forest, farmhouse, or hunters' hunters' log cabin. The/variety of canned canned and other food prepared for him is astonishing. Musical instruments instruments are made for his special benefit, benefit, so that even in the remote wilderness wilderness he need not deprive himself himself of the pleasure of song or harmonious harmonious sound. But, as London critics say, it this really the simple life ? Does a man who carries with him all sor^s .of comforts, luxuries and devices "return "return to nature" 1 The simple life is extraordinary complex to the man for whom the exhibition is held. It is also terribly expensive. The true simple life spells hard work and self-denial. However, it is a good thing to go to the country on any terms, either for play or rest. Any movement which takes town people out into the ppen, which introduces them to grass, trees, brooks, wild flowers, birds, blue skies, hills and mountains is a movement that deserves deserves encouragement, for it contributes contributes to health of body and mind. vents the lower sash from beigg EXECUTORS' Notice to Creditors. x In the matter of the x Estalex>f ROBINA ELLIS,_ late of the Te-tfuship of Darlington Darlington in the County of Durham, Widow, Widow, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the provi" alone of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1914, Chap. 121, Section 56, that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of Kobina Ellis, late of the Township of Darlington, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the eleventh day of February 1014, are required on or before the sixth day of June next, 1914, to send by post pre- shut down into its ordinary place is a good contrivance. A screen round the bed is also usefu 1 , as with this projection the room can be very readily aired. The blankets must be changed frequently, hung out of doors, and afterwards dried before a fire. "While - the fever lasts per- ! spiration 'is profuse, and is to be encouraged, encouraged, but the-patient should be daily washed with warm water and mild soap to remove it from the skin. This needs to be done quickly quickly and skilfully, under cover of the blanket, so that there rqav be no risk of the patient getting chilled. A milk diet, without anything in the way of solids^ must be adhered to for some time, and in addition barley water may be given liberally to quench the thirst which is the natural result of the free perspiration.--A perspiration.--A Physician. ►>. No reformer has written more about efficiency, organization, method method than H. G. Wellsy sociological novelist and former Fabian,. But he has dropped his old formula and is ready to jump on those who stick to it. Efficiency, says Wells in disgust, disgust, is a bureaucratic catchword. It leads to nothing important. Any quack, any dull routine-ridden incapable incapable can prate of efficiency. What society needs to-day, is a quickened imagination, for its problems problems are difficult and complex. Keenness, insight, grasp, vision are as essential as efficieficv : indeed, without the former no true efficiency efficiency is possible. paid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for Hi ' ' * " ;ry ; lid e Horn, the executors executors of the said estate, their Christian and surnames, surnames, addresses and descriptions with a statement statement of their claims or demands and particulars andproofs thereof and the nature of the securities; securities; if any, held by them together with a valuation, valuation, of such securities. Diet in 01(1 Age. Also notice is hereby given that after the said Bth'day of June next, 1911, the said executors will proceed to .distribute the estate of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto haring regard to the claims of which they or their solicitor shall then have had notice, and the said executors will not be liable for the said estate or any part thereof, to any person or persons persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them or their solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1911. - ; R. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE, Solicitor for Executors, King St, Bowmanville. Richard Avery and William W. Horn, Executors, Hampton, P. O. is 4 0k* CANADIAN NORTHERN '^ONTARIO RAILWAY The mere fact of our gradually losing our teeth as we become old should show the necessity of decreasing decreasing the quantity of_ such foods as require mastication. With advancing advancing age the whole digestive apparatus apparatus becomes weakened, and the organs are no longer able to deal with large quantities of material. For this- reason old people should never eat heavy or abundant meals. The amount of nourishment should be spread out over .the day very much as in the case of. an infant, who must be fed more frequently than an adult, because,he can. only take a small quantity at a time. Old people really do not require any g reat amount of food. ^ "Unlike the a by, who is growing every day, they are shrinking. They can no 1 Mr. Wells is right, but his discovery discovery is Pickwickian. No intelligent intelligent person ever preached any other efficiency than the true and real kind. That dull, incompetent bureaucrats cannot give us efficiency efficiency in administration is self- evident. The point, however, is that one keen, broad, able organizer organizer can get plenty of "real" efficiency efficiency out of a large^force of ordinary ordinary subordinates. The demand for efficiency is first of all a demand for honest work, for proper organization. organization. It "is a pro test against sinecures, sinecures, chair-warming, waste, parasitism, parasitism, indolence. A few imaginative imaginative and enterprising men at- the top will, by simple means, accomplish accomplish wonders with a force of workers workers that lack art and imagination. The fact is, efficiency is a safer slogan slogan than imagination, for the latter may result in wild experiments, chaos and demoralization. you are next : t . --.v. . .7* investing, we shall be glad to assist you in making the^selectionthat will be most suitable to your needs. Upon request we «hall be pleased to suggest suitable suitable investments- for yon. A. H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange BOND ssi SHAKE BROKERS C.P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO 11-14 David Hooper Had a Distinguished Career in India. ELECTING FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and'Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting, of your home, your office oryour store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. WHYTE, Contractor. . , Mgr. Elec. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey Block, Tempe rance-sfc Before You Step Look Ahead ! Before you .Act, Plan and Airn High. If you aim to get a Superior Business Education you will be looking toward the TORONTO, ONT the School that has the habit of doing a class of work that bears the stamp of "Superiority." Open all year. Enter any time. -Handsome Catalogue sent on request. request. Cor. Yonge <fc Alexander-sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal., CLUBBING LIST. The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1913 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe . $4 00 Daily Mail & Empire 4 00 Toronto World ; 3 50 Daily News 2 50 Daily Star, in country 2 50 Daily Star, in town ~3 50 Weekly Mail & Empire 1 75 Weekly Witness 1 80 Weekly Sun .... 1 85 Farmers's Advocate 2 59 Farm and Dairy.... 1 85 Family Herald & Weekly Star . 2 00 Homé Journal ... I 75 Christian Herald 2 50 Christian Guardi*j^|.... 2 50 Canadian Farm ^ I 8^ Canadian Countryman Y 2 00 Saturday Globe 2 00 Sunday World . . 2 50 Mr. David Hooper, one pf the most distinguished . chemists in the world, has had a career of great interest. interest. In 1907 he was awarded the Hamburg Medal, the world's highest.Lb highest.Lb no<r in pharmacy. .'For thirty, years he conducted. scientific work in- India, but is now retired. •• Mr. Hooper was born in Redhill, Surrey, on May 1, 1858. In 1873 he was apprenticed in a pharmacy in London. On leaving London he went to Cambridge and Clifton, and took up the study of botany .by attending attending lectures,' and with the use of Babington's "Manual" he made a collection of seven hundred British British plants, which was awarded the bronze Herbarium Medal r of the Pharmaceutical Society in 1878. Next year he entered the .School of Pharmacy, and carried off the silver silver mèdals in botany, materia medi- ca, and practical chemistry, and in 1880 the' Pereira Medal, the blue ribbon of pharmacy, was awarded to him. ' _ His . first paper read before the Students' Association. ' 'The Medicinal Medicinal Flora of Afghanistan," indicated indicated the direction of his future life-work, and a subsequent paper on the "Coffee-leaf Disease of Ceylon" Ceylon" showed à predilection for a life in the East. He became chemist in Birmingham, and in 1884 he applied for the post, of quinologist to the Madras Government, advertised through the India Office, and the committee, consisting of Sir Joseph F ay re r, Sir George Birdwood, and Dr. Macnamara, had little hesitation hesitation in selecting Mr. Hooper for the appointment out of about > thirty candidates. Built Quinine Factory. Mr. Hooper arrived in Ootaca- mund in the Nilgiri Hills that fall, and plunged into the various problems problems of the chemistry of cinchona cultivation, made thousands of analyses analyses of the bark, and suggested methods for increasing and improving improving the value of the product. All the varieties of cinchona grown in the estate of South India were analyzed, analyzed, and the values of the trees grown under different conditions of age, soil, aspect, and elevation were WHEN YOU'RE SICK _ YOUR WAGES STOP Dominion Pianos are the Best -misery-- longer take much physical exercise, BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (.Effective May 16th) TRAINS LEAVE F ci Toronto and Intermediate 3 ti 1 ;! m ».05 a.m, 7.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m Sunday only , Fcrtrenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napaoea au 1 Intermediate Points; also C. O. R. S cation j f ■ between Trenton and Picton. 31a.m. 7.30p.m. 3.3S p.m. Saturday only tv. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Station j : 13.00 a.m. " For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowamith. Sydenham . and Fntermediate Stations on Bay oc quinte Ry. ' • H.00 a. in. TRAINSJLRRIVE r- Jiom Terontd an<î DalermediaJe station V- üom Toronto ana mtermeaiate station* 7.30p.m.- S.88 p.m. Saturday only though it is important that what lit- tie exercise they can 'take should be kept up. They cannot work her vo'nd some • slight occupation, and therefore they do not need - much food for the renewal of tissues. They should have very light, nourishing | diet ; milk foods specially §uit- ame, ana some of the preparations mainly designed for infants twill often be found useful. Fruit juice in some form should be taken, stewed stewed prunes", baked -.apples, the juice of an orange, are all suitable, and will have a pleasant laxative effect. You know what that means- worry--big bills--debt ! You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It is up to you to take care of yourself. It is up to you, whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen strengthen you, build you up, ward off worse sickness--protect sickness--protect you and your family. That The reason a Dominion Piano is better than some others is that only the best materials that money can buy is used. ; They are the strongest built piano on the market and they are built on scientifically correct principles. principles. .Dont ; bay a piano because you can get it for less money. 'It will not be as cheap in the long run. Buy a Dopiinion Piano and be satisfied the rest of, your life. I can fill your order for all kinds of small musical instruments, violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. James Deyman Agent, Bowmanville STANLEY thing we have irrRexall Olive Oil Emul- t it to you, wë protéct you "From Kâpanee, Bellerille, Trenton aaltotjr : irediAteroints: also Picton ami O.ô.a. Polar?; ! 9.05 a, EL. 7.30 p. m.* 8.30 p.m. Sunday only 8.30p.m. l rTo'à Mâyndoth(Ç. Ô. R.) 7."80p. m. Traces r From Sydenham, Tweed, Ÿarker, ebj. rnn daily excep . wise marked >c Sunday unless other- Anticipating Trouble. *'I want . three afternoons^off a week, and a fine letter gf réçom- i rcihfrtherparticularssee other adveitissmenfc 1 v. _ appearing-in.this paper, or-apply : - rb. HARRISON, Bowmanville Agent. ; -d->V. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent. sion. In offering . „ . .. against money-risk, : by personally promising promising you that, if it does not-, restore your health, we will give back your money without without word or question. We believe it is the best builder of health, energy and strength ÿou can get. It is helping many of your neighbors. If it don't help you, we will give back your money. v Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is composed principally of pure Olive Oil and the Hypo- phosphites.. ) Each has long been endorsed by successful physicians. Here-they are for the first tiine combined. The result is a remarkable nerve, .blood and strength- building remedy ■ that is both food and medjçine^ For all w.ho are nervous, run- qôWIÏ and debilitated--ho matter whit the cause; for old people; for convalescents; for puny children, we - know of nothing that will give health and strëngth as quickly Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. It is a real as But many a slip occurs soon after ' 4be cup has been to the lip. ,, . mendation, ,and--" <r But ,we'll" let the letter of recommendation recommendation wait until ybudëave , * ."Nope, .! g« t-the letter^now,; I've tried gètti n' them when I leAve, and . I've never been able to get a good ! alcohol don Mr. David Hooper, F.C.S., F.L.S., F.I.C.E. CORNFLAKES Get the Original MATCH-MAKING IN LONDON. New Institute in Bloomsbury Wel comes "Philandering. at the Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. $1.00. JURY k LOVELL, The Rexall Store, BOWMANVILLE Upright and Grand Are our principlesof doing business, and we sell" Upright and Grand f ianos lb?t way t<jq. These ÿç th?. est maae anq^fincst tpfted ments,elegant in appeaffince, rich in melody, instant In touch, and ex- qiiisitei.fi expression. We have a Jargè stdek from, which you can make your selection. The prices are moderate and our terms easy. Two Square Dominion Pianos and one .Organ for sale cheap. À. H. Scobell . - ^Ageht;BbWiûânVîflé investigated. One of the most practical practical results of the work, and one which wa-s calculated to bring the - price of quinine within the meahs of the natives of India, was the establishment establishment of a quinine factory. Mr. Hooper, after determining the composition, of cinchona bark grown under different conditions, turned his attention to the numerous* numerous* vegetable products used by the inhabitants or sold in the bazaars, and proceeded to examine them chemically. During his residence in South India he became consulting agricultural chemist in all the planting districts where cinchoma tea and coffee were cultivated, and for two years was examiner in chemistry chemistry to the University of Madras. In 1896 Mr. Hooper was. appointed appointed to officiate for Dr. George Watt, in Calcutta, as reporter on economic economic products to the Government of India, and in 1897, when the post of Government Quinologist was abolished in Madras, he became curator of the industrial section of the Indian Museum. The large number of samples constantly being received in the museum from all parts of India offered a vast field for research, and, with the permission permission of the trustees a chemical laboratory was estabished, and Mr. Hooper, single-handed, commenced the elucidation of their*-active constituents. constituents. It was a change from the salubrious heights of the Nilgiris to the" steamy plains of Lower Bengal, and many another man might have grown disgusted and retired or have been invalided home, but he was too devoted to his subject to. be affected bv olimati^conaitions. Mr. HxSBper's wife and family lived for years in Switzerland, not bëiïig : able, to stand the climate of India. When he retired, Mr. Hooper was Economic Botanist of the Botanical Survey of India. . A step forward in the campaign for the religious and social regeneration regeneration of Central London was taken when the new institute at Bloomsbury Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church was opened, says the London Leader. The necessity and the effectiveness of institutional work in such an area hardly needed the demonstration demonstration that the success of Whitefield's and Kings way Hall have provided ; and Bloomsbury, fully realizing the need, has long been struggling along with makeshift premises till it should be possible to obtain a building building equipped on a worthy scale. That aim has at last been achieved at a cost of £ 12,500, raised by gifts ranging from a £5,000 donation at one end of the scale to a working woman's offering of 240 long-hoarded long-hoarded farthings at the other. Of the total £2,500 is still outstanding. The institute fills the whole of a floor skilfully built up above the chapel roof, and contains a number of reading and writing and games rooms, a large and comfortable lounge, a billiard-room and a small conference hall. ="Our great object," said the Rev. Thomas Phillips, who is now at the end of his ninth year at Bloomsbury, ' "is" to provide comfortable comfortable rooms for any young man or woman in Central L-ondon who cares to use them. We have no membership and no subscription. On Sundays in particular we try to . create the atmosphere of home for the numbers of men and girls who are either 'living-in' or are quartered quartered in cheerless lodgings in our ne ighbor hood. " "Do such opportunities lead to undue philandering ?" Mr. Phillips was asked. "N'ot at all," was the reply. "As a matter of fact, within proper.- proper.- limits we almost encourage it. Do - you realize that it is only in some such way as this that him- ■ dreds of men in Central London, can ever speak on terms of. ordinary familiarity to a decent girl i Many happy marriages, I am glad to say. have resulted from such restricted institutional work as nve have been w able to carry on in the past." a- Wretched from Asthma. Strength of body and vigor of mind are inevitably impaired by the visitations of asthma. Who can live under the cloud of recurring recurring attacks an keep body and mind at their full efficiency ? Dr. J. D. Kellogg's ' Asthma Remedy dissipates the cloud by removing the cause It does relieve. It does restore the sufferer to normal bodily bodily trim aud mental happiness. Whenever we see a men who wears a- big, flashy diamond. "ing we expect to hear him say "them kind" and * 'ha$ went-." & >#>• "Did you .tell her when you proposed proposed to her tha.b you were un- WQi'thy of her ? That always makes ahitwifch them.' ' "I was going to, bu-t èhé told it to inë firs*. ' '■ £ Try Eclipse Flour for Cahes (* and Pastry. •S. It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It *1 TaKes Less SKortenin^ than Manitoba flolir. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by > F red. C. Vanstone; ♦Y Phone 77. Bowmanville ♦ Tfv l!*' "W" - Now pÊ LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Losco rn be Yards and Qffice at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. Mk- j 3t6k titti iHi Éfff- M, ÉV. Mk 1 - », ^ . is. .ÿv-

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